Space Clearing – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Mon, 30 Jan 2023 09:26:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Space Clearing Brass Magic Mirror Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:07:57 +0000 Space Clearing Brass Magic Mirror Material: Brass Color: Natural Brass Dimension(in): 4x1.2x5.5 in each Weight: 350g ID: SL10396]]> This is the reproduction of the ancient circular shaped mirror made from brass in the ancient times for feng shui rituals. Ancient mirrors are supposed to have magic power to protect owners from evil and are called “Hu Hsin Ching”. They are believed to make hidden spirits visible and to reveal the secrets of futurity. Metal mirrors are potent feng shui ornament used by taoist practitioners for space clearing, protecting against people of bad intention, dissolving bad chi, turning enemies into friends, attracting new love into ones life and bringing good luck. The mirror uses reflection of rays to do space clearing and the benefit of it is it will continuously clear the space automatically without anyone attending to it. This is therefore advantageous for those who are working and not able to perform singing bowl space clearing everyday. It is therefore excellent to be used in premises and houses where energy is bad due to bad feng shui or flying stars. The magic mirror is required in the center of homes or living rooms or ones personal bedrooms to continuosly deflect away evil energy and secure good feng shui.

What the magic mirror symbolizes and how to use them?
The replica of ancient mirrors can be concave or flat but must always be circular in shape and made from brass as the main ingredient. The brass mirror will reflect rays that trigger lucky influences and space clearing purposes but never by the modern glass mirror. In ancient times, the mirror is flashed upon the bride on her wedding day to bring her luckiness. Ancient people also use mirror to clear away stale and dark energy from their face to start off a new day when they are going out for an important pursuit. Another example is rich people placed mirrors in their halls to prevent mad people from entering their homes. If one had studied the history of feng shui, the brass mirror was hung up on outside of the ancient bed-curtain to counteract, prevent, or dissipate devilish or unpropitious influences. It was supposed that evil spirits, on approaching to do harm, will be apt to see themselves reflected in the mirror, and becoming frightened, will betake themselves away without delay.

There were also countless examples of real life historical figures who claimed the magical effects of mirrors as follows:

  1. Chin Shih Huang (the first emperor of Chin Dynasty AD255) was credited with the possession of a magic mirror, which had the power of reflecting the inward parts of those who looked upon it.
  2. Li Shin Min (the second emperor of Tang Dynasty AD597-649) is recorded to have remarked, “By using the mirror of brass you may see to adjust your cap, by using antiquity as a mirror, you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of Empires.”

What is more, mirror as a gift represents good luck. Giving away a magic mirror to someone would bring marriage luck, descendants luck or even leap frogging promotion in his or her career.

Also according to ancient beliefs, one could absorb the energy from a full moon with this magic mirror and then used it as a make-up mirror to create long term beauty and radiance in ones face. The powerful yin energy from the moon would make ladies prettier and having smooth skin, thus making her more attractive.

Besides, the mirror could also be used to shine on someone you like to create two way attraction to each other. If you want to make friends with colleagues or people in an important ball (e.g. business ball), absorb sunlight yang energy, then when shone on people, including your enemies they will become your friends instantly.

Similarly, you may use this magic mirror to do space clearing for your room and home or office space. Absorb strong yang energy from the sun to charge it up once a while, and shine the magic mirror in the interiors to dissolve bad chi right away. Your surrounding energy will be revitalized right away.

One may place the magic mirror in their space to CONTINOUSLY clear the space, rejuvanate energy and deflect away bad energy. Unlike the other space clearing tools such as the singing bowl and incense smoke, the mirror will work for you every day for 24 hours a day automatically and effectively. This leaves no rooms for bad energy to accumulate in your space. Suitable for areas where you desire to create good feng shui, such as curing bad flying stars in living rooms, dining and including bedrooms.

One may also place the mirror diagonally facing to the maindoor to ward off any bad chi that tries to enter their properties. This was a special ritual practiced by many taoist masters.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: Because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual. Cast brass work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high brass purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.

Sandalwood Incense Ingots Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:07:02 +0000 Sandalwood Incense Ingots Material: Aromatic Sandalwood Color: Golden Brown Dimension(in):1.5x0.5x0.8in per piece Weight:60g per box (3 boxes - 36pcs/ 5 boxes - 60pcs) ID: HH1901set]]> These are authentic sandalwood incense ingots that will give you sandal wood aroma when they are being burnt. Our incense are made from genuine sandalwood. They are most suitable for space clearing, rejuvanating auspicious items and enhancing the living space. For Taoists and Buddhists, they can be light up these genuine sandalwood incense as prayer offerings to higher realm deities. Smoke from genuine sandalwood has the ability to pierce through negative and yin energies. There are 12 pcs per box. This coil can be placed in any incense burners that have an internal diameter larger than 1.5 inches, for example the 2.2 Inch Burner or Ceramic Incense Burner

2.2″ Incense Burner
Ceramic Incense Burner

What is the function of smoke from incense ingots?
Aromatic smoke from incense ingots can pierce through stale and unwanted energy, and rejuvanate your workspace and homes. Good chi at home will in return attract good luck, prosperity, good fortune and wealth luck. It is also advisable to use the smoke from incense ingots to refresh your Feng Shui objects once every week.

Introduction to Sandalwood Incense
The using of natural incense can date back to before 2000 years ago in India and China. But for its rarity and expensive, it can only be used by royal family aristocrat and Buddhism.

Nowadays, even though we are already in the modern culture, mankind are still eager to go back to enjoy the traditional means of incense purification. Authentic natural incense products are now being highly sorted after in the West. The smoke and smell from the incense can create a peaceful mind and a serene visibility in our daily lives.

Sandalwood Background
Sandalwood has been used extensively in the east for many centuries; particularly in China and India. Because of its aromatic properties, it is highly priced for use in ceremonial occasions when joss sticks made from it are burned as incense. In Feng Shui, Taoism and Buddhism, genuine sandalwood incense is said to ward off evil spirits and is used for space clearing and purification. The incense not only can refresh oneself, but also claimed to cure certain disease. For instance, Sandalwood oil had been used as “perfume base” in France in 1828. Guerlain added Sandalwood oil to ‘Jicky’ in 1989. The use of Sandalwood oil continues today in leading perfume bouses such as Christian Dior(‘Poisom’), Yves Saint Laurent(‘Opium’) and Calvin Klein(‘Obsession’). Today, the incense made from Sandalwood has been to the most expensive incense.

We are a Manufacturer of Sandalwood Incense in Asia
Feng Shui Bestbuy incenses are all made from natural ingredients (sandalwood) and contain no coloring or charcoal. This ensures our incenses emit clean smoke during burning, and the burning is long lasting and the smoke is good for your health. All our products are handmade and our workers are skillfully trained by chinese traditional incense making craftsmanship. The materials of our incense include bamboo, sandalwood, Chinese Herbs and some other superior wood powder found in the mountains of China. Our manufacture of incense is both a science and an art. We supply incense to many retailers, temples and merchants both locally and foreign.

Modern fragrance technology and efficient production techniques combined with modest labor cost, this is the winning formula which enables our company to offer superior quality and high profit margins to importers. Our ability to respond rapidly to the needs of our clients makes our ally in a rapidly expanding market and our talent for innovation is helping for our clients to open many new markets around the world. Our ability to design the product and the superior packaging to our customers’ own specification has enabled our incense widest possible retail customer base. With excellent incense making technique and scrupulous control of raw material, our incense receive good feedback from all our customers.

Kindly make enquiries pertaining to our bulk prices for importers and retailers to:

6″ I-Bowl (Heavy Duty) Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:18:23 +0000 6-Inch I-Bowl (Heavy Duty) Material: Genuine 7 Metals Color: Gold Dimension(in): Singing Bowl - 6x6x2.75 in Wood Mallet - 0.8x0.8x5 in Cushion - 5.5x5.5x2 in Weight: 1300g ID: SL11734]]> The new I-bowl is more authentic, thicker, better and heavier. The make of this 6-inch singing bowl is in full compliance of SEVEN METALS secret formula required for feng shui space clearing. This golden singing bowl has added in a significant amount of gold unlike those cheaper versions that are easily available in the market. There are gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, zinc and lead with each of them representing the sun, moon and other planets of our galaxy. This secret mix of correct metals generates a negativity-piercing rythm to clear away, move and heal stagnant and negative chi. The rythm from such metal mixture will also scare away all the evil spirits and ghost as they cannot tolerate such resonance levels. Widely used in Tibet for space clearing purposes, singing bowls are struck with a mallet, and then rubbed around the rim with a playing mallet to produce a fascinating blend of harmonic resonance’s and rich overtones. This beautiful singing bowl rests on a Tibetan hand-made cushion and comes with a wood mallet. It is known to create the most sensational vibrations that will properly cleanse the energy of our space. It must be struck hard for three times and the mallet rubs the edge of the bowl to generate “continuous singing” hyms to disperse and purify the surrounding chi.

When do we perform space clearing?

  1. When we feel that the energy in our spaces is stagnant, negative, sick and stale. Sometimes, our mental is totally obstructed and drained out because of bad surrounding energy. Bad energy creates blockages and problems in life. To a serious extent, if neglected, it causes anger, quarrels, depression, unhappiness, illness, suicide and even accidents. Negative energy must be cleared, cleansed and purified to bring back good luck into our lives.
  2. A home that has been built awhile ago and unrenovated for a long time. Normally an old home suffers from weak energy, especially if there is lingering energy of unhappiness, violence, quarrels, loss and illness in the past years.
  3. When you move into a new place. Whether it is a newly built house or a second-hand home, it is better to remove any negative earth energy or old misfortunes left behind by previous events or occupants. Space clearing when undertaken can remove evil spirits, suicide energies and old bad encounters to hinder misfortune that could possibly strike new occupants.
  4. When you want to introduce good luck flows, lightness and relaxing atmosphere to your environment. Space clearing brings new opportunities and instant good luck.
  5. When your home feng shui is known to be bad but you are unable to move to a new one due to certain constraints. If you continue to stay in a place with bad feng shui without doing anything to improve it, your life will continue to degrade. Therefore, you ought to frequently perform space clearing to your home so that you can temporarily remove bad luck and generate good energy to bring new opportunities to make you afford a new place soon.
  6. When you want to make your space more inviting to clients, supporters and friends. Human automatically avoid places that have uncomfortable energy. But once you space clear the energy, you will observe the difference.
  7. When you want to start a new year, a new business, a new career, a new life and a new environment with good luck and fortune.
  8. When you have a series of bad luck in your office or working place which you want to stop, space clear your workdesk.
  9. When you are always unlucky, facing many problems, having lawsuits and troubles which may have been caused by bad feng shui and do not know what had gone wrong with the feng shui of the house. The singing bowl will help to temporarily cure the feng shui problems of your house such as negative energy so that your bad luck can be removed.
    10. For those who are busy with life and cannot be bothered about monthly flying stars and getting monthly cures in different sections of the house, the solution is to do a monthly space clearing with the singing bowl in your house to cure all the bad monthly afflictions away.

How to make the bowl sing?
The quality of the sound from singing bowl very much depend on your skills besides having the correct material and dimension of the bowl. Hearing perfect sound is not immediate and not an immediate destiny. It is a journey you will learn as you use the bowl more to purify your space. In the beginning, the sound may come flat, but as you learn along and interact more with the bowl, the sound gets purer and stronger. Patience is required and impulsiveness will only ruin the sound of the bowl. Therefore you must be very calm and undisturbed when you play with the bowl.

  1. First, hold the bowl sitting on the cushion with one palm and the wood mallet with another hand. Stay calm.
  2. Then strike the bowl three times on the perimeter. Strike it hard, but be careful not too hard till the bowl falls off the cushion. You will learn how to control it as you get more familiar with it.
  3. As the bowl starts to vibrate after the striking, create the continuous sound by rubbing the mallet against the edge of the perimeter of the bowl CLOCKWISE. You need a lot of practice to make this work perfectly. Use pressure, but not too hard. You may try doing this at different angles and time will tell you what is the best angle for each individual. Please refer to the picture below.

This two photos are for illustrative purpose only (they are taken from another bowl and do not represent the actual bowl you will be receiving): Strike the bowl by the side (left picture). Rub the edge perimeter of the bowl clockwise in circular mode to continue the sound again and again till you finish a space (right).

Space clearing procedure
Space clearing is best done in the morning hours between 7 am – 1pm. In fact the strongest hour is at 12 noon when the day transition from morning to afternoon. Please take a bath and wear some clean clothes before conducting the space clearing. Carry with you the mystic knot or wear the Dzi bead for protection when you want to conduct the space clearing. Firstly, open up all the windows and doors of all the areas you want to do space clearing with. This is in order to let external air, sunlight and energy enter and flow through your entire space. Remember to also turn on all the lights and fans to generate “yang” energy. Then light up a sandalwood incense ingot on the incense dish and bring this dish around the spaces you want to clear. Let the aroma and smoke of the sandalwood pierce through every corner of the spaces you desire to clear. The smoke from genuine sandalwood has negativity removal properties.

Then start playing with the bowl from the front part of the house, or where the maindoor is. As you enter your maindoor, strike the bowl three times, followed by the circular rubbing of the bowl edge perimeter. As you play with the bowl, move three rounds in circular mode around that space. After three rounds, leave the bowl to finish singing alone. Then you move to the next room in a clockwise direction around the house and as you enter the door strike the bowl three times again and make it sing as you move within the room three rounds. Continue this process for the entire house till you move back to the original space where your maindoor is. Finish off by striking three times and making the last three rounds again at the vicinity of the room where your maindoor is. We recommend once a week for space clearing, but you may perform space clearing as frequent as you want base on your own preference.

Taboo: Please do not do space clearing if there is thunderstorm, heavy rain and lightning. For places that has snow, you do not do space clearing when it is snowing also. But if you could do it immediately after rain and snow when the surrounding air is very clean and clear, that would be excellent!

Start at maindoor. Follow sequence 0 to 7. Move clockwise three rounds in every space you want to clear. Move in clockwise direction from room to room.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Bowl – They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks (not molded), there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual. However, they are minimum and very common.
Square-shaped Cushion – Every piece is authentically hand-made in Tibet and comes in multiple assorted colors that can be different from the one shown in the photo shown.

5″ I-Bowl Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:17:15 +0000 5-Inch I-Bowl Material: Genuine 7 Metals Color: Gold Dimension(in): Singing Bowl - 5x5x2 in Wood Mallet - 0.8x0.8x5 in Cushion - 4.8x4.8x1.2 in Weight: 800g ID: SL11733]]> The new I-bowl is more authentic, thicker, better and heavier. The make of this 5-inch singing bowl is in full compliance of SEVEN METALS secret formula required for feng shui space clearing. This golden singing bowl has added in a significant amount of gold unlike those cheaper versions that are easily available in the market. There are gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, zinc and lead with each of them representing the sun, moon and other planets of our galaxy. This secret mix of correct metals generates a negativity-piercing rythm to clear away, move and heal stagnant and negative chi. The rythm from such metal mixture will also scare away all the evil spirits and ghost as they cannot tolerate such resonance levels. Widely used in Tibet for space clearing purposes, singing bowls are struck with a mallet, and then rubbed around the rim with a playing mallet to produce a fascinating blend of harmonic resonance’s and rich overtones. This beautiful singing bowl rests on a Tibetan hand-made cushion and comes with a wood mallet. It is known to create the most sensational vibrations that will properly cleanse the energy of our space. It must be struck hard for three times and the mallet rubs the edge of the bowl to generate “continuous singing” hyms to disperse and purify the surrounding chi.

When do we perform space clearing?

  1. When we feel that the energy in our spaces is stagnant, negative, sick and stale. Sometimes, our mental is totally obstructed and drained out because of bad surrounding energy. Bad energy creates blockages and problems in life. To a serious extent, if neglected, it causes anger, quarrels, depression, unhappiness, illness, suicide and even accidents. Negative energy must be cleared, cleansed and purified to bring back good luck into our lives.
  2. A home that has been built awhile ago and unrenovated for a long time. Normally an old home suffers from weak energy, especially if there is lingering energy of unhappiness, violence, quarrels, loss and illness in the past years.
  3. When you move into a new place. Whether it is a newly built house or a second-hand home, it is better to remove any negative earth energy or old misfortunes left behind by previous events or occupants. Space clearing when undertaken can remove evil spirits, suicide energies and old bad encounters to hinder misfortune that could possibly strike new occupants.
  4. When you want to introduce good luck flows, lightness and relaxing atmosphere to your environment. Space clearing brings new opportunities and instant good luck.
  5. When your home feng shui is known to be bad but you are unable to move to a new one due to certain constraints. If you continue to stay in a place with bad feng shui without doing anything to improve it, your life will continue to degrade. Therefore, you ought to frequently perform space clearing to your home so that you can temporarily remove bad luck and generate good energy to bring new opportunities to make you afford a new place soon.
  6. When you want to make your space more inviting to clients, supporters and friends. Human automatically avoid places that have uncomfortable energy. But once you space clear the energy, you will observe the difference.
  7. When you want to start a new year, a new business, a new career, a new life and a new environment with good luck and fortune.
  8. When you have a series of bad luck in your office or working place which you want to stop, space clear your workdesk.
  9. When you are always unlucky, facing many problems, having lawsuits and troubles which may have been caused by bad feng shui and do not know what had gone wrong with the feng shui of the house. The singing bowl will help to temporarily cure the feng shui problems of your house such as negative energy so that your bad luck can be removed.
  10. For those who are busy with life and cannot be bothered about monthly flying stars and getting monthly cures in different sections of the house, the solution is to do a monthly space clearing with the singing bowl in your house to cure all the bad monthly afflictions away.

How to make the bowl sing?
The quality of the sound from singing bowl very much depend on your skills besides having the correct material and dimension of the bowl. Hearing perfect sound is not immediate and not an immediate destiny. It is a journey you will learn as you use the bowl more to purify your space. In the beginning, the sound may come flat, but as you learn along and interact more with the bowl, the sound gets purer and stronger. Patience is required and impulsiveness will only ruin the sound of the bowl. Therefore you must be very calm and undisturbed when you play with the bowl.

  1. First, hold the bowl sitting on the cushion with one palm and the wood mallet with another hand. Stay calm.
  2. Then strike the bowl three times on the perimeter. Strike it hard, but be careful not too hard till the bowl falls off the cushion. You will learn how to control it as you get more familiar with it.
  3. As the bowl starts to vibrate after the striking, create the continuous sound by rubbing the mallet against the edge of the perimeter of the bowl CLOCKWISE. You need a lot of practice to make this work perfectly. Use pressure, but not too hard. You may try doing this at different angles and time will tell you what is the best angle for each individual. Please refer to the picture below.

This two photos are for illustrative purpose only (they are taken from another bowl and do not represent the actual bowl you will be receiving): Strike the bowl by the side (left picture). Rub the edge perimeter of the bowl clockwise in circular mode to continue the sound again and again till you finish a space (right).

Space clearing procedure
Space clearing is best done in the morning hours between 7 am – 1pm. In fact the strongest hour is at 12 noon when the day transition from morning to afternoon. Please take a bath and wear some clean clothes before conducting the space clearing. Carry with you the mystic knot or wear the Dzi bead for protection when you want to conduct the space clearing. Firstly, open up all the windows and doors of all the areas you want to do space clearing with. This is in order to let external air, sunlight and energy enter and flow through your entire space. Remember to also turn on all the lights and fans to generate “yang” energy. Then light up a sandalwood incense ingot on the incense dish and bring this dish around the spaces you want to clear. Let the aroma and smoke of the sandalwood pierce through every corner of the spaces you desire to clear. The smoke from genuine sandalwood has negativity removal properties.

Then start playing with the bowl from the front part of the house, or where the maindoor is. As you enter your maindoor, strike the bowl three times, followed by the circular rubbing of the bowl edge perimeter. As you play with the bowl, move three rounds in circular mode around that space. After three rounds, leave the bowl to finish singing alone. Then you move to the next room in a clockwise direction around the house and as you enter the door strike the bowl three times again and make it sing as you move within the room three rounds. Continue this process for the entire house till you move back to the original space where your maindoor is. Finish off by striking three times and making the last three rounds again at the vicinity of the room where your maindoor is. We recommend once a week for space clearing, but you may perform space clearing as frequent as you want base on your own preference.

Taboo: Please do not do space clearing if there is thunderstorm, heavy rain and lightning. For places that has snow, you do not do space clearing when it is snowing also. But if you could do it immediately after rain and snow when the surrounding air is very clean and clear, that would be excellent!

Start at maindoor. Follow sequence 0 to 7. Move clockwise three rounds in every space you want to clear. Move in clockwise direction from room to room.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Bowl – They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks (not molded), there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual. However, they are minimum and very common.
Square-shaped Cushion – Every piece is authentically hand-made in Tibet and comes in multiple assorted colors that can be different from the one shown in the photo shown.

4″ I-Bowl Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:16:20 +0000 4-Inch I-Bowl Material: Genuine 7 Metals Color: Gold Dimension(in): Singing Bowl - 4x4x1.8 in Wood Mallet - 0.8x0.8x5 in Cushion - 3.5x3.5x1.2 in Weight: 600g ID: SL11732]]> The new I-bowl is more authentic, thicker, better and heavier. The make of this 4-inch singing bowl is in full compliance of SEVEN METALS secret formula required for feng shui space clearing. This golden singing bowl has added in a significant amount of gold unlike those cheaper versions that are easily available in the market. There are gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, zinc and lead with each of them representing the sun, moon and other planets of our galaxy. This secret mix of correct metals generates a negativity-piercing rythm to clear away, move and heal stagnant and negative chi. The rythm from such metal mixture will also scare away all the evil spirits and ghost as they cannot tolerate such resonance levels. Widely used in Tibet for space clearing purposes, singing bowls are struck with a mallet, and then rubbed around the rim with a playing mallet to produce a fascinating blend of harmonic resonance’s and rich overtones. This beautiful singing bowl rests on a Tibetan hand-made cushion and comes with a wood mallet. It is known to create the most sensational vibrations that will properly cleanse the energy of our space. It must be struck hard for three times and the mallet rubs the edge of the bowl to generate “continuous singing” hyms to disperse and purify the surrounding chi.

When do we perform space clearing?

  1. When we feel that the energy in our spaces is stagnant, negative, sick and stale. Sometimes, our mental is totally obstructed and drained out because of bad surrounding energy. Bad energy creates blockages and problems in life. To a serious extent, if neglected, it causes anger, quarrels, depression, unhappiness, illness, suicide and even accidents. Negative energy must be cleared, cleansed and purified to bring back good luck into our lives.
  2. A home that has been built awhile ago and unrenovated for a long time. Normally an old home suffers from weak energy, especially if there is lingering energy of unhappiness, violence, quarrels, loss and illness in the past years.
  3. When you move into a new place. Whether it is a newly built house or a second-hand home, it is better to remove any negative earth energy or old misfortunes left behind by previous events or occupants. Space clearing when undertaken can remove evil spirits, suicide energies and old bad encounters to hinder misfortune that could possibly strike new occupants.
  4. When you want to introduce good luck flows, lightness and relaxing atmosphere to your environment. Space clearing brings new opportunities and instant good luck.
  5. When your home feng shui is known to be bad but you are unable to move to a new one due to certain constraints. If you continue to stay in a place with bad feng shui without doing anything to improve it, your life will continue to degrade. Therefore, you ought to frequently perform space clearing to your home so that you can temporarily remove bad luck and generate good energy to bring new opportunities to make you afford a new place soon.
  6. When you want to make your space more inviting to clients, supporters and friends. Human automatically avoid places that have uncomfortable energy. But once you space clear the energy, you will observe the difference.
  7. When you want to start a new year, a new business, a new career, a new life and a new environment with good luck and fortune.
  8. When you have a series of bad luck in your office or working place which you want to stop, space clear your workdesk.
  9. When you are always unlucky, facing many problems, having lawsuits and troubles which may have been caused by bad feng shui and do not know what had gone wrong with the feng shui of the house. The singing bowl will help to temporarily cure the feng shui problems of your house such as negative energy so that your bad luck can be removed.
    10. For those who are busy with life and cannot be bothered about monthly flying stars and getting monthly cures in different sections of the house, the solution is to do a monthly space clearing with the singing bowl in your house to cure all the bad monthly afflictions away.

How to make the bowl sing?
The quality of the sound from singing bowl very much depend on your skills besides having the correct material and dimension of the bowl. Hearing perfect sound is not immediate and not an immediate destiny. It is a journey you will learn as you use the bowl more to purify your space. In the beginning, the sound may come flat, but as you learn along and interact more with the bowl, the sound gets purer and stronger. Patience is required and impulsiveness will only ruin the sound of the bowl. Therefore you must be very calm and undisturbed when you play with the bowl.

  1. First, hold the bowl sitting on the cushion with one palm and the wood mallet with another hand. Stay calm.
  2. Then strike the bowl three times on the perimeter. Strike it hard, but be careful not too hard till the bowl falls off the cushion. You will learn how to control it as you get more familiar with it.
  3. As the bowl starts to vibrate after the striking, create the continuous sound by rubbing the mallet against the edge of the perimeter of the bowl CLOCKWISE. You need a lot of practice to make this work perfectly. Use pressure, but not too hard. You may try doing this at different angles and time will tell you what is the best angle for each individual. Please refer to the picture below.

This two photos are for illustrative purpose only (they are taken from another bowl and do not represent the actual bowl you will be receiving): Strike the bowl by the side (left picture). Rub the edge perimeter of the bowl clockwise in circular mode to continue the sound again and again till you finish a space (right).

Space clearing procedure
Space clearing is best done in the morning hours between 7 am – 1pm. In fact the strongest hour is at 12 noon when the day transition from morning to afternoon. Please take a bath and wear some clean clothes before conducting the space clearing. Carry with you the mystic knot or wear the Dzi bead for protection when you want to conduct the space clearing. Firstly, open up all the windows and doors of all the areas you want to do space clearing with. This is in order to let external air, sunlight and energy enter and flow through your entire space. Remember to also turn on all the lights and fans to generate “yang” energy. Then light up a sandalwood incense ingot on the incense dish and bring this dish around the spaces you want to clear. Let the aroma and smoke of the sandalwood pierce through every corner of the spaces you desire to clear. The smoke from genuine sandalwood has negativity removal properties.

Then start playing with the bowl from the front part of the house, or where the maindoor is. As you enter your maindoor, strike the bowl three times, followed by the circular rubbing of the bowl edge perimeter. As you play with the bowl, move three rounds in circular mode around that space. After three rounds, leave the bowl to finish singing alone. Then you move to the next room in a clockwise direction around the house and as you enter the door strike the bowl three times again and make it sing as you move within the room three rounds. Continue this process for the entire house till you move back to the original space where your maindoor is. Finish off by striking three times and making the last three rounds again at the vicinity of the room where your maindoor is. We recommend once a week for space clearing, but you may perform space clearing as frequent as you want base on your own preference.

Taboo: Please do not do space clearing if there is thunderstorm, heavy rain and lightning. For places that has snow, you do not do space clearing when it is snowing also. But if you could do it immediately after rain and snow when the surrounding air is very clean and clear, that would be excellent!

Start at maindoor. Follow sequence 0 to 7. Move clockwise three rounds in every space you want to clear. Move in clockwise direction from room to room.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Bowl – They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks (not molded), there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual. However, they are minimum and very common.
Square-shaped Cushion – Every piece is authentically hand-made in Tibet and comes in multiple assorted colors that can be different from the one shown in the photo shown.

4.5in Brass Chundi Mirror Hanging Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:15:50 +0000 4.5in Brass Chundi Mirror Hanging Material: Brass Color: Natural Brass Dimension(in): 4.5x0.1x4.5in Weight: 160g ID: SL16052]]> The Chundi Bodhisattva is the Mother of All Buddhas and “chundi” means extreme holiness. Chundi Pusa has strong affinity with human race and will answer to all calls of saving all living things. Chundi Pusa is always accompanied by the eight great bodhisattvas and two dragon kings. The Chundi Pusa cultivation is always done with the Chundi Mirror with a miraculous set of mantras. The mirror possesses special powers. It:

  1. Eliminates dangers
  2. Heals diseases and prolongs life
  3. Terminates evil
  4. Raises Intelligent Children
  5. Increases wealth and fortune
  6. Generates harmony and love
  7. Eliminates negativities
  8. Provides powerful cure against the wrath of Tai Sui when the magnitude becomes too detrimental

What the Chundi Magic Mirror symbolizes?
The Chundi Pusa ranks supreme among the 70,000 million buddhas. The Chundi Mirror is used for cultivating and reciting the mantras of Chundi Pusa. The front is the mirror portion while the back shows the back of the Chundi Pusa. One will normally have to imagine the image of the Chundi Pusa when reciting the mantras. One can recite 108 times “Om Zhe Li Zhu Li Zhun Ti So Ha”. Imagine the mirror purifying all the negativities in your body manifesting good luck.

One can display the Chundi Mirror at the prayer altar if there is one. If not, one can display it facing the maindoor to help charge up positive energies on the incoming “chi”. One can also use the Chundi mirror to clear away stale and dark energy from their face to start off a new day when you are going out for an important pursuit. This mirror can also counteract, prevent, or dissipate devilish or unpropitious influences. It will also help one dissolve problems if ones zodiac is terribly afflicted with certain bad energies. You can also hang this mirror above your main door facing out for protection

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual.
Cast brass work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high brass purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.

Singing Bowl with Metal Mallet, Fortune Bell and Tai Chi Plate Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:15:28 +0000 Singing Bowl with Metal Mallet, Fortune Bell and Tai Chi Plate Material: Seven Metals Bowl and Brass Bell Color: Gold Dimension(in): Bell - 1.5x1.5x3.1 in Singing Bowl - 3x3x1.25 in Tai Chi Plate - 3x3x0.6 in Metal Mallet - 0.3x0.3x3.4 in Cushion - 3x3x0.2 in Weight: 400g ID: SL16048]]> Made from SEVEN METALS, this singing bowl set is in full compliance to the secret formula required for space clearing. This golden singing bowl and bell have added in a significant amount of gold unlike those cheaper versions that are easily available in the market. Comprising gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, lead and zinc as its ingredients, each type of metal represents the sun, moon and other planets of the galaxy. This secret mix of correct metals generates a negativity-piercing rythm to clear away, move and heal stagnant and negative chi. The rythm from the metal mix will also scare away all evil spirits and ghosts as they cannot tolerate such audio frequency. Singing bowls are struck with a mallet, and then rubbed around the rim with a playing mallet to produce a fascinating blend of harmonic resonance and rich overtone. This beautiful singing bowl rests on a soft cushion and comes with a metal mallet. Metal hitting on metal creates a miraculous power to boost metal element and produce water element. Therefore, striking this “metal-on-metal” singing bowl will also benefit years that lack water element. It is known to create the most sensational vibrations that will properly cleanse the energy of our space. It must be struck hard for three times and the mallet rubs the edge of the bowl to generate “continuous singing” hyms to disperse and purify the surrounding chi. Meanwhile the bell is an excellent implement for attracting new sources of income, money-making opportunities, sales and good luck. You may ring the bell everytime you feel that your business is slow and money does not come your way. Last but not least, a beautiful incense dish with the Tai Chi symbol signifies “balance”.

Note: 3 pieces of genuine sandalwood Incense Ingots will be provided for FREE. Only genuine sandalwood incense has space clearing propertie. Take note that other fragrant ones of synthetic nature do not.

When do you perform space clearing?

  1. When you feel that the energy in your space is stagnant, negative, sick and stale. Sometimes, your mental vitality is totally obstructed and drained out because of bad surrounding energy. Bad energy creates blockages and problems in life. To a serious extent, if neglected, it causes anger, quarrel, depression, unhappiness, illness, suicide motif and even accident. Negative energy must be cleared, cleansed and purified to bring back good luck into your lives.
  2. A home that has been built awhile ago and unrenovated for a long time. Normally an old home suffers from weak energy, especially if there is lingering energy of unhappiness, violence, quarrels, loss and illness in the past years.
  3. When you move into a new place. Whether it is a newly built house or a second-hand home, it is better to remove any negative earth energy or old misfortunes left behind by previous events or occupants. Space clearing when undertaken can remove evil spirits, suicide energies and old bad encounters to hinder misfortune that could possibly strike new occupants.
  4. When you want to introduce good energy flow, positive chi and relaxing atmosphere to your environment. Space clearing brings new opportunities and instant good luck.
  5. When your home feng shui is known to be bad but you are unable to move to a new one due to certain constraints. If you continue to stay in a place with bad feng shui without doing anything to improve it, your life will continue to degrade. Therefore, you ought to frequently perform space clearing to your home so that you can temporarily remove bad luck and generate good energy to bring in new opportunities so that you can afford a new place soon.
  6. When you want to make your space more inviting to clients, supporters and friends. Human automatically avoid places that have uncomfortable energy. But once you space clear the energy, you will observe the difference.
  7. When you want to start a new year, a new business, a new career, a new life and a new environment with good luck and fortune.
  8. When you have a series of bad luck in your office or working place which you want to stop, space clear your workdesk.
  9. When you are always unlucky, facing many problems, having lawsuits and troubles which may have been caused by bad feng shui and do not know what has gone wrong with the feng shui of the house. The singing bowl will help to temporarily cure the feng shui problems of your house so that your bad luck can be suppressed.
  10. For those who are busy with life and cannot be bothered about monthly flying stars and getting monthly cures in different sections of the house, the solution is to do a monthly space clearing with the singing bowl in your house to cure all the bad monthly afflictions away.

How to make the bowl sing?
The quality of the sound from singing bowl very much depend on your skills besides having the correct material and dimension of the bowl. Hearing perfect sound is not immediate and not an immediate destiny. It is a journey you will learn as you use the bowl more to purify your space. In the beginning, the sound may come flat, but as you learn along and interact more with the bowl, the sound gets purer and stronger. Patience is required and impulsiveness will only ruin the sound of the bowl. Therefore you must be very calm and undisturbed when you play with the bowl.

  1. First, hold the bowl sitting on the cushion with one palm and the metal mallet with another hand. Stay calm.
  2. Then strike the bowl three times on the perimeter. Strike it hard, but be careful not too hard until the bowl falls off the cushion. You will learn how to control it as you get more familiar with it.
  3. As the bowl starts to vibrate after the striking, create the continuous sound by rubbing the mallet against the edge of the perimeter of the bowl in a CLOCKWISE direction. You need a lot of practice to make this work perfectly. Use pressure, but not too hard. You may try doing this at different angles and time will tell you what is the best angle for each individual.

Space clearing procedure
Space clearing is best done in the morning hours between 7 am – 1pm. In fact the strongest hour is at 12 noon when the day transition from morning to afternoon. Please take a bath and wear some clean clothes before conducting the space clearing. Carry with you the mystic knot or wear the Dzi bead for protection when you want to conduct the space clearing. Firstly, open up all the windows and doors of all the areas you want to do space clearing with. This is in order to let external air, sunlight and energy enter and flow through your entire space. Remember to also turn on all the lights and fans to generate “yang” energy. Then light up a sandalwood incense ingot on the incense dish and bring this dish around the spaces you want to clear. Let the aroma and smoke of the sandalwood pierce through every corner of the spaces you desire to clear. The smoke from genuine sandalwood has negativity removal properties.

Then start playing with the bowl from the front part of the house, or where the maindoor is. As you enter your maindoor, strike the bowl three times, followed by the circular rubbing of the bowl edge perimeter. As you play with the bowl, move three rounds in circular mode around that space. After three rounds, leave the bowl to finish singing alone. Then you move to the next room in a clockwise direction around the house and as you enter the door strike the bowl three times again and make it sing as you move within the room three rounds. Continue this process for the entire house until you move back to the original space where your maindoor is. Finish off by striking three times and making the last three rounds again at the vicinity of the room where your maindoor is. We recommend once a week for space clearing, but you may perform space clearing as frequent as you want base on your own preference.

Taboo: Please do not do space clearing if there is thunderstorm, heavy rain and lightning. For places that has snow, you do not do space clearing when it is snowing also. But if you could do it immediately after rain and snow when the surrounding air is very clean and clear, that would be excellent!

Start at maindoor. Follow sequence 0 to 7. Move clockwise three rounds in every space you want to clear. Move in clockwise direction from room to room.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual.
Cast metal work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high metal purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.

Singing Bowl with Wood Mallet, Fortune Bell and Tai Chi Plate Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:13:15 +0000 Singing Bowl with Wood Mallet, Fortune Bell and Tai Chi Plate Material: Seven Metals Bowl and Brass Bell Color: Gold Dimension(in): Bell - 1.5x1.5x3.1 in Singing Bowl - 3x3x1.25 in Tai Chi Plate - 3x3x0.6 in Wood Mallet - 0.8x0.8x5.2 in Cushion - 3x3x0.2 in Weight: 555g ID: SL21002]]> Made from SEVEN METALS, this singing bowl set is in full compliance to the secret formula required for space clearing. This golden singing bowl and bell have added in a significant amount of gold unlike those cheaper versions that are easily available in the market. Comprising gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, lead and zinc as its ingredients, each type of metal represents the sun, moon and other planets of the galaxy. This secret mix of correct metals generates a negativity-piercing rythm to clear away, move and heal stagnant and negative chi. The rythm from the metal mix will also scare away all evil spirits and ghosts as they cannot tolerate such audio frequency. Singing bowls are struck with a mallet, and then rubbed around the rim with a playing mallet to produce a fascinating blend of harmonic resonance and rich overtone. This beautiful singing bowl rests on a soft cushion and comes with a metal mallet. Metal hitting on metal creates a miraculous power to boost metal element. It is known to create the most sensational vibrations that will properly cleanse the energy of our space. It must be struck hard for three times and the mallet rubs the edge of the bowl to generate “continuous singing” hyms to disperse and purify the surrounding chi. Meanwhile the bell is an excellent implement for attracting new sources of income, money-making opportunities, sales and good luck. You may ring the bell everytime you feel that your business is slow and money does not come your way. Last but not least, a beautiful incense dish with the Tai Chi symbol signifies “balance”.

When do you perform space clearing?

  1. When you feel that the energy in your space is stagnant, negative, sick and stale. Sometimes, your mental vitality is totally obstructed and drained out because of bad surrounding energy. Bad energy creates blockages and problems in life. To a serious extent, if neglected, it causes anger, quarrel, depression, unhappiness, illness, suicide motif and even accident. Negative energy must be cleared, cleansed and purified to bring back good luck into your lives.
  2. A home that has been built awhile ago and unrenovated for a long time. Normally an old home suffers from weak energy, especially if there is lingering energy of unhappiness, violence, quarrels, loss and illness in the past years.
  3. When you move into a new place. Whether it is a newly built house or a second-hand home, it is better to remove any negative earth energy or old misfortunes left behind by previous events or occupants. Space clearing when undertaken can remove evil spirits, suicide energies and old bad encounters to hinder misfortune that could possibly strike new occupants.
  4. When you want to introduce good energy flow, positive chi and relaxing atmosphere to your environment. Space clearing brings new opportunities and instant good luck.
    5. When your home feng shui is known to be bad but you are unable to move to a new one due to certain constraints. If you continue to stay in a place with bad feng shui without doing anything to improve it, your life will continue to degrade. Therefore, you ought to frequently perform space clearing to your home so that you can temporarily remove bad luck and generate good energy to bring in new opportunities so that you can afford a new place soon.
  5. When you want to make your space more inviting to clients, supporters and friends. Human automatically avoid places that have uncomfortable energy. But once you space clear the energy, you will observe the difference.
  6. When you want to start a new year, a new business, a new career, a new life and a new environment with good luck and fortune.
  7. When you have a series of bad luck in your office or working place which you want to stop, space clear your workdesk.
  8. When you are always unlucky, facing many problems, having lawsuits and troubles which may have been caused by bad feng shui and do not know what has gone wrong with the feng shui of the house. The singing bowl will help to temporarily cure the feng shui problems of your house so that your bad luck can be suppressed.
  9. For those who are busy with life and cannot be bothered about monthly flying stars and getting monthly cures in different sections of the house, the solution is to do a monthly space clearing with the singing bowl in your house to cure all the bad monthly afflictions away.

How to make the bowl sing?
The quality of the sound from singing bowl very much depend on your skills besides having the correct material and dimension of the bowl. Hearing perfect sound is not immediate and not an immediate destiny. It is a journey you will learn as you use the bowl more to purify your space. In the beginning, the sound may come flat, but as you learn along and interact more with the bowl, the sound gets purer and stronger. Patience is required and impulsiveness will only ruin the sound of the bowl. Therefore you must be very calm and undisturbed when you play with the bowl.

  1. First, hold the bowl sitting on the cushion with one palm and the metal mallet with another hand. Stay calm.
  2. Then strike the bowl three times on the perimeter. Strike it hard, but be careful not too hard until the bowl falls off the cushion. You will learn how to control it as you get more familiar with it.
  3. As the bowl starts to vibrate after the striking, create the continuous sound by rubbing the mallet against the edge of the perimeter of the bowl in a CLOCKWISE direction. You need a lot of practice to make this work perfectly. Use pressure, but not too hard. You may try doing this at different angles and time will tell you what is the best angle for each individual.

Space clearing procedure
Space clearing is best done in the morning hours between 7 am – 1pm. In fact the strongest hour is at 12 noon when the day transition from morning to afternoon. Please take a bath and wear some clean clothes before conducting the space clearing. Carry with you the mystic knot or wear the Dzi bead for protection when you want to conduct the space clearing. Firstly, open up all the windows and doors of all the areas you want to do space clearing with. This is in order to let external air, sunlight and energy enter and flow through your entire space. Remember to also turn on all the lights and fans to generate “yang” energy. Then light up a sandalwood incense ingot on the incense dish and bring this dish around the spaces you want to clear. Let the aroma and smoke of the sandalwood pierce through every corner of the spaces you desire to clear. The smoke from genuine sandalwood has negativity removal properties.

Then start playing with the bowl from the front part of the house, or where the maindoor is. As you enter your maindoor, strike the bowl three times, followed by the circular rubbing of the bowl edge perimeter. As you play with the bowl, move three rounds in circular mode around that space. After three rounds, leave the bowl to finish singing alone. Then you move to the next room in a clockwise direction around the house and as you enter the door strike the bowl three times again and make it sing as you move within the room three rounds. Continue this process for the entire house until you move back to the original space where your maindoor is. Finish off by striking three times and making the last three rounds again at the vicinity of the room where your maindoor is. We recommend once a week for space clearing, but you may perform space clearing as frequent as you want base on your own preference.

Taboo: Please do not do space clearing if there is thunderstorm, heavy rain and lightning. For places that has snow, you do not do space clearing when it is snowing also. But if you could do it immediately after rain and snow when the surrounding air is very clean and clear, that would be excellent!

Start at maindoor. Follow sequence 0 to 7. Move clockwise three rounds in every space you want to clear. Move in clockwise direction from room to room.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual.
Cast metal work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high metal purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.
