2.2″ Incense Burner


2.2″ Incense Burner
Material: Metal Alloy
Color: Gold
Dimension(in): 3×2.2×1.5 in
Weight: 150g
ID: SL11840

A departure from the usual pieces, this simple and zen-looking incense burner is created for discerning feng shui enthusiasts who pays attention to doing up the home sanctuary in a zen style. Burning incense ingots can invoke positive outcome for our space, cleanse the space and remove negativities. Burning incense can also be used as an alternative cure for quarrelsome energy, especially at locations where the Quarrelsome Star#3 is. This incense pot is only suitable to burn incense ingots or incense coils equal or less than 2-inches in width. It can be used for space clearing or meditation purposes, can be displayed in the living, dining, family and study areas.

What incense burner symbolizes?
Incense burner is used to burn incense for space clearing/enhancement purposes. Aromatic smoke from incense ingots can pierce through stale and unwanted energy, and rejuvanate your workspace and homes. Good chi at home would in return attract good luck, prosperity, good fortune and wealth luck. The incense burner is present in almost every chinese homes to resemble symbolical blessings from purifying energy.

Weight 400 g
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