Crystal Trees – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Tue, 26 Dec 2023 11:31:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 GENUINE AGATE Tree for Sexual Revitalization and Fertility Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:46:34 +0000 GENUINE AGATE Tree for Sexual Revitalization and Fertility Material: Genuine Natural Red Agate Color: Natural Red Agate Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL10572]]> This sex-fulfilling red agate tree is packed with over 100 pieces of crystal chips and empowered with 8 gold Chien Lung coins. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. The red agate is connected to sexuality and fertility, help in revitalizing our sexual center and root chakras, may increase pregnancy, ease menstruation pain and help in the birth process. It promotes marital fidelity. It is a stone of happiness and hope.The red agate also stimulates analytical capabilities and enhance your inherent talents. On enhancement of health, it helps relieve tiredness and improve blood circulation. Red agate is also very powerful to expel off negative energies and nourishes your good fortune luck. The item would also be a good gift for your family members and close friends.

Note: This tree is made from genuine red agate gemchips. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

Where to place the gemtree?
Orange and red gemstones are associated to our two important chakras: the root and sexual center chakras. Thus, the red agate tree could emit energy that is potent to nourish these two chakras. It helps to increase sexual desires, libido, fertility and replenish fatigue or improve blood circulation. It provides the courage to proceed in making love, creates emotional balance and reduces depression or bad feelings due to impotency. Indirectly, it creates ones higher self. For married couples, it also helps to increase marital fidelity. It is therefore best to be placed in ones bedroom close to the bed. Some would also place it in their workdesk for all day healing purposes.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

To increase your sexual interest and performance, place this next to your bed or directly at the headboard so that the red agate energy can help revitalize your sexual energy.

If you desire to bring in a new member to your family (baby), it is best to activate this tree in the following areas of your house:

  1. Place it in the man’s personal nien yen direction.
  2. For more family luck, place it in the west location of your living room to signify many descendants luck. This is the universal location in accordance of 8 Life Aspiration Theory. This is to activate harmony in the family, good fortune, prosperity and many great grand children in the future.

Note: All crystal items would be placed in a singing bowl to rejuvanate fresh new energy prior to shipping to ensure potency. Also note that natural crystals from earth may have uneven textures and colors, natural inclusions or original internal lines/cracks in them which may extend to the surface. These are not flaws or damages. They are absolutely fine from a feng shui perspective and would not make natural crystals less perfect compared to manmade items.

GENUINE MIXED CRYSTAL Tree for Overall Smoothsailing Luck Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:46:29 +0000 GENUINE MIXED CRYSTAL Tree for Overall Smoothsailing Luck Material: Genuine Natural Mixed Crystals Color: Natural Mixed Crystals Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL10573]]> This luck-fulfilling mixed crystal tree is packed with over 100 pieces of crystal chips and empowered with 8 gold Chien Lung coins. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. This tree consists of multi-colored semi precious stones, each related to different chakras in our bodies. Chakra is an energy center like a wheel or circuit that rotates on its axis. Our body structure is divided into such energy fields called chakras. The chakras are arranged lengthwise in the body and must be in balance with each other. An unbalanced energy field in our space can cause physical or mental problem due to blockage of energy flow through our chakras, which then result in bad luck. This multicolored crystal tree will resolve such problems. It will generate good fortune, good health, happiness, prosperity and great relationship. It balances your chakras, yin and yang and the 5 elements so that one could achieve the highest excellence in all areas of ones life.

Note: This tree is made from genuine mixed crystal gemchips. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

Where to place the tree?
The multicolored crystal tree can be used to empower and infuse your home or workplace with healthful energy. They are also best used for healing and protection by producing sacred space for homes and workplaces. The multicolored crystal tree will be combined with either citrine, amethyst, smoky quartz, tiger eye, rose quartz, white crystal, bluelace agate, green adventurine, red agate etc. Therefore it is excellent to balance our seven chakras, yin and yang and also the 5 elements of our surroundings.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

Our seven chakras would determine our overall luck associated to all 8 aspirations of our life:

  1. The first chakra known as “muladhara” is situated at the base of the spine. Colors associated to it are black, gray, red and brown. When in balance this chakra is responsible for activity, spontaneity, independance and leadership ability. When out of balance might cause anger, violence, impulsiveness and even sexual compulsion. It is connected to the lower spinal column, lower abdomen area, and male sexuality.
  2. The second chakra known as “svadhisthana” is situated above the spleen. Colors associated to it are red and orange. When in balance this chakra is responsible for security, courage, ambition and creativity. When out of balance, might cause signs of cruelty, indolence and feelings of superiority or depression. It is connected to the abdomen area including all internal organs.
  3. The third chakra known as “manipura” is situated above the stomach. Colors associated to it are light orange, yellow and light green. When in balance this chakra is responsible for organizational ability, clarity of thought and inner discipline. When out of balance might cause indolence, nervousness and cowardice. It is connected to the upper stomach, including inner limbs and digestion system.
  4. The fourth chakra known as “anahata” is situated above the heart. Colors associated to it are green and pink. When in balance this chakra is responsible for generosity, sense of security and readiness to receive. When out of balance might cause feelings of jealousy, materialism and feelings of insecurity. It is connected to the heart physically and emotionally.
  5. The fifth chakra known as “visshudha” is situated to the throat. Colors associated to it are turqoise and blue.When in balance this chakra is responsible for idealism, perseverance, patience and calmness. When out of balance might cause depression, loneliness and extreme conservatism. It is connected to the throat, allergies, communication and speech.
  6. The sixth chakra known as “ajna” is situated on the third eye. Colors associated to it are dark blue and purple. When in balance this chakra is responsible for seeing situations correctly, telepathic ability and optimism. When out of balance might cause belief in superstitions and indoctrination by others. It is connected to the eyes and to channeling.
  7. The seventh chakra known as “sahasrara” is situated on top of the head, also known as crown chakra. Colors associated to it are purple, transparent and gold. When in balance this chakra is responsible for abundance, creativity and humanitarianism. When out of balance might cause day dreaming and arrogance. It is connected to spiritual development.

The multicolored crystal tree can be placed anywhere you want to cleanse and enhance, including the bedroom. Everytime you feel that the crystals are out of energy, the best way to reactivate them is to shine some lights on them or put them under the sun for 3 hours, because fire energy produces earth energy. This signifies nurturing the energy of the mother earth which results in activating the crystal power even more.

Remember that southwest is the love corner, which means when crystals are placed there, they bring steady relationships, romance and love.

Meanwhile northwest is metal element, and earth creates metal, therefore placing the multicolored gemtree in that area will benefit the patriach and also your mentor/networking luck. Good network is the key to success to the riches.

When placed at work place or offices, it would bring you a smooth ride and ability to counter all resistance to create a path for continous promotion. When placed at the cashiers, it brings you more sales. When placed at your investment desks, it brings more speculative luck.

For most homes and any room in our homes, whereby creating a balance for 5-Elements is difficult due to placement of furniture and associated colors of decoration, the multicolored gemtree could balance the energy flow throughout our homes and living spaces.

Note: All crystal items would be placed in a singing bowl to rejuvanate fresh new energy prior to shipping to ensure potency. Also note that natural crystals from earth may have uneven textures and colors, natural inclusions or original internal lines/cracks in them which may extend to the surface. These are not flaws or damages. They are absolutely fine from a feng shui perspective and would not make natural crystals less perfect compared to manmade items.

GENUINE GREEN AVENTURINE Tree for Education and Personal Growth Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:46:25 +0000 GENUINE GREEN AVENTURINE Tree for Education and Personal Growth Material: Genuine Natural Green Aventurine Color: Natural Green Aventurine Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL10570]]> This growth-fulfilling green aventurine tree is packed with over 100 pieces of crystal chips and empowered with 8 gold Chien Lung coins that guarantees to help you excel in your studies and increase self development. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. This is a fabulous energizer to boost up motivation and provide good start in our new undertakings in our career, personal growth, self development, studies and business; and enhances creativity and innovation, sharpens our minds, enhances leadership quality, heals old wounds and balances our lives.

Note: This tree is made from genuine green aventurine gemchips. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Aventurine gem tree symbolizes and how to place this object?
Green Aventurine invokes new strengths and creativity to move faster forward in our career, studies and business. It emits energy to sharpen our minds and creativity, improve leadership quality and enhance our overall well-being. Our aventurine gem tree with potent Chien Lung coins tied with red ribbons resembles a self development wish tree. The trunk is strong and solid to signify strong support in wealth and income. The adventurine gem tree is best placed in living rooms, study, work place and bedroom to bring excellent “yang” energy and feng shui for enhancing your wealth and abundance.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

FS Bestbuy recommends a few places for displaying the item:

  1. Display it in the northeast sector of living rooms or simply on any part of your study desk to energize personal growth, development and education luck. It improves your innovativeness, especially if you are in a competitive field such as architecture, engineering and communications. It will increase your creativity and also enhance your literary luck. This is also helpful for those sitting for examinations.
  2. Place it in the northwest to increase the luck of having more important people and helpful people supporting you in your undertakings. This is important for business pursuits and careers. Placing it in this sector will also bring you heaven luck.
  3. Place it in the north if you’re strengthening creativity in your career. It would also provide you more recognition and promotion opportunities.
  4. Place it on your work desk to create a differentiator between you and your competitors so that you could stay at the forefront of career advancement. It sharpens your mind and increases innovation.

The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.

GENUINE AMETHYST Tree for Wisdom, Fidelity and Fame Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:46:19 +0000 GENUINE AMETHYST Tree for Wisdom, Fidelity and Fame Material: Genuine Natural Amethyst Color: Natural Amethyst Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL10571]]> This wisdom-fulfilling amethyst crystal tree is packed with over 100 pieces of crystal chips and empowered with 8 gold Chien Lung coins that guarantees to help you calm your emotions and enhance your thinking clarity and capability. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. It purifies and transmutes all forms of negativity. It is also said to carry both healing and enhancing properties which provides protection and balance during transition periods. Amethyst gives a spiritual perspective on life’s circumstances. A lavender-purple relates to the Heart Chakra, easing a betrayed heart and healing the sense of loss of life and innocence. Amethyst helps you think and act at your highest level. Feng Shui Masters often related Amethyst to fire element and it is said to invoke fame luck in the south.

Note: This tree is made from genuine amethyst gemchips. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Amethyst gem tree symbolizes and how to place the object?
Amethyst is recognized to give the magical effects of calming our emotions and enhancing thinking clarity. They have curative energy to enhance us physically and mentally. Thus, our health could also be improved by the Amethyst. The Amethyst Gem Tree is most suitable for those who are experiencing pressure and stress under high pressured environment. The tree would stimulate meditative energies to create harmonization between you and your environment. It is also a potent item to reduce quarrels, anger and emotions. Some claimed that it is the most powerful stone to protect one against third party in a relationship.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

The Amethyst Gem Tree has many uses:

  1. Place this tree in the West or in rooms where high temperament always occur to stimulate happy chi. This would reduce quarrels and anger occuring in your family.
  2. Place the tree in the Northwest to enhance your mentor luck. This will bring many helpful encounters with important people for business pursuits, career growth, study luck and wealth luck. The earth energy from the gem would produce more metal element in the northwest.
  3. Place this tree in the northeast to improve your innovativeness, especially if you are in a competitive field such as architecture, engineering and communications. It will increase your intelligence and also enhance your literary luck. This is also helpful for those sitting for examinations.
  4. Display in the south to increase fame luck and recognition. Purple amethyst is fire element and it will invoke the power of phoenix in the south to create wonderful fame luck.
  5. Display in the bedroom to ensure your spouse is not taken away by the third party. The amethyst prevents triangular relationship problems.

Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleaned by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.


GENUINE ROSE QUARTZ Tree for Love Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:46:13 +0000 GENUINE ROSE QUARTZ Tree for Love Material: Genuine Natural Rose Quartz Color: Natural Rose Quartz Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL10569]]> This love-wish-fulfilling rose quartz crystal tree is packed with over 100 pieces of crystal chips and empowered with 8 gold Chien Lung coins that guarantees the generation of true love that last forever. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. This wish tree will invite more romance, rekindle broken relationship and culminate better chances of marriage for you. Display it in the Southwest to enhance your love life, be finding a partner or pumping the passion back into your existing relationship.

Note: This tree is made from genuine rose quartz gemchips. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Rose Quartz gem tree symbolizes and how to place this object?
Rose Quartz is the gem for love and marital bliss. The rose quartz gem tree with 8 powerful gold Chien Lung coins tied with ribbons would bring new romance, rekindle broken relationship and culminate better chances of marriage. This powerful love energizer would bring more passion in your relationship besides making you more attractive to the other party. In short, the rose quartz gem tree resembles a love wishing tree.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

Display this love gem tree in the following areas to energize your romance luck:

  1. Display the item in the bedroom or southwest corner of living/family rooms to energize or rejuvanate your love life. It will create your love desire, thus enabling you to find your long term partner in life.
  2. Place it in places where quarrels always occur such as in the car or in certain areas to diffuse love quarrels. The item will calm your nerves and the bad quarrelling chi could be dissolved automatically.
  3. For those who are believers of 8-Mansions Theory, try to display the item in your personal Nien Yen direction to optimize your love luck. The gem tree placed in this direction will open your crown chakra to pass love energy to you.

The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleaned by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.

Pearl Blossoming ROSE QUARTZ Tree for Love Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:45:44 +0000 Pearl Blossoming ROSE QUARTZ Tree for Love Material: Genuine Natural Rose Quartz and Pearl Color: Natural Rose Quartz and Pearl Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL17048]]> This love-wish-fulfilling rose quartz crystal tree is packed with over 50 pieces of the expensive grade pearl and empowered with 8 gold Chien Lung coins that guarantees the generation of true love that last forever. Extra expensive quality pearl is used to make this tree and they mimic flower blossoming. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. This wish tree will invite more romance, rekindle broken relationship and culminate better chances of marriage for you. Display it in the Southwest to enhance your love life, be finding a partner or pumping the passion back into your existing relationship.

Note: This tree is made from genuine rose quartz gemchips and natural pearl. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Rose Quartz gem tree symbolizes and how to place this object?
Rose Quartz is the gem for love and marital bliss. The rose quartz gem tree with 8 powerful gold Chien Lung coins tied with ribbons would bring new romance, rekindle broken relationship and culminate better chances of marriage. This powerful love energizer would bring more passion in your relationship besides making you more attractive to the other party. In short, the rose quartz gem tree resembles a love wishing tree.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

Display this love gem tree in the following areas to energize your romance luck:

  1. Display the item in the bedroom or southwest corner of living/family rooms to energize or rejuvanate your love life. It will create your love desire, thus enabling you to find your long term partner in life.
  2. Place it in places where quarrels always occur such as in the car or in certain areas to diffuse love quarrels. The item will calm your nerves and the bad quarrelling chi could be dissolved automatically.
  3. For those who are believers of 8-Mansions Theory, try to display the item in your personal Nien Yen direction to optimize your love luck. The gem tree placed in this direction will open your crown chakra to pass love energy to you.

The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleaned by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.

GENUINE CITRINE Tree for Wealth Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:45:39 +0000 GENUINE CITRINE Tree for Wealth Material: Genuine Natural Citrine Color: Natural Citrine Yellow Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL10568]]> This wealth-fulfilling citrine crystal tree is packed with over 100 pieces of large natural chips and empowered with 8 pieces of gold Chien Lung coins to guarantee the generation of wealth that last forever. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. Citrine being dugged from the earth is filled with pure earth energy. Furthermore its yellow color will further complement its earth energy. Therefore, citrine would be the most important crystal wealth energizer for Period 8. This item will invite more solid wealth luck and income luck for you throughout the next twenty years. Placed at cashier register and household, it guarantees prosperity for you.

Note: This tree is made from genuine citrine gemchips, not like the ones that are “dyed” from quartz widely sold in the market. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Citrine gem tree symbolizes and how to place the object?
Natural Citrine is a potent gemstone of wealth. Citrine creates wealth luck, fortune, prosperity and more dollars in your income. This fabulous citrine gem tree is tied with potent gold Chien Lung coins, resembling a wealth wish fulfilling tree. The trunk is strong and solid to signify strong support on your wealth and income. The citrine gem tree is best placed in living rooms, wealth corners, cashiers and business desks to bring excellent “yang energy” for enhancing wealth and abundance.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

FS Bestbuy recommends a few places for displaying the item:

  1. Place it in the southeast sector (wealth sector) of living rooms and business premises energize income, increase in wealth and prosperity and windfall luck. This is the most powerful sector to transmit your home’s chi to become prosperity chi with the citrine tree.
  2. Place it in the northwest to increase money luck from important people and helpful people. This sector is important for business pursuits and careers. Placing it in this sector will also bring you heaven’s luck.
  3. Place it in the north if you’re seeking for material gains in career and increasing more recognition and promotion opportunities.
  4. Place it on your work desk to create a differentiator between you and your competitors so that you could stay at the forefront of career advancement and salary increment.
  5. Display it in the wealth corners such as the “sheng chi” location according to 8 Mansions Theory or the “water star 8” location according to the Flying Star Theory.

The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.

PEARL BLOSSOMING CITRINE Tree for Wealth Harvesting Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:45:33 +0000 PEARL BLOSSOMING CITRINE Tree for Wealth Harvesting Material: Genuine Natural Pearl and Citrine Color: Natural Pearl and Citrine Yellow Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 500g ID: SL10746]]> This amazing wealth-harvesting genuine citrine crystal tree is packed with over 50 pieces of the expensive high grade golden natural pearl and empowered with 8 pieces of gold Chien Lung coins to guarantee the harvesting of wealth immediately and have it last forever. Extra expensive quality pearl is used to make this tree and they mimic flower blossoming. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. Citrine being dugged from the earth is filled with pure earth energy. Furthermore its yellow color will further complement its earth energy. Therefore, citrine would be the most important crystal wealth energizer for Period 8. This item will invite more solid wealth luck and income luck for you throughout the next twenty years. Placed at cashier register and household, it guarantees prosperity for you.

Note: This tree is made from genuine citrine gemchips and natural pearl, not like the ones that are “dyed” from quartz widely sold in the market. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Pearl Citrine gem tree symbolizes and how to place the object?
Natural Citrine is a potent gemstone of wealth. Citrine creates wealth luck, fortune, prosperity and more dollars in your income. This fabulous citrine gem tree is tied with potent gold Chien Lung coins, resembling a wealth wish fulfilling tree. The trunk is strong and solid to signify strong support on your wealth and income. The citrine gem tree is best placed in living rooms, wealth corners, cashiers and business desks to bring excellent “yang energy” for enhancing wealth and abundance.

The high quality natural pearl can be eaten raw or ground into powder to be applied on human face to remove wrinkles. One can swallow the pearl to cure digestive problems, ease the process of giving birth, improve breathing and cure poisoning. It also signifies faith, purity, health and longevity. Those wearing the pearl can immediately feel the sense of tranquility, calmness, beauty and happy. That being the reason why the queens of the world would wear pearls most of the time.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

FS Bestbuy recommends a few places for displaying the item:

  1. Place it in the southeast sector (wealth sector) of living rooms and business premises energize income, increase in wealth and prosperity and windfall luck. This is the most powerful sector to transmit your home’s chi to become prosperity chi with the citrine tree.
  2. Place it in the northwest to increase money luck from important people and helpful people. This sector is important for business pursuits and careers. Placing it in this sector will also bring you heaven’s luck.
  3. Place it in the north if you’re seeking for material gains in career and increasing more recognition and promotion opportunities.
  4. Place it on your work desk to create a differentiator between you and your competitors so that you could stay at the forefront of career advancement and salary increment.
  5. Display it in the wealth corners such as the “sheng chi” location according to 8 Mansions Theory or the “water star 8” location according to the Flying Star Theory.

The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.

Pearl Blossoming AMETHYST Tree for Wisdom, Fidelity and Fame Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:30:45 +0000 Pearl Blossoming AMETHYST Tree for Wisdom, Fidelity and Fame Material: Genuine Natural Amethyst Color: Natural Amethyst Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11159]]> This wisdom-fulfilling amethyst crystal tree is packed with over 50 pieces of the expensive high grade golden natural pearl and empowered with 8 pieces of gold Chien Lung coins to to help you calm your emotions and enhance your thinking clarity and capability. Extra expensive quality pearl is used to make this tree and they mimic flower blossoming. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. It purifies and transmutes all forms of negativity. It is also said to carry both healing and enhancing properties which provides protection and balance during transition periods. Amethyst gives a spiritual perspective on life’s circumstances. A lavender-purple relates to the Heart Chakra, easing a betrayed heart and healing the sense of loss of life and innocence. Amethyst helps you think and act at your highest level. Feng Shui Masters often related Amethyst to fire element and it is said to invoke fame luck in the south.

Note: This tree is made from genuine amethyst gemchips. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What Amethyst gem tree symbolizes and how to place the object?
Amethyst is recognized to give the magical effects of calming our emotions and enhancing thinking clarity. They have curative energy to enhance us physically and mentally. Thus, our health could also be improved by the Amethyst. The Amethyst Gem Tree is most suitable for those who are experiencing pressure and stress under high pressured environment. The tree would stimulate meditative energies to create harmonization between you and your environment. It is also a potent item to reduce quarrels, anger and emotions. Some claimed that it is the most powerful stone to protect one against third party in a relationship.

If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

The Amethyst Gem Tree has many uses:

  1. Place this tree in the West or in rooms where high temperament always occur to stimulate happy chi. This would reduce quarrels and anger occuring in your family.
  2. Place the tree in the Northwest to enhance your mentor luck. This will bring many helpful encounters with important people for business pursuits, career growth, study luck and wealth luck. The earth energy from the gem would produce more metal element in the northwest.
  3. Place this tree in the northeast to improve your innovativeness, especially if you are in a competitive field such as architecture, engineering and communications. It will increase your intelligence and also enhance your literary luck. This is also helpful for those sitting for examinations.
  4. Display in the south to increase fame luck and recognition. Purple amethyst is fire element and it will invoke the power of phoenix in the south to create wonderful fame luck.
  5. Display in the bedroom to ensure your spouse is not taken away by the third party. The amethyst prevents triangular relationship problems.

Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleaned by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.

Pearl Blossoming Garnet Tree for Fame and Good Relationship Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:30:40 +0000 Pearl Blossoming Garnet Tree for Fame and Good Relationship Material: Genuine Natural Pearl & Red Garnet Color: Maroon Red Dimension(in): 5x3x6 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11656]]> Garnet is a precious stone and looks like the seeds of the promegranate. For centuries, the garnet is said to be of help for arthritis, pancreas, varicose veins and problems with testicles and toenails. Many an early explorer and traveller liked to carry a garnet with him, for the garnet was popular as a talisman and protective stone, as it was believed to light up the night and protect its bearer from evil and disaster. This garnet crystal tree is packed with over 50 pieces of the expensive high grade golden natural pearl and empowered with 8 pieces of gold Chien Lung coins to to help you calm your emotions and enhance your thinking clarity and capability. Extra expensive quality pearl is used to make this tree and they mimic flower blossoming. The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify good fortune, wealth and abundance. Feng Shui Masters often related red garnet to fire element and it is said to invoke fame luck in the south. When your south is being activated with this jewel, it will benefit those who wants to stand out in a crowd and aiming to be famous, for example those who are book authors, business writers, showbiz entertainers, politicians and simply workers who desires to be seen for their good work! Its fiery energy is also suitable to burn quarrelsome energies away, thus is best to be displayed either at work or at home to prevent anger from sparking. Therefore, the garnet guarantees quick generation of fame and popularity and enhancement of relationship luck.

Note: This tree is made from genuine natural pearl & red garnet gemchips. The item comes with a certificate of guarantee to authenticate the natural crystal and originality of make.

These fabulous crystal trees are specially designed to be a class above the standard crystal trees available in the market. Unlike the general ones, these trees are truly built to feng shui principles and claimed to be the best ever made in years. A good wish tree has coins growing from the branches and features a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles to serve as a broader source of fortune.The pot with mystic knot symbols on the front and back is filled with gold ingots, the ruyi and unlimited amount of treasures to signify wealth and abundance. The design, make, color, finishing and selection of stone quality are of the best grade one could find. If you are looking to pamper yourself and your loved ones, these are the ones you should be going after. Guaranteed more stunning as gifts!

“Twisted Eight” trunk consisting 8 branches

What the Wishfulfilling Tree symbolizes and how to place the object?
If one had visited cities that uses feng shui like Hong Kong (Tai Po Market) and Shanghai (Ee Yuen), one should have seen wishfulling trees where devotees throw written wishes on special red incantation papers with a mandarin orange. These trees are usually filled with wishes hung on all the branches. In fact, wishtrees have been documented during the ancient times as a powerful symbol to harvest ones wishes, be it for relationship, wealth, health, family harmony or passing high court examinations.

Wish Fulfilling Tree in Tai Po Market, Hong Kong

A recorded tale mentioned that Shang Ziyie was a fairy from heaven who came down to earth to marry a poor fellow Chooi Wen Lui. She used her magic to create a tree that could shed coins to provide daily needs for the household. This had made the family rich and everyone from the village benefitted from it also. The wishfulfilling tree is known to shed money when shaken. Normally it remarks the “God of Fortune presenting wealth and treasures to devotees who now have endless wealth to come”. Later people make the wish trees to be displayed in homes to represent steady source of income, specific wishes fulfilled and long lasting luck. Many ancient texts and chinese art motifs had shown wish trees having coins grew from the branches and featured a treasure bowl that produces all kinds of precious articles.

Ancient Wish Tree featuring treasure pot and coins

The Red Garnet tree can be displayed in the following locations:

  1. Place it in the south sector (fame sector) of living rooms and business premise, or simply on your workdesk to bring recognition, fame and popularity, which in return brings many successes in your life. It could also channel positive energies to you so that you could experience harmony with your office colleagues and improve your relationship with people.
  2. Place it in the southwest to channel relationship energies to benefit yourself and your whole family. Without love and good relationship, having all the money in the world may not be good enough. Therefore, focus to build good relationship with your partner, family members and friends in life with this jewel.
  3. Place it in the northeast to bring education luck and literary luck. For those sitting for hot exams, place this jewel in the NE to heat up the earth energies and in return increase your examination luck.
  4. Display it at flying star #3 locations to control quarrelsome energies. The direction of flying star #3 could be found from the annual flying star chart. For example, in 2012 it will be at the southwest.

Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleaned by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you.
