Fu Dogs – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Wed, 17 Jan 2024 19:17:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 Joyous Vibes and Double Defense https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-ag-09-lions/ Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:05:07 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=40786 Joyous Vibes and Double Defense - Energy Infused Material: Brass and Crystals Color: Genuine Gold Plated; Multicolored Enamel; Sprinkle of Loose Pearl Glittery Powder Dimension(in): 2.1x1.6x2.4in left lion; 2x1.5x2.4in right lion; 4.25×4.25×0.2in plate Weight: 560g ID: 24-AG-09]]> Tzi Chi Lions are the augury of aspirations in all new beginnings or renewed beginnings as they bring in joyous vibes as well as fortified shielding. To bring good luck and ensure success, Tzi Chi Lions exert good vibes for important occasions such as business opening events, special celebrations or wedding ceremonies, or may be used to honour special dates. This is why it is so important to have them to renew our energies as we transition into Period 9. Joyous vibes in the first year are essential to lay a good foundation for Period 9. The south is the Chief Palace (a.k.a direct spirit) of Period 9. It is a power spot that enables bounteous fortune and is very important to have its feng shui doubled up if you want a thriving Period 9. Featured in blue, these Tzi Chi lions symbolize water element and wealth and makes them excellent to be introduced into every home to calm down an overly fiery period. Next, the Tzi Chi lions are associated with military strength and hunting prowess. Having them denotes protection for all the nine directions including the center. They are considered to be a spiritually endowed creatures that could provide honor and recognition to your pursuits with strong external support. 

Further, in the Flying Stars system, the Violent Star #7 becomes more vicious and a threat to security as the world enters into Period 9. Admired for their stunning beauty,  they can also serve as a powerful security measure against this wicked star. Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime. In the modern era, when we talk about security it is not only security of money. But security involves physical security, information security, home security, career security, business security, internet security and wealth security. Beside, they can also be displayed in sectors with auspicious stars due to the vibrant energy they infuse into any space.

Their secret compartments are filled inside with powerful rollings of mantras each:

  1. Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras – Are essential mantras that give power and make the object holy.
  2. Wishfulfilling Mantra – Promises you a quantum change in making your impossible wishes possible. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing possibilities and materializes your dreams. The magic created will move events, people and circumstances to fulfill all your dreams. You will be unrestrained and seeing enormous changes that leads to boundless returns.
  3. Yellow Jhambala Mantra – According to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality.
  4. White Umbrella Goddess Mantra – The powerful Buddha of Protection who carries a white umbrella has the power to symbolically dispel any evil intentions of people who may want to hurt you. Be mindful that everyone is vulnerable to jealous intentions of unscrupulous people, enemies or competitors, so it is better safe than to be sorry. This mantra can also ward off black spells casted by the underlying currents of jealousy and making them harmless

The items come with a 24 Mountains Brass Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

24 Mountains Brass Plate
The shape, element and meaning associated to all characters on it serves as a communication tool to the heaven and transmit messages to the cosmic universe where all your wishes of success will be granted. This will align the auspicious object to cosmic forces and empower it with greater power.

The 24 Mountains Plate has the following characteristics:

  1. Tai Chi Symbol – complement each other according to the theory of “Yin Yang” to generate “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities!
  2. “Early Heaven” 8 Trigrams of the Bagua – are used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either “broken” or “unbroken,” representing yin or yang, respectively.
  3. 45 Stars – formed by a total of nine sets of stars; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
  4. 8 Natures of the Trigrams – namely fire, earth, marsh, heaven, water, mountain, thunder and wind.
  5. 24 Mountains Names and Markings – A total of 4 cardinal directions and 4 subdirections are further divided into three directions each. For example, east is subdivided into E1, E2 and E3 and each related to a mountain’s name.
  6. Hidden under the plate is the inscription of “99 FUK CHARACTERS”. The chinese character “fuk” expresses the sentiment “luck”. Therefore, a hundred of them becomes an auspicious connotation that multiplies your good luck by 99 times more. It is actually a symbolic representation of the “God of Luck” (Fuk Xing), whom originated as a lucky star and was believed to bring good fortune. The character symbolizes family happiness, fulfillment, good relationships and mutual love uninterrupted by illnesses, setbacks and sufferings. It also brings power, authority and wealth. Feng Shui masters believed that it is the strong chi contained in the strokes of this powerful chinese character that brings out all these wonderful properties. During the Ching Dynasty, Emperor Kang Hsi wrote this chinese character for his long-ailing empress mother and hang it in her bedroom. As a result, her empress mother recovered and lived to a riped age of a hundred. Since then, the character is also believed to bring curitive and longevity advantages. All in all, the “99 FUK CHARACTERS” bring you complete good fortune, material luck, protection, peace, confidence and genuine happiness in your wealth accumulation.

Celestial Lion Symbolism

Buddha’s tame lion would “follow his heels like a faithful dog”, according to the legend. According to an oft-repeated legend, this is no ordinary lion. Long ago a lion fell in love with a marmoset. The disparity in their sizes made this an impossible love, so the heart-sore lion asked Ah Chu, the protector of animals, to shrink him down to the size of a marmoset so that the two animals could marry. Only his heart remained its original size. From this union, the celestial lion was born. With the spread of Buddhism to China, the status of celestial lions were elevated during the reign of Emperor Zhangdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty due to the religion’s high regard for them. Therefore, you will find the celestial lions statues abundantly available in the chinese palace and the emperors consider breeding pekingese dogs as the real form of celestial lions. With the power to drive away evil, they are popularly known as the defender of law and protector of homes. They provide ultimate protection from theft and robbery, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations. It is seen as the symbol of power and strength because of its ability to eat up the tiger and leopard besides having the ability to suppress and expel evil forces.

Why is Violent Star #7 dangerous?
One of the most hazardous stars in Xuan Kong Flying Stars is the Broken Army Violent Star #7. This star which used to be auspicious before 2004 (Period 7) has transitioned to become a notorious one. It is also called “Po Jun” star in chinese. It will create fights and make people get furious for no practical reason. Disputes will be created in aspects of relationship, career or finance. Your investments and bank savings will be subjected to heavy losses. If unattended it will also make you lose your precious belongings or documents. Vile characters will triumph in their disputes over you. In aggressive cases, it causes bloodshed caused by metal objects such as guns, knives and swords. All in all, it brings disturbances, turbulence, violence, financial losses, fire, injuries by sharp objects, fightings in the family, armed burglary and theft. Nowadays, thieves have also become IT savvy where they are stealing your passwords and your money via the internet. If this star is not properly dispelled, you are also more vulnerable to falling prey to such crimes. Its effects becomes worst when combined with bad stars such as #2, #3, #5 or magnifying star #9.

Placement Suggestions

  1. To increase ones personal luck, display them at your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  2. Place them in your living room to ensure success in all areas of your life, leading to fulfillment and abundance. They will help you in your endeavours, help your children in their studies and generate family harmony.
  3. For businessmen, place them on a table or cabinet behind you or on your desk to ensure quick success in business pursuits and smooth ride in business transactions. They will invite more business luck to you.
  4. Place them in your “Sheng Chi“ sector to help smoothen all your pursuits in life and increase your money luck, health luck and love luck.
  5. Placed them in the east sector and its head facing maindoor, it can also protect family members from harm and danger when they are outdoor. They bring you many happy blessings to your family.
  6. When placed in the southeast of your living room or dining and your business premise, you will enjoy tremendous wealth luck constantly coming your way.
  7. You may also place them on your workdesk facing out to bring good luck and ward off harmful people and politics. You may also place them near your reception and important areas of your shop, facing out.
  8. Display them at your child’s study desk to benefit his/her literary luck.
  9. For the safety of your family and children, display them facing out towards the maindoor (from inside) to ward off robberies and accidents.
  10. To dispel political problems in the office, backstabbing, arguments and petty peers, display them on your office desk. They will stop all the bickering.
  11. To keep competitors at bay for businessmen, display them facing outwards at the main entrance of your workplace or shop. They will help you counter attack all the threats.
  12. To remedy against Violent Star #7, either from the natal chart, annual chart or monthly chart of flying stars, display them in the afflicted sector. 
Bronze Shigandang with Fudogs (Small) https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl10799-shigandang/ Sat, 11 Dec 2021 07:58:08 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=5827 Bronze Shigandang with Fudogs (Small) Material: Bronze Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 3.4x1.6x3.1 in Weight: 200g ID: SL10799]]> This is a Shigandang mountain accompanied by two Fu Dogs at each side. It can be used to ward off stronger killing breathe. It is said to be able to serve as a powerful protection as well as bringing good fortune, and gives the following 10 types of blessings:

  1. It suppresses Eight Devils
  2. It protects against disasters happening to the family.
  3. It benefits those in official ranking to protect against competitors and harmful people.
  4. It ensures the family is healthy.
  5. It blesses one with wealth luck.
  6. It provides cure to family members who suffer from illnesses.
  7. It drives away shar chi and has the same duties of a bagua.
  8. It prevents accidents.
  9. It protects against theft and burgalary.
  10. Its presence is similar to the presence of Fuk Luk Sau.

The Shigandang can be used to ward of evil chi from grave yards, dead chi from hospital, corpse energy from mortuary and large killing chi exerted from larger killing features as compared to the size of your premises. It is best used to cast away accidents, ghosts, black magic, ill energies and influence of shar chi from the surroundings.

The Story of Shigandang and its Uses
This is based on a true story that happened in China over 1000 years ago. The story started with a family that used to live in the village of Tai Ann. For a period of time, the daughter of this poor family felt disturbed by an evil wind that blew from the southeast direction everytime there was a sunset. As time passed, she became more and more hysterical because of the frequent visit of the evil. Her mother then went to the magical mountain Tai San to seek help from the master who developed his magical powers there. The master’s name was Shigandang. He helped the family and fought off the evil. However, later somebody else in the south of Hokkien District was again reported to have faced similar problem. Again, Shigandang was invited to chase away the evil spirit. It again did not end there. The evil spirit repeatedly went from one village to another to cause similar problem. The havoc spread like wildfire from village to village and so the people started to carve Shigandang’s name on stones and displayed them at home. Shigandang’s name in fact scared and frightened off every evil spirit. The evil finally gave up and the problem was solved. Since then, feng shui masters have started using Shigandang’s name as a simple yet powerful method to cure many problems associated to evil chi or shar chi.

Today, the there have been a few types Shigandang Cures available. They are widely used in Guangdong and Hokkien in China. The premises in those cities preferred to use Shigandang compared to the bagua mirrors when countering T-Junctions and Shar Chi, so as not to harm the neighbours in the opposite direction. The following are the types of Shigandang cures endorsed to be useful:

  1. Stones engraved with the words “Tai San Shigandang”
  2. Shigandang with the Fu Dog Head
  3. Shigandang with Dragon Tortoise
  4. Chilin with Two Legs Carrying Shigandang
  5. Shigandang with Fu Dogs

The one that is shown in the picture above is the Shigandang with Fu Dogs. The name Fu Dogs are actually derived chinese “foh” (recited in chinese as Buddha) because these beings are found as stone mounting guardians at Buddhist temples. They are considered sacred in Buddhism, where most deities are depicted sitting on it. It is the emblem of wisdom, power and protection, which could be the reason why they are being embroidered on ancient chinese official robes. These powerful guardians are fun to own like a lovely pair of real dogs at our homes and are easy to tame. This powerful symbol provides potent protection and demon scaring for ancient palaces, banks, mansions, shops, malls, businesses, hotels and jewellery shops. Their faces may look like lions, but take note that they are different from the actual lions.

The Shigandang displayed at the vicinity of doors

The Shigandang can be displayed inside or outside the house:

  1. It can be displayed to prevent bad luck from killing chi if our homes have main doors or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers and evil mountains.
  2. It can also repel evil spirits and negative energy when placed by the sides of main doors.
  3. It provides guardian to the household and prevents theft, robbery and accidents. It prevent robbery/theft, ward off harmful people, bring in more good fortune/ better sales and improve feng shui of entrances.
  4. It can be displayed inside the house in areas or directions where protection against bad evil stars is needed.
Fengsiye https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11246-fengsiye/ Sat, 11 Dec 2021 15:57:48 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=5828 Fengsiye Material: Earth Material Color: Colorful Dimension(in):4.5x1.5x2 in Weight: 150g ID: SL11246]]> Are you bothered by legal problems? Worry no more, because the Fengsiye is a protective cure against lawsuits, legal problems, disturbances from police or political forces. It has the three fengsiye lions each carrying its auspicious object to counter the effects of Triple Conflicts and the Three Killings when they go into ones zodiac constellation. If you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, you may display this ornament next to you by your bed. There is no need to use force nor violence when solving problems with your opponents. The one who uses the mouth wins, while the one who uses the hand loses. The Fengsiye can be used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the Three Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted have their bedrooms, maindoor and home facing direction in the 3 Killings direction.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat are the four zodiacs that take turns to be afflicted by 3 Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career.
  3. Those who are prone to legal issues or who are currently in a legal battle can display it beside the bed for assistance. Normally those who are in business, those who do not wish to open a can of worms, those whose job requires them to avoid the police force, those who did not properly declare their income to the tax department etc will have to display the Fengsiye to prevent legal problems. Those who are facing lawsuits can also display it to win in the court.

Each Fengsiye Lions carry the following objects:

  1. Vase – pronounced as “ping” to represent harmony. This will resolve disputes.
  2. Ingot and string of coins – this wealth symbols will prevent financial losses.
  3. Brush and seal – they are needed to seal over agreements carefully so as not to invite lawsuits.

One can display this ornament in the following places for protection:

  1. One can display by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. One can display it in the living room or center of the house facing the maindoor.
  3. One can display it facing the afflicted energies that causes legal problems and troublemakers.
Fujian Lions for Protection and Financial Strength https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11490-fudogs/ Sat, 11 Dec 2021 07:57:14 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=5829 Fujian Lions for Protection and Financial Strength Material: Compressed Stone Color: Stone Dimension(in): 3x1.8x3.3 in each Weight: 400g all ID: SL11490]]> This type of lions are popularly found in Fujian Province. Usually comes in a pair, one will have its mouth opened while the other has its mouth closed. The lion is known as the king of jungle, and it plays a significant role in feng shui as the ultimate guardian of wealth. As a good modern time example, the symbol of lion had been cleverly tapped to bring much success in the management of Singapore. It was not a coincidence, but the symbol had been deliberately designed to represent Singapore after seeking high ranking feng shui masters’ advice whom the previous leaders of Singapore had consulted. The other well to do living example is located in Las Vegas city, the MGM Grand. This hotel casino entertainment center has a golden big lion statue righ in front of its premises along the famous LV strip. Next, the only bank that stood with the smallest burst in its bubble during the black october was HSBC; which had always used the lion to guard its entrances in Hong Kong. The lion is the ultimate protector against unexpected financial losses, prevents outflow of wealth, avoid difficulties and improve your fortune. It also greatly brings out the glory for the breadwinner, CEO of a company or the patriarch of the family.

The lion is a powerful symbol that can provide potent protection for palaces, banks, mansions, shops, malls, businesses, hotels and jewellery shops. This lion is practically seen almost everywhere in Hong Kong, China and Singapore, the fastest growing economies in Asia. The lion when used as company logos had also proven to provide quick growth and prosperity. In short, wherever this grand symbol is used, it benefits so many countries, companies and individuals.

The Golden Lion King guarding the entrance of MGM Grand, Las Vegas – brings good fortune and protection to the casino

The lion is excellent to provide ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from our indoor’s sharp edges. When placed facing the maindoor, they prevent robbery/theft, ward off harmful people, bring in more good fortune/ better sales and improve feng shui of entrances. The lion can also be placed in offices to scare away office thiefs and ward of people of bad intention from harming you.

Guardian lions at the entrance of HSBC headquarters in Hong Kong – one has its mouth opened and the other has its mouth closed – photos are strictly copyrighted

Besides being an important protector, the lion is also a generator of good fortune because it has be characteristics of being able to swallow any tough animal in the rough jungle. Its mouth which can go widely opened with sharp teeth is best regarded as “ability to eat whatever that comes your way”. Which means, this will benefit those who are in sales and doing business. To activate this, one must place them in their personal sheng chi direction, on their workdesk or at their cashier.

The lion also signifies the glory and grandeur of the breadwinner or patriarch of the family. They are best used to boost up the fortune of the patriarch of the family so that he is tough, resistant, alert, able to counter any obstructions and brings success to carve out a dynastic family. To activate this, one must place them in the NW corner of the house or living room.

These lions also make powerful door protectors at your doors or entrances. They can also be displayed in your beautiful gardens, on the ground or high up to ward off harmful characters and protect against burglary. They can be displayed both in the interior and the exterior.


Special Tai Chi Bagua Balls Fu Dogs (XXL) https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl20022-fudogs/ Sat, 11 Dec 2021 07:56:47 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=5830 Special Tai Chi Bagua Balls Fu Dogs - XXL - Mantra Enhanced and Energy Infused Material: Earth Material Color: Textured Blue Dimension(in): 5.5x3.5x9in each Weight: 2705g pair ID: SL20022]]> Buddha’s tame lion would “follow his heels like a faithful dog”, according to the legend. According to an oft-repeated legend, this is no ordinary lion. Long ago a lion fell in love with a marmoset. The disparity in their sizes made this an impossible love, so the heart-sore lion asked Ah Chu, the protector of animals, to shrink him down to the size of a marmoset so that the two animals could marry. Only his heart remained its original size. From this union, the Lion Dog (Fu Lin) was born. With the spread of Buddhism to China, the status of Fu Dogs were elevated during the reign of Emperor Zhangdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty due to the religion’s high regard for them. Therefore, you will find the fu dog statues abundantly available in the chinese palace and the emperors consider breeding pekingese dogs as the real form of fu dogs. With the power to drive away evil, Fu Dogs are popularly known as the defender of law and protector of homes. Fu Dogs provide ultimate protection from theft and robbery, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations. If you are staying in an apartment, you may also display them if your entrance door is facing the lift, stairs or escalator to dissolve rushing bad chi. They can be placed on floor level or raised to higher level. It is seen as the symbol of power and strength because of its ability to eat up the tiger and leopard besides having the ability to suppress and expel evil forces. Two Fu Dogs where one of them is playing with a bagua ball and the other one playing with a taichi ball actually have the same significance as the two supreme piyaos or chilins playing with the dragon’s pearl. This special significance made their place not just to guard at the vicinity of doors, but can also be brought into inner sections of the home as supreme pets. They are also suitable to guard at your work desks in your office or sitting on console tables behind you. They are especially excellent in remedying Violent Star #7.

The statues are pre-filled inside with powerful rollings of Anti Burglary Mantra, a Dakini Amulet to ward off thieves and robbers, Talisman to ward off fire disaster, Talisman to stop foxes from entering, Talisman to stop ghosts from entering and Talisman to stop evil spirits from entering. Last but not least, the Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras are essential mantras that give power and make the object holy.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What Fu Dogs symbolize and how to place this object?
The name Fu Dogs are actually derived chinese “foh” (recited in chinese as Buddha) because these beings are found as stone mounting guardians at Buddhist temples. They are considered sacred in Buddhism, where most deities are depicted sitting on it. It is the emblem of wisdom, power and protection, which could be the reason why they are being embroidered on ancient chinese official robes. These powerful guardians are fun to own like a lovely pair of real dogs at our homes and are easy to tame. This ancient guardians have been used as potent protectors in imperial palaces, homes of high officials and rich merchants. This powerful symbol provides potent protection and demon scaring for ancient palaces, banks, mansions, shops, malls, businesses, hotels and jewellery shops. Their faces may look like lions, but take note that they are different from the actual lions. In usual designs, the male is usually depicted holding a ball to signify important global network for business people outside and external protection, while the female holding a child signifies protection of members of the household or premise. The male is placed on the left (from inside looking out of your premise) and the female holding a child is placed on the right (from inside looking out of your premises).

A pair of Fu Dogs guarding a door of the Imperial Palace in Bangkok, Thailand

Ancient legend revealed that the Fu Dogs produce milk from their paws and enjoyed sporting with hollow balls. Therefore, ancient people place hollow balls in the jungle in hope of them leaving some milk onto the hollow balls. This is the reason why many chinese artpieces would show two Fu Dogs playing with the hollow balls. And these two Fu Dogs actually have the same significance as the two supreme Dragons playing with the pearl.

Placement of Fu Dogs to guard the door

We have seen many success stories of business people, high ranking politicians and important people whom have told us how their grand pair of the Fu Dogs brought them remarkable results in their premises (homes or shops or business buildings). They prevent robbery/theft, ward off harmful people, bring in more good fortune/ better sales and improve the feng shui of entrances.

Fu Dog Head Door Knock https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl10271-fudoghead/ Fri, 10 Dec 2021 05:12:18 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=4765 Fu Dog Head Door Knock Material: Heavy Brass Color: Brass Dimension(in): 3.5x4.2x1.5 in each Weight: 350g ID: SL10271]]> The Fu Dog Head doorknockers are ancient guardians on doors for palaces, mansions and homes of royalty, officials and merchants. Position this cymbal on your door to prevent people of evil intentions from entering the house and to ward off shar chi (killing energy). They are best to guard the main entrance of your home or office and protect the whole family from being harmed. They are crafted from heavy brass which makes it strong enough to terminate any evil or yin energies. It is normally installed as one piece on one sided door or in pairs for two sided doors to protect the entire family from accidents, robbery and any other forms of bad luck.

This ancient day Fu Dog head door knocker can assimilate so well with modern day doors to add elegance and prestige to it.

The name Fu Dogs are actually derived chinese “foh” (recited in chinese as Buddha) because these beings are found as stone mounting guardians at Buddhist temples. They are considered sacred in Buddhism, where most deities are depicted sitting on it. It is the emblem of wisdom, power and protection, which could be the reason why they are being embroidered on ancient chinese official robes. These powerful guardians are fun to own like a lovely pair of real dogs at our homes and are easy to tame. This powerful symbol provides potent protection and demon scaring for ancient palaces, banks, mansions, shops, malls, businesses, hotels and jewellery shops. Their faces may look like lions, but take note that they are different from the actual lions.

Ancient legend revealed that the Fu Dogs produce milk from their paws and enjoyed sporting with hollow balls. Therefore, ancient people place hollow balls in the jungle in hope of them leaving some milk onto the hollow balls. This is the reason why many chinese artpieces would show two Fu Dogs playing with the hollow balls. And these two Fu Dogs actually have the same significance as the two supreme Dragons playing with the pearl.

The Fu Dogs are popularly known as defender of law and protector of buildings. The Fu Dogs provide ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate.

We have seen many success stories of business people, high ranked politicians and important people whom have told us how their grand pair of the Fu Dogs brought them remarkable results in their premises (homes or shops or business buildings). They prevent robbery/theft, ward off harmful people, bring in more good fortune/ better sales and improve feng shui of entrances.

Watchdragons Jiaotu (One Pair) https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl10864-jiaotu/ Fri, 10 Dec 2021 05:11:41 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=4766 Watchdragons Jiaotu (One Pair) Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2x3x2 in each Weight: 300g ID: SL10864]]> The Jiaotu is one of the nine dragon sons and his job is to watch and guard your homes. These ancient guardians are often found in palaces, mansions and homes of royalty, officials and merchants. Jiaotu is as tight-lipped as a mussel or a snail. Its image is normally carved directly onto doors. It isoften been mistaken as the fu dog, but in fact they are the more heavenly and royal version of guardians. They can also prevent people of evil intentions from entering the house and to ward off shar chi (killing energy). One can have a peace of mind when they watch over the main entrance and protect the whole family from being harmed. They are particularly effective in preventing robbery, theft and evil haunts, to help out working people who are not at home most of the time. Even office desks in cubicle set-up can be decorated with them to “terminate” theft and evil attempts.

The dragon has nine sons with each having its own supernatural power and strength. In ancient China, the nine sons of the dragon were often used to decorate musical instruments, incense burner, buildings, roofs, weapons and vessels. The names of the nine dragon sons are different according to different ancient records. Each record gives each of them a different character and different habit. No one knows exactly how so many names are derived although there are only 9 of them, and it remains as mystery until today. As long as their strength, characters and habits are well known to people, it doesn’t matter how they are named.

Just like the Fu Dogs, the Jiaotu provides ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate.

Place a pair of the Jiaotu at the door front on either sides if the door is facing the lift, stairs or escalator to dissolve rushing bad chi. They can be placed on floor level or raised to higher level.

Placement of the Jiaotu to guard the door, just like the same placement as the Fu Dogs

The additional advantage of the Jiaotu is that it is able to overcome afflictions from violence or robbery stars when displayed in the affected sectors. One can display them to ward off Violence Star #7.

Spellbinding 3 Celestial Guardians https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/18-af-02-threecelestialguardians/ Wed, 08 Dec 2021 22:10:26 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=3851 Spellbinding 3 Celestial Guardians - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2x1.2x1.2in chilin; 2x1.2x1.2in piyao; 2.1x1.2x0.9in fudog Weight: 350g ID: 18-AF-02]]> The “Three Celestial Guardians” (consisting of the immaculate Chilin, Fortune Pi Yao and Fierce Fu Dog) are an effective remedy in countering the 3-Killings jeopardy. These divine creatures can wield their miraculous powers to dispel the “three robbers” (3-Killings). The 3-Killings imply loss of good name, loss of wealth and loss of health/life. The Immaculate Chilin is said to protect you from loss of favorable reputation, the Fortune Pi Yao to protect from loss of money and the Fu Dog to protect against mishaps. Finely crafted esthetically, these superb quality pieces sparkle in vibrant colors and exert metal energy where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting the 3-Killings. Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused tag is hidden under every piece. Beautiful and dainty, it serves as a neat, tidy and classy looking decorative for modern homes. The remedy will protect you from legal problems, violences, lawsuits, gossips, scandals, backstabbings, obstacles, prevent accidents/losses, enhance good fortune and bring in good luck. Apart from protecting you, it is also able to axe away your opponents, enemies, competitors or evil counterparts. For example in 2024, the 3-Killings come from the SOUTH direction, therefore display them in the SOUTH. If you have a SOUTH door, display them at the vicinity of the door or facing the door.

This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Legal Problem
Are you bothered by legal problems? Worry no more, because these three divine creatures are a protective cure against lawsuits, legal problems, disturbances from police or political forces. If you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, you may display them next to you by your bed. There is no need to use force nor violence when solving problems with your opponents. The one who uses the mouth wins, while the one who uses the fist loses. These celestial protectors can be used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2024, the SOUTH is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac HORSE will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of SNAKE and SHEEP will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2024, the NORTH is the facing direction. Therefore, the RAT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.
  4. Those who are prone to legal issues or who are currently in a legal battle can display them beside the bed for assistance. Normally those who are in business, those who do not wish to open a can of worms, those whose job requires them to avoid the police force, those who did not properly declare their income to the tax department etc will have to display the chilins to prevent legal problems. Those who are facing lawsuits can also display it to win in the court battle.

Chilin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog
The Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using Pi Yao over Chi Lin because Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Fu Dog is actually a lion, popularly known as defender of law and protector of buildings. The Fu Dog provides ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, brings in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate. Besides being an important protector, the lion is also a generator of good fortune because it has the strength of being able to swallow any tough animal in the rough jungle.

What is 3-Killings?
The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings.The 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, loss of money, loss of health, potential injuries and death. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three celestial guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui. But San Yuan thinks that the metal element is also an important factor. Therefore to be on the safest side, we recommend you to use three protective guardians made from metal to counter this affliction as the best cure. Please ensure they are tangible looking and must not be hidden from view or else the 3-Killings will not be scared away.

One can display the Three Celestial Guardians in the following places for protection:

  1. One can display them by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. One can display them in the living room or center of the house facing the maindoor.
  3. One can display them at the sector of the afflicted energies that causes legal problems and troublemakers.
Fu Lins on Treasure Suitcase https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/20-ag-06-fudogs/ Wed, 08 Dec 2021 21:53:55 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=3823 Fu Lins on Treasure Suitcase - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Copper and Ceramic Blue Dimension(in): 3x1.8x2.9in Weight: 545g ID: 20-AG-06]]> In times of recession, more powerful cure is needed against the Violent Star #7 due to higher crime rates across the globe. Featuring the Fulin Dog’s face, it is associated with military strength and hunting prowess, a powerful symbol of enforcement. It denotes protection for all the nine directions including the center. The fulin dog which is considered to be a spiritually endowed creature can provide more power in countering the evil energies from the hidden realm of Violent Star #7. This is necessary when the #7 becomes too powerful. Having the fulin will allow you to ride through the year smoothly with less problems associated to burglary and theft. Admired for its stunning beauty, this remedy features two fu lins protecting a vintage style treasure suitcase, symbolizing your “wealth is safe”. It serves as a powerful security measure as well as a wealth enhancer. Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime. In the modern era, when we talk about security it is not only security of money. But security involves physical security, information security, home security, career security, business security, internet security and wealth security. In the flying star system, the star that threatens security is the Violent Star #7. When the magnitude of influence from Violent Star #7 becomes overly amplified, you need a substantial amount of power to counter such undesirable energy. The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. The treasure suitcase is a safe and secure place for storing items of value, gold coins, gold bars and cash in the past.
  2. Buddha’s tame lion would “follow his heels like a faithful dog”, according to the legend. According to an oft-repeated legend, this is no ordinary lion. Long ago a lion fell in love with a marmoset. The disparity in their sizes made this an impossible love, so the heart-sore lion asked Ah Chu, the protector of animals, to shrink him down to the size of a marmoset so that the two animals could marry. Only his heart remained its original size. From this union, the Lion Dog (Fu Lin) was born. With the spread of Buddhism to China, the status of Fu Dogs were elevated during the reign of Emperor Zhangdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty due to the religion’s high regard for them. Therefore, you will find the fu dog statues abundantly available in the chinese palace and the emperors consider breeding pekingese dogs as the real form of fu dogs. With the power to drive away evil, Fu Dogs are popularly known as the defender of law and protector of homes. Fu Dogs provide ultimate protection from theft and robbery, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations. It is seen as the symbol of power and strength because of its ability to eat up the tiger and leopard besides having the ability to suppress and expel evil forces. Two Fu Dogs where one of them is playing with a bagua ball and the other one playing with a taichi ball actually have the same significance as the two supreme piyaos or chilins playing with the dragon’s pearl. This special significance made their place not just to guard at the vicinity of doors, but can also be brought into inner sections of the home as supreme pets.
  3. “Kan Hexagrams” – Derived from “I-Ching Magic” (ancient Book of Changes), Kan Hexagrams represent BIG WATER and holds the key in combating the metal energy of violence from Star #7. Old style feng shui masters will understand this better.

The suitcase is filled inside with powerful rollings of Anti Burglary Mantra, a Dakini Amulet to ward off thieves and robbers, Talisman to ward off fire disaster, Talisman to stop foxes from entering, Talisman to stop ghosts from entering and Talisman to stop evil spirits from entering. Last but not least, the Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras are essential mantras that give power and make the object holy. You may also filled it with a real currency note or coin taken from your own pocket to connote your wealth being safely protected.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Why is Violent Star #7 dangerous?
One of the most hazardous stars in Xuan Kong Flying Stars is the Broken Army Violent Star #7. This star which used to be auspicious before 2004 (Period 7) has transitioned to become a notorious one. It is also called “Po Jun” star in chinese. It will create fights and make people get furious for no practical reason. Disputes will be created in aspects of relationship, career or finance. Your investments and bank savings will be subjected to heavy losses. If unattended it will also make you lose your precious belongings or documents. Vile characters will triumph in their disputes over you. In aggressive cases, it causes bloodshed caused by metal objects such as guns, knives and swords. All in all, it brings disturbances, turbulence, violence, financial losses, fire, injuries by sharp objects, fightings in the family, armed burglary and theft. Nowadays, thieves have also become IT savvy where they are stealing your passwords and your money via the internet. If this star is not properly dispelled, you are also more vulnerable to falling prey to such crimes. Its effects becomes worst when combined with bad stars such as #2, #3, #5 or magnifying star #9.

Placement Suggestions

  1. For the safety of your family and children, display them facing out towards the maindoor (from inside) to ward off robberies and accidents.
  2. To dispel political problems in the office, backstabbing, arguments and petty peers, display them on your office desk. They will stop all the bickering.
  3. To keep competitors at bay for businessmen, display them facing outwards at the main entrance of your workplace or shop. They will help you counter attack all the threats.
  4. To remedy against Violent Star #7, either from the natal chart, annual chart or monthly chart of flying stars, display them in the afflicted sector. 