Bells, Flutes & Abacus – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:58:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Gold Abacus Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:17:02 +0000 Gold Abacus - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Brass Dimension(in): 3.5x1.9x0.4 in Abacus; 4.6x3.3x1.2in Base Weight: 237g ID: SL24021]]> The abacus is a calculating and numerical recording tool that was once widely used in East Asia.  It is a harbinger of new income streams, abundance in wealth and successful financial pivotings. It was traditionally used in computing for income and expenditures. Used by merchants and traders to keep track of daily sales, it is thus associated with healthy income streams and managing savings. The abacus connotes having so much sales in your business that you would require its assistance to total up the sum instead of doing the summation mentally. For doctors, the abacus help them in their prescriptions of herbs. Made from strong brass, the beads can produce metal tones when you shake the abacus. Each time you shake it, it will bring you incredible business opportunities, rising sales and income stream. Therefore, start off your day with good business by shaking it hard!!! 

Note: The item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Abacus symbolizes?
In China, in outlying towns or more backward areas, you might see one lying around or actually used if you go into a shop. You might find older people using them. Up until calculators and teller machines became so cheap in China, they were widely used. Shop keepers used them to tally figures. The abacus is called “suanpan” (算盤, calculating pan) in China. It was mentioned in a 2nd century BC Chinese document, and versions may have been used for thousands of years prior. The Chinese kind has beads strung on wires or thin wood rods. There is a divider that separates the left and right strings of beads. The Chinese kind has two beads on the rods on one side and 5 beads on the rods on the other side of the divider. Chinese abacuses are designed to allow for hexadecimal computation. These suanpans can be used for doing division, multiplication and for taking square roots and cube roots as well if the user knows the techniques. Thinking of ringing in more sales? Yes, the abacus is the answer, as this auspicious symbol is used by tycoons, businessmen, shop owners and financial planners to signify too many numbers to calculate in their income. The abacus placed on your desk or cashiers will multiply your sales profits and boost your business transactions. For those who are seeking to increase your skills in the fields of mathematics, accountancy, science and engineering, placing an abacus on the study table can enhance your competency.

Where to display?

  1. Display it in your living or family rooms, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate your wealth luck.
  2. Display it facing your entrance so that you can see it as you enter to invite wealth and fortune into your homes at chi entry points.
  3. Display it in your office and shop to ring in more sales and achieve more financial success.
  4. Display it in the Northwest to activate tycoon’s luck for the partriarch.
  5. To increase ones personal wealth luck, one should display it at your personal zodiac direction to improve your personal luck:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW


“Big Money” Bell Mon, 28 Nov 2022 12:24:31 +0000 "Big Money" Bell - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: 18K Gold Plated, Rose Gold Plated, Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.7x2.7x6.7in Bell; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 328g ID: 23-AF-02]]> The “Big Wealth” bell embodies 3 important symbols translating into 3 steps for harnessing substantial wealth that lasts a lifetime. It features:

  1. The Money Tree that “generates” wealth.
  2. The Fu Lin Lion that “protects” against wealth loss.
  3. The Infinity Dragons that “grows” your wealth into a big wealth.

Consecrating the bell is the Yellow Jhambala Mantra. Each time you ring the bell that contains the mantra, you are practising his mantra and invoking divine help to create wealth. Also portrayed is a pair of carps, which is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols in Buddhism that denotes prosperity. There are also two twirling round discs. The first has the auspicious character “Chao Chai Jing Bao” which connotes attracting money and welcoming treasures. The other character “Huang Jing Wan Liang” expresses the sentiment “ten thousand tahil of pure gold”. In ancient times, only the royal families, officials and tycoons were able to possess this much of gold! Today, this is equivalent to millions or even billions. The second disc has the image of “Daheitian” Wealth God who blesses one in business success.  The other Wealth God is “Chai Shen Yeh” who takes care of distributing money from heaven to earth.

There is rarely any single wealth enhancer that can surpass the bell in terms of magnetizing money quickly. This being the reason why when an ice cream peddler rings his bell, it easily attracts attention from passers-by.  People would buy the ice cream even if there is no arising need to have one. In Taoist feng shui practice, ringing the bell actually calls upon divine help. Powerful divine help enables you to anticipate new financial territories and opportunities that can fuel your finances for a more optimistic wealth outlook. Each time you feel your finances are stagnant or down, ring this bell to bring in streams of new income. It will carry you to greater heights and allow you to step into the truely fortunate path for maximum wealth success. With the ability to accelerate financial growth, the type of wealth here refers to both mainstream income and irregular income. It is the best enhancer for #8 White Star (annual star #8, water star #8 or mountain star#8).

The item comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

Money Tree

“Yao Qian Shu” (literally means “shaking money tree”) is a money tree laden with coins that grows in the heaven. The Money Tree is the gathering place of money dragons. It is from this tree that the Jade Emperor and Five Gods of Wealth will distribute the wealth to mankind. Therefore the Money Tree actually resembles the “ultimate source” of all big wealth. The Money Tree is a universal motif of a great “world tree” ascending from earth to heaven and found in the paradise gardens of the heaven. This form of heavenly tree is laden with beautiful blossoms and unending money motifs, radiating divine light and appear to be as brilliant as precious jewels. It is the most fundamental divine pillar of wealth in feng shui. It implies financial strength and not just money earned randomly. Earning/winning money randomly does not imply financial strength. Financial strength enables one to be able to retire luxuriously and resist any forms of instability in the long term. The tree generates financial success, enable you to earn higher incomes and build greater fortunes. It showers you with money, bountiful amounts of money, multiplying, duplicating, replenishing itself, infinite money, recreating money effortlessly where money rush to you. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing abundance and initiate the journey to riches. Infinite money awaits you each day and endless opportunities and blessings will come your way. Money accelerates to you explosively and rapidly.

Fu Lin Lion

Buddha’s tame lion would “follow his heels like a faithful dog”, according to the legend. According to an oft-repeated legend, this is no ordinary lion. Long ago a lion fell in love with a marmoset. The disparity in their sizes made this an impossible love, so the heart-sore lion asked Ah Chu, the protector of animals, to shrink him down to the size of a marmoset so that the two animals could marry. Only his heart remained its original size. From this union, the Lion Dog (Fu Lin) was born. With the spread of Buddhism to China, the status of Fu Dog were elevated during the reign of Emperor Zhangdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty due to the religion’s high regard for them. Therefore, you will find the fu dog statues abundantly available in the chinese palace and the emperors consider breeding pekingese dogs as the real form of fu dogs. With the power to drive away evil, Fu Dogs are popularly known as the defender of law and protector of homes. Fu Dogs provide ultimate protection from theft and robbery, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations. It is seen as the symbol of power and strength because of its ability to eat up the tiger and leopard besides having the ability to suppress and expel evil forces.

Infinity Dragons

The “Power of Infinite 8” is related to a few possible positive meanings. It could mean “without end”, “the largest possible number”, “furthest possible distance” or “bigger than the biggest that you can think of”. It simply links to “unboundedness” or “no limit”. In philosophy, infinity can be attributed to space and time which is very much attached to Feng Shui philosophy as well. Often philosophers link the symbol to “ultimate”, “absolute” or even “God”. It usually represents a sense of being without any constraint. Chinese have used this symbol abundantly for over 2000 years as in number “8” and it is probably the most wanted number of all. “8” means “fatt” (prosper) in Chinese.  Double Dragons are synonymous to attracting plenty of money into your life, as well as noble people you need to support you in sales and business. Doors will automatically open for you, and help will somehow find their way into your life. When Double Dragons are present, you will attain success in all goals you have set yourself upon. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward. It is a symbol of ultimate blessings. Practitioners often use the double dragons as a metaphor of success to materialize success for new beginnings.

Yellow Jhambala Mantra

According to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality. When one is rich, he frees himself from worrying about poverty and can exercise generosity with an unselfish attitude to help others.

Double Carps

Portraying perseverance and determination, the carp is a tough fish that could resist big currents in China’s ancient Yellow River. The carp is able to persistently resist hardship, swim upstream and rapidly jump above the tides to reach the heaven, denoting great achievement in ones pursuit or high ambition. Although the carp is often being associated to scholastic success and literary luck, it is also a potent emblem of happy outcome, joyful marriage, sufficient fortune and prosperity.


Daheitian is known as Mahakala in Tibet. He is believed to be Lord Siva in India. While in Japan, he is one of the seven wealthgods in Japan. Some Buddhists believe He is the the manifestation of Kwan Yin Pusa to bless wealth on earth. Daheitian normally wears a black head scarf. On one of his arm, he carries a wooden hammer. And on the other shoulder, there is a sack of wealth bag. Under His feet, there are two rice bags. Wealthgod Daheitian started to be worshipped about 1200 years ago by general laymen in Tibet after they found out the secret of survivability of 3000 monks in an ancient Monastery. The monks focused on attaining enlightenment and without having to worry about financial acquisition because the monastery was self sustainable with the blessings from the Daheitian.

Chai Shen Yeh

God of Wealth, also known as Chai Shen Yeh is widely believed to bestow on his devotees the riches carried about by his attendants. The Full Name for Main Chinese God of Wealth is Li Gui Zu. He is also known as Cai Bo Xing Jun, Zeng Fu Xiang Gong, Zeng Fu Cai Shen or Fu Shan Ping Shi Gong. Legend had it that he was a special envoy, Star Venus, of Great Jade Emperor being sent down to earth to help mankind. In heavenly realm, his responsibility is to take charge and control the wealth in Heaven and on also Human Realm. He takes care of distributing money from heaven to earth.

Who else other than ordinary people can use the “Big Money” Bell?

  1. If one suffers from ailing finances due to recession resulting in investment losses, declining assets, joblessness and deteriorating business progress. The bell will set your bearings right again so that you can regain your pre-recession values. Your financial difficulties will change back into positive cash flow.
  2. If you like to bolster any recent underperforming financial portfolios. The bell will create a thick layer to cushion any negative impact and put them back into the growth trajectory so that they will not be sluggish. You will emerge unscathed from the worst consequences. You will experience a rapid V-shaped recovery rather than a slower U-shape recovery.
  3. If you like to use this lull period to take advantage of the new wave. The bell will enable you to anticipate new financial territories and opportunities that could fuel your finances for a more optimistic wealth outlook. Your income will rally even under economically ravaged economy.

All in all, this bell is a fortune magnifier for laymen, investors, speculators, businessmen and career minded people.

Where to Display?

  1. Display it in your living room, family rooms, dining or bedroom of your home, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (universal wealth corner), your personal sheng chi direction or wealth star #8 location to activate and enhance your wealth luck.
  2. Display it in your office if you have one that you own by yourself and your shop to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.
  3. Display it in the Northwest sector to activate your financial support luck for the Patriarch or man of the family for money finding opportunities.
  4. To increase ones personal wealth luck, one can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  5. Activate Water Star #8 and Mountain Star #8 which are both Flying White Star #8 in ones natal chart, irrespective of the period the house is built. Activating Water Star #8 and Mountain Star #8 is the best method to activate ones MAXIMUM feng shui luck to bring in prosperity, wealth, harmony, good health, longevity and happiness. The bell must be placed permanently according to ones natal flying star chart.
  6. Activate Annual Flying Star #8 to bring in annual wealth luck for that particular year. Since the annual wealth star #8 move from one location to another every year, the emblem will have to be moved annually in this case. 


]]> 37291 The BIG Doorbell and Coins Set Wed, 15 Dec 2021 03:05:01 +0000 The BIG Doorbell and Coins Set Material: Brass, Bronze and Hematite Beads Color: Gold and Bronze Dimension(in): 2x2x1.9in Bell; 1.75in Coin Weight: 150g ID: SL12072]]> Arising from the need to have them look more pronounce for bigger doors or bigger homes, this large heavy brass Bell and gigantic bronze Three Emperor Coins are made to announce the arrival of good fortune and the rolling-in of big money. They are exclusively made from thick heavy brass and bronze for longer durability against extreme weather conditions. To add to its shine, the brass bell is gold plated and further lacquered for protection against snow, rain and sun. Bells tied with mystic knot have sacred meanings in Feng Shui. To add flavour to them, beads of genuine hematite were added to them. They produce metal tones which can bring wealth, prosperity and abundance. The metal melody also wards off evil spirits and harmful forces. Bells bring good luck to homes as well as businesses

What fortune bell and 3-coins symbolizes and how to place the object?
Hanging the bells tied with mystic knot at the door knobs outside your door will announce prosperity and rolling in of good news each time you open your main door. This will ensure good chi enters your house and bad chi being dissolved at the main chi entry point. Bells are best hung with red mystic knot, as they represent empowerment of the bells with energy.

Three Generation Coins from the best reigns Kang Si, Yong Cheng and Chien Lung tied together in mystic knot makes it a specially powerful emblem or fortune magnet for prosperity. The coins must be made of fine metal such as brass or bronze, which are strong in nature. Some versions are made of resin and brittle in nature, try not to get those version because they lack in metal energy.

3 coins with red thread are so powerful that it can be considered to be equivalent to the presence of the Wealth God. Hang three coins on the inside door-knob (inside your building when door is closed) of your shop’s or home’s main door. This symbolizes that prosperity has already entered your premises or home. On the outside doorknob of your shop’s main door, hang the bell; this attracts good fortune chi to enter your office. The sound of the bell symbolically ‘announces’ prosperity and good news. This ‘coins and bell’ set is particularly effective for those wishing to increase sales and prosperity luck.

Note: Feng Shui Bestbuy offers coins from the finest quality that is made from fine brass and bronze and is really strong in nature. Try not to get those coins that are made from resin and is very brittle. It is better to refresh these coins each year on the first day of the Lunar New Year. It is best to get new ones, or you can cleanse them using incense or singing bowl.


Fortune Bringing Door Chime Wed, 15 Dec 2021 15:02:14 +0000 Fortune Bringing Door Chime Material: Metal Color: Copper Dimension(in): 2.5x2.7.3.5 in wall piece and 3x3x6.5 chime Weight: 200g each ID: SL11491]]> This fabulous 3-bells door chime has the auspicious money bag motif and the “fuk” character. The door chime plays an important role to purify chi at your main door. The maindoor or main entrance into the house is considered as the mouth and therefore is the most important part of a house. A household can be suffering from prolong bad luck if the chi is stagnant at the entrance. A door chime, considered to be a wealth and good news bringer, can instantly revitalize the chi to transform better luck for the household. Feng Shui practitioners in Hong Kong love to install such chime at their entrances. Its metal melody tends to ward off bad chi, negative spell and evil influences as well. Sounds of metal can even further reduce the effects of Five Yellow, Three Killings and Illness energies. This chime can be directly fixed onto the door or on the wall close to the entrance. If installed onto the door, the ringing of the bells produces fortune bringing chi everytime you open the door. Bells bring good luck to homes as well as businesses. On the other hand, the auspicious “fuk” character is excellent at announcing good fortune at the entrance.

What fortune bell symbolizes?
Bells will announce prosperity and rolling in of good news each time you open your main door. This would ensure good chi enters your house and bad chi being dissolved at the main chi entry point.

These bells can be installed directly at your main door (outside the house). Another alternative is to have it installed near to the entrance outside the maindoor so that when wind blows, the bells will chime.


Pair of Brass Bamboo Flutes (Bronze) Wed, 15 Dec 2021 02:59:42 +0000 Pair of Brass Bamboo Flutes (Bronze) - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Bronze Dimension(in): Length of flute 10 in each; 0.6 in diameter Weight: 466g ID: SL15079]]> A departure from the usual pieces, this magnificent pair of “bamboo flutes” in solid brass is for discerning practitioners who pays as much attention to dressing up yourself as to doing up the home sanctuary. Stunning in appearance, it is decorated with the emblem of good fortune mystic knot and its tassel. Inscribed on the flute is a powerful taoist talisman that can fix 100 types of “shar chi” (poison arrows) coming from structures, odd shapes, misfortune stars and evil energies. It is rather rare to find any other Feng Shui cure that can replace the flute for the so many positive benefits and unique functions it gives. Known to be one of the Eight Taoist Magical symbols, the bamboo flute is an implement used to cast magic by Han Hsiang Tzu (one of the Eight Immortals). Ancient records have also mentioned that Hsiao Shih accompanied by his wife Lung Yu (during 6th century BC) once performed soothing sounds with the bamboo flutes and drawn phoenixes from the skies. Taoist employed the bamboo flutes as a means of showing strength in weakness. Bamboo is also rich in symbolism and serves as a metaphor for youth and suppleness, strength and endurance, as well as humility and pure heart. Feng Shui practitioners can employ these flutes:

  1. As a strengthener for your life aspirations. They can be hung in certain angles according to the bagua aspirations to enhance your aspirations.
  2. To nourish “chi”, ward off evil spirits/ghost and harmful people from entering a door.
  3. To cure all problems associated with poison arrows (“shar chi”) coming from the ceiling.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Strengthening your aspirations using bamboo flute that is angled according to angles of 8-aspiration bagua

Figure 1

Angled correctly, the flute can enhance your life according to the aspirations you desire according to 8 Aspirations Theory. The angles are placed in such a way that they represent the “sides” of the Bagua 8-Aspirations. Figure 1 shows how you can hang the flute in the correct orientations to strengthen your aspirations according to the bagua theory.

Figure 2

There are so many ways you can use the bamboo flutes to correct or enhance your Feng Shui:
1. To blow off harmful chi exerted downward from beams on the ceiling, hang a pair of flutes 45 degrees each at both edges of the beam (such arrangement also represent the “top half of a bagua shape”). This is especially important if your bed or sitting area is under a beam. Beams will cause much harm to you if not remedied, including fatality. See figure 2.

Figure 3

2. For an unleveled ceiling which creates oppressing energy at the lower end of the ceiling you can hang two flutes 45 degrees each (such arrangement also represent the “top half of the bagua”) on the wall directly below the edges of the ceiling. This is shown in figures 3 and 4.

Figure 4

3. Hang a flute next to the cash register at a 45 degrees angle with right side higher and left side lower (mouthpiece always lower) to simulate the bagua wealth corner. Refer to figure 1 for “wealth luck”. This will ensure that your business will boom within a short period of time.

Figure 5

4. To ensure that “chi” coming through any of your door is nourishing, hang a flute horizontally on top of your door (inside the room). This is especially useful if your garage directly links to your living room or kitchen. The bad chi from your car engine can be detrimental to the “chi” that directly enters the door to your living room or kitchen. It will also provide protection against harmful forces of evil. See figure 5.

Pair of Brass Bamboo Flutes (Silver) Wed, 15 Dec 2021 02:53:33 +0000 Pair of Brass Bamboo Flutes (Silver) - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Vintage Silver Dimension(in): Length of flute 10 in each; 0.6 in diameter Weight: 466g ID: SL15078]]> A departure from the usual pieces, this magnificent pair of “bamboo flutes” in solid brass is for discerning practitioners who pays as much attention to dressing up yourself as to doing up the home sanctuary. Stunning in appearance, it is decorated with the emblem of good fortune mystic knot and its tassel. Inscribed on the flute is a powerful taoist talisman that can fix 100 types of “shar chi” (poison arrows) coming from structures, odd shapes, misfortune stars and evil energies. It is rather rare to find any other Feng Shui cure that can replace the flute for the so many positive benefits and unique functions it gives. Known to be one of the Eight Taoist Magical symbols, the bamboo flute is an implement used to cast magic by Han Hsiang Tzu (one of the Eight Immortals). Ancient records have also mentioned that Hsiao Shih accompanied by his wife Lung Yu (during 6th century BC) once performed soothing sounds with the bamboo flutes and drawn phoenixes from the skies. Taoist employed the bamboo flutes as a means of showing strength in weakness. Bamboo is also rich in symbolism and serves as a metaphor for youth and suppleness, strength and endurance, as well as humility and pure heart. Feng Shui practitioners can employ these flutes:

  1. As a strengthener for your life aspirations. They can be hung in certain angles according to the bagua aspirations to enhance your aspirations.
  2. To nourish “chi”, ward off evil spirits/ghost and harmful people from entering a door.
  3. To cure all problems associated with poison arrows (“shar chi”) coming from the ceiling.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity

Strengthening your aspirations using bamboo flute that is angled according to angles of 8-aspiration bagua

Figure 1

Angled correctly, the flute can enhance your life according to the aspirations you desire according to 8 Aspirations Theory. The angles are placed in such a way that they represent the “sides” of the Bagua 8-Aspirations. Figure 1 shows how you can hang the flute in the correct orientations to strengthen your aspirations according to the bagua theory.

Figure 2

There are so many ways you can use the bamboo flutes to correct or enhance your Feng Shui:
1. To blow off harmful chi exerted downward from beams on the ceiling, hang a pair of flutes 45 degrees each at both edges of the beam (such arrangement also represent the “top half of a bagua shape”). This is especially important if your bed or sitting area is under a beam. Beams will cause much harm to you if not remedied, including fatality. See figure 2.

Figure 3

2. For an unleveled ceiling which creates oppressing energy at the lower end of the ceiling you can hang two flutes 45 degrees each (such arrangement also represent the “top half of the bagua”) on the wall directly below the edges of the ceiling. This is shown in figures 3 and 4.

Figure 4

3. Hang a flute next to the cash register at a 45 degrees angle with right side higher and left side lower (mouthpiece always lower) to simulate the bagua wealth corner. Refer to figure 1 for “wealth luck”. This will ensure that your business will boom within a short period of time.

Figure 5

4. To ensure that “chi” coming through any of your door is nourishing, hang a flute horizontally on top of your door (inside the room). This is especially useful if your garage directly links to your living room or kitchen. The bad chi from your car engine can be detrimental to the “chi” that directly enters the door to your living room or kitchen. It will also provide protection against harmful forces of evil. See figure 5.


Exclusive Doorbell and 3 Emperor Coins Set Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:25:05 +0000 Exclusive Doorbell and 3 Emperor Coins Set - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated Coins and Polished Brass Bell Dimension(in): 2in Bell; 1in Coin; 1x12in Three Coins Hanging; 2x11in Bell Hanging Weight: 160g ID: SL16001]]> This door bell set features a “Heavy Duty Bell with Tassel” and “3 Emperor Coins”. Captivating and enchanting, this 3 Emperor Coins in glowing gold is made from extraordinarily thick and superb quality coins. It is like injecting a high dose of quality into an important emblem of good fortune. A departure from the usual pieces, this limited edition collectible is finest in craftmanship and specially made to be tasteful in esthetics. With a super thickness of 4mm, these newly minted fine quality coins are guaranteed to be the most unique and beautiful in the market. The 3 Emperor Coins announce the arrival of good fortune and the rolling-in of big money. On an equally good note, the bell produces metal energy which brings wealth, prosperity and abundance. The bell brings good luck to homes as well as businesses. Besides, the metal frequency also diminishes evil spirits and harmful forces at your door step. All in all, it is capable of ushering in good luck from the surrounding and ensure everything proceeds smoothly. Your wishes will be granted and goals achieved.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

What the Fortune Bell and 3-coins symbolize?
Hanging a bell empowered with mystic knot and tassel at the door knob outside your door will announce prosperity and rolling in of good news each time you open the door. This will ensure good “chi” enters your house and bad chi being dissolved at the point of entry. The 3 Emperor Coins are from the best three generations of the Ching Dynasty namely Kang Si, Yong Cheng and Chien Lung. Empowered with a mystic knot makes it a specially powerful emblem or fortune magnet for prosperity. The 3 Emperor Coins are so powerful that it can be considered to be equivalent to the presence of the Wealth God. Hang the 3 Emperor coins on the inside door-knob (inside your house when the door is closed). This connotes that prosperity has already entered your home. On the doorknob that is outside, hang the bell; this on the other hand announces prosperity and rolling in of good news.

Eg. comparison between the normal coin vs our newly minted high quality coin (this photos shows a bronze colored coin).

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual. Cast brass work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high brass purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.

8 Emperor Coins Bell Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:20:10 +0000 8 Emperor Coins Bell - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Coins and Natural Brass Bell Dimension(in): 2in Bell; 1in Coin; 2x17in Overall Weight: 180g each ID: SL16002]]> This chime comprises of a Bell and 8 Emperor Coins. The bell (zhong) means “hitting the mark”, while the eight emperor coins represent “great prosperity”. Together, it connotes the meaning “hitting the mark of great prosperity”. The heavy bell is made from authentic polished brass. The coins are made from 8 thick gold plated Emperor Coins from the first 8 reigns of the Ching Dynasty. The 8 Emperor coins is a lucky combination expressing the sentiment “fatt” which resembles great prosperity. The number “8” is also the reigning number of Period 8, and therefore will be the luckiest number in this 20 year cycle. When the period’s luck is tapped, long term prosperity will blossom and you will never be lack of money throughout the Period 8 until 2024. The 8 Emperor Coins attract wealth luck from the 8 directions; 4 cardinal and 4 subdirections. At the same time, the metallic hitting of “metal on metal” within the bell can ward off bad chi, negative spells and evil influences. All-in-all, this 8 Emperor Coins Bell is capable of boosting career and wealth luck, with expectations of abundant wealth and business opportunities. On equally good note, it can also benefit windfall luck and speculative luck, especially useful when you are trying your luck on trading shares and buying lotteries.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Enchantingly stunning, this 8 Emperor Coins in glowing gold is made from extraordinarily thick and superb quality coins. It is like injecting a high dose of quality into an important emblem of prosperity. A departure from the usual pieces, this limited edition collectible is finest in craftmanship and specially made to be tasteful in esthetics. With a super thickness of 4mm, these newly minted fine quality coins are guaranteed to be the most unique and beautiful in the market.

Meanwhile, bells have sacred meanings in Feng Shui. They produce metal energy which can bring wealth, prosperity and abundance. Bells bring good luck to homes as well as businesses. Bells are also believed to scare away potentially harmful ghosts and evil spirits. As a result, you will often spot more familiar small bells with clappers, physically attached to textiles and other domestic objects for this purpose. In ancient times, bells could also be found in the waves of some embroidered rank badges, often accompanied by scepter, stone chimes and other good luck symbols. The combination of a bell and scepter on court textiles is a pun evoking the name of Demon Chaser “Zhong Kui” (Chung Kwei). Since the chinese word for bell is also a pun on another “zhong” that means “hitting the mark”, bells also represent a successful ending, “as well as safekeeping”.

One may display this bell at the following areas:

  1. Display the bell at “chi entry points” such as the the maindoor, or other doors and windows to neutralize “chi” at these entry points. This actually enhances wealth, health and happiness for the household. You can also hang the bell at the door knob outside your door to announce prosperity and the rolling-in of good news each time you open the door. This will ensure only good “chi” enters your house and bad “chi” gets dissolved at the point of entry.
  2. Display this bell at the position of annual Flying Wealth Star #8. This Wealth Star brings potential windfall, wealth and prosperity.
Eg. comparison between the normal coin vs our newly minted high quality coin (this photos shows a bronze colored coin).
24K Gold Plated Abacus Keychain for Business Luck Mon, 13 Dec 2021 09:57:45 +0000 24K Gold Plated Abacus Keychain for Business Luck Material: Gold Brass Color: 24k Gold Plated Dimension(in): 1.7x1x0.25 in Weight: 50g ID: HH37011]]> An abacus symbolizes mainstream income luck as it is traditionally used in computing for income and expenditures. In the long scroll Along the River During the Qingming Festival painted by Zhang Zeduan during the Song dynasty (960–1297), an abacus is clearly visible beside an account book and doctor’s prescriptions on the counter of an apothecary’s (Feibao). Used by merchants and traders to keep track of daily sales, it is thus associated with healthy income streams and managing savings. The abacus connotes having so much sales in your business that you would require its assistance to total up the sum instead of doing the summation mentally. For doctors, the abacus help them in their prescriptions of herbs. On the other hand the brush connotes wisdom and literacy. Made from 24K gold plated high quality brass, the beads can produce metal tones when you shake the abacus. Each time you shake it, it will bring you incredible business opportunities and income stream. Therefore, carry it along with you when you do your sales. Start off your day with good business by shaking it hard!!! The item comes with a beautiful giftbox.

What Abacus symbolizes and how to place this object?
The abacus is an ancient chinese calculator used for many centuries in China. Thinking of ringing in more sales? Yes, the abacus is the answer, as this auspicious symbol is used by tycoons, businessmen, shop owners and financial planners to signify too many numbers to calculate for their income. The abacus placed on your desk or cashiers will multiply your sales profits and boost your business dwellings. For those who are seeking to increase your skillset in summation such as in the fields of mathematics, accountancy, science and engineering, placing an abacus in the study table can enhance your competency.

Where to place your abacus?

  1. For retailers, make sure you must have a brass abacus at your cashier’s or reception. You will have to shake the abacus to produce the loud sound emitted from the brass beads to ring in more sales everytime you start your business for the day.
  2. Display in the northwest to attract solid financial support from important people who would help in your business. Northwest represents the mentor luck corner according to the Life Aspiration Theory.
  3. Place the abacus in northeast (education corner according to Life Aspiration Theory) to enhance academic luck associated to calculation such as mathematics, accountancy and engineering.
  4. Place the abacus in your Sheng Chi location according to your kua number (8 Mansions) in your bedroom or family rooms to activate your wealth luck and invite more income.
  5. Simply carry an abacus with you all the time so that you will never be lack of money to calculate. It increases your business and wealth luck.

Note: A good abacus must be made of high quality brass.

Infinity Bell Fri, 10 Dec 2021 09:32:32 +0000 Infinity Bell - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Electro Gold Plated Dimension(in): 2.25x2.25x5in bell; 3.5x3.5x1.2in base Weight: 615g ID: SL15059]]> A powerful wealth magnifier, the Infinity Bell (Prosper Quick) brilliantly captures the powerful bond between the “Power of Infinite 8” and the “Wealth Turbocharging Pagoda”. These prosperity symbols are the underlying secret of the MONEY MASTERS. The emblem is actually a Wealth Turbocharging Pagoda with a hidden bell inside. Ringing this bell calls upon divine help. Powerful divine help enables home owners and businessmen to prosper at great speed very rapidly. This will be the answer to gaining the unfair advantage of getting rich easily. Divine help will enable you to anticipate new financial territories and opportunities that can fuel your finances for a more optimistic wealth outlook. Each time you feel your finances are stagnant or down, ring this bell to bring in streams of new income. It will carry you to greater heights and allow you to step into the truely fortunate path for maximum wealth success.

The “Power of Infinite 8” is related to a few possible positive meanings. It could mean “without end”, “the largest possible number”, “furthest possible distance” or “bigger than the biggest that you can think of”. It simply links to “unboundedness” or “no limit”. In philosophy, infinity can be attributed to space and time which is very much attached to Feng Shui philosophy as well. Often philosophers link the symbol to “ultimate”, “absolute” or even “God”. It usually represents a sense of being without any constraint. Chinese have used this symbol abundantly for over 2000 years as in number “8” and it is probably the most wanted number of all. “8” means “fatt” (prosper) in Chinese. It also make up the buddhist mystic knot.

Next, the “Wealth Turbocharging Pagoda” acts like a propeller that could ignite your wealth luck explosively and then continuously turbocharge it to accelerate financial growth. The type of wealth here refers to both mainstream income and irregular income. It is the best enhancer for #8 White Star (annual star #8, water star #8 or mountain star#8). It will protect and maximize the wealth luck of all zodiacs whether one has good or bad luck in any particular year. All zodiacs will get immuned to misfortune and obtain equal opportunities to maximize their wealth luck. It is a super wealth turbocharger that could benefit in many situations:

  1. If one suffers from ailing finances due to recession resulting in investment losses, declining assets, joblessness and deteriorating business progress. The pagoda will set your bearings right again so that you can regain your pre-recession values. Your financial difficulties will change back into positive cash flow.
  2. If you like to bolster any recent underperforming financial portfolios. The pagoda will create a thick layer to cushion any negative impact and put them back into the growth trajectory so that they will not be sluggish. You will emerge unscathed from the worst consequences. You will experience a rapid V-shaped recovery rather than a slower U-shape recovery.
  3. If you like to use this lull period to take advantage of the new wave. The pagoda will enable you to anticipate new financial territories and opportunities that could fuel your finances for a more optimistic wealth outlook. Your income will rally even under economically ravaged economy.

All in all, this Infinity Bell is a fortune magnifier for laymen, investors, speculators, businessmen and career minded people. The pagoda will turn one from poverty into self-sustainable, and from moderate to become well-to-do and from the above average to become ultra rich.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Our earlier versions of the Wealth Turbocharging Pagodas (2007-2015) are shown in photos above. The current item now has relutionized into the 7th generation. We have a proven track record where about 30% of those who had used them became millionaires. We received countless notes of gratitude and appreciation from those who benefitted. Therefore, this more authentic and much more enhanced version will see more customers making to the million dollar mark. Or at minimum, there is still a 30% chance. This new pagoda will bless one with the following circumstances:

  1. To stimulate financial opportunities for those who have suffered from financial setbacks, cash degeneration and zero income.
  2. To put a full stop to continuous financial losses and selling of assets.
  3. To improve an extremely bad financial condition and eradicate poverty.
  4. To form a catalyst that could develop a turn around and overcome a stalemate financial situation.
  5. To move forward quickly in financial recovery, beyond what the other feng shui enhancers could do.
  6. To generate exponential financial growth and wealth at a speedy rate.
“3-dimensional bagua” topped by Infinity symbol and Ken Trigram
  1. The upper part of the bell has a “3-dimensional bagua” topped by the Infinity symbol and the Ken Trigram. The 8-sided bagua is considered as a mythical shape from heaven that magnifies the lucky energies of Period 8. The Ken Trigram is the trigram that rules the Period 8. The Ken Trigram is derived from the bagua’s eight trigram and is known to be the trigram that activates wealth star #8 effectively. Those who use this trigram will be promised with 20 years of prosperity at least.
  2. The 4 Celestial Guardians namely the green dragon, the white tiger, the black tortoise and the red phoenix provide directional protection for the four cardinal directions. Known as the protectors of four directions, they provide a good balance in your surrounding energies so that wealth luck can be drawn to you.
  3. The power of infinite figure “8” carries the meaning of unconstraint wealth.
  4. Eight Immortals Magical Objects – these objects represent the presence of Eight Immortals.. They bless families with positive energy, bring good health, good fortune, wealth, fame luck, longevity and good descendants.
  5. 8 Auspicious Objects – these objects bring complete good fortune, material luck, spiritual growth, peace, confidence and genuine happiness. The mystic knot magnifies fortune for Period 8, the conch provides good networking luck, the canopy counter against bad energy, the vase is for abundance, the wheel represents success and improvement, the double fishes represents wealth and money, the lotus for peace and the victory banner symbolizes accumulation of successes.
  6. Twelve Zodiacs – they will protect and maximize the wealth luck of all zodiacs whether one has good or bad luck in any particular year. All zodiacs will get immuned to misfortune and obtain equal opportunities to maximize their wealth luck. Each zodiac is associated to one of the 12 mountains and will bring about a certain kind of elemental influence, thus has enhancing and curing capability. While the Four Celestial Guardians (Dragon, Phoenix, Tortoise and Tiger) guard the four cardinal directions, the Twelve Zodiac animals will relieve the 12 mountains (directions) off any disorganized elements and interactive influences. The twelve zodiacs also represent the cycle of time, therefore it will incorporate the “time dimension” to ensure long lasting good feng shui of a space, to create good luck, to cure bad luck and to increase desired opportunities in life.
  7. Yellow Jhambala Mantra – according to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality. When one is rich, he frees himself from worrying about poverty and can exercise generosity with an unselfish attitude to help others. Each time you ring the bell that contains the mantra, you are practising his mantra and invoking divine help to create wealth.

The Infinity Bell is best used to:

  1. Welcome in Period 8 energy into all homes and premises so that everyone can benefit such energy even if one does not own a house built in Period 8 (2004-2024). To welcome in Period 8 energy to benefit homes, place this powerful emblem in the NE permanently.
  2. Activate Water Star #8 and Mountain Star #8 which are both Flying White Star #8 in ones natal chart, irrespective of the period the house is built. Activating Water Star #8 and Mountain Star #8 is the best method to activate ones MAXIMUM feng shui luck to bring in prosperity, wealth, harmony, good health, longevity and happiness. The emblem must be placed permanently according to ones natal flying star chart.
  3. Activate Annual Flying Star #8 to bring in annual wealth luck for that particular year. Since the annual wealth star #8 move from one location to another every year, the emblem will have to be moved annually in this case.One should know that the Water Star #8 can be activated and harnessed effectively with this bell, surpassing the water feature. This is especially useful if your water star #8 falling in your bedroom or kitchen or places where water features are not suitable.

Meanwhile, the Mountain Star #8 can also be activated with this bell. Most feng shui masters tend to focus on only Water Star #8 and neglect Mountain Star #8. This is not very wise because one can leap so many good benefits from Mountain Star #8 to complete his or her life, in areas such as relationship, health, networking, social, marriage and descendants luck.
