Bedroom – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Mon, 22 Jan 2024 06:21:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Bee on Lotus (Happiness and Harmony) Sat, 11 Nov 2023 13:36:32 +0000 Bee on Lotus (Happiness and Harmony) - Energy Infused Material: Metal and Swarovski Crystals Color: Silver Plated and Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 2.8x2.8x1.2in Lotus; 3.1x3.1x0.2in Base Weight: 217g ID: 24-AG-08]]> The lotus is essentially used to signify joy, peace, purity and sincerity. Those who have them on display for feng shui reasons are usually for purification, transcendence and harmony between members of the household. For this reason of promoting harmony and dissolving conflict, they are sometimes also placed in areas that can dissolve disharmony in the house. The lotus will ensure that all members of the household stay supportive of one another, and to prevent clashes and conflict from arising. Also an excellent cure for use within the office to maintain a productive and supportive environment between colleagues and workmates. The lotus is the flower dedicated to Buddha. The lotus confidently rises above water and blossom to create a strong sense of purity in the surroundings. The lotus is also a sign of love for the family, friends and associates. The lotus will emit good chi to clear the mind for those intending to set important goals and achieving them successfully. Display this to bring you many fruitful returns and dissolve angers or quarrelsome energy. A peaceful mind created by the lotus is key to having a smoothsailing year ahead where you can focus your energy on useful things, especially in your career and health. On the other hand, viewed as an official assiduously serving its ‘king’ (“fengwang” 蜂王) a bee’s arrival is thought to augur prosperity.  Phonetically, the word for the bee sounds like the word “feng” (title of count) which also means it is a symbol of ascent in the hierarchy of power. Because the bee brings about pollination it represents the male gender and so if the bee is shown with a flower this shows a young man seeking love and happiness.

The item comes with a tai chi lotus horoscope plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Lotus Horoscope Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the symbol of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The Lotus on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. Next, the Twelve Horoscope animals will protect and maximize the wealth luck of all zodiacs whether one has good or bad luck in any particular year. All zodiacs will get immuned to misfortune and obtain equal opportunities to maximize their wealth luck. Each zodiac is associated to one of the 12 mountains and will bring about a certain kind of elemental influence, thus has enhancing and curing capability. While the Four Celestial Guardians (Dragon, Phoenix, Tortoise and Tiger) guard the four cardinal directions, the Twelve Zodiac animals will relieve the 12 mountains (directions) off any disorganized elements and interactive influences. The twelve zodiacs also represent the cycle of time, therefore it will incorporate the “time dimension” to ensure long lasting good feng shui of a space, to create good luck, to cure bad luck and to increase desired opportunities in life. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of White Tara. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra pulverizes all negative forces and clear blocked pathways.

Lotus Symbolism

Miraculously growing in the murkiest of conditions surrounded by mud under the water, the lotus seems to be fragile, but it is flexible and strong, and finally gets out of the muddy water to open itself to the world and become a beautiful flower. The lotus is therefore a lucky symbol that’s revered for its resilience, and of course, its beauty. For Buddhists, beyond the fact that the lotus is considered as a sacred flower, it’s a symbol of every man and woman’s ability to surpass their conditions no matter their origin, and accomplish themselves, just like the lotus flower growing tall until it floats above the muddy waters. Everyone has the potential to elevate themselves and reach Buddha’s state “without letting the world pollute them, like a lotus on water” as cited in the Lotus Sutra, one of Buddhism’s most important educational texts offering extraordinary symbolism of lotus. The lotus is thought of as a symbol of purification and transcendence.


1. Display in the sector that hosts conflict energy such as Quarrelsome Star #3.
2. Display in the sector that hosts relationship energy such as Star of Relationship #1.
3. Display in love and romance corner such as the southwest corner.
4. Display in areas where quarrels usually occur.
5. Display in direction of relationship such as ones personal Nien Yen corner.
6. Display at the prayer altar of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
7. Display at your work desk.


Peace and Harmony Fri, 10 Nov 2023 08:24:55 +0000 Peace and Harmony - Energy Infused Material: Metal and Swarovski Crystals Color: Genuine Gold Plated and Pearly Pink Dimension(in): 1.8x1.8x2.5in Apple; 3.5x3.5x0.2in Base Weight: 317g ID: 24-AG-10]]> Bejewelled with over 50 glittering swarovski crystals, this spellbinding apple in premium finishing is a harbinger of supportive relationships, harmony, peace, joy and happiness. The Chinese word for apple is ping guo with the first word sounding similar to ping which is translated to mean peace. Thus, the symbolism of apples in feng shui is generally meant to convey peace, harmony and reconciliation. The word ping also means safety. So while the primary symbolism of apple is to mean peace, it is also appropriate to wish for the safety of someone. Apples are therefore common gifts for people who are going on a journey to traveling for holidays. The fruit is also commonly used as offerings to taoist gods for love blessing. Those who have them on display for feng shui reasons are usually for the enhancement of peace and harmony between members of the household. For this reason of promoting harmony and dissolving conflict, they are sometimes also placed in areas that can dissolve disharmony in the house. The symbolism behind this is that negative energy that causes quarrels between residents would be alleviated by the presence of the fruit that represents peace. There are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside the apple: 1. Manjushri Mantra (promote calmness), 2. “May All Beings Be Happy” Mantra (joy fulfilling) and 3. Heart Sutra Mantra (dissolves grudges, worries and hatred). The apple comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate. This apple will ensure that all members of the household stay supportive of one another, and to prevent clashes and conflict from arising. Also an excellent cure for use within the office to maintain a productive and supportive environment between colleagues and workmates.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

Apple Symbolism

Older varieties of apple prefer a cooler, moister climate than is generally available in China, so apples used to be imported from Korea and Japan making them an exotic luxury. Wild Chinese apple trees in Northern China are Malus spectabilis hai táng which does not produce sweet fruit but are admired for their blossom in spring. The similar sounding táng means ‘hall’, so a picture of apple blossom can represent the home in a painting. Yù táng ‘Jade Hall’ is another name for the illustrious Hanlin Academy and therefore represents a wish for scholarly achievement. The combination of apple and magnolia together gives the phrase yù táng fù guì meaning ‘be wealthy and honored’. Wild apple blossom may represent female beauty, possibly from the celebrated Yang Guifei being termed the Hai táng nu ‘Paradise-apple maiden’ . ‘Apple’ in Chinese sounds the same as píng ‘peace, calm’ so an apple is a hidden wish for peace. Together with a persimmon shì an apple wishes success in business affairs (shì). A gift of apples or a still life arrangement that includes apples represents a wish for peace.


1. Display in the sector that hosts conflict energy such as Quarrelsome Star #3.
2. Display in the sector that hosts relationship energy such as Star of Relationship #1.
3. Display in love and romance corner such as the southwest corner.
4. Display in areas where quarrels usually occur.
5. Display in direction of relationship such as ones personal Nien Yen corner.


Clear Quartz Cluster with Embroidered Wood Base Wed, 15 Dec 2021 07:18:11 +0000 Clear Quartz Cluster with Embroidered Wood Base Material: A Grade Natural Clear Quartz Cluster Color: Natural Dimension(in): Random (1.5-2.0in); 3.2x3.2x0.9in Base Weight: 150g all ID: SL12019]]> Clear Quartz crystal cluster is a prismatic hexagonal crystals in compact masses and druses. It has the six-sided prisms when sparkling in pure light contains the entire color spectrum. The Clear Quartz produces a force field of healing negative ions while clearing the surroundings of positive ions, protecting the aura. It dispels static electricity, and cancels out the harmful effects of radiation and radioactivity. Known as the “HEAT POISON CHI”, electromagnetic and radiation waves emitted from mobile phones, electronic pads, notebooks, computers and televisions can harm the health, well being and harmony of individuals. If one is surrounded by such gadgets, a strong remedy like this one is inevitable. Known to be frozen water of a million years, the clear quartz cluster can cool down and eliminate the bad effects of “heat poison chi” from harming you. For example, you can display them beside your bed if you often charge your gadget next to you when you sleep. You can also display them in front of your computer monitor, in front of your television and near your laptop.

The Clear Quartz also acts as a deep soul cleanser, purifying and enhancing the body’s internal structure and surrounding subtle bodies to connect the physical dimension with the mind. It focuses on inner negativity and stimulates positive thoughts and feelings in its place. With a better perception of the world, Quartz increases awareness and clarity in thinking, and provides enhanced energy, perseverance and patience, teaching one to live, laugh and love with all of humanity. In feng shui, the clear quartz cluster is used effectively to strengthen your personal success luck, any kind of success you desire. In certain years, when your zodiac luck is too poor, it will benefit you in uplifting your life force when conservation of energy and lying low are required.

Resonating at the level of an individual’s needs, the Clear Quartz also amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one’s prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur. The Clear Quartz brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aiding concentration and memory retention, and filtering out distractions Its ability to focus, amplify, store and transform energy is used throughout the technology world in ultrasound devices, watches, microphones, radio transmitters and receivers, memory chips in computers and other electronic circuitry. The same properties of energy amplification, programmability and memory also make the Clear Quartz the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom for healing, meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, past-life recall, attracting love or prosperity, or virtually any purpose.

Note: This cluster is hammered from a large crystal piece and is all natural. Since it is natural and not fabricated, each piece is unique on its own, with the size and shape varying from one piece to another. There will also be hammering marks, natural inclusions, varying color shades and cracks, and these are by no means imperfection. Every piece of geode is properly cleansed prior to shipping so the geode will reach you with fresh and happy energy. Considered as a living object for infinite time, the hexagonal crystals may get loose and drop off at times. When this happens, there is no need to glue the loose pieces and it will still be able to function accordingly.

]]> 8735 Pearl Blossoming ROSE QUARTZ Tree for Love Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:45:44 +0000 Pearl Blossoming ROSE QUARTZ Tree for Love Material: Genuine Natural Rose Quartz and Pearl Color: Natural Rose Quartz and Pearl Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL17048]]> This love-wish-fulfilling rose quartz crystal tree is packed with over 50 pieces of the expensive grade pearl and empowered with 8 gold Chien Lung coins that guarantees the generation of true love that last forever. Extra expensive quality pearl is used to make this tree and they mimic flower blossoming. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. This wish tree will invite more romance, rekindle broken relationship and culminate better chances of marriage for you. Display it in the Southwest to enhance your love life, be finding a partner or pumping the passion back into your existing relationship.

Note: This tree is made from genuine rose quartz gemchips and natural pearl. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Rose Quartz gem tree symbolizes and how to place this object?
Rose Quartz is the gem for love and marital bliss. The rose quartz gem tree with 8 powerful gold Chien Lung coins tied with ribbons would bring new romance, rekindle broken relationship and culminate better chances of marriage. This powerful love energizer would bring more passion in your relationship besides making you more attractive to the other party. In short, the rose quartz gem tree resembles a love wishing tree.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

Display this love gem tree in the following areas to energize your romance luck:

  1. Display the item in the bedroom or southwest corner of living/family rooms to energize or rejuvanate your love life. It will create your love desire, thus enabling you to find your long term partner in life.
  2. Place it in places where quarrels always occur such as in the car or in certain areas to diffuse love quarrels. The item will calm your nerves and the bad quarrelling chi could be dissolved automatically.
  3. For those who are believers of 8-Mansions Theory, try to display the item in your personal Nien Yen direction to optimize your love luck. The gem tree placed in this direction will open your crown chakra to pass love energy to you.

The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleaned by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.
