For Children – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Wed, 29 Nov 2023 10:44:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Breakthrough Success Amulet Sat, 10 Dec 2022 15:27:17 +0000 Breakthrough Success Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.6x2.6x0.1in Primary; 8.0in length Weight: 43g ID: 23-AM-12]]> Featuring the ‘God of Success’ (Wen Chang) and the ‘Victory Banner’, these symbols of success ensures that everything is achievable, your mission is accomplished, your aspiration is attained and your new beginnings obtain good support from the right people. The amulet helps you to thrive even in challenging times. To thrive is to be in tip top health, to prosper, to be fortunate and successful. It gives you positive transformation that lets you flourish rigorously in all areas of life. Determination, desire and dynamism is what drives us. If you have been facing hardship for a while, this amulet actually generates better health luck, wealth luck, literary luck, business luck, relationship luck and good fortune in all areas of your life.

Having the support from the ‘God of Success’ who stands on a carp as his vehicle is synonymous to attracting plenty of new paths, thriving solutions and lucrative opportunities into your life, as well as noble people you need to support you in whatever undertakings you may be pursuing. Doors will automatically open for you, and help will somehow find their way into your life.  Consecrated with his incantation is the key in empowering this amulet by providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine help in fulfilling success for you.

With the victory banner n the other hand, you will attain success in all goals you have set yourself upon. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward. You will experience a smooth path uninterrupted by setbacks, bad luck or sufferings. You will be injected with a dose of immunity to bad luck or misfortune. When you are at your lowest point of a cross road, the victory banner promises that you will experience a reversal from shock where things will turnaround for the better. Your wishes will materialize where you see successful outcome from your endeavor.

Lastly, there is another powerful Taoist Incantation on the other side of the amulet. It blesses you with whole year round safety, excellent health, granted wishes and smooth undertakings.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

Wen Chang

Wen Chang or Wen Chang Dijun, the Chinese God of Success and Literature, whose chief heavenly task, assigned by the Jade Emperor, is to keep a log of men of letters so that he can mete out rewards to each according to merit. He also maintains a register of the titles and honours each writer has received.

Among numerous legends about Wen Chang, he is said to have had 17 reincarnations, during the ninth of which he appeared on earth as Zhang Ya. Some say he lived during Tang dynasty times (618–907 CE), others say during the 3rd or 4th century or even earlier. In any case, his brilliant writing led to his canonization during the Tang dynasty and to his appointment as lord of literature in the 13th century. Because Zhang is said to have lived at Zitong in Sichuan province, persons of that region worship him under the title Zitongshen (Spirit of Zitong).

In addition, Wen Chang was well respected as a model for filiality. The Book of Emperor Zi Tong records: “Wen Chang was had a mature mind at birth. His mother breastfed him even though she was perilously ill and malnourished. In the middle of the night, Wen Chang cut flesh from his own thighs and fed it to his mother. She was then cured of her illness.”

Wen Chang also appears in other texts, where he is praised for other noble virtues. The book Wen Chang Emperor and the States He Stabilized mentions: “He descended into the mortal world seventy-three times as a shidafu” (a scholar-bureaucrat position in the emperor’s government of feudal China). Wen Chang was uncorrupted, upright and just, and never dealt out harsh punishments to the people. He allegedly helps people when they have hardships, saves those who are in trouble, has compassion for the lonely, forgives people’s mistakes, and leaves peace and stability everywhere he goes.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet

  1. It is best to carry along this amulet with you to maximize the benefits. However, if it is not convenient, then you can display it either by your bed, at your work desk or in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  2. Display it at work or at the north to seek for a new job or enhance your career for promotional opportunities.
  3. Display it at the cashier’s or director’s desk to enable more creativity in marketing and new ideas for your products for business success.
  4. Display it at your study desk, next to your bedside, in the northeast or in your personal Fu Wei direction if you want to improve in your studies and achieve academic excellence.
  5. Display it at the annual Flying Star #4 location if you are sitting for an important examination in that particular year. It can clear your mental exhaustion, thus creating a more harmonized mind for more memory power.
  6. Display next to the bed or under the pillow of a child to catalyze his interest in books and studies.
  7. Display at your personal Sheng Chi direction to enable good fortune and material success.
Magic Lamp Thu, 17 Nov 2022 08:19:24 +0000 Magic Lamp - Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: Bronze Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.5x1.4x1.7in; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 255g ID: 23-AG-08]]> The magic lamp is an important symbol in Period 9 due to its fire element and its association to the realization of all possibilities in good fortune. In fact, many great truths are hidden within children’s fairy tales. Fairy tales are mythological in nature and have deep esoteric meanings that are cloaked in allegory, parables and symbolism. One such fairy tale is the story of Aladdin and his magic lamp granting him wishes when the genie was summon, from Arabian Nights tales. According to Arabian folklore, a genie’s lamp held a magical spirit (a djinn or genie) which could help those who encountered it. Like angels, genies represent beings which exist beyond our realm of perception. Genie lamps thus signify a connection between the normal world and a greater universe of which we might not be aware. When auditing homes, we have encountered in reality 2 billionaires and 1 multi-millionaire who are avid collectors of magic lamps. Its meanings revolve around the concepts of unlimited wealth, increase and unfolding: wish fulfillment in the widest sense. The common secret shared from them was that magic lamps they collect often appear quite ordinary just like in the story, suggesting that true powerful lamps often lies in ordinary looking ones. That is why we make this lamp to be finished in bronze plating instead of our usual 24K gold plating and make it look as ordinary as possible. As for the rationale behind how the lamp from a fairy tale could work, we were later told by a wise feng shui master who had similar experience with his clients that the power that came from rubbing the lamp was the power to move the world in the subconscious mind. When the genie tells Aladdin, “your wish is my command” it shows us how the creative process, the movement of consciousness and thought, begins with a specific mindset. That mindset then brings forth new thoughts, which originate as cause in the conscious mind. These thoughts then proceed to move through the subconscious mind. Rubbing the lamp sets the dominant conscious thoughts into action, which influence the genie, the subconscious mind. The interpretation of the tale of Aladdin’s lamp represents the intelligent utilization of our mind and thoughts and perhaps, more importantly, our creative imagination. Similarly, Taoist practitioners believe that rubbing the lamp to evoke its genie represents a spiritual practice. The rubbing of the lamp represents prayer and meditation, and a deep desire. Those with humble beginnings will be able to attain a very comfortable/luxurious life quick. The magic lamp will also overturn any reversal of good fortune if encountered midway just like how the story of Aladdin went, with a happy ending in the end. There are four rollings of mantras that are kept inside the lamp: 1. Kurukullla Mantra (love and romance), 2. King Gesar Mantra (career enhancement), 3. Yellow Jhambala (prosperity and wealth) and 4. Medicine Buddha Mantra (health and longevity). The lamp comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

Aladdin’s Story

In the Arabian Nights tale of Aladdin, the hero finds a magic lamp in a cave. He discovers that rubbing it summons a powerful genie who is able to carry out all his wishes. Aladdin lived with his mother in a Chinese town, as his father has died. He was a feral child with little adult supervision. One day, an African sorcerer approached him while he was playing in the streets and claimed to be Aladdin’s uncle. He recruited Aladdin to work with him by convincing him that he would turn Aladdin into a wealthy merchant. Aladdin’s mother, also blind to the sorcerer’s true intentions, granted permission for Aladdin to work with him. The sorcerer led Aladdin to a booby-trapped cave. He instructed Aladdin to find an oil lamp deep within the cave. The sorcerer gave Aladdin a magic ring to protect him, but didn’t explain that the cave’s spells required that only the sorcerer could receive the lamp from another.

After the sorcerer attempts to double-cross him, Aladdin finds himself trapped in the cave. Aladdin is still wearing a magic ring the sorcerer has lent him. When he rubs his hands in despair, he inadvertently rubs the ring and a genie appears and releases him from the cave, allowing him to return to his mother while in possession of the lamp. When his mother tries to clean the lamp, so they can sell it to buy food for their supper, a second far more powerful genie appears who is bound to do the bidding of the person holding the lamp.

With the aid of the genie of the lamp, Aladdin becomes rich and powerful and marries Princess Badroulbadour, the sultan’s daughter (after magically foiling her marriage to the vizier’s son). The genie builds Aladdin and his bride a wonderful palace, far more magnificent than the sultan’s.

The sorcerer hears of Aladdin’s good fortune, and returns; he gets his hands on the lamp by tricking Aladdin’s wife (who is unaware of the lamp’s importance) by offering to exchange “new lamps for old”. He orders the genie of the lamp to take the palace, along with all its contents, to his home in the Maghreb. Aladdin still has the magic ring and is able to summon the lesser genie. The genie of the ring cannot directly undo any of the magic of the genie of the lamp, but he is able to transport Aladdin to the Maghreb where, with the help of the “woman’s wiles” of the princess, he recovers the lamp and slays the sorcerer, returning the palace to its proper place.

The sorcerer’s more powerful and evil brother plots to destroy Aladdin for killing his brother by disguising himself as an old woman known for her healing powers. Badroulbadour falls for his disguise and commands the “woman” to stay in her palace in case of any illnesses. Aladdin is warned of this danger by the genie of the lamp and slays the impostor.

Aladdin eventually succeeds to his father-in-law’s throne.

Stories such as Aladdin depict genies as being inhumanly powerful–able to conjure castles out of thin air or remove the moon from its orbit – which grants the lamp an equal sense of power or strength. In Western tradition, genie lamps usually grant three wishes. It symbolizes boundless power and guarantees quick generation of wealth.

Where to Display?

  1. Displaying it in the southeast sector (wealth sector) of living rooms and business premises energizes income, increase in wealth and prosperity and windfall luck. This is the most powerful sector to transmit your home’s chi to become prosperity chi.
  2. Display it in the northwest to increase money luck from important people and helpful people. This is important for business pursuits and careers. Placing it in this sector will also bring you heaven luck.
  3. Display it in the north if you’re seeking for material gains in career through more recognition and promotion opportunities.
  4. Display it on your work desk to create a differentiation between you and your competitors so that you could stay at the forefront of career advancement.
  5. Display it in the center of the home to ensure ultimate wealth success. Such placement does increase your money luck and speculative luck too.
  6. Display it at cashier register, water star#6, water star#8 or even location of annual Star#6 and Star#8, it guarantees windfall and prosperity for you.
  7. Display it at Annual Star #9, Mountain Star #9 and Water Star #9 locations to invite long term money luck and stability. This is said to bring in lots of wealth, good fortune and money to the family. 
Precious White Elephant Wed, 16 Nov 2022 22:46:27 +0000 Precious White Elephant - Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: 24K Gold Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.2x1.2x2.1in Elephant; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 340g ID: 23-AG-07]]> Sacred, loyal and inexhaustible, the Precious Elephant is an albino white elephant adorned with an elephant’s saddle blanket and a jeweled harness bearing hanging tassles. His head and rump are adorned with jewels, set in the head ornament and decorative on his rear. Featured to be returning triumphantly from battle with its trunk up, it is a symbol of strong victory, authority and power in feng shui, suitable for career candidates wishing for promotion to higher ranks or management positions wishing to stablize their status. The rare white albino elephant was highly venerated as royal elephant in ancient times. Due to its sheer physical might the elephant destroyed much that was in its path; it could ford rivers, blaze trails or clear pathways, and batter against doorways and fortifications during war fares. As such it became the unstoppable “remover of obstacles”. Perfect obedience and the ability to stand its ground amidst bloodthirsty frenzy of the battlefield, were prerequisites of the valiant war elephant. Having the Precious Elephant placed in your house will allow you to gain power, obtain good fortune, prevent harm and ensure no serious obstacles blocking your success. On top of that it is used in feng shui to guard your wealth luck to prevent financial traps, fight off violence and prevent burglary. A stunning decoration piece, the Precious Elephant also constitutes a prestigious gift for any occasion. There are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside the elephant: 1. Wishfulfilling Mantra (all desires actualized), 2. King Gesar Mantra (career enhancement) and 3. White Umbrella Goddess Mantra (subdue harm and evil). The elephant comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

What the Precious White Elephant symbolizes? 

The precious elephant has skin white as snow, and his trunk, tail and scrotum reach down to the ground. His steps are gentle, strategic and sacred, and he moves with majesty. The rutting fragrance that exudes from his forehead glands overpowers all other elephants, enticing them meekly towards him. He has four sturdy legs, a versatile trunk and two powerful tusks. Fearless and unassailable, he wins all battles everyday. In ancient warfare he is able to withstand the clamour of battle, the thrusting of lances and the savage onslaught of hand-held weapons. Perfect obedience, and the ability to stand its ground amidst the bloodthirsty frezy of the battlefield, were prerequisites of the valiant war elephant. Due to its sheer physical might the elephant destroyed much that was in its path, it could ford rivers, blaze trails or clear pathways, and batter against doorways and fortifications. As such it became the unstoppable “remover of obstacles”. It is immutable and unshakeable. In peace times, he is wise and dignified. It helps to ward off evil, maneuver your life smoothly against all tides, combat resistance and exercise control over situations that are unstable and lack clarity.

The precious elephant is also associated to Buddhism. Queen Maya, the mother of Sakyamuni Buddha, dreamed that a white elephant entered her womb at the moment of conception. The Precious White Elephant is the vehicle to many Buddhist deities, in particular Akshobhya, the blue Buddha of the east. The elephant is one of the seven possessions of the chakravartin It is both the most gentle and powerful of creatures, representing endurance, self-control, patience, gentleness and power of the Buddha.

Where to Display?

  1. For descendant’s luck, place it in the west location of your living room.
  2. For home protection, you may place the elephant facing your maindoor or any entrance of your home.
  3. For office protection and good luck, place it at your work desk facing out. It will represent good governance, intelligence, dignity and prudence for executives.
  4. To usher in wealth and success, display it in the living room showing this elephant arriving from the maindoor looking into the house. If possible try to display it in wealth corners such as your personal sheng chi corner, the SE corner or the water star #8 corner. In those positions, this elephant will also ensure ones financial portfolios are well protected.
  5. For leaders and the partriarch of the family, this elephant will help you stay in power and free from being overthrown.
  6.  To increase ones individual luck, you can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Giraffe Tue, 15 Nov 2022 21:39:06 +0000 Giraffe- Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: Bronze Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.5x1.2x5.1in Giraffe; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 416g ID: 23-AG-10]]> Giraffe becomes an important symbol in period 9 (fire element), being the reason why tourists flock to places with giraffes and willing to pay a fortune just to take a photo with them lately. This extraordinary masterpiece is spellbinding and more extravagant than the usual pieces because its artwork is tediously done by a grand master crafter. The giraffe is a chimerical animal admired for its elegance, class and communicates power and wealth. The giraffe is another manifestation of the heavenly Chilin on earth, being the reason why feng shui masters use its symbols for their modern clients. This is somewhat understandable given the similarities between the two. Both Chilin and giraffe are peaceful, grass-eating, benevolent, seclusive, and hooved mythical animals. The giraffe is viewed as a magical protector of the people and the law, a symbol of good luck, a bringer of prosperity, as well as success and longevity, and much more. This “yang” animal represents a number of positive attributes, including benevolence, literacy, virtue, longevity, grandeur, felicity, illustrious offspring and wise administration. Capable of ushering in bountiful wealth and attracting good fortune, the giraffe ensures everything to proceed smoothly. Your wishes will be granted and goals achieved.  It opens up opportunities for better fortune, higher position in office, examination luck and conceiving a baby boy. The popular animal represents strength, great ambitions, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Worn around the neck of the figurine with a chain is a Lock Coin connoting windfall luck. A stunning decoration piece, the giraffe also constitutes a prestigious gift for any occasion. Its secret compartment is filled with rollings of Wish Fulfilling Mantra (all wishes granted), Manjushri Mantra (wisdom and literacy) and May All Beings Be Happy Mantra (joy fulfilling). The giraffe comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

The Chilin and Giraffe
The first time an actual Chilin appeared in China according to historic speculation was during the time of the legendary Yellow Emperor Huangdi in 2697 BCE – over 4,700 years ago. On the other hand, the first giraffe ever to be brought to Chinese rulers happened during the Ming Dynasty when the explorer Zheng He brought a giraffe from Somalia in front of the Chinese Emperor Yongle.  The emperor was fascinated in receiving exotic animals, including birds, elephants, rhinoceroses, bears, parrots, peacocks and ostriches as gifts from foreign countries and there was even a special part of the imperial grounds in Nanjing, the forbidden gardens, where they were kept and cared for.

Where to display?
The giraffe will produce wonderful results to enhance family prosperity, career luck, longevity and excellent health:

  1. Place it in your living room to ensure success in all areas of your life, leading to fulfillment and abundance. It will help you in your endeavours, help your children in their studies and generate family harmony.
  2. For businessmen, place it on a table or cabinet behind you or on your desk to ensure quick success in business pursuits and smooth ride in business transactions. It will invite more business luck to you.
  3. Place it in your Sheng Chi sector to help smoothen all your pursuits in life and increase your money luck, health luck and love luck.
  4. Placed it in the east sector and its head facing maindoor, it can also protect family members from harm and danger when they are outdoor. It brings you many happy blessings to your family.
  5. The giraffe when placed in the southeast of your living room or dining and your business premise, you will enjoy tremendous wealth luck constantly coming your way.
  6. You may also place the giraffe on your workdesk facing out to bring good luck and ward off harmful people and politics. You may also place it near your reception and important areas of your shop, facing out.
  7. Display it at your child’s study desk to benefit his/her literary luck.
  8. Display in the west corner of the house and shine lights onto it to activate descendants luck so that you will be blessed with a baby boy.
  9. To increase ones personal luck, display it at your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW


Globe of Excellence Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:20:36 +0000 Globe of Excellence - Energy Infused Material: Leaded Crystal Color: Green, blue and gold Dimension(in): 50mm globe Weight: 400g ID: SL11568]]> Made to be tasteful in esthetics, it will definitely spark up your space of a modern looking home with authentic ancient symbols of intelligence, wisdom and mental development. The globe is embossed in gold and come in glaze green to represent the color of personal development and education. The blue glaze support acts as water element to produce wood energy for the globe and has the following symbols of good fortune:

  1. Kwei Star
  2. I-Ching Chilin
  3. Taoist Incantation of Confucius
  4. Tibetan Mantra of Intelligence
  5. Wen Chang Pagoda

This mental sharpening globe assists those who are seeking office or testing the abilities in the public examination. It will help those in corporate life facing the meritocratic review who need to compete with other peers. It is also especially useful to draw strategy and clever tactics for those who are running a competitive business. Besides, it also blesses one in passing examinations with distinction. One would attain academic excellence and win a place in the university.Those wishing to increase their self-development, further their education level or improve on writing skills will also benefit from this globe. Teachers, authors, lecturers, newspaper reporters etc are recommended to keep this globe.

This globe is highly recommended to be displayed in the southeast in 2013 to enhance your networking, travel luck and literary luck.

Note: The ornament is energy infused.

The Kwei Star (Kuei Star) is the one at the tip of the bowl in the Big Dipper (Ursa Major). He is also named as Wen Chang Ti Chun or simply Wen Ti; and being regarded as the God of Literature. He had transformed himself 98 times and equales the authority of three rulers of heaven, earth and sea. This powerful divinity is generally represented holding a pen and a book. He decides your literature success. As Wen Chang he is figured as a handsome man in sitting posture. As Kwei, he is represented as ugly looking with one fot on the head of the dragon carp. He stands on the dragon carp because the Yellow River is believed to make ascent of the stream in the 3rd lunar moon each year and those passing the rapids of the Dragon Gate, will transform into dragons. He is therefore worshipped in temples on the 8th day of 3rd lunar month.

We seek Kwei Star’s help so that our mind can become more vigilant, agile and intelligent. He also improves our literacy at work. Having him with us enables us to think out-of-the-box, foresee the unforeseen, defeat our competitors, leap frog to the next level of excellence and heighten our wisdom. He activates education/ examination/ career/ business/ political strategic paths effectively. Those in the field of writing such as authors, reporters and communications will also need his support.

Next, the Chilin Carrying the I-Ching (also known as Book of Changes) is an extremely powerful symbol of wisdom. I-Ching is the ancient magical bible used to explain the unexplainable. It records all the facts of the universe and create awareness that layman usually will not think about. The fundamentals and formulas of feng shui are in fact derived from it. This is a very high end philosophy that many ancient scholars and modern researchers are trying to uncover the secrets within. This sacred book is the symbol of great intelligence that outsmart modern science.

Next, the “mantras of intelligence” is derived from the incantation of confucius (deity of education). This secret mantra brings scholastic luck to ancient scholars who walk miles from home to take imperial examinations in ancient China’s Nanking.

Next, the Wen Chang Pagoda Pagoda brings literary luck to those who are pursuing their studies and preparing to enter univesities (equivalent of ancient imperial examinations for court officials). Besides they also bring fame luck and advancement in career.

The following are the recommended areas of display:

  1. In your study rooms, study table, work rooms, offices, writing rooms and decision making areas. Also excellent to activate your examination luck and catalyze interest in studying.
  2. Important areas of your living rooms and family rooms especially in the NE for those who are seeking wisdom and position of Flying Star #4 or ones Fu Wei position for those who are seeking literary luck to tap excellent Feng Shui luck and energies.
Twirling Globe of Dragon Gate Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:19:44 +0000 Twirling Globe of Dragon Gate - Energy Infused Material: Blue Crystal Glaze Color: Blue and gold Dimension(in): 45mm globe; 1.75x1.75x3.5in all Weight: 320g ID: SL12012]]> Illuminate your life with benefactors luck, noblemen luck, help from powerful people, rapid business linkages and the power of networking. These aspects of luck are known as the mentor luck, whereby when career life knocks you down you will quickly bounce back and become unsinkable because important people lend their hands to pick you up. This sparkling blue globe which twirls on a “bearing mechanism” features the elegance of sapphire hue which dazzles and shines when brilliantly reflected by lights. Made to be tasteful in esthetics, it will definitely spark up your space of a modern looking home with the universal symbol of recognition, literary excellence, intelligence, wisdom and mental development. Empowering the globe is the mantra of Manjusri providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine vibes of wisdom. It is further consecrated with the Taoist Incantation of Confucius, which is also known as the Wenchang Talisman. The primary symbols that create an inexhaustible amount of good fortune include:

  1. Dragon Gate – The old tale of the carp jumping and crossing over “Dragon Gate” to transform into the dragon reminds us of the ability to resist hurdles and achieving success. Portraying perseverance and determination, the carp is able to persistently resist hardship, swim upstream and rapidly turning into a dragon. This connotes an ultimate achievement of high ambition in ones undertaking which brings about a lifetime of ease. Although the carp is often being associated to scholastic success and literary luck, but it is also an emblem of happy outcome, joyful marriage, sufficient fortune and prosperity.
  2. Four Literary Objects – They consist of Gu Cheng (ancient chinese musical instrument), chinese chess, book and scroll art. In ancient times, mastering in these four areas is considered as crucial for scholars and talented high achievers.
  3. Chilin of Excellence – The chilin stepping on brush and scroll is an emblem of wisdom. The chilin had enabled benevolent kings and wise sages (including the Confucius) in ancient times. In modern times, this resembles high positions and status in the corporate and society.
  4. Inserted into the stomach of the ornament is the powerful script of “Heart Sutras” engraved amazingly in the size of microns onto a tiny cylinder made of stainless steel, thus providing consecration to the ornament.

This mental sharpening globe assists those who are seeking office or testing the abilities in the public examination. It will help those in corporate life facing the meritocratic review who need to compete with other peers. It is also especially useful to draw strategy and clever tactics for those who are running a competitive business. Besides, it also blesses one in passing examinations with distinction. One would attain academic excellence and win a place in the university.Those wishing to increase their self-development, further their education level or improve on writing skills will also benefit from this globe. Teachers, authors, lecturers, newspaper reporters etc are recommended to keep this globe.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

This powerful globe can be displayed in several places to raise the bar in your pursuits:

  1. Display it around the home to attain greater heights in material success and power. It can also be displayed in your personal Sheng Chi direction to ensure very fortunate returns.
  2. For those who want to attract academic excellence, display it at your study desk. You may also display it in the northeast direction (according to 8 Aspirations Theory) to absorb academic luck.
  3. Display the globe to decorate the important areas of your living rooms, family rooms, reception, dining, cashier’s counter or even bedrooms to increase your wealth luck for the entire family.
  4. Display it in your sheng chi location to tap maximum wealth luck in enhancing your career, windfall luck and more sources of income coming your way.
  5. For bosses, managers and employees, if you are looking for more personal growth and money opportunities, it is recommended that you display the globe in the north location of your work desk. The globe will create a difference between you and your peers to enable yourself to stay more competitive.
  6. Display the globe in the sector where annual Green Wen Chang Star #4 flies to according to the Annual Flying Star Chart. For example in 2014, this star flies to the center.
  7. Display this all blue globe (water element) in the sector where annual Achievement Star #1 flies to according to the Annual Flying Star Chart.

]]> 7736 Goddess of Mercy Pendant Mon, 13 Dec 2021 03:25:12 +0000 Goddess of Mercy Pendant Material: Stainless Steel Color: Gold Plated and Stainless Steel Dimension(in): 0.9x1.1in Kwan Yin; 1.1x1.2 Lotus Weight: 18g ID:18-SS-09]]> A spectacular revelation from the usual pieces, this designer’s creation of our brand features the pendant in two parts, the Avalokitesvara and Lotus Flower. Avalokitesvara or Kwan Yin Bodhisattva is known as the Goddess of Mercy (Compassion). The Goddess of Mercy brings about blessings and compassion, while eliminating sufferings, conflicts, harm, gossips, bad-mouthing from others and quarrels. The Goddess of Mercy is also known to be able to neutralize ones history if people around you have wrong views on you. Those devoted to the Goddess of Mercy will also be blessed with high power and capabilities to advance in career and studies or become more successful in life. For ladies, the Goddess of Mercy helps to dispel danger and keep 3rd party relationship away. The pendant promises to bring relief to loneliness, bring protection/safety in travelling and bring pure joy of kindness. The Goddess of Mercy will help you overcome sickness, family problems, relationship problems, career problem, conceiving problem, children problems, death of loved ones, all forms of stress, examination problems and other types of bad luck. The reverse side of the Goddess of Mercy’s pendant is consecrated with the Six Sylables Mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM”. Next, the lotus is essentially used to signify joy, peace, purity and sincerity. The reverse side of the Lotus side is inscribed with the taoist talisman of “PROTECTION FOR INFANTS AND KIDS”, a powerful incantation that ensures infants and kids continue to grow up in good health, unharmed, free from injuries and living a long life blessed with prosperity. Infants and kids are so susceptible to contracting viruses and epidemics. It protects them against harm and sickness, secures good health and safety until they are fully grown up. It minimizes frequent cough, fever and other ill winds. It can also dissipate frequent crying for newborns. It is especially effective in fighting evil who tries to attack kids and protecting kids from getting frightened or shocked. Also inscribed is the taoist taliman of “PROTECTION FOR FEMALE”, a powerful incantation that protects females from harm.

This exclusive charm is esthetically crafted in high quality stainless steel. Its design is fabulous, yet futuristic for younger generation. Stainless steel is naturally hypoallergetic and is notorious for being nearly indestructible. Stunning in esthetics, this graceful pendant constitutes a meaningful and prestigious gift.

Note: Comes with free necklace and a free gift box.

What Kwan Yin symbolizes?
Kwan Yin (or Kuan Yin) is an extremely popular Goddess among buddhist followers in Mahayana Buddhism. She is the ultimate symbol of mercy and passion. She had actually attained enlightenment to be a Buddha, but had chosen to continue serving the earth by becoming a “Pu Sa”. Her kindred heart and compassionate character had touched the hearts of many Buddhist followers. She helps and guides all beings in attaining better merits and karma in life. According to legend, she had even guided Monkey God (who was previously notorious in trumbling the heaven) to the right path of abstaining from bad deeds. Monkey God had since become her follower. Kwan Yin is the Goddess you would go for when you are in deep depression and going through great difficulties in all areas of your life. She will help you overcome sickness, family problems, relationship problems, career problem, conceiving problem, children problems, death of loved ones, all forms of stress, examination problems and other types of bad luck. Chant the powerful mantra OM MANI PAD ME HUM as many times as possible in front of her image for overcoming your problems and protection purposes. This mantra can also be used to ward off evil spirits and to empower any of your Feng Shui symbol when you place them anywhere with the intention to have them as feng shui energizer.

Golden Pig of Prosperity Sat, 11 Dec 2021 11:03:16 +0000 Golden Pig of Prosperity - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated, Matte Gold, Brown Dimension(in): 2.5x1.1x2in Pig; 3.1x3.1x0.2in Base Weight: 281g ID: 22-AG-03]]> This adorably stunning pig sits on a pile of gold ingots and prosperity coins. More powerful than you realize, this emblem of Pig signifies family prosperity, sufficient food, material joy, home safety, prosperity, abundance, wealth, fertility and reasonable success in all affairs. Having a pig at home signifies fertility and wealth abundance for the family, as they could provide a consistent source of income and provide a good living for the entire family. One can consider using the pig symbol to wish growth in a business and harness manpower to support the growth. Targeted for those seeking a big fat salary in your current or new career, you will be spurred by unexpected opportunities and fresh stream of prosperous gains. Display this at your work desk. For those seeking to increase fertility, display this emblem by your bedside or in the west side of your living room. For those seeking for smoother relationships, you may display it in the northwest corner. The pig comes with a Tai Chi Lotus Horoscope Plate. There are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside the pig: 1. Kwan Yin Mantra (fertility and true love), 2. Yellow Jhambla Mantra (wealth and prosperity) and 3. May All Beings Be Happy Mantra (happy family).

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Lotus Horoscope Plate
A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the symbol of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The Lotus on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. Next, the Twelve Horoscope animals will protect and maximize the wealth luck of all zodiacs whether one has good or bad luck in any particular year. All zodiacs will get immuned to misfortune and obtain equal opportunities to maximize their wealth luck. Each zodiac is associated to one of the 12 mountains and will bring about a certain kind of elemental influence, thus has enhancing and curing capability. While the Four Celestial Guardians (Dragon, Phoenix, Tortoise and Tiger) guard the four cardinal directions, the Twelve Zodiac animals will relieve the 12 mountains (directions) off any disorganized elements and interactive influences. The twelve zodiacs also represent the cycle of time, therefore it will incorporate the “time dimension” to ensure long lasting good feng shui of a space, to create good luck, to cure bad luck and to increase desired opportunities in life. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of White Tara. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra pulverizes all negative forces and clear blocked pathways.

What the pig symbolizes and how to place this object?
The pig (zhu) is one of the most important animals in the chinese economy, where the ownership of a pig was a sign of wealth. To insure prosperity, peasants placed papercuts of pigs on their houses, and jade pigs were placed in the hands of the wealthy deceased to ensure future prosperity. Because of the pig’s association with family prosperity, feng shui motifs often combine pigs with other powerful family-oriented symbols, such as the dragon and phoenix. The pig signifies sufficient food, material joy, home safety, prosperity, abundance, wealth, fertility and reasonable success in all affairs. In ancient china and also in the west, pig is a lovely animal for those living by the countryside. They are man’s best friend, next to the dog. Pig is also an intelligent animal and adorable. In ancient China, having a mother pig at home signifies fertility and wealth abundance for the family, as they could provide a consistent source of income and provide a good living for the entire family. In olden days, more kids means more resources in the farm and increase in assets. But in the modern age, one can consider using the pig to wish growth in a business and harness manpower to support the growth.

Feng Shui pig is a great gift for business counterparts or relatives in their opening ceremonies of their businesses. The pig figurine would also make a perfect gift for newly weds to increase their fertility and be blessed with many children.

For excellent feng shui associated to wealth abundance, prosperity, fertility and success in all affairs:

  1. Display it in the wealth corner (southeast corner according to 8-Aspirations Theory) to activate much wealth luck.
  2. Display it by your bedside or in the west corner to increase fertility for those aspiring for children.
  3. Display it at your workdesk, living room or family area to jazz up more success in all your affairs and smoothen your endeavours.
  4. For businessman, if one is looking to hire committed workforce for company growth, place it on the director’s desk.
Progressive 4 Pagodas Tablet Fri, 10 Dec 2021 01:25:32 +0000 Progressive 4 Pagodas Tablet - Energy Infused Material: Brass and Acrylic Color: Copper, Silver, Bronze and Iron Dimension(in): 8.5x1.1x5in Weight: 823g ID:17-SH-04]]> This stunning tablet featuring “4 Wenchang Pagodas” honors our brand’s long standing tradition of creating esthetical emblems for discerning practitioners who pays much attention to quality and details. The 7-tier Wenchang Pagoda is an ancient symbol of intelligence, wisdom and mental development. Empowering the pagodas is the “Mantra of Manjusri” providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine vibes of wisdom.The tablet is ideal for those seeking office, seeking career progression or testing the abilities in the public examination. It is an auspicious ornament of sustainable and favorable career, suitable for those who are looking for new employment. It will also help those in corporate life facing the meritocratic review who need to compete with other peers. Besides, it is also especially useful to draw strategies and clever tactics for those who are running a competitive business. The progressive pagodas are guaranteed to enhance your power in knowledge, thinking clarity and leadership skills. You will enjoy endless good tidings leading to greater heights in your career with breakthrough promotion and flourishing income. Last but not least, the 4 Wenchang Pagodas will bless one with academic excellence, obtaining distinctions in examination and winning a place in the university. You may display this powerful enhancer in the direction where Wenchang Star #4 is located.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Pagoda symbolizes and how to place this object?
The Wen Chang Pagoda is another powerful cure commonly used by Feng Shui masters besides windchime, bagua, coins and wu lou. Its name is derived from the Wen Chang star. The Wen Chang star dominates over the fate of students and controls ones study luck. Representing the traits of the star, the Wen Chang Pagoda brings literary luck to those who are pursuing their studies and preparing to enter universities (equivalent of ancient imperial examinations for court officials). Besides it can also bring fame luck and advancement in career. It is also great to make one’s mind more vigilant, agile, intelligent and improving ones literacy at work. It is also potent to ward off bad energy and killing forces in our surroundings. For health, one can also used it to ward off evil spirits and illnesses. The pagoda can trapped evil spirits for rehabilitation purposes.

  1. Display it near your entrance to safe-guard your house against poison arrows (shar chi).
  2. Display it in your shop to guard against losses and protect your business from being harmed by your competitors.
  3. Display it in the north or behind you at your work place to ward off petty characters in your office and backstabbers. It will also work its magic to enhance your career for promotional opportunities.
  4. Display it at your study desk, next to your bedside or at the northeast for examination luck. You can also display it at Flying Star #4 location or at your personal Fu Wei position.
  5. Display at your personal Sheng Chi direction to ensure very fortunate returns and for material success.
Kung Fu Tze Amulet Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:08:10 +0000 Kung Fu Tze Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.7x0.1x2.6in primary piece; 7in total length of amulet Weight: 45g ID: 18-AM-01]]> The Kung Fu Tze amulet enables luck and success in the following areas: career, education and descendants. Kung Fu Tze is the greatest sage on earth who had been revered through ages, a symbol of victory, fame, popularity, recognition, literary excellence, intelligence, wisdom and mental development. Giving an equally auspicious meaning, the Abacus signifies “innumerable figures to calculate” in your financial portfolios. Featured behind the amulet, the 7-tier Wenchang Pagoda is an ancient symbol of intelligence, wisdom and mental development. Also featured is a Virgin Boy on Chilin of Excellence. It is an emblem of success in imperial examination and success in becoming a court official. It also symbolizes descendant’s luck and benefits those who are seeking to conceive a baby boy. Special children brought by chilin are believed to be destined to become high level civil servants, one of the greatest honors possible in traditional China. The chilin had enabled benevolent kings and wise sages (including the Confucius) in ancient times. In modern times, this resembles high positions and status in the corporate and society. Last but not least, the symbols of jumping Double Carps signify victory. Empowering the amulet is the “Mantra of Manjusri” providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine vibes of wisdom. It is further consecrated with the Taoist Incantation of Confucius, which is also known as the “Wenchang Talisman”. Equally important, there is also an additional Taoist Incantation ensuring kids’ protection and safety.

Top 3 Unique and Proven Benefits of Kung Fu Tze Amulet

  1. In career, he enables success for those who are entering the job market, seeking office or testing the abilities in promotion. He will help those in the corporate life who face the meritocratic review and excel in competition with other peers.
  2. In education and personal development, he blesses one in passing examinations with distinction and enhances wisdom. One would attain academic excellence and win a place in the university. Those wishing to increase their self-development, further their studies or improve on writing skills will benefit.
  3. In the aspect of descendants, he blesses ladies in getting pregnant and hopeful mothers in conceiving a baby boy. His amulet will also be of great benefit to children where they can grow up safely and wisely.

This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Kung Fu Tze
Confucius is the latinized word for Kung Fu Tze who was a philosopher who lived 551-479BC. He is the greatest sage on earth who had been revered through ages, chiefly noted as a teacher who had written many titles of wisdom. He was a great thinker and educator and the founder of Confucianism. He was the 1st educator who started a private school and is said to have thought more than 3000 disciples and that there were 72 outstanding students among them who were famous historical figures themselves later. He was considered the master of all teachers with his rich educating concepts and epigrams. Confucius taught that the nature of man is pure at birth, and that it becomes vitiated only by the impurity of its surroundings. His daily texts were charity of heart and duty towards one’s neighbour, the virtues on which he laid most stress were justice and truth. Confucius temples are found in every town in chinese lands. Confucius has a place assigned to him among the deities of the Taoist Religion, and he is addressed as honoured one of Heaven who causes literature to flourish and the world to prosper. The ethics of the Confucianism are based on the following theories:

  1. The Universe is regulated by an Order which is moral in its essence.
  2. Man is morally good by nature, and it rests with him to remain so.
  3. Man errs from ignorance and the force of bad example.
  4. The remedies are education of the official classes and good example set by them.
  5. The individual must rectify himself before he can rectify others. He must study the teachings of the Ancients and be well versed in modern ritualistic rules and social observances.
  6. Above all it is essential to cultivate the Five Virtues viz., benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and sincerity.

What the Abacus symbolizes?
The abacus, also called a counting frame (“suanpan”), is a calculating tool that was in use centuries before the adoption of the written modern numeral system and is still widely used by merchants, traders and clerks. The earliest known written documentation of the Chinese abacus dates to the 2nd century BC.It goes without saying that the abacus is closely associated with money or prosperity, so in time the Chinese abacus became a popular feng shui cure for wealth. Thinking of ringing in more sales? Yes, the abacus is the answer, as this auspicious symbol is used by tycoons, businessmen, shop owners and financial planners to signify “too many figures to calculate” in their financial portfolios. Symbolically, the abacus will multiply your sales profits and boost your business. On an equally good note, for those seeking for knowledge in calculation such as in the fields of mathematics, accountancy, science and engineering, the abacus symbol can enhance your competency greatly.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet
One can either carry along the Kung Fu Tze Amulet or display it at the following areas:

  1. Display it at work or at the north to seek for a new job or enhance your career for promotional opportunities.
  2. Display it at the cashier’s or director’s desk to enable more creativity in marketing and new ideas for your products for business success.
  3. Display it at your study desk, next to your bedside, in the northeast or in your personal Fu Wei direction if you want to improve in your studies and achieve academic excellence.
  4. Display it at the annual Flying Star #4 location if you are sitting for an important examination in that particular year. It can clear your mental exhaustion, thus creating a more harmonized mind for more memory power.
  5. Display next to the bed or under the pillow of a child to catalyze his interest in books and studies.
  6. Display at your personal Sheng Chi direction to enable good fortune and material success.
  7. Display it in the west if you are seeking to conceive a baby or wanting your children to grow up safely and happily.