Crystal Ball with 3-Dimensional Peacock with Peonies Picture (For Enchanted Beauty)


Crystal Ball with 3-Dimensional Peacock with Peonies Picture (For Enchanted Beauty)
Material: Synthetic Crystal
Color: Colorful
Dimension(in): 3x3x5 in
Weight: 800g
ID: SL10192

Crystal balls are fabulous earth energy enhancer and becomes even more magnificent in Period 8 (which is ruled by earth energy). Round crystal balls ensures good tidings and smooth riding in your endeavours. This crystal ball features a 3 dimensional hand-painting within it. Displaying the ball in your space will activate the luck depicted inside to ball to send vibes in a three dimensional manner in your living space. Peacock is another manifestation of the heavenly Phoenix on earth. It has a thousand eyes on its tail which would activate fame luck, promote public admiration and bring positive motives from other people. The thousand eyes can also protect you from disasters and dangers. Besides the eyes will also help to protect you against betrayal in love relationships. Peony also signifies beauty, romance and the amorous feelings of youth. The presence of the peony acts like a love potion. Ladies who display peony in their surrounding will encourage libido of their desired men. It would bring out the excellent side of the female. Peacock together with the peonies can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the animal. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love. Single men are also recommended to display this best crystal ball in the southwest corner of their bedroom as powerful emblem of conjugal love and activation of yin energy to bring prospective female into their lives.

What Peacock and Peony symbolizes?
Peacock is another manifestation of the heavenly Phoenix on earth. It has a thousand eyes on its tail which would activate fame luck, promote public admiration and bring positive motives from other people. The thousand eyes can also protect you from disasters and dangers. Besides the eyes will also help to protect you against betrayal in love relationships.

The peony symbolize beauty, romance and purity. The peony is China’s Queen of Flowers. The peony when placed at home makes single ladies witty and charming, thus bringing many suitors to their hands in marriage.

Displaying peony in the bedroom is an enticement for sexual entanglement for married couples. Therefore, married couples should display them in the living room to lighten the effect instead. However, for those who want to encourage libido in their husbands can place them in their bedroom.

Peacock together with the peonies can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the animal. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love. Single men are also recommended to display this best crystal ball in the southwest corner of their bedroom as powerful emblem of conjugal love and activation of yin energy to bring prospective female into their lives.

Weight 1250 g
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