Bracelet Shop – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Sat, 20 Jan 2024 17:51:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Rainbow Obsidian Bracelet Sun, 24 Dec 2023 09:19:14 +0000 Rainbow Obsidian Bracelet Material: Rainbow Obsidian, Tiger Eye, Turquoise, Agate, Clear Quartz, Jasper, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Alloy Prayer Wheel Color: Natural Dimension(in): 8mm Rainbow Obsidian Weight: 20g ID: SL24002]]> This bracelet consists primarily Rainbow Obsidian with “third eye”. The power from obsidian keeps negative energies away, uncover and protect against evil attempts, prevent bad intentions, arrest bad luck, provides protection, happiness, joy, creativity and for protection from over sensitivity. It has an effect during times of change, by helping to see things more clearly. Not all obsidian crystals have the third eye. It is very rare and hard to find such small beads having the third eye. Yes, such special third eye in rainbow obsidian could only be seen under bright sunlight and is hard to find in natural crystals. This third eye assist us to see the unseen and sense the unforeseen. It is knows as the mirror of soul and is effective in revealing what is truly reflected in the souls of others and yourself. Best used to help you make important decisions clearly and correctly for your family, business and corporate.

Also strung along are the Tiger Eye, Turquoise, Agate, Clear Quartz, Jasper, Hematite and Smoky Quartz which adds to power being unleashed to the wearer. Last but not least, the prayer wheel symbol is an emblem of reversal of bad karma.

This bracelet which is suitable for both male and female is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Fortune in Period 9 Bracelet Sun, 24 Dec 2023 08:56:19 +0000 Fortune in Period 9 Bracelet Material: Amethyst, Hematite, Tiger Eye, Alloy Elephant Color: Natural Dimension(in): 8mm Amethyst Beads Weight: 27g ID: SL24003]]> Consisting of predominantly purple amethyst, this lucky bracelet lays the pillar of success for Period 9. Amethyst has the element fire and water which are two elements that enable success in Period 9. This is because fire is the element of Period 9, while water is the element that is lacking. Purple Amethyst enhances prosperity, creativity, intelligence and passion, thus making you extremely sexy and attractive. The Amethyst is an excellent stone for diplomats, negotiators and business people. It calms angry temperaments and gives a distinct advantage in situations where debating is required. Wear or hold Amethyst to bring in spiritual insights coupled with intellectual reasoning. As a luck and prosperity crystal, the Amethyst is good for reducing the tendency to overspend, gambling addictions or unwise investments. The amethyst is also reputed to control evil thoughts, increase intelligence and render men shrewd in business matters. The Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition, and refines the thinking processes. It helps in the assimilation of new ideas, putting thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. It is a talisman of focus and success.

Also strung along are the hematite and tiger eye which adds to protection being unleashed to the wearer. Last but not least, the elephant symbol is an emblem of good fortune and descendant’s luck.

This bracelet which is suitable for both male and female is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Jade Cicada for Protection and Immortality Tue, 14 Dec 2021 06:17:45 +0000 Jade Cicada for Protection and Immortality Material: Genuine Jade Color: Natural Jade Dimension(in): 1.5x0.75in Weight: 50g ID: SL11282]]> The cicada is regarded as the symbol of long life, happiness and eternal youth due to its intrinsic properties of being the longest living insect, for as long as up to 20 over years. The cicada is the best emblem of immortality and protection against office politics. It is also known as “Request Fulfiller”. If one is facing oppression from the boss, the cicada can help one oppose all types of pressure. On the other hand, the jade is also a strong representation of earth energy, which synchronizes with the base element of Period 8, thereby making it most potent. It will multiply your luck and protect you wherever you go.

What cicada symbolizes?
The origin of this symbolism in ancient china is attributed to the cicada making noises in paddy fields in summer. Each time farmers make a call, the cicada will call back louder. That is why it was regarded as “every request will definitely be fulfilled”.

It is the symbol of immortality, youthfulness and makes one’s appearance always young forever. In ancient times, a piece of jade carved in the shape of cicada will be placed in the mouth of a corpse before burial as this is believed to immortalized the ancestor, giving the deceased a good life after death.

Another great trade of it is having 5 eyes and its ability to detect any approaching enemies.The cicada is also a powerful symbol of protection from danger, enemies and unfaithful friends. If you are often being betrayed, the cicada will help you through by countering the enemies. Politicians and office workers in asia often keep on in their offices to protect themselves from falling victim to politics. For those in the business or corporate world, it is important to have the cicada image to protect against jealous competitors and colleagues.

It is also being regarded as a symbol of good fortune because of its ability to sing throughout day and nite. Its never ending singing ability is the greatest emblem of unlimited energy.

You may wear the cicada for longevity and health, and protection against politics in office.

Note: The tiny accessories attached to the bracelet could differ slightly from batch to batch, with factory improvement in design from time to time.

Magical Hematite-Citrine Crystal Bracelet Tue, 14 Dec 2021 06:17:36 +0000 Magical Hematite-Citrine Crystal Bracelet Material: Genuine Hematite and Natural Citrine Chips Crystal Color: Black and Yellow Dimension(in): 2.5x2.5x0.4in Weight: 50g ID: SL10461]]> This powerful bracelet is made from genuine 8mm hematite beads and natural citrine chips to enhance both health and wealth. The hematite is recommended to stimulate blood circulatory system and the heart. It strengthens lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys. Hematite also enhances logic, mathematical ability, rational thinking and depth of technical knowledge. It grounds creative energy, making thoughts practical and focused. Hematite can also improve interpersonal relationships and harness attractive personality. Meanwhile the natural citrine possesses strong earth energy and is a strong wealth gemstone for Period 8. The item would also be a good gift for your family members and close friends. It comes with a FREE gift box.

What Hematite Crystal symbolizes?
The Hematite stimulate blood circulatory system and the heart. Its power can be felt immediately because the crystal is magnetic in nature and that is the reason why it would help to circulate blood for the wearer. It strengthens lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys. Hematite helps relieve tiredness and improves blood circulation and promotes the healing process during and after illness. This stone also helps those suffering from insomnia. For those seeking for career goals and education heights, Hematite enhances logic, mathematical ability, rational thinking and depth of technical knowledge. It grounds creative energy, making thoughts practical and focused. It helps to replenish fatigue, improve blood circulation. Hematite can also improve interpersonal relationships and harness attractive personality.

On the other hand, genuine yellow citrine had been endorsed by all Feng Shui masters to be the “Period-8 Merchant Gemstone”. This is because period 8 (2004-2024) is earth element. Citrine being dugged from the earth is filled with pure earth energy. Furthermore its yellow color will further complement its earth energy. Therefore, citrine would be the most important crystal wealth energizer for Period 8. This item will invite more solid wealth luck and income luck for you throughout the next twenty years (2004-2024). Citrine is actually an amethyst, except it has gone through long term heating process with high pressure naturally deep underground. Thus, it had turned yellow from purple. It represent the power of the sun. In feng shui, yellow it the color of wealth. It is for this reason that citrine has become more highly priced than amethyst. Citrine Gem is a potent symbol of wealth. Citrine creates wealth luck, fortune, prosperity and more dollars in your income. It also has the power to enhance one’s self-esteem, amplify motivation, activates creativity and confidence.

Note: All crystal items would be placed in a singing bowl to rejuvanate fresh new energy prior to shipping to ensure potency. Also note that natural crystals from earth may have uneven textures and colors, natural inclusions or original internal lines/cracks in them which may extend to the surface. These are not flaws or damages. They are absolutely fine from a feng shui perspective and would not make natural crystals less perfect compared to manmade items.

Aventurine Crystal Bracelet Tue, 14 Dec 2021 06:17:36 +0000 Aventurine Crystal Bracelet Material: Large Polished Genuine Adventurine Crystal Color: Green Dimension(in): 2.5x2.5x0.4in Weight: 50g ID: SL9903]]> This powerful bracelet is made from genuine aventurine crystal (green). Also clear crystal beads are sandwiched in between to add to its beauty. This crystal bracelet is recommended as a potent body feng shui lingerie used to boost up motivation and provide good start in our new undertakings in our career, studies and business, enhances creativity and innovation, sharpen our minds, enhance leadership quality, heals old wounds and balance our lives.The wearer of the bracelet would also be empowered to invite more concrete wealth luck and income luck. This bracelet is free-size and could be easily worn by any hand size because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable string material” used to tie the crystal balls reliably together. The item would also be a good gift for your family members and close friends. It comes with a FREE gift box.

What Aventurine Crystal symbolizes?
Aventurine is potent for providing us new strengths and creativity to move faster forward in our career, studies and business. It emits energy to sharpen our minds and creativity, improve leadership quality and enhances our overall well-being. As a result it could increase our wealth and prosperity through better career luck. It could also increase the luck of having more important people and helpful people supporting us in our undertakings. This is important for business pursuits and careers. It would also provide us with more recognition and promotion opportunities by creating a differentiator between us and our competitors so that we could stay at the forefront of career advancement. Last but not least, it will also enhance our literary luck. This is also helpful for those sitting for examinations.

The crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.

Bracelet of Pi Yao (Yellow Jade) Tue, 14 Dec 2021 06:13:01 +0000 Bracelet of Pi Yao (Yellow Jade) Material: Brass, Yellow Jade, Rainbow Obsidian and Natural Clear Quartz Color: Gold Plated and multicolored Dimension(in): 28mm Pi Yao, 8mm Yellow Jade, 8 & 10mm Obsidian beads Weight: 27g ID: SL18061]]> This eye-catching bracelet features the legendary fortune magnifying Pi Yao. The Pi Yao neutralizes negative forces and protects its owners from harm. Calming the nerves of easily excited people, the Pi Yao also garners benefactors and averts scheming individuals for one’s great advancement in their career path. Entrepreneurs on the other hand will find profits rolling in. The Pi Yao is fond of seeking treasures to win the affections of its owner. Besides the Pi Yao is also popularly used to appease the effects of Grand Duke Jupiter to overcome bad luck, therefore is helpful for those who are either associated with the Grand Duke or those who are going through a bad year according to their zodiac. Next, the yellow jade beads is a stone of powerful wealth. On the other hand, the power from rainbow obsidian keeps negative energies away, uncover and protect against evil attempts, prevent bad intentions, arrest bad luck, provides protection, happiness, joy, creativity and for protection from over sensitivity. This bracelet is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

What the Pi Yao symbolizes?
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. The Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using the Pi Yao over Chi Lin because the Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generates good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevates wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship that had been prolonging for a long time
  6. Brings windfall luck

In the olden days, the Pi Yao was devoted as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it would benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circle, casinos, business, betting, service industry and stock market. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions:

  1. Wear the Pi Yao if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home/premises to overcome obstacles and guard yourself against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures safety, good tidings and good health to you.
  2. Wear the Pi Yao if you desire good fortune, to increase wealth, to enhance windfall, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and to overcome bad luck.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, wear the Pi Yao to prevent injuries, accidents and ensuring successful and fruitful journeys with good business deals. Everywhere you go, good fortune will be trapped in the stomach of the Pi Yao. Its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. It can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. For those who have been suffering from a spate of prolonging misfortunes, Feng Shui Masters often advise them to wear the symbol of Pi Yao to revitalize good luck and protect against more bad luck.
  5. The Pi Yao is especially excellent to enhance business luck or increase sales performance.
  6. For those whose zodiac is in conflict with the Tai Sui, wear this Pi Yao to help you appease the conflict with the Tai Sui.
Bracelet of Pi Yao (Lave Beads) Tue, 14 Dec 2021 06:11:47 +0000 Bracelet of Pi Yao (Lave Beads) Material: Brass, Lava Beads, Hematite and Tridacna Gigas Bead Color: Gold Plated and multicolored Dimension(in): 23mm Pi Yao, 8mm Lava Beads and Tridacna Gigas beads Weight: 27g ID: SL18062]]> This eye-catching bracelet features the legendary fortune magnifying Pi Yao. The Pi Yao neutralizes negative forces and protects its owners from harm. Calming the nerves of easily excited people, the Pi Yao also garners benefactors and averts scheming individuals for one’s great advancement in their career path. Entrepreneurs on the other hand will find profits rolling in. The Pi Yao is fond of seeking treasures to win the affections of its owner. Besides the Pi Yao is also popularly used to appease the effects of Grand Duke Jupiter to overcome bad luck, therefore is helpful for those who are either associated with the Grand Duke or those who are going through a bad year according to their zodiac. Next, LAVA ROCK literally comes from the CORE of the EARTH – fiery brimstone that bubbles to the surface and cools. Once the stone is cool, it becomes porous and black. LAVA stones carry energetic qualities and have been used for their healing properties. Equally important, “Tridacna Gigas Shell” is made from the rare and sacred giant clams from deep oceans. They are recorded in buddhist texts as having the ability to purify energies and drive away evils. Its rounded shape and white color both represent metal element, and its material have energies more superior than metal. It can actually create and build an energy vortex with a radius of about 2 meters. This vortex can shield one from illness energy. This bracelet is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

What the Pi Yao symbolizes?
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. The Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using the Pi Yao over Chi Lin because the Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generates good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevates wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship that had been prolonging for a long time
  6. Brings windfall luck

In the olden days, the Pi Yao was devoted as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it would benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circle, casinos, business, betting, service industry and stock market. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions:

  1. Wear the Pi Yao if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home/premises to overcome obstacles and guard yourself against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures safety, good tidings and good health to you.
  2. Wear the Pi Yao if you desire good fortune, to increase wealth, to enhance windfall, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and to overcome bad luck.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, wear the Pi Yao to prevent injuries, accidents and ensuring successful and fruitful journeys with good business deals. Everywhere you go, good fortune will be trapped in the stomach of the Pi Yao. Its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. It can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. For those who have been suffering from a spate of prolonging misfortunes, Feng Shui Masters often advise them to wear the symbol of Pi Yao to revitalize good luck and protect against more bad luck.
  5. The Pi Yao is especially excellent to enhance business luck or increase sales performance.
  6. For those whose zodiac is in conflict with the Tai Sui, wear this Pi Yao to help you appease the conflict with the Tai Sui.
Bracelet of Pi Yao (Yellow Jasper) Tue, 14 Dec 2021 06:06:46 +0000 Bracelet of Pi Yao (Yellow Jasper) Material: Brass, Yellow Jasper, Hematite and Red Agate Color: Gold Plated and multicolored Dimension(in): 27mm Pi Yao, 8mm Yellow Jasper and 10mm Red Agate beads Weight: 27g ID: SL18064]]> This eye-catching bracelet features the legendary fortune magnifying Pi Yao. The Pi Yao neutralizes negative forces and protects its owners from harm. Calming the nerves of easily excited people, the Pi Yao also garners benefactors and averts scheming individuals for one’s great advancement in their career path. Entrepreneurs on the other hand will find profits rolling in. The Pi Yao is fond of seeking treasures to win the affections of its owner. Besides the Pi Yao is also popularly used to appease the effects of Grand Duke Jupiter to overcome bad luck, therefore is helpful for those who are either associated with the Grand Duke or those who are going through a bad year according to their zodiac. Next, the yellow jasper is a semi precious stone that is a hit for feng shui enthusiast due to its many fortunate properties that comes with it especially potent in Period 8. Natural yellow jasper comes with pure earth energy accumulated in the ground and promises generation of wealth that last for the next 20 years in Period 8. The color yellow further amplifies the luck for an earth based Period 8. Scientific studies had described jasper as having the ability to balance emotions and helps unite subconcious and self awareness which leads to career enhancement and sharpening of our minds to accumulate wealth. This bracelet is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

What the Pi Yao symbolizes?
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. The Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using the Pi Yao over Chi Lin because the Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generates good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevates wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship that had been prolonging for a long time
  6. Brings windfall luck

In the olden days, the Pi Yao was devoted as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it would benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circle, casinos, business, betting, service industry and stock market. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions:

  1. Wear the Pi Yao if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home/premises to overcome obstacles and guard yourself against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures safety, good tidings and good health to you.
  2. Wear the Pi Yao if you desire good fortune, to increase wealth, to enhance windfall, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and to overcome bad luck.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, wear the Pi Yao to prevent injuries, accidents and ensuring successful and fruitful journeys with good business deals. Everywhere you go, good fortune will be trapped in the stomach of the Pi Yao. Its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. It can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. For those who have been suffering from a spate of prolonging misfortunes, Feng Shui Masters often advise them to wear the symbol of Pi Yao to revitalize good luck and protect against more bad luck.
  5. The Pi Yao is especially excellent to enhance business luck or increase sales performance.
  6. For those whose zodiac is in conflict with the Tai Sui, wear this Pi Yao to help you appease the conflict with the Tai Sui.
Money and Wealth Bracelet Tue, 14 Dec 2021 06:05:45 +0000 Money and Wealth Bracelet (Genuine Citrine) Material: 24K Gold Plated Alloy Pi Yao, 8A Grade Citrine Pebbles, Hematite and Lava Stone Color: Blue Enamel, 24K Gold Plated, Yellow Citrine, Black Hematite Dimension(in): 33mmx15mmx15mm Pi Yao Weight: 28g ID: SL21008]]> An intricately sculpted Pi Yao plated in 24K Gold is strung with genuine 8A grade natural citrine pebbles. The Pi Yao neutralizes negative forces and protects its owners from harm. Calming the nerves of easily excited people, the Pi Yao also garners benefactors and averts scheming individuals for one’s great advancement in their career path. Entrepreneurs on the other hand will find profits rolling in. The Pi Yao is fond of seeking treasures to win the affections of its owner. Besides the Pi Yao is also popularly used to appease the effects of Grand Duke Jupiter to overcome bad luck, therefore is helpful for those who are either associated with the Grand Duke or those who are going through a bad year according to their zodiac. Next, the Citrine is a true yellow gemstone used for its healing properties, bringing money, abundance, luck, and prosperity. Citrine crystal is associated with amplification and manifestation abilities, bringing joy and love into your life. This bracelet which is suitable for both male and female is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

What the Pi Yao symbolizes?
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. The Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using the Pi Yao over Chi Lin because the Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generates good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevates wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship that had been prolonging for a long time
  6. Brings windfall luck

In the olden days, the Pi Yao was devoted as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it would benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circle, casinos, business, betting, service industry and stock market. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions:

  1. Wear the Pi Yao if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home/premises to overcome obstacles and guard yourself against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures safety, good tidings and good health to you.
  2. Wear the Pi Yao if you desire good fortune, to increase wealth, to enhance windfall, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and to overcome bad luck.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, wear the Pi Yao to prevent injuries, accidents and ensuring successful and fruitful journeys with good business deals. Everywhere you go, good fortune will be trapped in the stomach of the Pi Yao. Its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. It can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. For those who have been suffering from a spate of prolonging misfortunes, Feng Shui Masters often advise them to wear the symbol of Pi Yao to revitalize good luck and protect against more bad luck.
  5. The Pi Yao is especially excellent to enhance business luck or increase sales performance.
  6. For those whose zodiac is in conflict with the Tai Sui, wear this Pi Yao to help you appease the conflict with the Tai Sui.
Jade Peony Bracelet (Love Potion) Tue, 14 Dec 2021 04:45:04 +0000 Jade Peony Bracelet (Love Potion) Material: Genuine Jade Color: Green Dimension(in): 2.5x2.5x1in Weight: 50g ID: KH9901]]> Peony signifies beauty, romance and the amorous feelings of youth. Wearing the peony bracelet always benefit ladies who are single as it is said to bring many suitors for their hands in marriage. The beauty and love making skills of the famous concubine an emperor in China was likened to the peony. She decorated her bedroom with peonies and this kept the emperor’s libido desire for her to continue unmatchable. The presence of the peony acted like a love potion. Ladies who display peony in their surrounding will encourage libido of their desired men. This love enhancer is recommended as a potent feng shui enhancer used to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. This piece of lingerie would definitely make the wearer more attractive than before, thus inviting men into their lives. This bracelet is free-sized and could be adjusted according to the size of the wrist easily by pulling the adjustable knots. The item comes with a free gift box.

Flexible knots that enable you to tighten and loosen on your wrist so easily without any hassle of tying your own knots. The beads act as stoppers that will not allow the knots to go haywire or opened.

What Peony symbolizes?
Flowers are the natural nectar that bring auspicious energy to our surroundings. They signify the growth energies of the wood element and the successful attainment of success. The peony symbolize beauty, romance and purity. The peony is China’s Queen of Flowers. The peony when hung at home makes single ladies witty and charming, thus bringing many suitors to their hands in marriage.

Displaying peony in the bedroom is an enticement for sexual entanglement for married couples. Therefore, married couples should display them in the living room to lighten the eeffect instead. However, for those who want to encourage libido in their husbands can hang one in their bedroom.

Displaying the peony around ladies will benefit those at marriageable age to find a partner of life. For men, the peony will help to bring in some female energy into their surrounding, thus bringing potential partners into their lives too.
