Turquoise Apple Pendant


Turquoise Apple Pendant
Material: Polished Genuine Turquoise Crystal
Color: Blue
Dimension(in): 0.4×0.4×0.6in (apple)
Weight: 50g
ID: SL9900

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

This fine jewellery apple pendant is made from genuine turquiose (blue). Turquoise, or Chinese Turquoise is especially useful for clearing the Throat Chakra, and blockages of suppressed self-expression. As jewelry it is worn by men and women alike, and considered a promise of fidelity and protectiveness to a lover or partner. It is used in sacred prayer beads, adorns musical instruments, prayer wheels and bells, and a Turquoise rosary is said to relate prayer to whatever deity is being invoked. Tibetan Turquoise has fortune-bringing powers. It comes with a FREE gift box.

Note: The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you. Also note that natural crystals from earth may have uneven textures and colors, natural inclusions or original internal lines/cracks in them which may extend to the surface. These are not flaws or damages. They are absolutely fine from a feng shui perspective and would not make natural crystals less perfect compared to manmade items.

Weight 220 g
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