Conch Shell Pendant – filled with “King Gesar’s Mantra”


Conch Shell Pendant – filled with “King Gesar’s Mantra”
Material: Bronze
Color: Bronze
Dimension(in): 0.8×0.75×1.5in; 6mm opening
Weight: 50g
ID: SL12114

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A high jewellery piece, this immaculate Conch Shell pendant is handcrafted by the jewellery smith, making the hard-to-make bronze into jewellery a reality. A spectacular revelation from the usual pieces, this stunning and eye-catching masterpiece features a secret compartment that can be filled with mantra or talisman. Empowering the sensual piece is the “King Gesar’s Four Line Invocation Mantra” inserted into the secret compartment. Because it is the key to empowering the pendant, the mantras contained inside the pendant is guaranteed correct. The mantra is said to strengthen and materialize continuous success luck and windhorse energy. Your career life will benefit tremendously whereby your life will flow smoothly, staying resilient and determined at all times. Everyone needs a good supply of this kind of luck because it is what sets the stage for wealth, recognition, power and stability for the benefit of the family. This pendant is suitable to harness power, authority, networking and career luck.

The conch shell has survived as the original horn trumpet since time immemorial. Ancient Indian epics describe how each hero of mythical warfare carried a mighty white conch shell, which often bore a personal name. It is an emblem of power, authority and sovereignty whose blast is believed to banish evil spirits, avert natural disasters, and scare away poisonous creatures. Today, in its greatly tamed avatar, the conch is used in Tibetan Buddhism to call together religious assemblies. During the actual practise of rituals, it is used both as a musical instrument and as a container for holy water. From a feng shui perspective, the conch shell is great emblem of networking luck, especially those undertaking business connected to export and import. It helps to make one prosper from gaining global acceptance if your business is targeting worldwide. It is also a good activator of popularity and associated to fame luck in the south.

Note: Item comes with a free necklace.

Weight 280 g
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