Horoscope Enhancers – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:52:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 Rabbit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-ag-16-rabbit/ Sat, 19 Nov 2022 14:17:43 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37037 Rabbit - Energy Infused  Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: 24K Gold Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.9x1.9x2.75in Weight: 191g ID: 23-AG-16]]> The captivating ornament has a rabbit surrounded by beautiful flowers, sitting on top of a treasure box. Next, symbols of 3 I-Ching coins (representing heaven, earth and mankind) are adorning the treasure box for empowerment. The rabbit has special importance associated to the moon which represents the kind of yin energy that is clear and auspicious which we would welcome, not the stale, stagnant kind associated with the dead.  According to Taoist legend, a rabbit lives on the moon’s heaven dimension together with Goddess of the Moon, Chang E, preparing an elixir of immortality from the bark of the cassia tree with a mortar and jade pestle. Therefore, the rabbit has special importance as a Taoist symbol associated to immortality and hence longevity. Besides, buddhist legend also awarded the rabbit to live on the moon as a reward for offering itself food to the Buddha. Because of the rabbit’s association to the moon dimension, the rabbit has also become the most important symbol during the mid-autumn festival (a.k.a. moon cake festival) during the eighth lunar month. This important festival where families must gather together carries the sentiment of longevity and many offspring. Because it is a pure yin energy symbol, it attracts romance/love of the deepest and most enduring kind (the type that leads to marriages) for female or palace eunuch. Eunuchs were castrated male officials in ancient palace. Today this is translated to benefiting deep love for gay males in the modern society.  The rabbit tends to smoothen out interactions between spouses and imbues stale marriages with newfound passion and vigor. In essence, the rabbit brings good health, longevity, offspring, true love and romance. There are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside the treasure box: 1. Medicine Buddha Mantra (health), 2. Kurukulla Mantra (love and romance) and 3. Kwan Yin Mantra (offspring).

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Rabbit is also A Horoscope Animal

Those born in the lunar years coinciding with 1927 1937 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023 2035 belong to the rabbit zodiac. Those born under this zodiac are adored and loved by almost everyone. The rabbit is very compassionate and likes harmony. They never initiate quarrels among their group and with others. People born under this sign are usually very elegant and admired by many admirers. They are reliable and will appear in times when you need their help. Unfortunately, they normally fall pray to others bad intention. Being timid, rabbit people also normally buys in to others threats and forces. They love to be in comfort zones.

  1. The Rabbit is the ally of those whose zodiacs are Sheep and Pig. It will therefore help them achieve maximum results in their undertakings and career.
  2. The Rabbit is the secret friend of zodiac Dog. It will help you through challenges, protect you against harm and provide you with great strength for persistency. It brings you good luck and promises a smooth-riding path ahead.
  3. The Rabbit is the Peach Blossom Animal of Tiger, Horse and Dog. People born under these zodiacs can display the Rabbit in the east to activate their love luck and attract partners into their lives.
  4. The Rabbit will also be able to patch up a missing corner in the E2 (82.5-97.5 degrees). If ones home, premises or office has a missing corner there, they can display the figurine of the Rabbit anywhere close to the vicinity of the missing corner there.

The Rabbit’s position is in the E2 (82.5-97.5 degrees).

Where to Display?

  1. Display it in the east to improve the health of the family. The rabbit in the east will ensure everyone at home living till a ripe age filled many happy occasions. One may place the rabbit for good health and longevity.
  2. Display in the west sector of your living room or bedroom for descendant’s luck, to increase fertility and invite many offspring into the house. 
  3. For female, display in the southwest of the house, living room or bedroom for love and romance. 
  4. For male gays, display in the northwest of the house, living room or bedroom for love and romance.
  5. For those whose zodiac is sheep who like to form more allies in social network or in the business world, display it in the southwest.
  6. For those whose zodiac is pig who like to form more allies in social network or in the business world, display it in the northwest.
  7. For those whose zodiac is dog who like to address challenges in life, display it in the northwest.
  8. For those whose zodiac is tiger, horse and dog wanting to activate your peach blossom luck, display it in the east.
  9. For those whose zodiac is rabbit who like to strengthen your own personal zodiac luck, display it in the east.
  10. For houses that have a missing corner in the east, display it in the wall next to the missing corner or in the east corner of your living room. 
Yellow Jasper Ox https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl22030-ox/ Sun, 26 Jun 2022 12:55:53 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=22658 Yellow Jasper Ox Material: Yellow Jasper Color: Yellow Dimension(in): 2.3x1.1x1.5in Weight: 80g ID: SL22030]]> This sweet figurine in yellow jasper is always on the lookout for romance, love and good fortune. Radiant and graceful, it has its own stylish way to bring luck, romance and radiance on stage. Yellow jasper (yellow) represents the earth element and is therefore best to synchronize with the sheep’s earth element. The ox is regarded as a spiritual animal owned by the shepard God of Spring. Its traits include tolerance, determination, a decisive nature and trust in others. The ox is the emblem of spring which connotes bountiful harvest, happiness, windfall, joyful news and good year ahead. It grants people with most of the “wishes” anyone would have, thus also popular for its wishfulfilling capabilities. It will bring you wealth through persistency, consistency and hard work. It is considered as a sacred animal in some countries and brings successful business encounters, luck in investments, luck in stocks speculation, prosperity, wealth, abundance, success, passing examinations, good descendants luck and good fortune to households. This pair of oxen sitting on a tai chi base is suitable for those who intend to gain smoothness in acquisition of wealth and abundance. Perfect gift for those who have just embarked on a new career or opening of a new business.

What the ox symbolizes and how to place this object?
The ox is considered as sacred animal in China, Thailand, Nepal, India and many parts of Asia. Chinese always associate the ox to spring. Each year, in chinese almanac, the ox and its gesture is used to describe spring and what the outlook is for the year in terms of weather, agricultural harvest and economy. It is also believe that the ox could deflect any evil spirits as it is considered as a sacred animal in Buddhist texts. For example, the Summer Palace lake at Peiping had a bronze image of the ox erected to suppress any demons that would possibly disturb the lakes, rivers and seas. Besides that, it is also known for its effort in controlling floods. Yu was said to place a coq at the bottom of the river to keep the floor under control. Another saying was that Li Bing from the Warring States period once turned himself into a cow and fought with the river god. The Chinese therefore believed that the ox could suppress floods. Many Buddhist followers believe that the ox has the power to transform all wishes into reality. It is a symbol of harvest and good yields. In the west, we refer to the term “bullish” share market as reflecting stocks rising crazily for a substantial period of time. Therefore, the ox symbolizes ultimate gain, success and incremental fortune.

For excellent feng shui associated to investment, stock market, career, wealth abundance and successful encounters:

  1. Display the ox at your work desk where you make a career, business dealings or investment.
  2. Display the ox in the SE corner of your living room or family room of your house if you desire to get rich fast by activating your wealth corner. This fortune ox will transform your wealth wishes into riches and reality.
  3. Display the ox in your personal sheng chi location to jazz up more successes and smoothen your endeavours.
  4. Display the ox in the north if you are seeking for career victory, career enhancement, obstacles removal and political remedy to the problems faced in your office. It will also increase your awareness to defend against backstabbing and ill intention from your competitors.
  5. Place the ox at your cash register if you are seeking for victory over your competitors and increase in your business gains.
  6. Display the ox in your bedroom if you are seeking for a gifted child, particularly best if you place it in the west corner of your home.

Note: The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you. Also note that natural crystals from earth may have uneven textures and colors, natural inclusions or original internal lines/cracks in them which may extend to the surface. These are by no means flaws or damages. They are absolutely fine from a feng shui perspective and will not make natural crystals less perfect compared to manmade items.

Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for PIG https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11112-pig/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:33:12 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10897 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for PIG Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11112]]> The secret friend of PIG is the tiger. Its allies are rabbit and sheep. For PIG people, display your allies and secret friend in the northwest to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters.

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.


Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for DOG https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11111-dog/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:33:07 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10898 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for DOG Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11111]]> The secret friend of DOG is the rabbit. Its allies are tiger and horse. For DOG people, display your allies and secret friend in the northwest to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters.

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.

]]> 10898 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for ROOSTER https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11110-rooster/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:33:05 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10899 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for ROOSTER Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11110]]> The secret friend of ROOSTER is the dragon. Its allies are ox and snake. For ROOSTER people, display your allies and secret friend in the west to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.

Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for MONKEY https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11109-monkey/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:33:02 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10900 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for MONKEY Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11109]]> The secret friend of MONKEY is the snake. Its allies are rat and dragon. For MONKEY people, display your allies and secret friend in the southwest to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters.

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.

Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for SHEEP https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11108-sheep/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:22:47 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10856 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for SHEEP Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11108]]> The secret friend of SHEEP is the horse. Its allies are pig and rabbit. For SHEEP people, display your allies and secret friend in the southwest to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters.

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.

Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for HORSE https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11107-horse/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:22:43 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10850 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for HORSE Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11107]]> The secret friend of HORSE is the sheep. Its allies are dog and tiger. For HORSE people, display your allies and secret friend in the south to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters.

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.

Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for SNAKE https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11106-snake/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:22:40 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10851 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for SNAKE Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11106]]> The secret friend of SNAKE is the monkey. Its allies are rooster and ox. For SNAKE people, display your allies and secret friend in the southeast to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters.

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.

]]> 10851 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for DRAGON https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11105-dragon/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:22:39 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=10852 Zodiac Secret Friend and Allies for DRAGON Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2 to 3 in Weight: 550g ID: SL11105]]> The secret friend of DRAGON is the rooster. Its allies are monkey and rat. For DRAGON people, display your allies and secret friend in the southeast to ease your year ahead, remove all obstacles, improve networking and reap the most benefit out of the year for maximum luck. Such zodiac recommendation is presribed by authentic classical feng shui masters.

Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend
In the practice of Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory, 8 Mansions and Flying Stars that could help us increase our luck in health, wealth and relationships. However, very often these formulas have to be practiced together with the ancient formula for Chinese Astrology/Zodiac to bring the best out of Feng Shui practice. Chinese zodiacs (horoscope) are based on the lunar calendar and goes in a 12-years cycle giving 12 animals sign altogether according to one’s year of birth. Each zodiac is assigned to one compass direction in a wheel known as the Astrology Wheel. It is this personal compass direction that would benefit one’s personal luck in countering obstacles and becoming a winner. When one’s personal chi essence in their living space is activated, it will bring the most out of them.

It is important to note that every zodiac have their own personal secret friend and allies. These secret friend and allies have special affinity to them and will help them achieve their endeavours.

This formula is therefore best applied for:

  1. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a good year, your secret friend and allies will help you make the most out of it to achieve maximum results
  2. Those zodiacs that will be experiencing a bad year, your secret friend and allies will help you through the challenges, protect against harm and provide great strength for persistency.
  3. Those who are seeking for smooth relationships, good social life, activate their networking and business luck.

The formula is shown in the table below. First, identify your personal zodiac or animal sign based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac will have his own personal direction beneficial to them. The big tai chi and small tai chi should again be applied here. The big tai chi refers to the whole house or whole building, while the small tai chi refers to rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms. One may then activate their personal direction according to the chart by placing their own animal sign together with their secret friend and allies. This formula can also apply to your workdesk. For those who want to reap such benefit also when they are outdoor, they should carry along the zodiac secret friend and allies amulets.

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