Auspicious Amulets – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Fri, 29 Dec 2023 08:44:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Red Robe Chung Kwei Amulet Sun, 03 Dec 2023 08:25:07 +0000 Red Robe Chung Kwei Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Genuine Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.3x0.1x2.3in Primary; 8in length Weight: 54g ID: 24-AM-14]]> Easily identified by his ferocious appearance (bushy black beard and moustache), this matured muscular adult male is Zhong Kui (Chung Kwei), popularly known as the Demon Chaser. With almighty power to repel evil spirits and ghosts, he protects the owner of the amulet against any harm. When clad in his official red robe attire that aligns to the attributes of the new Period 9 and wielding his magic sword towards the sky, his supernatural force becomes extraordinarily multiplied. He is all-time-alert and ready to diminish any spirits that is targeting you. Carrying his amulet is also equivalent to having someone who lends an unseen but beneficial helping influence to remove all feng shui “poisons” magically and safeguard you from misfortunes. He bestows safety from premature death and offers supreme protection against all forces that threaten your safety. Because Chung Kwei’s popularity comes from his ability to defeat ghosts and demons, his symbol is also considered as powerful by traditional styled feng shui grandmasters as the number one counter measure against the 5-Yellow. The 5-Yellow is actually a devil by the name of “Female Yaksha”. This devil is wicked, angry, irrationale, eat humans and has a baby. All in all, the variety of good fortune that can be brought by this amulet is almost endless, where Chung Kwei also represents prosperity, scholastic luck, wealth luck, immortality and longevity. Auspicious energies will be at work creating an invisible aura of protection. Those whose zodiac forecast hint that you are vulnerable to misfortune will require this amulet to reverse the bad luck.

Next to the image, the chinese wordings Yi Ru Ping Ann expresses the sentiment “safe and sound at all times”.

The next side of the amulet features the 12 Horoscope Wheel. The 12 Horoscope will protect the luck of all zodiacs. All zodiacs will get immuned to misfortune and obtain equal opportunities to maximize their luck. The 12 Horoscope will relieve the 12 zodiacs off any disorganized elements and interactive influences. The 12 Horoscope also represent the cycle of time to create good luck, to cure bad luck and to increase desired opportunities in life.

The amulet is consecrated by a taoist incantation of Chung Kwei that removes mishaps, disasters, accidents and negativity. On the other hand, the symbol of bagua with “Early Heaven Arrangement” will neutralize malevolent energies directed at you. In addition, there are two additional Buddhist mantras featured on the amulet:

  1. Taoist Goddess DOU MU (MARICI or Mother of Dipper or Primordial Sovereign of the Big Dipper) is a stellar divinity. With her great merit of medicine and healing, manages and harmonizes the five elements, balances the Vital Breaths of Yin and Yang, dissolves the stagnant and eliminates the evil and dark. She is the mother of Nine Stars and her power is inconceivable as she oversee the welfare of all beings. You may chant her mantra to double the effectiveness while touching the amulet: OM MA RI TZE MAM SOHA
  2. Six Sylables Mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM” – The Goddess of Mercy will help you overcome sickness, family problems, relationship problems, career problem, conceiving problem, children problems, death of loved ones, all forms of stress, examination problems and other types of bad luck.

Note: This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Chung Kwei

Chung Kwei is popularly seen in all Goldsmith and shops trading expensive goods in Taiwan as an important symbol of protection from robbery, theft and fraud. He is also considered an exorcist of the highest ability as he is said to have subdued many demon spirits and thereafter had them under his command. The image brings you scholastic luck, protection from harmful people, wealth luck and protection from evil spirits/ghost. Having the image of Chung Kwei in your home will provide potent protection from tough enemies who have been giving you a tough time. For those in high profile professions, Chung Kwei will help to prevent backstabbing and jealousy, both in your workplace and business relationships. Chung Kwei was a fictitious scholar and a swordsman who had gone through a lot of difficult times to attain his ambition of becoming a court official. Due to his fierce and scary looks, he was denied by an emperor to serve for the government despite passing his exams with great results. As a result, he committed suicide on the steps of the imperial palace. Later, after many years, another Tang Emperor Xuanzong (712-56) who dreamt about Chung Kwei was sorry about the unfair deprival of his rightful honors even though Chung Kwai was so capable. He was however posthumously restored to his rightful position, labeled the Demon Chaser, and give the status of “judge” as a reward for returning to the world to save the Emperor Zuanzong from the evil spirits and ghosts that were tormenting the emperor’s sleep. This Emperor ordered his portrait to be painted and recognized for his duty as “God of Demon Buster “. He was then also being recognized to be “Star God of Examinations” by folks in China. Chung Kwei is depicted as being ugly with large protruding eyes and a rough beard. His fierceness alone could kill harmful evil. He uses his powerful sword as a weapon to kill the evil spirits.

Benefits of this Amulet

1. Protects everyone against dirty energy or possible negative spirits and influences from haunted places such as old mansions, hotels, work places, forests or graveyards. It diminishes ghostly attempts and powerfully dissipates any evil energy charging over you.
2. Protects kids/teenagers from succumbing to illnesses and ghostly possession caused by unintended actions or speech that hurt evil spirits.
3. Helps those with suppressed aura. It increases chakra vibes and brighten your aura for those whose life force and spirit essence is low. If not remedied, a person with weak life force and spirit essence are more vulnerable to the year’s afflictions and to the negative feng shui winds. Remember that obstacles will keep manifesting unless you successfully subdue them by increasing your aura power.
4. Removes storms and hiccups in your career, wealth, health and relationship. They will eventually become more promising and good luck winds will start to blow to your direction again.
5. Provides protection against injuries, bloodsheds, mishaps, dangers and accidents. This amulet if kept in your car can also protect you from bad spirits so that one can enjoy safe journeys at all times.
6. Provides safety to those whose zodiac forecast or personal 8 Characters chart hinting the looming of negative stars that indicate danger and injuries in the upcoming year.
7. Reverses bad luck for those whose zodiac forecast hint that you are vulnerable to misfortune.

Unassailable Amulet Sat, 25 Nov 2023 14:50:00 +0000 5 Flags Kwan Kung Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in):1.5x0.1x2.75in Primary; 8.2in length Weight: 43g ID: 24-AM-16]]> One of the things that the victorious 5 Flagged God of War connotes is making your position “unassailable” (un-defeatable) and presenting the enemy with a scenario that it would be unwise to challenge. The idea is that the enemy recognizes defeat before they even begin to attack. With the amulet, cosmic energies will work in favor of you that make your enemy believes you can attack, will attack, and will win, or that you have war fighting capabilities that you do not actually possess, this can lead to an enemy reaching out for peace or at least withholding their own attack. Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” 

The image of Kwan Kung with 5 Flags is the most powerful form.  Signifying victory, the dragon flags resemble fire (red), earth (yellow), metal (white), water (blue) and wood (green) dragons. Held on his right arm is his signature kwan dao (knife with a long spear-like handle).

Kwan Kung is the protector for people who are persecuted and facing rivalry. Every ill intention becomes harmless. Having his protection enables you to overcome danger, obstacles, bitterness, malevolence, ill will, competition and betrayals. Your path ahead will steer clear of controversial issues bringing you endurance and strength. The amulet is suitable for attaining high goals in business pursuits, political mileage, protection against evil forces, financial success, investment achievement, family safety and support from helpful people.

The amulet is consecrated by a taoist incantations that benefit Wealth and Business. Therefore this amulet is also suitable for those who are ambitious, determined to win over competitors, leading a challenging team or desiring to lead in the future.

The amulet also has Mantra of Manjusri. Manjusri (Wenshu Pusa) is a bodhisattva in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. The name “Manjusri” means “gentle glory”. Manjusri is the bodhisattva associated with development of enlightened wisdom, doctrine and awareness. Manjusri is usually denoted in Chinese traditions as riding on the back of a lion. Those who are negative in mindset, stressed, depressed, suicidal, quarrelsome and troublesome can benefit from and be tamed by the Manjusri. The mantra of wisdom “Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih” represents the attainment of ultimate realization.

Note: This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

What Kwan Kung symbolizes?
Kwan Ti (later known as Kwan Kung) is the most famous war general in the history of China. He is perceived as the grandest military hero who lived during the popular era of Romance of Three Kingdoms under the Han Dynasty over 2000 years ago. Centuries after centuries after his death, he continued to be a powerful figure known for his protective qualities of the nation and country till he was elevated to the rank of God of War in 15th century because of his righteousness, becoming one of the most popular deities in China. In the heavenly realm, He was chartered to take care and guard the Buddhists texts, being the reason why the Kwan Kung images always appear in almost all temples. He normally appears alone or with his two assistants.

His image can be found globally at home, office or business premises of Feng Shui enthusiast, as he aids those in need of assistance for various trades and professions. Because almost all businessmen regarded the Kwan Kung to provide blessings in money making and almost all trades, He later was also known as God of Wealth and God of Literature. Kwan Kung embodies power, honesty, righteousness, scholastic ability, strength, integrity, and honor. Kwan Kung not only provides a strong force of protection, his presence brings about fortune, wealth, grandeur, fearlessness, competitiveness, status and confidence. Kwan Kung has also become the most important deity of worship for police forces and triad members in Hong Kong. Both black and white forces have high respect and regards for the Kwan Kung because he is capable of ensuring victories in all pursuits.Kwan Kung is feared by all evil and revered by all who are sincere at heart. Kwan Kung protects the righteous and defends the innocent. No spirit would dare to enter homes or premises when the Kwan Kung is present.

Kwan Kung usually wears his military uniform with embroidery of the powerful Dragons. Kwan Kung has a red face as his famous identity, always look confident, usually victorious and normally fierce to scare away the evil spirits and opponents. His most powerful weapon is the “Kwan Dao” (the battle knife), a special knife in which only the Kwan Kung used and no one else.

Kwan Kung has many roles, therefore brings various advantageous to one keeping the amulet:

  1. Carrying the amulet provides strong force of protection and counter any killing breathe, negativities or evil. All evils will be scared away instantly.
  2. Carrying the amulet can invite mentor luck, extreme support from authority and helpful people coming your way.
  3. Managers, leaders, executives and politicians can keep the amulet for protection at work. The powerful protector will keep away backstabbers and deceivers.
  4. Police forces and triad members in Asia are blessed by the Kwan Kung to ensure their safety. He is highly respected and worshipped by them. Carrying the amulet by those in the triad groups or police forces can provide them with safety.
  5. Carrying the amulet can ensure victory in business competition and protection against problem makers. Kwan Kung protects businesses from fraud and embezzlement, promotes loyalty and ensures smooth sailing. This is believed to be able to help a business prosper even against overwhelming odds. Kwan Kung also promotes unity, loyalty and honesty of the employees.

Everyone needs protection against negative vibes sent out by unscrupulous people, especially if you are working in complex corporation and working overseas:

  1. To smooth over your career without bad politics which will result in increased money in your pocket, display the amulet at your work desk.
  2. To increase wealth achievement and riches in life, display the amulet in your sheng chi direction, SE universal wealth corner and water star-9 location in your home or workplace. The amulet will bring benefactors and helpful people to help you in your endeavours.
  3. One can also display the amulet in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
King of Medicine Amulet Fri, 24 Nov 2023 14:38:40 +0000 King of Medicine Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.25x0.1x2.1in Primary Piece; 0.6x0.1x1in each Wulou; 7.5in total length of amulet Weight: 51g ID: 24-AM-15]]> With the ability to award health and longevity, this knockout amulet consists of a peach of immortality and two miracle healing wulou‘s. The front side of the peach features the God of Medicine who shields against all kinds of disease, subdues sickness vibes and is excellent for those facing any kind of health risk. The God of Medicine is the go-to deity for anyone who is already unwell, or if one has life force or element health luck that is weak. Next, the dragon and tiger are two dynamic animals  that form an unbreakable cosmic bond to bring out good long term health prospect in supporting the blessings from the God of Medicine. Behind the amulet features the Taoist Magic Incantation of the God of Medicine himself.

Next behind the amulet, the Medicine Buddha (Bhaisyajaguru), is the Buddha or Master of healing. Medicine Buddha is also known to be the “Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light”. He represents the healing aspect of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. Medicine Buddha has unbiased compassion for all. He protects everyone from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the source of all illness and danger. The Medicine Buddha is typically depicted seated with a lapis-colored jar of medicine nectar in his left hand and the right hand resting on his right knee, holding the stem of the aurara plant between thumb and forefinger. The Medicine Buddha not only helps in healing but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance. Thus the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. Anyone who is stricken by disease can seek blessings from the Medicine Buddha for curing. The sacred “Medicine Buddha mantra” will:

  1. purify negative karma and assist those who are having long term illness so that they can live a longer life.
  2. strengthen the antibodies of those who have a weak body and often falling sick.
  3. keep all types of illness energy due to unpopular stars at bay.
  4. help cure mental depression and mental illnesses.

Lastly, the two miracle healing mini wulous controls the illness bringing aspects of any malevolent stars.

Note: This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.


The peach was originally a heavenly fruit of immortality from the garden of the Queen Mother of the West (Hsi Wang Mu) and is the main ingredient for making pills of longevity to grant good health, long lives and immortality. This auspicious fruit resembles a long healthy life with great fortune for many generations.


The Wulou (bottle gourd) originates from a fruit. When dried, it is very durable and its shape render it useful as a receptacle for medicine. In olden days, the Wulou was often carried by aged people as a charm of longevity and a charm to dissipate or ward off pernicious influences.

God of Chinese Medicine

Sun Si-miao Zhen Ren, a reknown taoist priest healer who lived during Tang Dynasty is the God of Chinese Medicine. It was during the Sung Dynasty that Sun was crowned with the holy title Miao Ying Zhen Ren by the Emperor Master Sun. Master Sun Simiao was a well-known physician and medicine researcher of the Tang dynasty. He was also a Taoist priest and was well-versed in the teachings of Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi, as well as medicine and other studies. His theories promoted prevention over treatment, with a particular focus on food therapy, and he authored many medical classics, winning the title of the “King of Medicine” for his contributions. He was famous for his writings and healing and was very knowledgeable about Lao-Zhuang (Chinese philosophical  teachings and herbal medicine). He emphasized on purging ones mind of desires and ambitions. This is further supported by methods of ingesting vital breath namely embryonic breath introspection breath-holding and hissing breath to stay healthy.

The birthday of the Medicine King is celebrated annually in taoist temples on April 28 of the Lunar.

Picture of King of Medicine’s Altar at Wong Tai Sin Temple in Hong Kong

Mantra of Medicine Buddha

While holding and touching the peach of immortality, chant the following mantra daily for higher effectiveness:

“Tadyatha Om Bhekhandzye Bhekhandzye,
Maha Bhekhandzye Radza Samudgate Soha” (21x)

Who needs to use this amulet?

The amulet can be used as a protective amulet for individuals with the following situations to reduce fatality risk:

  1. When one’s zodiac is invaded by 5-Yellow and 2-Illness energy.
  2. Those living in bedrooms that are located in 5-Yellow and 2-Illness areas will suffer from the afflictions.
  3. For occupants of homes that are in the axis where either 5-Yellow and 2-Illness is. It is especially even more pronounce if the main door is in these locations.
  4. For occupants of homes where the 5-Yellow flies to the kitchen. Remember that strong fire energy in the kitchen will magnify the earth energy of the 5-Yellow.
  5. For those who frequently fall sick or suffer from long term illness so that they can stand a good chance of quick recovery.
  6. For any zodiac who is susceptible to annual ill winds or monthly ill winds, one can carry the amulet in the bag and display it in the bedroom.
  7. It is also a powerful amulet to protect elderly members who are weak.
  8. For people who are at health risks, you may immediately carry this amulet to turn around your health issues.
Bountiful Fortune Amulet Fri, 24 Nov 2023 08:38:31 +0000 Bountiful Fortune Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.3x0.1x1.8in Primary; 7in length Weight: 39g ID: 24-AM-07]]> Featuring the Three Star Gods Fulushou (Fuk Luk Sau), this amulet ensures that you are never lacking in magnanimous fortune resulting in three qualities in life: “prosperity”, “status/wealth” and “longevity/good health”. Renewal in these three kinds of fortune as one embarks into a “new beginning” is essential, whether it is the start of a new period, beginning to live in a new home, launching into a new business, undertaking a new journey elsewhere etc. They are Heavenly Officials who grants good fortune. Besides denoting the three attributes of a good life, Fulushou has the efficacious effect of dispelling malevolence and warding off catastrophes. The three stars they control over are Jupiter, Ursa Majoris and Canopus. The Star of Fortune “Fuk” connotes good luck and success. The Star of Prosperity “Luk” symbolizes prosperity, where authority is gained and salary is adequate. The Star of Longevity “Sau” represents good health and longevity. Together, they are capable of lifting you successfully in all the 8 aspirations of life: wealth, health, recognition, love, networking, education, career and children. Carrying his amulet in Period 9 translates to powerful divine help that brings you COMPLETE GOOD FORTUNE.

Behind the amulet, it features the symbolic forms of Fulushou and Xi. Xi is another Star God who bestows happiness on people. Life is becomes even more complete with happiness over riding anxiety. There is a Taoist Incantation of Quiren that brings benefactors’ luck so that you are never lack of support from important people in all your endeavors. The amulet is further consecrated with Amitayus Mantra that is having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death.

you to prosper at greater speed and snowball your wealth. Ambitious minded people wishing to become millionaire or money masters can only have your dreams realized if you honor the God of Wealth. 

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Fuk Luk Sau 
Fuk Luk Sau (also known as Three Star Gods) integrate:

  1. Happiness/Descendants Luck/Prosperity/Wealth,
  2. Success/Power/Authority and
  3. Longevity/Health.

The Star of Wealth “Fuk” (Fuxing) refers to planet Jupiter and has the second ranking among the three constellations. It is the star which emblems wealth, good fortune, good luck and success. Alternatively, according to a Taoist myth of the Ming dynasty, the Fuk star is associated with Yang Cheng, a governor of Daozhou in Western Han (206 BC – 24 AD). Yang Cheng risked his life by writing a memorial to the emperor to save the people from presenting dwarf slaves as the special tribute to the imperial court. After his death, the people built a temple to commemorate him, and over time he came to be considered the personification of good fortune. He is generally depicted in scholar’s dress, holding a scroll, on which is sometimes written the character “Fuk”. He may also be seen holding a child, or surrounded by children. He is sometimes conflated with Cai Shen, the “Wealth God”. He symbolizes family happiness, life fulfillment, many children and grandchildren, good relationship and mutual love.

The Star of Authority “Luk” (Luxing) refers to Ursa Majoris (sixth star in the Wenchang cluster) and takes on the first rank of star constellation among the three. The Luk star is believed to be Zhang Xian who lived during the later Shu dynasty. The word luk specifically refers to the salary of a government official. As such, the Luk star is the star of prosperity, rank, and influence. The Luk star was also worshipped separately from the other two as the deity dictating one’s success in the imperial examinations, and therefore success in the imperial bureaucracy. The Luk star is usually depicted in the dress of a mandarin. He is also the epitome of high ranking official, where authority is gained and salary is adequate. He is denoted as a wiseman who carries the ru yi (chinese sceptre) that promises smoothness and success in endeavours and a gold ingot that promises wealth luck. He normally bestows one with career/business success with enhanced income luck.

The Star of Longevity “Sau” (Shouxing) is a Carinae (Canopus), the star of the south pole in Chinese astronomy, and is believed to control the life spans of mortals. This star is often being symbolized by an oldman with protruding forehead, white hair and beard whom attained immortality. He normally carries a dragon crutch, a peach, the fungus of immortality ling tzi and the wu lou (gourd) which have medicinal values. He often impart virtues to people on the secret of longevity and ask them to avoid greed, negative thinking and arrogance as principles to sustaining longevity and good health. His magical peach is blossomed from the heaven only every 3000 years. His image represents good health and longevity.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet
One can also display the amulet in the following areas:

  1. Reception area as you enter your home or on your door front to signify all aspirations of life being fulfilled.
  2. Important areas of your living rooms and family rooms (any directions or sectors) to tap excellent Feng Shui luck and energies.
  3. In lobbies, reception areas of business premises and bosses’ rooms.
  4. Dining area facing your dining table for blessings of a lifetime on the whole family.
  5. Behind your sitting position to gain vital support and good fortune to fulfill all your aspirations in life.
  6. According to the “Sub Direct Spirit” by observing the Ho Tu, the secondary wealth corner for Period 9 (2024-2043) resides in the north. Therefore, displaying Fuk Luk Sau image in your north is said to bring you abundance luck and excellent fortune.
  7. The sector where Purple Advancement Star #9 sector is located to bring about joyful events. It is the current prosperity star and a happiness star that will also bring about joyous occasions such as marriage, newborn, increase in power/status and promotion.
Amulet of Tenfold Increase in Love Thu, 23 Nov 2023 13:44:36 +0000 Tenfold Increase in Love - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in):2.2x0.1x2.25in Primary Piece; 1.3x0.1x1.3in Flower Piece; 0.8x0.1x0.9in Fox; 7.8in length Weight: 60g ID: 24-AM-04]]> When potent symbols are inadequate, activating love luck seems to be an arduous journey. Whether it is activating new love luck, wanting to enter the magical state of wedlock or protecting a marriage, this amulet combines ample principal emblems to generate tenfold increase in love. As we enter into Period 9, love and relationship are more volatile stemming from its unstable fire element. This wonder amulet has the ability of smoothing over its effects.

A spectacular revelation from the usual pieces, this sensual piece is adorned beautifully by traditional love symbols:

  1. Dragon and Phoenix – This is an unsurpassed symbol of love in Period 9 because the phoenix is Period 9’s lord and the dragon is its only compatible pairing. This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end.
  2. Peach Blossom Animals – Consisting of the rat, rabbit, horse and rooster, their duties are to assist singles find conjugal happiness and marriage prospects through activating your Peach Blossom Star.
  3. Heavenly Sky Fox –  is charming, attractive, crafty, quick witted and alert, often described with the ability to imbue beauty on its owner and steer strong attraction from the males with frequent success. It serves to increase your attractiveness, attract male libido and defeat competitors. Its secondary responsibility is to serve as a guardian against other third parties and not to let others take him away or to make your male partner lose his feelings for you. 

The amulet is consecrated with important mantras and a taoist incantation:

  1. Red Tara Mantra (“Kurukulla Mantra”) –  it helps to soften mutual restriction for better relationship especially beneficial for those suffering from negative peach blossom, bazi restriction and couples suffering from conflicting zodiacs. This mantra can be invoked to help you to whisper terms of endearment, to guide your sensual power, explore your erotic potential, deepen intimacy, reveal and fulfill your lover’s fantasies and infuse lovemaking with sparkling fire. It creates beauty, colorful romance and the amorous feelings of youth.
  2. Anti Third Party Mantra – it catalyzes virtue for successful relationships in marriages. It creates the type of romance that is free from third parties, troublemakers and nasty quarrels.
  3. Taoist incantation of STRONG LOVE BONDAGE – it brings perfect matches and hopes for successful relationships in romance. It invites suitable candidates into your lives.

Note: This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

It is best to carry along this amulet in your bag, but if this is not feasible, the followings are the recommended areas to display the amulet:

  1. Display the amulet in the southwest location of your bedroom, living room, dining, family room, your car and even your workdesk to activate romance and love luck. Southwest is the universal love sector according to Life Aspiration Theory.
  2. Check out your personal love direction according to your kua number (based on your birthdate) to activate your Nien Yen direction. This is in accordance with 8 Mansions Theory of Feng Shui. Activation using this method will successfully create excellent marriage happiness chi for you. This is also the location to activate new love luck for those who have same sexual preference.
  3. For women and men trying to secure an existing relationship from being broken, display it in your personal nien yen direction (not your partner’s) according to your kua number.
  4. For couples who stay together, this is the perfect amulet to be hung in the bedroom to generate long lasting love and a successful relationship.
  5. Display the amulet beside your bed or in prominent areas of the living room to create happy energy, harmony among family members and newly weds in a household.
  6. Display it in the location of the house where the annual Romance Star #4 locates to activate and boost “love chi” for a particular year.
  7. You may apply the Peach Blossom Formula:
    • If you are a Rabbit, Sheep or Pig, display it in the North.
    • If you are Rat, Dragon or Monkey, display it in the West.
    • If you are Ox, Snake or Rooster, display it in the South.
    • If you are Tiger, Horse or Dog, display it in the East.
Get Rich and Fortunate Through Period 9 Wed, 22 Nov 2023 12:36:05 +0000 Get Rich and Fortunate Through Period 9 Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.15x0.1x2.15in Primary; 7.5in length Weight: 43g ID: 24-AM-03]]> This amulet features the God of Wealth, also known as Chai Shen Yeh who is unsurpassed in bestowing riches on those who carry his symbol. The full name for this primary chinese God of Wealth is Li Gui Zu. He is also known as Cai Bo Xing Jun, Zeng Fu Xiang Gong, Zeng Fu Cai Shen or Fu Shan Ping Shi Gong. Legend has it that he was a special envoy, Star Venus, of Great Jade Emperor being sent down to earth to help mankind. In heavenly realm, his responsibility is to take charge and control the wealth in Heaven and on also Human Realm. He takes care of distributing money from heaven to earth. He pacifies all financial difficulties, removes all obstacles that block you from obtaining wealth along your way and helps you cope with financial difficulties you may encounter in everyday life. Carrying his amulet in Period 9 translates to powerful divine help that enables you to prosper at greater speed and snowball your wealth. Ambitious minded people wishing to become millionaire or money masters can only have your dreams realized if you honor the God of Wealth. 

Featured on the other side of the amulet are Chinese characters Jiu Yun Fa Chai Zhi Fu connoting “Get Rich and Fortunate Through Period 9”. The salient features and the importance of other auspicious symbols on the amulet can be explained and elaborated as follows each of them connoting auspicious meanings and powerful bliss:

  1. Money Bag – a bag full of new money found. A universal symbol of new prosperity.
  2. Taoist Incantation of Prosperity – materializes money luck.
  3. Taoist Incantation of Quiren – brings benefactor’s luck.
  4. Treasure Chest – Symbol of great abundance and flourishing wealth.
  5. Richman’s Mansion –  It is a powerful symbol of everlasting wealth and abundance.
  6. Tangerine – Signifying gold, the tangerine always take the lead as the most auspicious fruit to usher in good fortune, wealth and peace.
  7. Mystic Knot – signifying wealth that lasts unendingly.

Note: This item  is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Rich Wealth God symbolizes and how to display this deity?
Li Gui Zu was born in Zi Chuan District in Shandong Province on 17th of 9th Lunar Month. During the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei period, he was working as a country magistrate. He brought great benefit to the folks, such as dredging the rivers, control the salinity of water, often took out his own salary to help the poor. He also had a frugal live. He was an honest and upright official well loved by the people. After he passed away, people in his community build a temple to worship him. His good deeds recorded in history text also led to further conferring of more Titles by future officials. During the 2nd Year reign of Wu De Emperor of Tang Dynasty (619 A.D), Tang Gao Zong conferred Li Gui Zu the Title: God of Wealth – Cai Bo Xing Jun. During the reign of Emperor Ming Zong of Later Tang Dynasty (926 A.D), Li Gui Zu was conferred the Title: Gods Of Increasing Blessing – Shen Jun Zheng Fu Xiang Gong. During the Yuan Dynasty (1271 – 1368) , Li Gui Zu was conferred the Title: Fu Shan Ping Shi Gong.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet
One can display the amulet in the following areas:

  1. Display the Rich Wealth God in your living or family rooms, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate and enhance your wealth luck.
  2. Display the Rich Wealth God facing your entrance so that you can see him as you enter to invite wealth and multiple fortune luck into your homes at chi entry points. He will help transform all kinds of chi to become prosperity chi.
  3. Display the Rich Wealth God in your office and shop to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.
  4. Display the Rich Wealth God in the Northwest sector to activate your financial support luck for money attracting opportunities.
  5. Display in the car to ensure you are always being filled with wealth energy, speculative luck and never a long term loser.
  6. To magnify your wealth opportunities, windfall and speculative luck in life, display in your sheng chi direction and SE universal wealth corner in your home or workplace.
  7. Hang the amulet inside your maindoor’s doorknobs or bedroom’s doorknobs to make sure every time your door is opened the speculative luck enters into your space.
  8. Place the amulet together with your lottery tickets, share certificates etc to increase chances of getting good gains.
  9. Those who are conducting sales or business can display this amulet at your cash register.

Note: Kindly do not display in the kitchen, on the floor and in toilet areas.

Thrive Vibrantly Amulet Wed, 22 Nov 2023 10:59:36 +0000 Thrive Vibrantly (Wong Tai Sin) Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.15x0.1x2.7in Primary; 8in length Weight: 49g ID: 24-AM-12]]> If one has a small budget and desires to only get one single amulet to transform for the better, this is highly recommended for you. Featuring Taoist Deity Wong Tai Sin popular in Hong Kong with the power of healing and consecrated by his magical taoist incantation, the amulet helps you to materialize all your wishes and thrive even in challenging times. To thrive is to be in tip top health, to prosper, to be fortunate and successful. It gives you positive transformation that lets you flourish vibrantly in all areas of life. On the other hand, the Double Dragon Tortoises pacify all negativities, remove all obstacles along your way and help you cope with difficulties you may encounter in everyday life. The reverse side presents to you the Number One answer from a sacred oracle lot, which is the rarest 1/100th chance and best of all answers to a divination. The abstract answer is related to Chou dynasty’s king who went to see Chiang Thye Kong for an advice before he became the king. Chiang Thye Kong‘s advice was that everything would be excellent, where Dragon and Tiger were to be seen together both at the same time which was auspicious.And the outlook would be filled with luxury where he would become an emperor and all bad events will be left behind in the path forward. This translates to the following luck that you will be blessed with:

  1. Your year will be better than the last. Everything that you had lost will be gained back this year.
  2. Your career will meet with many benefactors.
  3. Everything you do will see profitable outcome.
  4. Wealth wise, you will see excellent harvest.
  5. You will grow and develop rigorously where wisdom is gained.
  6. Your health will be good throughout all the four seasons. Even small diseases will pass by.
  7. Your family will see harmony and potentially see a new born joining your family.
  8. Your marriage will see happiness. Those who have lost the relationship opportunity previously will see you finding a new love.
  9. For those who is intend to move to another place will see new opportunities knocking on your door.
  10. Your reputation will be good and well accepted by everyone.
  11. Your friendship will be excellent. Villains will stay away. Your social linkage and bondage will increase.

“When one holds on to the “Seong Seong Chim” (Fortune Stick of Highest Hierarchy) it expresses the sentiment that one can PROCEED with any form of undertaking irrespective of whether the year’s or any period’s fortune is good or bad for him (according to his bazi or zodiac luck. With this “Thrive Rigorously Amulet”, you will experience a smooth path uninterrupted by setbacks, bad luck or sufferings. You will be injected with a dose of immunity to bad luck or misfortune. When you are at your lowest point of a cross road, this talisman promises that you will experience a reversal from shock where things will turnaround for the better. Your wishes will materialize where you see successful outcome from your endeavor. It is also important to begin a new chapter of your life with the amulet to ensure that good luck is always shining at your constellation, as it provides immunity for zodiacs which are pre-destined to suffer from problems due to the visiting of negative stars. It helps protect you against fortune reversal, transforms bad luck into good luck rapidly and magnifies good luck into even better luck. If you have been facing hardship for a while, this amulet actually generates better health luck, wealth luck, relationship luck and good fortune in all areas of your life.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

What is a Fortune Stick?
Fortune Stick divination (“Kau Chim“) is a chinese fortune telling practice of requesting answers from the sacred oracle lot. It is based on the Book of Changes (I Ching). Fortune Sticks are a number of flat sticks stored in a bucket. Numbers in chinese characters are inscribed on the sticks. This method of fortune telling involves shaking the bucket full of bamboo sticks numbered 1 to 78 in such a manner that just one number would jump out of the bucket. This number would then be ones fortune and a fortune teller would be required to explain it. There are five levels of fortunes, from excellent, good, mid, to bad and disastrous. Before one shakes the bucket, one must think of a “wish”. The luck and outcome of the wish will be foretold by the fate of the message corresponding to that fortune stick.

Wong Tai Sin
Wong Tai Sin or Huang Daxian is the divine form of Huang Chuping or Wong Cho Ping (c. 328 – c. 386), a Taoist hermit from Jinhua during the Eastern Jin dynasty. According to the text Self-Description of Chisongzi (“Master Red Pine”), Wong Tai Sin was born Huang Chuping (Wong Cho Ping in Cantonese) in 328 in Lanxi, Jinhua, Zhejiang province. Western sources have him listed at c. 284 to 364 CE. Wong Cho Ping is said to have experienced poverty and hunger, becoming a shepherd when he was eight years old. He began practising Taoism at the age of fifteen after meeting an immortal or saintly person on Red Pine Mountain in his hometown. Legend has it that he was able to transform stones into sheep forty years later. Wong Tai Sin later became known as the Red Pine Immortal, after the mountain where he had his hermitage, and his birthday is celebrated on the 23rd of the eighth lunar month.

There is a Wong Tai Sin temple in modern Hong Kong today and Wong Tai Sin district is named after the deity. Today, Sik Sik Yuen is an educational and charitable foundation that, true to Leung’s origins as a healer, runs a free clinic. In Hong Kong, there is one MTR station named after Wong Tai Sin and there is a Wong Tai Sin Temple. Many tourists from all over the world visit Wong Tai Sin Temple every day.

Where to display

  1. It is best to carry along this amulet with you to maximize the benefits. However, if it is not convenient, then you can display it either by your bed, on your work desk or in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  2. Hang the amulet at your workdesk or in the north location of your home to ensure your career path will be a smooth one, your difficult projects are accomplished without obstacles.
  3. For those who had been going through rough times in your personal life, hang the amulet in your personal sheng chi direction.
  4. For those who desire to have a smooth life and avoid any potential problems in the upcoming year, hang it in prominent areas of your home such as your living room and dining room.
Lady of Nine Heavens Mini Plaque Sat, 18 Nov 2023 07:32:37 +0000 Goddess of Period 9  - Energy Infused Material:Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolor Enamelled Dimension(in): 2.1x0.1x2.1in Plaque; 2.1x1x0.6in Acrylic Base Weight: 57g ID:24-AM-05]]> Featuring the Lady of Nine Heavens, this mini plaque that functions both as a display plaque as well as a carry-along amulet is a Talisman of Period 9.

Known to be the heavenly guardian of feng shui or simply the Feng Shui Goddess, the Lady of Nine Heavens is also the Goddess of Period 9 because her main vehicle is the phoenix. Her role is to bless one with good feng shui luck. She has powerful control over all manner of feng shui on earth. She has the ability to perform 1000 changes for the better and remedy 10000 problematic situations.

Displaying or carrying this mini plaque is equivalent to having someone who lends an unseen but beneficial helping influence to remove all feng shui “poisons” magically and safeguard you from misfortunes. She bestows safety from premature death and offers supreme protection against all forces that threaten your safety.

  1. The mini plaque is consecrated by a taoist incantation that remedies mishaps, disasters, accidents and negativities.
  2. Equally powerful, the Big Dipper symbol is said to arrange the fate of everyone, be it good or bad. Also known as Northern Polar Stars, the cluster of stars controls and handles the world’s fortune. Taoists place high importance in Big Dipper’s power.
  3. Also featured are the Four Celestial Guardians. Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a house that has the exterior environmental forms and landscape supported by these creatures. Carrying along their images will make up their absence in your home environment. They will look after family safety, prevent dangers and regulate your career, wealth, health, power and fame.

All-in-all, auspicious energies will be at work creating an invisible aura of protection.  Being the Goddess of Period 9, inviting her will ensure a flawless transition into the fire period with #9’s boundless opportunities, less volatility, long lasting good fortune and strong protection. Used annually throughout the 20-year period those whose zodiac forecast hinting that you are vulnerable to misfortune will require this amulet to reverse the bad luck.

Furthermore, the reasons to display her image in your house are aplenty. The Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens (better known in chinese as “Jiu Tian Xuan Nv”) is the Goddess of Feng Shui who introduced feng shui to mankind. She descended to earth with the “luopan compass” and the “Three Great Books” (Qi Men Dun Jia, Tai Yi Shen Shu and Liu Ren Shen Ke). If you are desperately in need of good feng shui for your home, worry no more! In situations where you cannot enjoy desirable landscape, form and flying stars, these imperfections can be casted away by her. Her presence ensures that the surrounding cosmic energies gets in sync to boost your feng shui.

Her presence can bring many favorable outcomes:

  1. To correct many hard-to-remedy problems associated to poor feng shui.
  2. To increase female luck and martriarch’s luck.
  3. To impart winning strategies in career and academic.
  4. To boost the learning journey of feng shui enthusiasts.
  5. To renew the auras of Feng Shui Masters and Energy People.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens
”Jiu Tian” means nine heavens. Nine heavens means boundless heaven or universe. “Xuan” means phoenix. Legend says she came to earth riding on a phoenix. “Nv” means lady. Translated into English, her name becomes the Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens. She rides on the phoenix as her vehicle because she is the disciple of the West Queen Mother (Xi Hwang Mu). The Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens (also known as Lady Ba) was sent by the West Queen Mother (Xi Hwang Mu) from the heaven during a critical war by the Yellow Emperor against his rebel field marshall Chih Yue. The rebel Chih Yue used many dirty tactics to supplant the Yellow Emperor. One of the most threatening tactics was the “black storm” to blind the Yellow Emperor’s forces. They lost many settlements because of lost in directions. It was during this critical period that the Lady of Nine Heavens presented the luopan to the Yellow Emperor to successfully defeat Chih Yue. Besides, the Lady of Nine Heavens was also known to be a close advisor to the Yellow Emperor in paving way to the invention of the Magic Square, feng shui of the city and agriculture of the country. She imparted the knowledge of the Three Great Books to the Yellow Emperor. These books (Qi Men Dun Jia, Tai Yi shen shu and Liu Ren Shen Ke) possessed great “SECRETS” for power. Learning from these books, the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) during 2500BC defeated four other emperors from four cardinal directions, namely north (Black Emperor), south (Red Emperor), east (Green Emperor) and west (White Emperor). He later conquered all of China. He was also the first emperor who studied in depth about land contours, built cities that successfully avoided flood and established building rules.

The Lady of Nine Heavens later became known to be the heavenly guardian of feng shui or simply the Feng Shui Goddess. Her role is to bless one with good feng shui luck and drawing good energy from the earth for mankind. She has powerful control over all manner of feng shui on earth. She has been popularly worshipped in Chinese temples for over 4500 years till today to usher in good feng shui luck. Mediums today even claimed that the Lady of Nine Heavens now had attained higher enlightenment as a Pu’sa. Her statues are normally shown to be holding the luopan, the wulou or a flying whisk.

The followings elaborate further about the benefits of inviting the Lady of Nine Heavens into your homes.

  1. To correct many hard-to-remedy problems associated to poor feng shui. Houses that have hard-to-remedy feng shui problems can be cured by displaying her statue or image in the living room. Houses that have poor external landscape, complex interiors, odd shaped buildings, improper orientation, lousy directions, poor ventilation, polluted “chi” and bad flying stars will need her assistance. Her image should appear in prominent areas such as the living room and facing towards the maindoor to protect the household against bad feng shui. In essence, her presence will solve ones worries and frustrations about their bad feng shui.
  2. To increase female luck and martriarch’s luck. To increase female luck, authority and dominance, one can choose to display her statue at your personal sheng chi location or the universal matriarch corner in the southwest.
  3. To impart winning strategies in career and academic. She is the master of the Three Great Books (“bibles” of china). One can display her statue at the “fu wei” direction according to your kua number or at the Annual Literary Star #4 sector or at the universal knowledge corner in the northeast.
  4. To boost the learning journey of feng shui enthusiasts. Beginners who are hoping to pick up feng shui quickly will also benefit with her guidance. Those who prefer the “do-it-yourself” approach can obtain spiritual enlightenment from her blessings. With her presence, feng shui knowledge will be drawn to you, where one will discover important findings that link to each other like a chain. If you accidentally press a wrong link on internet search, it will lead you to a vital piece of information.
  5. To renew the auras of Feng Shui Masters and Energy People. Feng Shui masters and practitioners will consider her image compulsory to guide them on continuous improvement and attaining higher acquisition in mastering feng shui knowledge. Feng shui masters will normally have her image in their office or home for protection against any harm due to their work that provoke forces of nature. Not everyone belongs to the energy world, therefore spiritual support and blessings is most of the time required. She is the Goddess of Feng Shui and blesses all feng shui masters and practitioners who acquire blessings from her. Feng shui masters need to rejuvanate their own energy because they provoke the forces of nature in their audit works. In the energy world, heavenly blessings is vital.

It is also worth taking note that houses that have their facing direction or maindoor facing in the directions of LINES OF EMPTINESS would in particular require to invite the Lady of Nine Heavens to correct the problem. Display Her image facing the maindoor or the facing direction. Lines of emptiness are actually transitional middle point between a cardinal direction and secondary direction. Such type of houses normally project a major problem according to the Flying Stars theory. The directions of lines of emptiness are as follows:

  1. Transition between south to southwest: 202.5 degrees
  2. Transition between southwest to west: 247.5 degrees
  3. Transition between west to northwest: 292.5 degrees
  4. Transition between northwest to north: 337.5 degrees
  5. Transition between north to northeast: 22.5 degrees
  6. Transition between northeast to east: 67.5 degrees
  7. Transition between east to southeast: 112.5 degrees
  8. Transition between southeast to south: 157.5 degrees

Note: Since she is quite highly ranked in the heaven, respect is required where the mini plaque cannot be displayed in storage rooms and toilets.

2024 Tai Sui Talisman Wed, 15 Nov 2023 12:42:47 +0000 2024 Tai Sui Talisman - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Genuine 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in):2.0x0.1x2.8in primary piece; Total length of amulet 8.2in Weight: 44g ID: 24-AM-01 (24-AM-02 refers to 2024 Tai Sui Plaque)]]>

Unmistakeable in inspiration and undeniably contemporary, our design for this new charm is driven by its origin myth. As we continue to assume the lead role in making the best traditional Tai Sui amulets over the years, this quintessential 2024 Grand Duke Charm (Tai Sui Talisman) has improved in esthetics, colors, finishing, quality and reliability. It provides powerful protection and safeguard against many dangers from the Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui). Distinctive motifs of stylised pair of Pi Yao grace the amulet as stylishly as they mark the occasions of appeasing the grand duke. Similar to previous years, we continue to incorporate the authentic current year’s “Tai Sui Mantra” onto it for genuine protection. Every year, the Tai Sui Mantra is different due to a different duke taking over the role. This protective talisman also combines with the symbols of Six “Longbi”s and lucky fans to blow away misfortunes. For added power, the presence of Five Element symbols will be beneficial for any unbalanced “personal bazi chart” and “annual bazi chart”, where by having them it will bring the basket of elements back into balance so that wealth and good fortune can manifest. This Grand Duke charm is best carried along and hung in ones personal bedroom, workplace and car for protection against mishaps. In 2024, the following zodiacs may require this charm:


Besides certain zodiacs linked to him, those whose chinese names having the same strokes as his will also be offending him and will suffer from emotional set backs due to pressure, lawsuit, sickness, quarrel and fight.

This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

The Tai Sui for the Year of DRAGON

The Tai Sui of 2024 (Jia Chen Dragon Year) is represented by the Great General Li Cheng.

Born during the Yuan Dynasty, in which the empire built schools for Confucian scholars, issued paper money, revived Chinese rituals, and endorsed policies that stimulated agricultural and commercial growth, Li Cheng was a polished imperial court official.

Growing up in Wei Nan province, he was a devoted son who was sincere and uncomplicated. As a court official of great diligence, he had been dutiful and showed excellent judgement in all aspects of governance. With a tender heart, he had administered with morality when it came to sentencing the wrong doers.

Also a visionary person, he had been instrumentally contributing towards agricultural development to ensure food was sufficient for his people. Knowing that knowledge was key for raising the standard of living for the people, he set up many institutions of learning. He had also transformed the civil service into one that is skilled and impartial where all officials had high respect for him. His leadership had led towards a strong presence of law and order where criminals were kept at bay throughout his era. Even opposing officials were afraid to interfere with his decisions.

He managed to stamp out the invasion of He Nan border by foreign tribes and stabilized the border. His collection of funds in a fair manner from country folks according to ones affordability to finance the military had earned him glorification from people from all walks of life. The poor offered food while the rich offered weapons as the people believed he could provide them with peace and stability once the war over.  

Later on before his retirement, his biggest accomplishment was his ability to give his people a prosperous period.

His life experiences translate to year of possible invasions been stamped out, changes for the better in governing bodies, fairness in administration and stability in economic affairs. Food supplies around the world will be stabilized and taxes will be channeled appropriately to correct aspects. Everyone should be able to benefit from economic recovery. As usual a few zodiac signs will suffer from his wrath this year. Besides certain zodiacs linked to him, those whose Chinese names having the same strokes as his will also be offending him and will suffer from emotional setbacks due to pressure, lawsuit, sickness, quarrel and fight.

Zodiacs facing “Disagreement” with the Tai Sui are OX, RABBIT, DRAGON and DOG

To check for which zodiac one is born under, one will have to follow the Solar Calendar. There are many zodiacs in disagreement with the Tai Sui in 2024 and they are the OX, RABBIT, DRAGON and DOG. The disagreements (in descending order of severity) are further termed as Conflicting Tai Sui, Offending Tai Sui, Torturing Tai Sui, Harming Tai Sui, Breaking Tai Sui and Damaging Tai Sui which we will be discussing in greater detail in the following paragraphs.

Conflicting/Confronting Tai Sui – The DOG conflicts the Tai Sui in 2024. It means the DOG confronts the Tai Sui directly from the opposite direction like in “wrestling position” with the Tai Sui. Remember, no one can win a fight with the Tai Sui because he will be the victorious wrestler of the year. This kind of energy conflict is the fiercest of all. It implies high risk, crisis, inconsistency in fortune and difficulty in every aspect. Problems associated to such a disagreement are for example the death of a loved family member, accidents, injuries, death, hospitalization, money loss, bankruptcy, demotion and losing a job. There will also be possible changes in the love relationship, therefore one has to exercise caution. Therefore, the DOG should consider donating their blood and doing more charity in 2024.

Offending Tai Sui – The DRAGON offends the Tai Sui in 2024. The seriousness of offending Tai Sui will be considered as 2nd to conflicting the Tai Sui. Those who offend the Tai Sui will feel weak for the whole year and suffers from bad temper which results in poor human relationship. They will frequently fall sick, get wounded, pessimistic, feel restless and suffer from love problems. Therefore one has to exercise regularly and eat nutritiously. One should also not stay out for late nites because a lot of evil things can happen to one when the luck is not good.

Torturing Tai Sui – The SHEEP tortures the Tai Sui in 2024. When torturing the Tai Sui, the year spells no good harvest. There will a lot of contradictory problems afflicting them. Gossips, scandals, disharmony, badmouthing, emotional instability and bad relationship with people are going to be a norm at work and even hard work will not pay off well at the end. Crisis after crisis will occur. Crisis implies troubles, obstructions, failures in investments and blood mishaps. Therefore this is going to be a non-fruitful year for those torturing the Tai Sui. The whole year will just go to waste. The best is to stay low profile. They can also learn up meditation and pick up some spiritual paths.

Harming Tai Sui – The RABBIT harms (pokes) the Tai Sui in 2024. It simply means incompatiblity. When the Tai Sui is harmed, one will not do well simply because they cannot connect well with the rest of the eleven other zodiacs. They cannot get along with anyone, always in confrontation mode and will face difficulty at work. Their public image will become tarnished and this will be a major disadvantage for those who are in politics, showbiz, business and doing sales. Gossips and troublemakers are aplenty making them difficult to concentrate on getting more important things done.

Breaking Tai Sui – The OX breaks the Tai Sui in 2024. This affliction will result in one’s life going haywire and behaving in a disorderly manner. Although it is the lightest affliction, it cannot be ignored by all means else it will magnified to become bad. The slightest mistake will bring financial losses. For example one is going to get speeding tickets, fined for drunk driving, investigated by authorities for wrongdoings etc. Therefore, the OX will have to be extra tactful and careful in the year 2024.


Bao Qingtian Amulet Sun, 11 Dec 2022 12:22:27 +0000 Bao Qingtian Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in):1.5x0.1x2.7in primary piece; 0.7x0.1x1.1in secondary piece; 9.6in length total Weight: 46g ID: 23-AM-04]]> Often portrayed wearing a judge miter hat and a crescent moon on his forehead, this ancient court judge is Bao Qingtian (包青天), popularly known as the metaphor for justice. Respected for his sense of justice and uprightness, his amulet ensures you get fair treatment and the opponent subjected to proper punishment in all forms of dispute. It can be a contention with the authority, enforcer, neighbour, tax department, partner, spouse, manager, police, merchant, service provider, consultant, housing developer etc. The contention can mean something as small as a verbal fight, written complaint and mental war, or something more serious such as a legal action and court case. If you are the subject of unfair treatment, the amulet ensures you gain clever defense, enable you to counter powerful suppression, make you undefeatable and paving towards sensible conclusion that is favorable to you. If you are suing in court, the amulet gives you the power to win the court case with justified punishment imposed on the opponent, a trial that is conducted fairly, justly, and with procedural regularity by an impartial judge. If you are a defendant, you will gain the advantage to rebut the opposition’s evidence and the presence of an impartial jury, and the judge’s freedom from bias. It ensures that all problems associated your litigation will be removed. Also functioning as an anti-lawsuit amulet, if you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, your opponent will be compelled to scale back or drop charges against you.

On the other side of the amulet, the Chilin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog counter the effects of Triple Conflicts and the Three Killings when they attack ones zodiac constellation. These divine creatures can wield their miraculous powers to dispel the “three robbers” (3-Killings). The 3-Killings imply loss of good name, loss of wealth and loss of health/life. Other salient features can be explained as follows:

  1. Taoist Talisman of “Winning Court Cases” – Assists anyone who is facing a legal problem thrive in the case or attain a favorable settlement.
  2. Manjushri Mantra – Promotes peace of mind and invoke the ability to counter conflicts with wisdom.
  3. Hotu Pattern – Is used to remedy ALL flying star problems you are facing and in turn promote only fortunate and lucky energy. It was recorded seen by Fu Hsi and was the only key to unlock many of the secrets of Flying Star feng shui.

The shape of the amulet is in the form of a vase. The vase is a powerful symbol of peace and mercy. It signifies a life free of hostility and quarrels. Meanwhile the petite lion head cymbal protects you from being harmed. The chinese characters Shang Fang Bao Jian (尚方宝剑) and Xian Zhan Hou Zou (先斩后奏) connotes “unstoppable justice is served”.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Bao Qingtian

Bao Zheng (包拯; 5 March 999 – 3 July 1062), commonly known as Bao Gong (包公; ‘Lord Bao’), was a Chinese politician during the reign of Emperor Renzong in China’s Song Dynasty. Bao Zheng was known to have initiated many legal reforms to better hear the grievances of the people. He also unhesitantly sentenced tens of corrupted officers. Bao Zheng’s name and titles are synonymous with criminal justice and upright governance. Pure, orthodox and incorruptible, Judge Bao has been serving as the preeminent embodiment of justice for almost a thousand years. Tackling abuse of power and corruption as endemic in the courts and bureaucratic service, Judge Bao imposed the rule of law even on the emperor.

During his twenty-five years in civil service, Bao consistently demonstrated extreme honesty and uprightness, with actions such as sentencing his own uncle, impeaching an uncle of Emperor Renzong’s favourite concubine and punishing powerful but corrupt aristocratic families. His appointment from 1057 to 1058 as the prefect of Song’s capital Kaifeng, where he initiated a number of changes to better hear the grievances of the people, made him a legendary figure. During his years in office, he gained the honorific title Justice Bao Qingtian (包青天) due to his ability to help peasants overcome corruption.

Bao Zheng was born into a scholar family in Shenxian, Hefei, Luzhou (present day Feidong County near Hefei, Anhui). As Bao grew up among low working class, he well understood people’s hardships, hated corruption and strongly desired for justice. At the age of 29, Bao passed the highest-level imperial examination and became qualified as a Jinshi. Bao was appointed as magistrate of Jianchang County, but he deferred embarking on his official career for a decade in order to care for his elderly parents and faithfully observe proper mourning rites after their deaths.

After the passing of his parents, Bao Zheng, then 39, was appointed magistrate of Tianchang County not far from his hometown. It was here that Bao first established his reputation as an astute judge. According to an anecdote, a man once reported that his ox’s tongue had been sliced out. Bao told him to return and slaughter the ox for sale. Soon another man arrived in court and accused the first man of privately slaughtering a “beast of burden”, an offense punishable by a year of penal servitude. Bao bellowed: “Why did you cut his ox’s tongue and then accuse him?” In shock, the culprit had to confess.

Chi Lin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog

The Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using Pi Yao over Chi Lin because Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Fu Dog is actually a lion, popularly known as defender of law and protector of buildings. The Fu Dog provides ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, brings in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate. Besides being an important protector, the lion is also a generator of good fortune because it has the strength of being able to swallow any tough animal in the rough jungle.

Three Killings

The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings. 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, potential injuries and death. The 3-Killings bring three types of misfortune related to loss or reversal of good fortune. The affliction causes loss of wealth, loss of loved ones and loss of good name. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three protective guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui.

Traditionally, the 3 Celestial Creatures have been used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2023, the WEST is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac ROOSTER will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of MONKEY and DOG will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2023, the EAST is the facing direction. Therefore, the RABBIT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet

It is best to carry along this amulet tagged on your bag. If this is not feasible, you can also display this amulet in the following sectors for protection:

  1. You can display by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. You can display it in the living room or center of the house facing the main door.
  3. You can display it facing the afflicted energies that cause legal problems and troublemakers. For example, in 2023 the WEST will give such energies.