Stairs – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:11:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 5-Tiers 6-Rods Bagua-Wulou Windchime Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:02:28 +0000 5-Tiers 6-Rods Bagua-Wulou Windchime (Energy Infused) Material: Brass Color: Brass Dimension(in): 2-in Diameter; 2x2x20in Overall Weight: 190g ID: SL24025]]> This heavy duty windchime is made from 5 thick tiers and 6 strong rods to empower a stronger remedy against conditions that are punishing. The 5 tiers embody Five Elements, specifically metal, wood, water, fire and earth. It also symbolizes the Celestial Guardians of the 5 directions, namely the phoenix in the south, dragon in the east, xuan wu in the north, phoenix in the west and chilin in the center. Meanwhile the 5 “wulou heads” on top of every tier will counter illness energies from the 5 directions. On the other hand, the six rods actually denotes “Chien Hexagram” which carries the meaning Big Metal and luck from heaven. It is also a potent cure against visible and invisible “shar chi” such as poison arrows (both internally and externally) and annual flying stars afflictions.  It wards off all odds, misfortune, devastation from the afflictions.  It is also exactly what is needed to powerfully subdue the negativities from #5-Yellow and #2-Black. The center piece contains the bagua 8 trigrams that knocks the 6 hollow rods, while the tail of the windchime features a fortune coin. This windchime can also be used to suppress unwanted energies in toilets, and most importantly be favorable in situations where one feels that lighter windchimes did not work. 

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.


A first century BC Chinese scientific experiment used tubes of different lengths (derived from the pentatonic musical scale) filled with ash to measure the changing chi of the seasons. As each type of seasonal chi reached maturity, during the course of the year, so the ash was expelled by it from one of the pipes. Hence tubes (of specific lengths) have been known to conduct chi for some considerable time, and so it is no surprise that they are used as remedies. The most commonly used tubular feng shui remedy is the windchime. These have the same qualities as the flute, but since they are made of multiple tubes, they are more effective. Windchimes are often used to regulate and slow down chi in positions like hallways. In more poetic feng shui texts, chi is personified as it it is seduced into stopping long enough to play with the windchimes before passing on its way, rather than rushing straight through. Either way, windchimes slow down chi. On the question of whether the tubes of the windchime should be solid or hollow, our advice is to use hollow windchimes, as they are more effective at producing metal chi than solid windchimes.

Windchime like bagua has been a fundamental countermeasure used in authentic Feng Shui for a long time. The advantage of a windchime is that it can be used internally to dissolve “shar chi”. It is unquestionably the most powerful enhancer and cure in many Feng Shui situations. It is potent enough to maneuver and enhance “chi” wherever it is placed. The reason is that passing breezes will stir the metal windchimes, thus keeping the metal activated from the passage of the chi through the tubes. It is significantly advantageous especially to those who do not want to spend too much money to modify your homes when encountering certain problematic feng shui situations. Properly designed windchimes by incorporating mantras and sacred symbols do not invite ghost, but instead they will chase away evil spirits.

This windchime can be used to cure many bad situations:

  1. Display it where malevolent energy exists as a result of bad flying stars, even the most complicated combinations where other cures are insufficient.
  2. Display it at intended areas to counter any “shar chi” due to rushing energy. Examples of rushing energy situations are such as stairs facing your maindoor, long pathway leading to a door, two doors facing each other, a window facing a door etc. It will slow down rushing “chi”. Besides, it is also used to welcome in positive energy.
  3. Display at the main entrance to ward off evil spirits and harmful forces and killing breathe.
  4. Display in location where killing forces are found, display it facing the killing forces such as straight narrow path directly coming towards you, bad energy coming from construction sites, graveyard etc.
  5. Display in the sector where the Natal or Annual Illness Star #2 flies into.
  6. Display in the sector where the Natal or Annual Fatal Yellow Star #5 flies into.
  7. Display this windchime to counter shar chi due to rushing energy such following the sketches below. The windchime will slow down rushing chi. Besides, it is also used to welcome in positive energy through chi entry points such as the doors and windows.

Note: Please do not hang a windchime directly above where you sleep, sit, eat, work or stand. Your energy will be suppressed. In the event that there is space constraint, you may hang the windchime lower than waist level.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual.
Cast brass work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high brass purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.

Windchime of Chung Kwei Fri, 01 Dec 2023 16:05:46 +0000 Windchime of Chung Kwei - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Brass Rods, Genuine Gold Plated Primary Piece; Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 3.1x0.1x3.1in primary piece; 12.5in total length Weight: 157g ID: 24-AM-18]]> Astonishing in esthetics, the primary piece captures the amazing bond among Chung Kwei, 8 Auspicious Objects and Kalachakra. The six rods windchime actually denotes “Chien Hexagram” which carries the meaning Big Metal and luck from heaven. It is also a potent cure against visible and invisible “shar chi” such as poison arrows and annual afflictions.  It wards off all odds, terrorism, misfortune, devastation from unlucky stars and annual afflictions.  It is also exactly what is needed to powerfully subdue the negativities from #5-Yellow and #2-Black. All in all, this windchime transforms bad energies into positive vibes, build protection for the 9 palaces of your home, eliminate afflictions and overcome evil.

The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

1. On the front side of the upper plaque:

a. Easily identified by his ferocious appearance (bushy black beard and moustache), this matured muscular adult male is Zhong Kui (Chung Kwei), popularly known as the Demon Chaser. With almighty power to repel evil spirits and ghosts, he protects the household against any harm. He is all-time-alert and ready to diminish any spirits lurking around your vicinity. Because Chung Kwei’s popularity comes from his ability to defeat ghosts and demons, his image is especially loved by traditional styled feng shui grandmasters as the number one counter measure against negativities, especially in more difficult situations when the malevolent energy is particularly strong in certain sectors. The variety of good fortune that can be expressed in his image is almost endless, where Chung Kwei also represents prosperity, wealth luck, immortality and longevity. Besides giving fortune blessings, he helps you overcome all sorts of obstacles in life. He has the unusual capability to control our environment from harmful forces and loss of wealth.

b. 8-Petal Lotus around the perimeter of the plaque – the flower dedicated to Buddha, it is essentially used to signify joy, peace, purity and sincerity.

c. Taoist Incantation of Chung Kwei – is for home safety.

d.  Bagua with “Early Heaven Arrangement” – will neutralize poison arrows (shar chi) within a space.

2. On the back side of the upper plaque:

a. Eight Auspicious Objects – is an ultimate cure and also enhancer that serves to generate good energy, subdue bad energy and nourish/improve the feng shui of a space so that good fortune continues to grow esponentially. It is also a potent cure for extremely bad situation where other feng shui cures are considered not strong enough to counter a problem.

b. Kalachakra – known as the Tenfold Powerful One, it is an ultra strong antidote for killing energy and evil forces. It is often used as cures for difficult situations when other cures become helpless, in situations that may possibly carry misfortunes, disasters and accidents if not properly remedied. It is also a potent cure against visible and invisible “shar chi” such as poison arrows and annual afflictions.

3. On the Mantra Coin:

a. Empowered by the Mantra of “White Umbrella Goddess” – the powerful Buddha of Protection who carries a white umbrella has the power to symbolically dispel any evil intentions of people who may want to hurt you. Be mindful that everyone is vulnerable to jealous intentions of unscrupulous people, enemies or competitors, so it is better safe than to be sorry. This mantra can also ward off black spells casted by the underlying currents of jealousy and making them harmless. The mantra is “Tadyatha Om Anale Anale, Khasame Khasame Bhaire Bhaire, Sume Sume Sarva Buddha, Adhishthana Adhishtite Svaha” which can be recited 108 times to empower the windchime.

b. The Chien Hexagram with six solid yang lines represents BIG METAL, thus exerting powerful energies to subdue earth energies from 5-Yellow or 2-Illness stars.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Chung Kwei

Chung Kwei is popularly seen in all Goldsmith and shops trading expensive goods in Taiwan as an important symbol of protection from robbery, theft and fraud. He is also considered an exorcist of the highest ability as he is said to have subdued many demon spirits and thereafter had them under his command. The image brings you scholastic luck, protection from harmful people, wealth luck and protection from evil spirits/ghost. Having the image of Chung Kwei in your home will provide potent protection from tough enemies who have been giving you a tough time. For those in high profile professions, Chung Kwei will help to prevent backstabbing and jealousy, both in your workplace and business relationships.

Chung Kwei was a fictitious scholar and a swordsman who had gone through a lot of difficult times to attain his ambition of becoming a court official. Due to his fierce and scary looks, he was denied by an emperor to serve for the government despite passing his exams with great results. As a result, he committed suicide on the steps of the imperial palace. Later, after many years, another Tang Emperor Xuanzong (712-56) who dreamt about Chung Kwei was sorry about the unfair deprival of his rightful honors even though Chung Kwai was so capable. He was however posthumously restored to his rightful position, labeled the Demon Chaser, and give the status of “judge” as a reward for returning to the world to save the Emperor Zuanzong from the evil spirits and ghosts that were tormenting the emperor’s sleep. This Emperor ordered his portrait to be painted and recognized for his duty as “God of Demon Buster “. He was then also being recognized to be “Star God of Examinations” by folks in China.

Chung Kwei is depicted as being ugly with large protruding eyes and a rough beard. His fierceness alone could kill harmful evil. He uses his powerful sword as a weapon to kill the evil spirits.


A first century BC Chinese scientific experiment used tubes of different lengths (derived from the pentatonic musical scale) filled with ash to measure the changing chi of the seasons. As each type of seasonal chi reached maturity, during the course of the year, so the ash was expelled by it from one of the pipes. Hence tubes (of specific lengths) have been known to conduct chi for some considerable time, and so it is no surprise that they are used as remedies. The most commonly used tubular feng shui remedy is the windchime. These have the same qualities as the flute, but since they are made of multiple tubes, they are more effective. Windchimes are often used to regulate and slow down chi in positions like hallways. In more poetic feng shui texts, chi is personified as it it is seduced into stopping long enough to play with the windchimes before passing on its way, rather than rushing straight through. Either way, windchimes slow down chi. On the question of whether the tubes of the windchime should be solid or hollow, our advice is to use hollow windchimes, as they are more effective at producing metal chi than solid windchimes.

Windchime like bagua has been a fundamental countermeasure used in authentic Feng Shui for a long time. The advantage of a windchime is that it can be used internally to dissolve “shar chi”. It is unquestionably the most powerful enhancer and cure in many Feng Shui situations. It is potent enough to maneuver and enhance “chi” wherever it is placed. The reason is that passing breezes will stir the metal windchimes, thus keeping the metal activated from the passage of the chi through the tubes. It is significantly advantageous especially to those who do not want to spend too much money to modify your homes when encountering certain problematic feng shui situations. Properly designed windchimes by incorporating mantras and sacred symbols do not invite ghost, but instead they will chase away evil spirits.

Where to Display?

  1. Displaying the windchime can counter malevolent energies of the month either caused by flying stars or one’s personal horoscope. Display it where malevolent energy exists as a result of bad flying stars, even the most complicated combinations where other cures are insufficient.
  2. Display it at intended areas to counter any “shar chi” due to rushing energy. Examples of rushing energy situations are such as the stairs facing or too close to your main door, long pathway leading to a door, two doors facing each other (or doors are aligned in one straight line), main door opens to a garage, a window facing a door etc. It will slow down rushing “chi”. 
  3. Display it at chi entry points such as doors and windows to ward off evil spirits and bad external forces pointing at you and killing breathe. It transforms bad energies in positive energies.
  4. Display in location where killing forces are found, display it facing the killing forces such as straight narrow path directly coming towards you, bad energy coming from construction sites, graveyard etc.
  5. As a protective guardian, the windchime of Chung Kwei should be displayed near you entrance facing out directly at the main door to ward off evil spirits, people with bad intention, competitors, robbers, thefts, fraud and act of unlawfulness.
  6. For those who suspect that there are evil spirits wondering in their rooms at night, you may also display the windchime of Chung Kwei at the foot of your stairs to be watchful of all evil spirits wishing to go upstairs to disturb your sleep.
  7. Display the windchime of Chung Kwei in the sector of the living room or home, bedroom, vicinity of main door or doors afflicted by annual #5 Yellow or #2 Black. These stars are especially more detrimental if the house is facing their directions. 
  8. Display the windchime of Chung Kwei in the sector afflicted by mountain star#5, water star#5, mountain star#2 or water star#2 according to the natal flying star chart of your house.
  9. Display the windchime of Chung Kwei where extremely bad combinations of stars occur such as 5-7-9, 5-5-9, 2-5-9 etc or vice versa. These are extremely fatal situations that need a strong countermeasure like the Chung Kwei image.
Hang the Windchime with the Eight Auspicious Symbol as antidote for (1) doors facing each other in a straight line, (2) at the end of staircases near the maindoor, or at the frame of the maindoor (3) above the maindoor facing shar chi or where bad flying stars resides (4) above the window frame facing a shar chi. It is also hung at chi entry points (doors and windows) to welcome in positive energy.



]]> 41854 Heavenly Kings Enhanced Jade Emperor Windchime Thu, 01 Dec 2022 15:22:06 +0000 Heavenly Kings Enhanced Jade Emperor Windchime - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Powder Coated Brass Rods in Bronze Color, 18K Gold Plated Primary Piece; Multicolored Dimension(in): 4x3.1x0.1in primary piece; 12in total length Weight: 210g ID: 23-AM-17]]> More favorable to feng shui masters and traditional purists, the windchime is known to be the easiest way to activate good star numbers in any living space. This is simply because the windchime is considered as a very “yang” object, only available for use in “yang feng shui” and never in “yin feng shui”.  Looking extremely splendid, its primary piece is adorned with sacred images of deities and auspicious symbols, which blissfully sends powerful energy of fortune and good luck to you instantly.

Featuring the emblem to harness the fullest prosperity potential, the “Jade Emperor” and chinese characters “Tian Kuan Ci Fu” blesses you with divine help from the heaven. He is in charge of blessing the people with good luck, success, longevity, happiness and prosperity where authority is gained and salary is adequate. Next, the Four Heavenly Kings are four Buddhist gods, each of whom is believed to watch over one cardinal direction of our home. Their presence powerfully kill negative chi, harmful evil spirits and bad influences. When invited to your home, all four direction north, south, east and west of your home will be locked and well guarded against bad spirits.  Empowering and consecrating the primary piece is the “Mantras of 4 Heavenly Kings”.

Featured together, the 8 Immortal Implements catalyze the powers of the Taoist 8 Immortals to help bless one with positive energy, bring good health, good fortune, wealth, fame luck, longevity and good descendants. Also featured are the 8 Auspicious Objects. The mystic knot magnifies fortune, the conch provides good networking luck, the canopy counter against bad energy, the vase is for abundance, the wheel represents success and improvement, the double fishes represents wealth and money, the lotus for peace and the victory banner symbolizes accumulation of successes.

Consisting of 8 mantra rods inscribed clearly with the all-time-favorite “Om Mani Padme Hum”, it provides a special channel to the cosmic realm to transform bad energies into good vibes. The eight rods denote PROSPERITY (fatt) and is suitable to activate good luck sectors for wealth. The 8-rods windchime is widely used throughout Period 8 and subsequently in Period 9.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Jade Emperor
The Jade Emperor (Yu Huang or Yu Di), known informally as Heavenly Grandfather (Tian Gong) is the ruler of Heaven in Chinese mythology and is among the most important gods in the Daoist and folk pantheons. In his capacity as celestial ruler, the Jade Emperor is thought to govern Heaven and Earth, and he holds the power to distribute wealth to mankind. He is in charge of blessing everyone with good fortune and happiness so that there will be less suffering. Furthermore, he showed respect and benevolence to both men and creatures with loving kindness, but possesses powerful capability to vanquish evil. Having the image of the Jade Emperor at home simulates him paying a welcome visit to your home, bringing good luck in the form of solid support from those with the power, influence and capability to help you. Helping those who feel you are bouncing from idea to idea getting nowhere, you will make progress in leaps and bounds. Those without a plan will find new opportunities to benefit from and enjoy a windfall of some kind.

Four Heavenly Kings

The Four Heavenly Kings are four Buddhist gods, each of whom is believed to watch over one cardinal direction of our home. In Chinese mythology, they are known collectively as the “Feng Tiao Yu Shun” connoting “good climate or everything going smoothly” or “Sìda Tianwang” meaning “Four Heavenly Kings”. Currently live in the Caturmaharajika heaven, they are the protectors of the world and fighters of evil, each able to command a legion of supernatural creatures to protect us from dangers of all kinds. They are known as guardians against the wicked and evil. Their main duty is to protect the home from havoc. Their supernatural powers are being produced by their four powerful weapons which could change climates and trumble the earth. Known to be worldly deities with cosmic powers. they are spiritual and powerful protectors who are always watchful in warding off negative influences and protecting you from demons and ghost sprits. They also protect your body and mind from negative influences and bring victory and success. Having great control over the cosmic elements of each of the four directions North, South, East and West, the “Four Heavenly Kings” carrying their special implements which they wield their miraculous power, guard against loss of wealth, loss of popularity, loss of life and loss of health. Incredibly powerful, they ward off the terrible potential for reversal of fortunes.

North Heavenly King (Mo-Li Shou) guards the north. He who sees all. He carries along an evil eating creature and sometimes a snake to kill devils. He sometimes also carry a pearl on his hand. As the eye in the sky, he watches the bad people. His ancient name means “he who has broad objectives”. Associated with the color red. He also protects against nagas and other kinds of danger. He is also the best Protector to call upon to protect against black magic or dark spells of any kind.

East Heavenly King (Mo Li Ch’ing) guards the east. He who causes to grow. He carries a magic sword. He is able to produce black wind that produces tens of thousands of spears to turn evil spirits into dust. He is the ruler of the wind. His symbolic weapon is the sword which he carries in his right hand to protect the Dharma. Associated with the color blue. He protects your life force, keeps you safe from all forms of harm and ill health. He helps to boost up the luck of those who are always running into misfortunes and those who are sickly.

South Heavenly King (Mo-Li Hung) guards the south. He who hears everything. He holds a magical umbrella. This umbrella can produce thunderstorms and earthquakes during battle with demons. This is the chief of the four kings. He is the ruler of rain. Wearing heavy armor and carrying the umbrella in his right hand, he is often associated with the ancient Indian god of wealth, Kubera. Associated with the color yellow or green. This Heavenly King boosts wealth luck, profits and abundance in your life.

West Heavenly King (Mo-Li Hai) guards the west. He who upholds the realm. He carries a chinese magical “pi-pah” (musical instrument like a guitar) where the sounds of it could put evil spirits and harmful forces to rest. God of music. He is harmonious and compassionate and protects all beings. Associated with the color white. He protects your spirit essence and boosts the luck of those with low levels of Spirit Essence. He is also known as “The Luck Transformer” because he has the ability to transform one’s luck, transforming bad luck into good luck. Those who need cosmic help to overturn an injustice should invoke the blessings of this Heavenly King.


A first century BC Chinese scientific experiment used tubes of different lengths (derived from the pentatonic musical scale) filled with ash to measure the changing chi of the seasons. As each type of seasonal chi reached maturity, during the course of the year, so the ash was expelled by it from one of the pipes. Hence tubes (of specific lengths) have been known to conduct chi for some considerable time, and so it is no surprise that they are used as remedies. The most commonly used tubular feng shui remedy is the windchime. These have the same qualities as the flute, but since they are made of multiple tubes, they are more effective. Windchimes are often used to regulate and slow down chi in positions like hallways. In more poetic feng shui texts, chi is personified as it it is seduced into stopping long enough to play with the windchimes before passing on its way, rather than rushing straight through. Either way, windchimes slow down chi. On the question of whether the tubes of the windchime should be solid or hollow, our advice is to use hollow windchimes, as they are more effective at producing metal chi than solid windchimes.

Windchime like bagua has been a fundamental countermeasure used in authentic Feng Shui for a long time. The advantage of a windchime is that it can be used internally to dissolve “shar chi”. It is unquestionably the most powerful enhancer and cure in many Feng Shui situations. It is potent enough to maneuver and enhance “chi” wherever it is placed. The reason is that passing breezes will stir the metal windchimes, thus keeping the metal activated from the passage of the chi through the tubes. It is significantly advantageous especially to those who do not want to spend too much money to modify your homes when encountering certain problematic feng shui situations. Properly designed windchimes by incorporating mantras and sacred symbols do not invite ghost, but instead they will chase away evil spirits.

Where to Display?

  1. Display it in the SOUTH to usher in good vibes of Period 9 energy.
  2. Display it at “chi” entry points such as the main door to magnetize prosperity.
  3. Display it in the west to activate descendants luck and keep all children safe.
  4. Display it in the northwest to increase the patriarch’s luck.
  5. Display it in the north to activate your career luck.
  6. Display it in natal or annual flying stars #1, #6 , #8  and #9 sectors to activate them for immediate success, windfall, prosperity and abundance.
  7. Displaying the windchime can counter malevolent energies of the month either caused by flying stars or one’s personal horoscope. Display it where malevolent energy exists as a result of bad flying stars, even the most complicated combinations where other cures are insufficient.
  8. Display it at intended areas to counter any “shar chi” due to rushing energy. Examples of rushing energy situations are such as the stairs facing or too close to your main door, long pathway leading to a door, two doors facing each other (or doors are aligned in one straight line), main door opens to a garage, a window facing a door etc. It will slow down rushing “chi”. 
  9. Display it at chi entry points such as doors and windows to ward off evil spirits and bad external forces pointing at you and killing breathe. It transforms bad energies in positive energies.
  10. Display in location where killing forces are found, display it facing the killing forces such as straight narrow path directly coming towards you, bad energy coming from construction sites, graveyard etc.
Hang the windchime with Eight Auspicious Symbols as antidote for (1) doors facing each other in a straight line, (2) at the end of staircases near the maindoor, or at the frame of the maindoor (3) above the maindoor facing shar chi or where bad flying stars resides (4) above the window frame facing a shar chi. It is also hung at chi entry points (doors and windows) to welcome in positive energy.

Note: This windchime can be hung directly from the ceiling or hung on a wall with the Jade Emperor facing out and the 4 Heavenly Kings touching the wall. Please do not hang a windchime directly above where you sleep, sit, eat, work or stand. Your energy will be suppressed. In the event that there is space constraint, you may hang the windchime lower than waist level.


]]> 37555 Monkey King Wed, 23 Nov 2022 13:01:24 +0000 Monkey King - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolor Dimension(in): 3.7×3.7×0.1in Plaque; 1.2in each Disc; Total 4.4×0.1×12in Weight: 140g ID: 23-AM-07]]> This auspicious hanging plaque has two sides, where one side has Monkey King (Sun Wukong) leading a herd of 7 Elephants, while the other side has a crash of 7 charging rhinoceroses. Decorating below the plaque are small hangings of lion cymbals. The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. With almighty power to repel ALL kinds of demons, the Monkey King protects the household against any malevolent energy and harm. He is all-time-alert and ready to diminish any evil and demons around your vicinity. Because of his ability to defeat demons, he is considered by traditional styled feng shui grandmasters as the number one counter measure against troublemakers and petty people who creates havoc and turbulence in your life. Besides this, he is also a very potent icon of longevity and good health due to the five levels of immortality he had achieved. This being the reason why his role in combatting Violent Star #7 has become very important in Period 9 because the inauspicious star had begun to cause health problems and killing people with deadly viruses and diseases. When the magnitude of influence from Violent Star #7 becomes overly amplified, you need a substantial amount of power to counter such undesirable energy.
  2. Seven Elephants and Rhinoceroses – Seven is the unrivaled number of them to remedy in difficult, violent and fierceful situations. The elephant and rhinoceros are symbolically tough and protective animals that could counter any other fierce animals in their own way. They are therefore being regarded as awesome animals to counter all forms of threats or violences. The unparelleled Seven Elephants and Rhinoceroses are a magnified symbol of protection against robberies, violences, theft, internet fraud, stolen password, kidnaps, accidents, enemies, office politics, competitions from rivals and back-stabbings. Unwanted visitors, people who harbor ill intention, business competitors and enemies will be kept away.
  3. “Kan Hexagram” – Derived from I-Ching Magic (ancient Book of Changes), two Kan Trigrams combine to represent BIG WATER and holds the key in combating the metal element energy of violence from Star #7. Old style feng shui masters will understand this better.
  4. Taoist Magic Incantations –  Featuring two Taoist incantations to harness the full potential of removing hardship, poverty and safety issues.
  5. “Mantra of Anti-Robbery”- Consecrates the charm for empowerment. It has a powerful Dakini Talisman that wards off thieves and robbers.
  6. The lion cymbals are associated to lions – Admired for their strength and courage, lions are associated with military strength and hunting prowess, a powerful symbol of enforcement. They also denote protection for all five cardinal directions, with an additional one in the center. They connote the power of stability/strength in finances and the unsinkable.

If you need a substantial amount of power to counter situations where the magnitude of negative influence becomes overly amplified, this auspicious plaque combats malevolent energy, whether it is visible or invisible:

  1. Visible: This means that when it is displayed facing a physical “shar chi” (poison arrow) such as a tree or a sharp edge outside pointing through your windows to your interior or any threatening interior objects like window blinds pointing to an important area, it will diminish them all.
  2. Invisible: It serves as a powerful security measure. Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime. In the modern era, when we talk about security it is not only security of money. But security involves physical security, information security, home security, career security, business security, internet security and wealth security. In the flying star system, the star that threatens security is the Violent Star #7. As we are nearing Period 9 (after leaving Period 7 for almost two dacades), the influence from Violent Star #7 has turned ugly, where it had robbed the world through the spread of Covid-19.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

The Story of Monkey King
The Monkey King, known as Sun Wukong in Chinese is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Tang Sanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from the West (India) where Buddha and his followers reside. The Monkey King possesses immense strength; he is able to lift his 7960 kg ruyi jingu bang magical staff with ease. He is also extremely fast, able to travel 108,000 li (21,675 kilometres) in one somersault. Sun also knows the 72 Earthly transformations, which allow him to transform into various animals and objects. Sun Wukong is a skilled fighter, capable of defeating the best warriors of heaven. His hair possesses magical properties, capable of summoning clones of the Monkey King himself, and/or into various weapons, animals, and other objects. He has demonstrated partial weather manipulation abilities as well, and can freeze living creatures and even gods with his icy breath. He had swallowed the Peacheas of Immortality at the Peach Garden of the heaven, the Heavenly Wine of Queen Mother of the West, Pills of Longevity of Laozi and Man-Fruit that is found on the Longevity Mountain every 10,000 years.

Why is Violent Star #7 dangerous?
One of the most hazardous stars in Xuan Kong Flying Stars is the Broken Army Violent Star #7. This star which used to be auspicious before 2004 (Period 7) has transitioned to become a notorious one. It is also called “Po Jun” star in chinese. It will create fights and make people get furious for no practical reason. Disputes will be created in aspects of relationship, career or finance. Your investments and bank savings will be subjected to heavy losses. If unattended it will also make you lose your precious belongings or documents. Vile characters will triumph in their disputes over you. In aggressive cases, it causes bloodshed caused by metal objects such as guns, knives and swords. All in all, it brings disturbances, turbulence, violence, financial losses, fire, injuries by sharp objects, fightings in the family, armed burglary and theft. Nowadays, thieves have also become IT savvy where they are stealing your passwords and your money via the internet. If this star is not properly dispelled, you are also more vulnerable to falling prey to such crimes. Its effects becomes worst when combined with bad stars such as #2, #3, #5 or magnifying star #9.

Where to Display?

  1. As a protective immortal, Sun Wukong’s image can be displayed near you entrance facing out directly at the main door to ward off demons, evil spirits and people with bad intention.
  2. For protection against health issues, Sun Wukong’s image can be displayed at ones Tien Yi direction according to 8 Mansions formula. .
  3. For protection against troublemakers and petty people that is disrupting ones career, Sun Wukong’s image can be displayed on the work desk.
  4. For the safety of your family and children, display the plaque facing out towards the maindoor (from inside) to ward off robberies and accidents.
  5. To dispel political problems in the office, backstabbing, arguments and petty peers, display the plaque on your office desk. They will stop all the bickering.
  6. To keep competitors at bay for businessmen, display the plaque facing outwards at the main entrance of your workplace or shop. They will help you counter attack all the threats.
  7. To remedy against Violent Star #7, either from the natal chart, annual chart or monthly chart of flying stars, display the plaque in their directions.
  8. It can be displayed inside the house in areas where protection against visible malevolent energy is required. Display facing the direction of conflict in your interior.
Mystic Knot 8 Rods Windchime (with Mantras) Thu, 09 Dec 2021 03:30:21 +0000 Mystic Knot 8 Rods Windchime for the Wall (with Mantras) Material: Brass Color: Brass Dimension(in): 4x0.3x13 in Weight: 200g ID: SL12117]]> If hanging a windchime from the ceiling is inconvenient, then the other option will be to hang it on the wall or at the door. This 8-hollow rods windchime is made for this specific purpose. Consisting of 8 molded mantra rods inscribed clearly with the all-time-favorite “Om Mani Padme Hum” and gilded with gold, it provides a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine blessing for good luck. Made from all brass, it has the symbol of mystic knot on top. The mystic knot is the most influential symbol of prosperity. Those displaying this powerful mystic knot symbol will have the influence of the number 8 multiplied, thus enjoy extra good fortune. Mystic knot is also equivalent to the infinity sign done endless times. 8 rods represents PROSPERITY BLESSINGS (fatt) and is the most popularly wanted number by Chinese. This is the kind of windchime that brings in prosperity luck and especially popular in its usage in Period 8 through Period 9. They are normally hung in the NE or S to usher in Period 8 and Period 9 energy. One may also hang it in chi entry points such as the maindoor to announce “prosperity has arrived”.

Note: This is not a noisy windchime. As an extra precaution, to prevent it from becoming a nuisance and your neighbours from losing their hours of sleep, avoid subjecting it to strong winds.

What Windchime symbolizes?
Windchimes like baguas is a fundamental tool used in authentic Feng Shui. The advantage of a windchime is it can be use internally to dissolve shar chi. Windchimes are unquestionably the most powerful enhancer and cure for many Feng Shui situations. Windchimes are potent enough to maneuver and enhance chi wherever it is placed. They make a significant presence especially for those who do not want to spend too much money to modify buildings and large structures due to bad Feng Shui. Properly designed windchimes according to the rules of the nature do not invite ghost, but instead will chase away evil spirits due to its strong metal energy.

The proper design of windchime is important to ensure stimulation of good chi. Windchimes are made with 5, 6 or 8 rods, with each number representing hidden meanings.

  1. 5 rods represents EARTH and attracts excellent chi and prosperity from 5 cardinal directions, namely North, South, East, West and Center.
  2. 6 rods represents the “chien hexagram” from the studies of I-ching which carries the meaning BIG METAL and luck from heaven. Such a hexagram exerts the strongest form of metal energy which is required to counter problematic earth energy from flying stars #2 and #5.
  3. 8 rods represents PROSPERITY BLESSINGS (fatt) and is the most popularly wanted number by Chinese.

As an important rule of thumb, 5 & 6 rods are best to suppress bad luck and bad chi (curing purpose), while 6 & 8 rods are best to attract good luck (enhancement purpose). The 6-rods are also excellent cure for bad flying stars for those who practise Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui.

Next, the rods should be designed according to Feng Shui principles, they must be hollow to stimulate flow of chi through it and to produce proper melody with sound enhancement. The safest is to adopt windchime designs that are truly designed to feng shui principles. Some old fashioned chinese windchimes are usually added with fortune-bringing-bells and pagoda. Bells create strong tones and melody to attact money. Meanwhile, pagodas are powerful symbols to ward off evil spirits and also increase scholastic luck. Actually different number of tiers also represent different meanings for the pagoda:

  1. 5-tiers Pagoda represents complete representation of the five elements, ie Metal, wood, water, fire and earth. It also represents the guardian of 5 directions by emperors. This leads to overall improvement of fortune and good luck, while overpowering or subduing bad luck coming from all the 5 directions.
  2. 7-tiers Pagoda signifies seven treasures of Buddhism. It accumulates benevolance. It is also said to symbolize blessing from seven northern stars which brings ultimate wealth luck and career luck.
  3. 9-tiers bring completeness and brings nobility, strength, good career, wealth and study luck. It also possess power to suppress bad luck and instability.

In terms of materials, if the purpose is to enhance luck, one can choose windchimes that are made from the element which is similar to the element of the direction they wish to enhance. For example, enhancement in West, Northwest and North must have the windchime made by metal (Copper, Aluminium, Brass or Stainless Steel rods). Next, windchimes made of bamboo and wood are good as enhancers in East, Southeast and South, while windchimes made from glass/clay can be used in Southwest and Northeast. However, windchimes are normally used as cure or remedy for tough situations in feng shui and seldom for enhancement. And in generally, you should not be worried to use metal windchime in any direction as the significance of the presence of a metal windchime overides element clashes in any directions.

This windchime design offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is truly an ancient system with all the excellent qualities “all-in-one”, used for centuries for Feng Shui purposes. They must be hung naturally in order for it to be activated.

We recommend the following locations for hanging of your windchimes:

  1. Hang the 6 rods metal windchime to dissolve the annual 5-Yellow (bringing mishaps, fatality and accidents) and annual 2-Black star (bring illness). They must be subdued in order to prevent fatality, bankruptcy and long term illnesses.
  2. Hang a 6 or 8 rod metal windchime to enhance annual Purple Star #9 (for happy events, life expansion and promotion). This future prosperity star promises long term wealth luck.
  3. Acting as an alternative to bagua, 5 and 6 rods metal windchimes can also diffuse killing chi (poison arrows) from T-junction, lamp post, straight pole, tree and oppressing large building too close for comfort directly in front of your house. 5 and 6 rods metal windchimes can also remedy killing chi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of your neighbours pointing at your front doors.
  4. If your house has any external wall facing bad energy sent by highway, railway track and other oppressive structures, you may hang a few 5 and 6 rods metal windchimes along the wall to dissolve the shar chi. You are recommended to use odd numbers (yang) rather than even numbers (yin) for the number of windchimes hung along one wall at any one time.
  5. Windchimes nourishes chi, and turns any harmful chi that enter our homes into good chi, through any entry points such as doors and windows without us knowing it. For this purpose, you may hang either the 5, 6 or 8 rods metal windchimes at the door frames at the sides and not directly at the center.
  6. Windchimes can slow down rushing chi or suppress bad chi or diffuse chi or raise chi to the roof:
    (a) You may display a 5 or 6 rods metal windchime in between doors that faces each other in one line (like bedroom door facing toilet door or kitchen door);
    (b) You may use a 5 or 6 rods metal windchime to dissolve bad chi coming from beams or sharp angles from edges of walls or furniture pieces;
    (c) You may display a 5 or 6 rods metal windchime in your bathroom to prevent any of your 8 aspirations being drained away (especially southeast and southwest). Windchimes are also excellent cures for bathrooms that are oriented in a wrong direction of your home, eg. they were positioned in ones sheng chi direction or good directions.
    (d) You may hang a 5, 6 or 8 rods metal windchime at the end of your stairs to prevent wealth from rushing down towards your main door downstairs.
  7. 8 rod windchimes will become a norm in households in  period 8 through period 9. It will attract unlimited luck by activating good chi of both periods. Simply hang it in the NE or S to invite Period 8 or 9 energy into homes.
  8. Now, you may also hang an 8 rods metal windchime in the west to activate children luck and northwest to activate mentor luck (so that you’re never lack of support from important people who could bring you abundant opportunities).

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual.
Cast brass work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high brass purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.

Note: Please do not hang a windchime directly above where you sleep, sit, eat, work or stand. Your energy will be suppressed. In the event that there is space constraint, you may hang the windchime lower than waist level.

