Red Agate Crystal Sphere


Rose Quartz Crystal Sphere
Material: Natural Crystal
Color: Red Agate
Dimension(in): 1.5in (40mm)
Weight: 100g
ID: SL10070

The red agate is connected to sexuality and fertility, help in revitalizing our sexual center and root chakras, may increase pregnancy, ease menstruation pain and help in the birth process. It promotes marital fidelity. It is a stone of happiness and hope.The red agate also stimulates analytical capabilities and enhance your inherent talents. On enhancement of health, it helps relieve tiredness and improve blood circulation. Red agate is also very powerful to expel off negative energies and nourishes your good fortune luck.

FS Bestbuy recommends a few locations of displaying the item:

  1. Place it in the southeast sector (wealth sector) of living rooms and business premises energize income, increase in wealth and prosperity and windfall luck. This is the most powerful sector to transmit your home’s chi to become prosperity chi.
  2. Place it in the northwest to increase money luck from important people and helpful people. This is important for business pursuits and careers. Placing it in this sector will also bring you heaven luck.
  3. Place it in the north if you’re seeking for material gains in career through more recognition and promotion opportunities.
  4. Place it on your work desk to create a differentiator between you and your competitors so that you could stay at the forefront of career advancement.
  5. Place up to six pieces in the center of the home to ensure ultimate wealth success. Such formation does increase your money luck and speculative luck too.

Note: The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you. Also note that natural crystals from earth may have uneven textures and colors, natural inclusions or original internal lines/cracks in them which may extend to the surface. These are not flaws or damages. They are absolutely fine from a feng shui perspective and would not make natural crystals less perfect compared to manmade items.

Weight 400 g


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