Bagua Mirrors – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Fri, 12 Jan 2024 21:52:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Period 9’s Nine Mirrored Bagua Sun, 26 Nov 2023 07:56:29 +0000 Period 9's Nine Mirrored Bagua - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated; Red and Green Enamel Dimension(in): 3.8x0.2x3.8in Weight: 208g ID:24-AM-10]]> This superb quality and finely made bagua plated in real gold is a class above the usual pieces. Featured in crimson red (fire element) and emerald green (wood element), this 9 Mirrored bagua is the bagua of Period 9 as its power is amplified by Period 9. Being the most powerful bagua in the world, this supreme form of bagua made from noble metal is denoted as the “Grand Emperor Bagua”. Sorted in “early heaven arrangement”, the nine mirror solution is used to remedy ALL types of “shar chi” (poison arrows) including the most disastrous ones that are unsolvable by other baguas or by any other means. Classical feng shui masters, especially from the San He School, insist the importance of metal over wood in the material and make. Strong metal like brass exerts “holy metal energy” where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting dangerous energies. This bagua provides powerful protection to your maindoor, which is the most important feature of a house so that fundamental luck is not being stolen away. Displaying this bagua above your main door is equivalent to having someone who lends an unseen but beneficial helping influence to neutralize all possible “poison arrows” magically and safeguard your household. Its presence ensures that the surrounding cosmic energies gets in sync so that the “good chi” can flow into your interior. The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. Made from supreme metal with high quality finish together with overwhelming heaviness and thickness, it is especially beneficial to create immense strength to repel dangerous energies.
  2. A total of nine sets of trigrams in “early heaven arrangement” with 9 mirrors in their centers wield predominant force to counter ALL kinds of negative energies.
  3. A special Taoist Magic Incantation behind the bagua catalyses divine powers to activate and empower the bagua.

This bagua must not be used indoor at all. It can be used as a stronger defense against ALL severe cases of killing chi. Stronger killing chi refers to negative forces exerted from a bridge, overhead flyover, railway track, curve knife shape road, lamp post and large tree in front of your chi entry points such as windows and doors. It can also be used to subdue star #2, #3 and #5 combinations at your maindoor.

Note: There have been claims that one may faint, feel uncomfortable or get drained when facing this bagua directly if they are being possessed by evil energies and dark forces. This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the bagua symbolizes?
The bagua is used commonly in “Form School of Feng Shui”, which is the first and oldest feng shui school dating back to Song Dynasty (AD960-1279). “Form School” which is the basis of all schools of feng shui overides other school of thoughts when landscape, shape and formation in an environment are not desirable. The bagua is used to neutralize negative effects or external influences to create good flow of energy into homes.

The Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagramically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams.

The eight fundamental trigrams

The proper arrangement of eight trigrams in a bagua has the Chien trigram at the top and the Kun trigram at the bottom to set up potent energy in repelling bad luck. As for the mirror in the center, they are either flat, concave or convex according to principles of science in light reflection. Concave mirrors curve inwards and absorb all types of “chi” be they good or bad. On the contrary, the convex mirror buldges outwards and reflect all types of “chi” be they good or bad. Flat mirrors are neutral, which means they absorb the good and reflect the bad. While it is important to protect our homes, we should also consider preventing ourselves from harming our neighbours to gain good merits in our karma. Therefore Feng Shui Bestbuy only offer baguas with concave and flat mirrors.

Types of external Shar Chi that requires cure with a Bagua. We only advise using the concave bagua and not convex bagua in order not to hurt or harm your surroundings. Hurting your surrounding neighbourhood would bring bad karma and may affect your personal luck in the future.

Beware! The bagua can only be displayed outdoor and facing outside. The bagua when displayed indoor and facing into the house can be deadly and harmful to you. The bagua should be placed at the “points of entry of bad chi” such as above a door or a window:

  1. The bagua useful to prevent bad luck from killing chi if your house has its main door or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers, police/firestations, schools/colleges/universities and houses of worship such as churches/mosques/temples.
  2. The bagua can repel evil spirits, bad luck and harmful people when placed above the main door.
  3. The bagua can diffuse killing chi (poison arrows) from lamp post, straight pole, tree and oppressing large building too close for comfort directly in front of your house.
  4. The bagua is best used to remedy killing chi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of your neighbours pointing at your doors.
  5. The bagua can cure continuous rushing chi on a T-intersection, a street that ends at your front yard with on coming traffic heading straight towards your house.
  6. The bagua subdue any harmful “chi” that enters your home through a door.

All the above situation if not cured could result in accidents, sickness, depression, psychological effects, or even death in a household.

]]> 41575 7in Early Heaven Concave Bagua Thu, 03 Nov 2022 14:06:21 +0000 7in Early Heaven Concave Bagua (Peachwood) Material: Peach Wood Color: Natural wood Dimension(in): 6.9x6.9x0.4 in Weight: 290g ID:SL23012]]> Made from finger joined board of solid peach wood with natural finishing, it is extremely suitable for blending into homes with modern design. It features the EARLY HEAVEN arrangement of the bagua eight trigrams with a concave mirror in the center. This meets the criteria of a standard traditional bagua used to counter poison arrows and warding off evil spirits. Its back is inscribed with a Taoist Magic Talisman that empowers the bagua. Chinese characters “zhen zhai pi xie” (suppress disasters and subdue evil) and “hua sha zhao chai” (dissolve poison arrows and invite wealth) are positive affirmations influencing the bagua. 

What Bagua symbolizes and how to place the object?
A good bagua mirror is in octagonal shape, usually framed in wood and measures about 4 to 7 inches across. It has the eight trigrams marked around the outside with a round mirror in the center. The bagua mirror is easy to use and inexpensive protection method for “shar chi” or poison arrows. The bagua mirror is used massively in “Form School of Feng Shui”, which was the first and oldest feng shui school dating back to Song Dynasty (AD960-1279). Form School of Feng Shui which is the basis of all schools of feng shui overides other school of thoughts when certain shapes and formation in an environment is not in a desirable mode. Since most of us live in urban areas, the natural elements of landscape and formation are represented by buildings, roadways and other manmade structures.

Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagramically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams. These natural events affect our health, livelihood, and relationships.

The eight fundamental trigrams

The Luoshu diagram, on the other hand, is a pattern of black (yin) and white (yang) dots inscribed on a turtle’s shell found by Yu the Great, found of China’s first dynasty Xia (2100BC). The diagram denotes motion, transformation and interaction of natural and human chi forces.

The proper arrangement in bagua has the Chien trigram at the top and Kun trigram at the bottom to set up potent energy in repelling bad luck. As for the mirror in the center, they could be designed in flat, concave or convex according to principles of science in reflection of lights. Concave mirrors curve inwards and absorbs all the bad chi. On the contrary, the convex mirror curve outwards and reflect all harmful chi away. Flat mirrors are neutral. While it is important to protect our homes, we should also consider preventing ourselves from harming our neighbours to gain good merits in our karma. Therefore Feng Shui Bestbuy only offer baguas with concave mirrors, which are equally powerful for usage.This bagua is ready to use immediately even if it is not being blessed in the temple by taoist priests.

Types of external Shar Chi that requires cure with a Bagua. We only advise using the concave bagua and not convex bagua in order not to hurt or harm your surroundings. Hurting your surrounding neighbourhood would bring bad karma and may affect your personal luck in the future.

Beware! The bagua can only be placed outdoor. The bagua placed indoor can be deadly and harmful to us. The bagua should be displayed at the “points of entry of bad chi” into homes such as at the external portion of doors and windows. Normally they are hung at the top frame of the door or on the wall above the door:

  1. The bagua is useful to prevent bad luck from killing chi if ones home has the main door or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers, police/firestations, schools/colleges/universities and houses of worship such as churches/mosques/temples.
  2. The bagua can also repel evil spirits, bad luck and harmful people when displayed on top of main doors.
  3. The bagua can also diffuse killing chi (poison arrows) from lamp post, straight pole, tree and oppressing large building too close for comfort directly in front of your house.
  4. The bagua is best used to remedy killing chi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of your neighbours pointing at your front doors.
  5. The bagua cures continuous rushing chi at a T-intersection, a street that ends at your front yard with on coming traffic heading straight towards your house.
  6. The bagua nourishes any harmful chi that comes into our homes through the maindoor without us knowing it.

All the above situation if not cured could result in accidents, sickness, depression, psychological effects, or even death in household.

7in Early Heaven Fu Dog Bagua Thu, 03 Nov 2022 13:41:30 +0000 7in Early Heaven Fu Dog Bagua (Peachwood) Material: Peachwood Color: Natural wood Dimension(in): 6.9x6.9x0.7in Weight: 270g ID: SL23014]]> This very special bagua is used as strongest cure to ward off stronger killing breathe. Bagua with a Fu Dog biting a sword in the center is especially used to ward of evil chi from grave yards, dead chi from hospital, corpse energy from mortuary and large killing chi exerted from larger killing features as compared to the size of your premises. It is best used to cast away accidents, ghosts, black magic, ill energies and influence of shar chi from the surroundings. It has a few special characteristics as follows:

  1. It is made from finger joined board of solid peach wood. Peach wood is a holy material that is said to be able to subdue evil energies.
  2. The early heaven bagua is engraved at the top to deflect off harmful forces.
  3. It has the mythical Fu Dog for the specific purpose of driving evil spirits away and guarding the property from harm.
  4. Its back is inscribed with a Taoist Magic Talisman that empowers the bagua. Chinese characters “zhen zhai pi xie” (suppress disasters and subdue evil) and “hua sha zhao chai” (dissolve poison arrows and invite wealth) are positive affirmations influencing the bagua. 

What the bagua symbolizes and how to place the object?
The bagua is used massively in “Form School of Feng Shui”, which was the first and oldest feng shui school dating back to Song Dynasty (AD960-1279). Form School of Feng Shui which is the basis of all schools of feng shui overides other school of thoughts when certain shapes and formation in an environment is not in a desirable mode. Since most of us live in urban areas, the natural elements of landscape and formation are represented by buildings, roadways and other manmade structures.

Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagramically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams. These natural events affect our health, livelihood, and relationships.

The eight fundamental trigrams

The Luoshu diagram, on the other hand, is a pattern of black (yin) and white (yang) dots inscribed on a turtle’s shell found by Yu the Great, found of China’s first dynasty Xia (2100BC). The diagram denotes motion, transformation and interaction of natural and human chi forces.

The name Fu Dogs are actually derived chinese “foh” (recited in chinese as Buddha) because these beings are found as stone mounting guardians at Buddhist temples. They are considered sacred in Buddhism, where most deities are depicted sitting on it. It is the emblem of wisdom, power and protection, which could be the reason why they are being embroidered on ancient chinese official robes. These powerful guardians are fun to own like a lovely pair of real dogs at our homes and are easy to tame. This powerful symbol provides potent protection and demon scaring for ancient palaces, banks, mansions, shops, malls, businesses, hotels and jewellery shops. Their faces may look like lions, but take note that they are different from the actual lions.

Meanwhile, 7-stars swords are used by taoist masters to perform their heavenly spells. The 7-northern stars are derived from the 9 heavenly stars of the luoshu, where all the secret formulas of feng shui are defined. This 7-Stars sword is used by Taoist spiritual masters to perform heavenly spells to resolve disasters, epidemics, ward off evil spirits and black magic.

After understanding the theory behind bagua, now it is important for us to choose a proper bagua to ensure it works powerfully, even if it is not being blessed by a taoist monk. Baguas sold by Feng Shui Bestbuy are accurately designed according to correct principles, ready for use immediately.

Beware! Baguas can only be placed outdoor. Baguas placed indoor can be deadly and harmful to us. Baguas should be placed at the “points of entry of bad chi” into homes such as at the external portion of doors and windows:

  1. This bagua is useful to prevent bad luck from killing chi if your home has its main door or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers and evil mountains.
  2. This bagua can also repel evil spirits and negative energy when displayed above the main door.
  3. This bagua will also provide protection to the household and prevent theft, robbery and accident.
  4. This bagua is able to act against classic types of poison arrows.


7in Tai Chi Bagua Thu, 03 Nov 2022 12:19:12 +0000 7in Tai Chi Bagua (Peachwood) Material: Peachwood Color: Natural wood Dimension(in): 6.9x6.9x0.7in Weight: 290g ID:SL23013]]> The symbol of “Tai Chi” signifies the balance of “yin” and “yang”. It balances out energy that is out of sync or facing imbalances. This is a neutral bagua that is considered “safer” than using a convex mirror when facing the neighbour in the opposite direction because it does not harm the neighbour. Capable of neutralizing all forms of poison arrows, negative forces and evil spirits, the salient features of this bagua can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. It is made from finger joined board of solid peach wood. Peach wood is a holy material that is said to be able to subdue evil energies.
  2. Its trigrams inscribed is the “early heaven arrangement”. This is preferred by most all style feng shui masters.
  3. The center has a Tai Chi symbol that neutralizes poison arrows (sha chi) and balances energies. 
  4. Its back is inscribed with a Taoist Magic Talisman that empowers the bagua. Chinese characters “zhen zhai pi xie” (suppress disasters and subdue evil) and “hua sha zhao chai” (dissolve poison arrows and invite wealth) are positive affirmations influencing the bagua. 

What this special Bagua symbolizes?
The bagua is used massively in “Form School of Feng Shui”, which was the first and oldest feng shui school dating back to Song Dynasty (AD960-1279). Form School of Feng Shui which is the basis of all schools of feng shui overides other school of thoughts when certain shapes and formation in an environment is not in a desirable mode. This bagua has the eight trigrams marked around the outside and the “Tai Chi” in the center and is used to neutralize any unknown effects of external influences to create perfection in feng shui for homes.

The Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagrammatically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams. These natural events affect our health, livelihood, and relationships.

The eight fundamental trigrams

The Luoshu diagram, on the other hand, is a pattern of black (yin) and white (yang) dots inscribed on a turtle’s shell found by Yu the Great, found of China’s first dynasty Xia (2100BC). The diagram denotes motion, transformation and interaction of natural and human chi forces.

The symbol of Tai Chi represents the many basic concepts of Taoist philosophy. It means that everything in the universe (the “Ten Thousand Things”) contains both light and dark, good and evil. These are complementary aspects rather than conflicting. The two small dots within each area indicate that Yin contains the seed of Yang, and Yang contains the seed of Yin. Yin is the dark, cold, female, introvert, passive side of life, shown as the Black area. Yang is the light, warm, male, extrovert, active aspect, shown as the White area. Such a symbol simply creates balance and equilibrium in energy of your surrounding and is best to neutralize and filterize excessive energy.

Beware! Baguas can only be placed outdoor. Baguas placed indoor can be deadly and harmful to us. Baguas should be placed at the “points of entry of bad chi” into homes such as at the external portion of doors and windows:

  1. Baguas are useful to prevent bad luck from killing chi if your house has its main door or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers, police/firestations, schools/colleges/universities and houses of worship such as churches/mosques/temples.
  2. Baguas can also repel evil spirits, bad luck and harmful people when placed above the main door.
  3. Baguas can also diffuse killing chi (poison arrows) from lamp post, straight pole, tree and oppressing large building too close for comfort directly in front of your house.
  4. Baguas are best used to remedy killing chi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of your neighbours pointing at your front doors.
  5. Baguas can cure continuous rushing chi on a T-intersection, a street that ends at your front yard with on coming traffic heading straight towards your house.
  6. Baguas nourish any harmful chi that comes into your homes through the maindoor.
  7. Baguas are able to act against classic types of poison arrows.


5in Mountain Sea Cure (Convex Mirror) Wed, 02 Nov 2022 15:15:45 +0000 5in Mountain Sea Cure (Convex Mirror) Material: Brass Color: Gold Dimension(in): 4.7x4.7x0.5in Weight: 131g ID:SL23011]]> Looking highly unusual from a normal bagua mirror, this is a powerful “shan hai zhen” taoist cure that is gathering and focusing cosmic energies from multiple taoist incantations, special mountain arrangements, lakes, seas, the sun and the moon into the 8 trigrams of the bagua and a convex mirror. Sorted in an “early heaven arrangement“, this is used to remedy ALL types of “shar chi” (poison arrows). Next, its mirror being convex means it will deflect everything outwards back towards the source and its surrounding. Therefore if it points to the opposite neighbour, it will harm him. You will need to exercise precaution to only use this cure solely only against a destructive feature without harming your neighbour, else there will be karmic consequences. Made entirely from metal,  it exerts metal energy on top of all that is needed to counter destructive forces. Classical feng shui masters, especially from the San He School, insist the importance of metal over wood in the material and make. Strong metal exerts “holy metal energy” where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting dangerous energies.

The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. The symbols of sun and moon in the east and west giving balanced equilibrium to “yin” and “yang”.
  2. The pictorial is a representation of three 5-layered mountains being surrounded by four lakes and five seas to gather their cosmic energies which enable your house to move mountains and change seas, thus terminating evil.
  3. On each side near the perimeter, chinese characters “dui wo zheng sheng chai” (face me will bring me more fortune) and “wo jia ru shan hai” (my house is like a sea and mountain) are positive affirmations to overpower the destructive forces.
  4.  Further positive affirmative words “guang ming” (victory) and “zhen zai” (suppress disaster) reinforce the ability of the cure.
  5. Five Taoist Magic Incantations catalyse divine powers to activate and empower the bagua. They are “zhao chai zing bao” (invite wealth and abundance), “shi fang gui ren dao si” (invite benefactors from four directions), “he jia ping an” (family always safe and secured),  “wu lu chai shen dao chi” (5 wealth gods arrived) and “tian guan chi fu” (heaven god blessed fortune). 

This countermeasure is used to dissolve poison arrows irrespective of types, suppress disasters, increase wealth opportunities, improve business acumen, enable family safety and smoothens out obstacles.  It can also be used to subdue star #2, #3 and #5 combinations at your maindoor.

What the bagua symbolizes?
The bagua is used commonly in “Form School of Feng Shui”, which is the first and oldest feng shui school dating back to Song Dynasty (AD960-1279). “Form School” which is the basis of all schools of feng shui overides other school of thoughts when landscape, shape and formation in an environment are not desirable. The bagua is used to neutralize negative effects or external influences to create good flow of energy into homes.

The Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagramically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams.

The eight fundamental trigrams

The proper arrangement of eight trigrams in a bagua has the Chien trigram at the top and the Kun trigram at the bottom to set up potent energy in repelling bad luck. As for the mirror in the center, they are either flat, concave or convex according to principles of science in light reflection. Concave mirrors curve inwards and absorb all types of “chi” be they good or bad. On the contrary, the convex mirror buldges outwards and reflect all types of “chi” be they good or bad. Flat mirrors are neutral, which means they absorb the good and reflect the bad. While it is important to protect our homes, we should also consider preventing ourselves from harming our neighbours to gain good merits in our karma.

Types of external Shar Chi that requires cure with a Bagua. We only advise using the concave bagua and not convex bagua in order not to hurt or harm your surroundings. Hurting your surrounding neighbourhood would bring bad karma and may affect your personal luck in the future.

Beware! The bagua can only be displayed outdoor and facing outside. The bagua when displayed indoor and facing into the house can be deadly and harmful to you. The bagua should be placed at the “points of entry of bad chi” such as above a door or a window:

  1. The bagua is useful to prevent bad luck from killing chi if your house has its main door or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers, police/firestations, schools/colleges/universities and houses of worship such as churches/mosques/temples.
  2. The bagua can repel evil spirits, bad luck and harmful people when placed above the main door.
  3. The bagua can diffuse killing chi (poison arrows) from lamp post, straight pole, tree and oppressing large building too close for comfort directly in front of your house.
  4. The bagua is best used to remedy killing chi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of your neighbours pointing at your doors.
  5. The bagua can cure continuous rushing chi on a T-intersection, a street that ends at your front yard with on coming traffic heading straight towards your house.
  6. The bagua subdue any harmful “chi” that enters your home through a door.
  7. The bagua is able to act against classic types of poison arrows.

All the above situation if not cured could result in accidents, sickness, depression, psychological effects, or even death in a household.

]]> 36223 Missing Corner Plaque for Southwest Mon, 24 Oct 2022 17:33:52 +0000 Missing Corner Plaque for Southwest Material: Peachwood Color: Lacquered wood and Multicolor Paint Dimension(in): 4.6x7x0.45 in Weight: 183g ID:SL23008]]> Used by old school traditional feng shui masters, a symbol of trigram is the most direct countermeasure for a missing corner. It is also a potent cure for other situations that requires the trigram’s potency to be generated, its weak presence to be magnified and its unavailability to be reinvented. Made from peach wood, it is inscribed with the “kun trigram” symbol, its corresponding name of the trigram in chinese and smaller chinese characters to describe its direction and element. The trigram is enameled in its own element color to amplify its base element. Activating behind the plaque is a Taoist talisman that presses down disasters and misfortunes. Its cosmic power is also able to imprison evil energies so that the whole family can stay safe and secured. It can be conveniently hung on a wall or displayed on a table. This plaque is a cure for a missing corner in the southwest. The house with a missing southwest corner will experience a broken family with many relationship issues between the husband and wife. The mother will suffer from ill health. The entire family will not be happy and not going to be successful. Occupants will be having health related issues associated to the stomach.

To learn if your house has a missing corner, click here.

Missing Corner

A missing corner is a proportion of an area dissappearing or shrunk. Feng shui masters will not recommend one to buy a new house that has a missing corner because missing corners will contribute to odd shape or sharp corner resulting in “chi” being confused. Occupants of an odd shape house will not be at peace all the time, bombarded by obstacles, instability, troubles, misfortunes and mishaps. To sum up, a house with one or more missing corners is considered as a bad house and should be avoided. In general, most feng shui masters use the trigram meanings of each direction to desribe the probable outcome of a missing corner:

1. Northwest – Disharmony and frequent quarrels among family members. Father of the house is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Brings about injuries or health problems associated to the head. Occupants will also suffer from blood pressure issues.

2. West – Family members tend to be flirtatious and involved in 3rd party scandals. Youngest daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will be facing love problems and issues related to the mouth and breathing.

3. South – Poor network and always encountering petty people. Middle daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will suffer from eye and heart diseases.

4. East – Morale compass is low and family always feel down and discouraged. There is no future for the eldest son of the family. Occupants will suffer from health issues related to the foot.

5. Southeast – Pregnancy setbacks will be encountered. Newly weds must avoid such type of house. Eldest daughter will face love affairs and career challenges. Occupants of the house will have issues related to the blood and thigh.

6. North – High risk of accidents for family members. Middle son will be most susceptible to harm. Occupants will most probably end up having kidney diseases.

7. Northeast – Family has poor planning issues, thus facing many obstacles in life. Youngest son may not make it to the university/college education. Occupants will be facing overall health problems and anything associated to the hands.

8. Southwest – Broken family with many relationship issues between husband and wife. The mother will suffer from ill health. Entire family will not be happy and not going to be successful. Occupants will be having health related issues associated to the stomach.

Missing Corner Plaque for Northeast Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:27:27 +0000 Missing Corner Plaque for Northeast Material: Peachwood Color: Lacquered wood and Multicolor Paint Dimension(in): 4.6x7x0.45 in Weight: 183g ID:SL23009]]> Used by old school traditional feng shui masters, a symbol of trigram is the most direct countermeasure for a missing corner. It is also a potent cure for other situations that requires the trigram’s potency to be generated, its weak presence to be magnified and its unavailability to be reinvented. Made from peach wood, it is inscribed with the “gen trigram” symbol, its corresponding name of the trigram in chinese and smaller chinese characters to describe its direction and element. The trigram is enameled in its own element color to amplify its base element. Activating behind the plaque is a Taoist talisman that presses down disasters and misfortunes. Its cosmic power is also able to imprison evil energies so that the whole family can stay safe and secured. It can be conveniently hung on a wall or displayed on a table. This plaque is a cure for a missing corner in the northeast. The house with a missing northeast corner will observe the family having poor planning issues, thus facing many obstacles in life. The youngest son may not make it to the university/college education. The occupants will be facing overall health problems and anything associated to the hands.

To learn if your house has a missing corner, click here.

Missing Corner

A missing corner is a proportion of an area dissappearing or shrunk. Feng shui masters will not recommend one to buy a new house that has a missing corner because missing corners will contribute to odd shape or sharp corner resulting in “chi” being confused. Occupants of an odd shape house will not be at peace all the time, bombarded by obstacles, instability, troubles, misfortunes and mishaps. To sum up, a house with one or more missing corners is considered as a bad house and should be avoided. In general, most feng shui masters use the trigram meanings of each direction to desribe the probable outcome of a missing corner:

1. Northwest – Disharmony and frequent quarrels among family members. Father of the house is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Brings about injuries or health problems associated to the head. Occupants will also suffer from blood pressure issues.

2. West – Family members tend to be flirtatious and involved in 3rd party scandals. Youngest daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will be facing love problems and issues related to the mouth and breathing.

3. South – Poor network and always encountering petty people. Middle daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will suffer from eye and heart diseases.

4. East – Morale compass is low and family always feel down and discouraged. There is no future for the eldest son of the family. Occupants will suffer from health issues related to the foot.

5. Southeast – Pregnancy setbacks will be encountered. Newly weds must avoid such type of house. Eldest daughter will face love affairs and career challenges. Occupants of the house will have issues related to the blood and thigh.

6. North – High risk of accidents for family members. Middle son will be most susceptible to harm. Occupants will most probably end up having kidney diseases.

7. Northeast – Family has poor planning issues, thus facing many obstacles in life. Youngest son may not make it to the university/college education. Occupants will be facing overall health problems and anything associated to the hands.

8. Southwest – Broken family with many relationship issues between husband and wife. The mother will suffer from ill health. Entire family will not be happy and not going to be successful. Occupants will be having health related issues associated to the stomach.

Missing Corner Plaque for North Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:15:57 +0000 Missing Corner Plaque for North Material: Peachwood Color: Lacquered wood and Multicolor Paint Dimension(in): 4.6x7x0.45 in Weight: 183g ID:SL23004]]> Used by old school traditional feng shui masters, a symbol of trigram is the most direct countermeasure for a missing corner. It is also a potent cure for other situations that requires the trigram’s potency to be generated, its weak presence to be magnified and its unavailability to be reinvented. Made from peach wood, it is inscribed with the “kan trigram” symbol, its corresponding name of the trigram in chinese and smaller chinese characters to describe its direction and element. The trigram is enameled in its own element color to amplify its base element. Activating behind the plaque is a Taoist talisman that presses down disasters and misfortunes. Its cosmic power is also able to imprison evil energies so that the whole family can stay safe and secured. It can be conveniently hung on a wall or displayed on a table. This plaque is a cure for a missing corner in the north. The house with a missing north corner will face higher risk in accidents for family members. The middle son will be most susceptible to harm. The occupants of this house will most probably end up having kidney and ear diseases.

To learn if your house has a missing corner, click here.

Missing Corner

A missing corner is a proportion of an area dissappearing or shrunk. Feng shui masters will not recommend one to buy a new house that has a missing corner because missing corners will contribute to odd shape or sharp corner resulting in “chi” being confused. Occupants of an odd shape house will not be at peace all the time, bombarded by obstacles, instability, troubles, misfortunes and mishaps. To sum up, a house with one or more missing corners is considered as a bad house and should be avoided. In general, most feng shui masters use the trigram meanings of each direction to desribe the probable outcome of a missing corner:

1. Northwest – Disharmony and frequent quarrels among family members. Father of the house is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Brings about injuries or health problems associated to the head. Occupants will also suffer from blood pressure issues.

2. West – Family members tend to be flirtatious and involved in 3rd party scandals. Youngest daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will be facing love problems and issues related to the mouth and breathing.

3. South – Poor network and always encountering petty people. Middle daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will suffer from eye and heart diseases.

4. East – Morale compass is low and family always feel down and discouraged. There is no future for the eldest son of the family. Occupants will suffer from health issues related to the foot.

5. Southeast – Pregnancy setbacks will be encountered. Newly weds must avoid such type of house. Eldest daughter will face love affairs and career challenges. Occupants of the house will have issues related to the blood and thigh.

6. North – High risk of accidents for family members. Middle son will be most susceptible to harm. Occupants will most probably end up having kidney diseases.

7. Northeast – Family has poor planning issues, thus facing many obstacles in life. Youngest son may not make it to the university/college education. Occupants will be facing overall health problems and anything associated to the hands.

8. Southwest – Broken family with many relationship issues between husband and wife. The mother will suffer from ill health. Entire family will not be happy and not going to be successful. Occupants will be having health related issues associated to the stomach.

Missing Corner Plaque for Southeast Mon, 24 Oct 2022 21:55:53 +0000 Missing Corner Plaque for Southeast Material: Peachwood Color: Lacquered wood and Multicolor Paint Dimension(in): 4.6x7x0.45 in Weight: 183g ID:SL23007]]> Used by old school traditional feng shui masters, a symbol of trigram is the most direct countermeasure for a missing corner. It is also a potent cure for other situations that requires the trigram’s potency to be generated, its weak presence to be magnified and its unavailability to be reinvented. Made from peach wood, it is inscribed with the “xun trigram” symbol, its corresponding name of the trigram in chinese and smaller chinese characters to describe its direction and element. The trigram is enameled in its own element color to amplify its base element. Activating behind the plaque is a Taoist talisman that presses down disasters and misfortunes. Its cosmic power is also able to imprison evil energies so that the whole family can stay safe and secured. It can be conveniently hung on a wall or displayed on a table. This plaque is a cure for a missing corner in the southeast. The house with a missing southeast corner will face with pregnancy setbacks. Newly weds must avoid such type of house. The eldest daughter of the family will face love affairs issues and career challenges. Occupants of the house will have issues related to the blood and thigh.

To learn if your house has a missing corner, click here.

Missing Corner

A missing corner is a proportion of an area dissappearing or shrunk. Feng shui masters will not recommend one to buy a new house that has a missing corner because missing corners will contribute to odd shape or sharp corner resulting in “chi” being confused. Occupants of an odd shape house will not be at peace all the time, bombarded by obstacles, instability, troubles, misfortunes and mishaps. To sum up, a house with one or more missing corners is considered as a bad house and should be avoided. In general, most feng shui masters use the trigram meanings of each direction to desribe the probable outcome of a missing corner:

1. Northwest – Disharmony and frequent quarrels among family members. Father of the house is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Brings about injuries or health problems associated to the head. Occupants will also suffer from blood pressure issues.

2. West – Family members tend to be flirtatious and involved in 3rd party scandals. Youngest daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will be facing love problems and issues related to the mouth and breathing.

3. South – Poor network and always encountering petty people. Middle daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will suffer from eye and heart diseases.

4. East – Morale compass is low and family always feel down and discouraged. There is no future for the eldest son of the family. Occupants will suffer from health issues related to the foot.

5. Southeast – Pregnancy setbacks will be encountered. Newly weds must avoid such type of house. Eldest daughter will face love affairs and career challenges. Occupants of the house will have issues related to the blood and thigh.

6. North – High risk of accidents for family members. Middle son will be most susceptible to harm. Occupants will most probably end up having kidney diseases.

7. Northeast – Family has poor planning issues, thus facing many obstacles in life. Youngest son may not make it to the university/college education. Occupants will be facing overall health problems and anything associated to the hands.

8. Southwest – Broken family with many relationship issues between husband and wife. The mother will suffer from ill health. Entire family will not be happy and not going to be successful. Occupants will be having health related issues associated to the stomach.

Missing Corner Plaque for East Mon, 24 Oct 2022 13:48:07 +0000 Missing Corner Plaque for East Material: Peachwood Color: Lacquered wood and Multicolor Paint Dimension(in): 4.6x7x0.45 in Weight: 183g ID:SL23002]]> Used by old school traditional feng shui masters, a symbol of trigram is the most direct countermeasure for a missing corner. It is also a potent cure for other situations that requires the trigram’s potency to be generated, its weak presence to be magnified and its unavailability to be reinvented. Made from peach wood, it is inscribed with the “zhen trigram” symbol, its corresponding name of the trigram in chinese and smaller chinese characters to describe its direction and element. The trigram is enameled in its own element color to amplify its base element. Activating behind the plaque is a Taoist talisman that presses down disasters and misfortunes. Its cosmic power is also able to imprison evil energies so that the whole family can stay safe and secured. It can be conveniently hung on a wall or displayed on a table. This plaque is a cure for a missing corner in the east. The house with a missing east corner will suffer from low morale compass and the family always feeling down and discouraged. There is no future for the eldest son of the family. The occupants will suffer from health issues related to the foot.

To learn if your house has a missing corner, click here.

Missing Corner

A missing corner is a proportion of an area dissappearing or shrunk. Feng shui masters will not recommend one to buy a new house that has a missing corner because missing corners will contribute to odd shape or sharp corner resulting in “chi” being confused. Occupants of an odd shape house will not be at peace all the time, bombarded by obstacles, instability, troubles, misfortunes and mishaps. To sum up, a house with one or more missing corners is considered as a bad house and should be avoided. In general, most feng shui masters use the trigram meanings of each direction to desribe the probable outcome of a missing corner:

1. Northwest – Disharmony and frequent quarrels among family members. Father of the house is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Brings about injuries or health problems associated to the head. Occupants will also suffer from blood pressure issues.

2. West – Family members tend to be flirtatious and involved in 3rd party scandals. Youngest daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will be facing love problems and issues related to the mouth and breathing.

3. South – Poor network and always encountering petty people. Middle daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will suffer from eye and heart diseases.

4. East – Morale compass is low and family always feel down and discouraged. There is no future for the eldest son of the family. Occupants will suffer from health issues related to the foot.

5. Southeast – Pregnancy setbacks will be encountered. Newly weds must avoid such type of house. Eldest daughter will face love affairs and career challenges. Occupants of the house will have issues related to the blood and thigh.

6. North – High risk of accidents for family members. Middle son will be most susceptible to harm. Occupants will most probably end up having kidney diseases.

7. Northeast – Family has poor planning issues, thus facing many obstacles in life. Youngest son may not make it to the university/college education. Occupants will be facing overall health problems and anything associated to the hands.

8. Southwest – Broken family with many relationship issues between husband and wife. The mother will suffer from ill health. Entire family will not be happy and not going to be successful. Occupants will be having health related issues associated to the stomach.
