Protective Guardians – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:11:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Lucky Door Every Year Sun, 26 Nov 2023 12:44:47 +0000 Lucky Door Every Year - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated; White, Black and Red Enamel Dimension(in): 3.1x0.1x4.25 in each piece Weight: 185g all ID: 24-AM-09]]> The feng shui of the main door is the primary criterion that will determine the fortune and misfortune of a house. To begin the new Period 9 propitiously,  it is important that you change the old Door God images to have the energies renewed for better protection. More vigorous when in full military uniform, the Door Gods protect your home from misfortune and evil spirits. They will correct and subdue any harmful chi keeping them out of your house at all times. Ruthless and hazardous situations will be navigated, where you will be prevented from falling victim to situations out of your control, both physically and financially. Displaying the Door Gods can also resolve insomnia problems caused by dark energies. They will also keep robbers out of your homes. These splendid door plaques are powerful means of protecting and improving the door feng shui, securing your homes from misfortune, robbery, violence, nagas and evil spirits. Your door will therefore be protected every year against any detrimental effects. Whether you have a single or double door, you can display the pair on the left and right sides respectively by either sticking them or screwing them on the door panel facing out.

Behind the plaques consist of 5 taoist incantations:

  1. Stop Fox From Entering
  2. Stop Ghost From Entering
  3. Stop Spirits From Entering
  4. 100 Sha Chi Fix Any Area with Bad Stars
  5. Home Safety Blessings by Chung Kwei

Note: These pieces are energy infused and emit energy unendingly. They come with a certificate of authenticity.

The legends of Door Gods
Door Gods originated in the eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), where they were engraved on peachwood and hung at doors of homes. Then in Song Dynasty (960-1279), they were drawn on red paper and later machine printed.

According to “Classic of Mountains and Sea”, evil spirits passed between the spirit world and earth on Dusu Mountain. Fearing for the safety of humans, the Jade Emperor assigned Shen Tu and Yu Lei to guard the gate. If the spirits create troubles, they will be captured by them and fed to tigers at the foot of Dusu Mountain. Later, humans engraved their images onto peachwood and hung them on doors for protection.

Another legend said Emperor Tai Zong of Tang Dynasty (618-907) was disturbed by ghosts while he was asleep. Two generals who could succumb to nocturnal duties were then summoned to guard the door of the emperor’s bedroom. They were Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong who were not afraid of ghosts Their presence solved the emperor’s sleeping problems. The portrait of the officials were then drawn and displayed at door of the emperor’s bedroom and palace gates. No further commotion was heard from the spirits since then. These two brave generals were venerated as door gods and soon many homes display their images.

For those who have stayed in the Peninsula Hotel in Kowloon, Hong Kong, you will notice there are immaculate portraits of door gods guarding thie hotel. Hanging outside the hotel’s front entrance between two sheets of plate glass are two enormous gilded “Door Gods” who perform the same task and protect all those who sleep in the house from footloose evil spirits. British artist David Gillespie created the original Door Gods in 1965 and the new versions were later installed during the hotel’s renovation in 1994. Affectionately known as “Huffer and Puffer”, the modern door gods are made from bronze-woven mesh with an applique of copper and bronze foil, which was then gilded with gold leaf and painted. It took six weeks to make the new Door Gods, and there are, in fact, four of them – two on each side of the glass.

The door gods usually come in pairs, facing each other.

Monkey King Wed, 23 Nov 2022 13:01:24 +0000 Monkey King - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolor Dimension(in): 3.7×3.7×0.1in Plaque; 1.2in each Disc; Total 4.4×0.1×12in Weight: 140g ID: 23-AM-07]]> This auspicious hanging plaque has two sides, where one side has Monkey King (Sun Wukong) leading a herd of 7 Elephants, while the other side has a crash of 7 charging rhinoceroses. Decorating below the plaque are small hangings of lion cymbals. The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. With almighty power to repel ALL kinds of demons, the Monkey King protects the household against any malevolent energy and harm. He is all-time-alert and ready to diminish any evil and demons around your vicinity. Because of his ability to defeat demons, he is considered by traditional styled feng shui grandmasters as the number one counter measure against troublemakers and petty people who creates havoc and turbulence in your life. Besides this, he is also a very potent icon of longevity and good health due to the five levels of immortality he had achieved. This being the reason why his role in combatting Violent Star #7 has become very important in Period 9 because the inauspicious star had begun to cause health problems and killing people with deadly viruses and diseases. When the magnitude of influence from Violent Star #7 becomes overly amplified, you need a substantial amount of power to counter such undesirable energy.
  2. Seven Elephants and Rhinoceroses – Seven is the unrivaled number of them to remedy in difficult, violent and fierceful situations. The elephant and rhinoceros are symbolically tough and protective animals that could counter any other fierce animals in their own way. They are therefore being regarded as awesome animals to counter all forms of threats or violences. The unparelleled Seven Elephants and Rhinoceroses are a magnified symbol of protection against robberies, violences, theft, internet fraud, stolen password, kidnaps, accidents, enemies, office politics, competitions from rivals and back-stabbings. Unwanted visitors, people who harbor ill intention, business competitors and enemies will be kept away.
  3. “Kan Hexagram” – Derived from I-Ching Magic (ancient Book of Changes), two Kan Trigrams combine to represent BIG WATER and holds the key in combating the metal element energy of violence from Star #7. Old style feng shui masters will understand this better.
  4. Taoist Magic Incantations –  Featuring two Taoist incantations to harness the full potential of removing hardship, poverty and safety issues.
  5. “Mantra of Anti-Robbery”- Consecrates the charm for empowerment. It has a powerful Dakini Talisman that wards off thieves and robbers.
  6. The lion cymbals are associated to lions – Admired for their strength and courage, lions are associated with military strength and hunting prowess, a powerful symbol of enforcement. They also denote protection for all five cardinal directions, with an additional one in the center. They connote the power of stability/strength in finances and the unsinkable.

If you need a substantial amount of power to counter situations where the magnitude of negative influence becomes overly amplified, this auspicious plaque combats malevolent energy, whether it is visible or invisible:

  1. Visible: This means that when it is displayed facing a physical “shar chi” (poison arrow) such as a tree or a sharp edge outside pointing through your windows to your interior or any threatening interior objects like window blinds pointing to an important area, it will diminish them all.
  2. Invisible: It serves as a powerful security measure. Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime. In the modern era, when we talk about security it is not only security of money. But security involves physical security, information security, home security, career security, business security, internet security and wealth security. In the flying star system, the star that threatens security is the Violent Star #7. As we are nearing Period 9 (after leaving Period 7 for almost two dacades), the influence from Violent Star #7 has turned ugly, where it had robbed the world through the spread of Covid-19.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

The Story of Monkey King
The Monkey King, known as Sun Wukong in Chinese is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Tang Sanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from the West (India) where Buddha and his followers reside. The Monkey King possesses immense strength; he is able to lift his 7960 kg ruyi jingu bang magical staff with ease. He is also extremely fast, able to travel 108,000 li (21,675 kilometres) in one somersault. Sun also knows the 72 Earthly transformations, which allow him to transform into various animals and objects. Sun Wukong is a skilled fighter, capable of defeating the best warriors of heaven. His hair possesses magical properties, capable of summoning clones of the Monkey King himself, and/or into various weapons, animals, and other objects. He has demonstrated partial weather manipulation abilities as well, and can freeze living creatures and even gods with his icy breath. He had swallowed the Peacheas of Immortality at the Peach Garden of the heaven, the Heavenly Wine of Queen Mother of the West, Pills of Longevity of Laozi and Man-Fruit that is found on the Longevity Mountain every 10,000 years.

Why is Violent Star #7 dangerous?
One of the most hazardous stars in Xuan Kong Flying Stars is the Broken Army Violent Star #7. This star which used to be auspicious before 2004 (Period 7) has transitioned to become a notorious one. It is also called “Po Jun” star in chinese. It will create fights and make people get furious for no practical reason. Disputes will be created in aspects of relationship, career or finance. Your investments and bank savings will be subjected to heavy losses. If unattended it will also make you lose your precious belongings or documents. Vile characters will triumph in their disputes over you. In aggressive cases, it causes bloodshed caused by metal objects such as guns, knives and swords. All in all, it brings disturbances, turbulence, violence, financial losses, fire, injuries by sharp objects, fightings in the family, armed burglary and theft. Nowadays, thieves have also become IT savvy where they are stealing your passwords and your money via the internet. If this star is not properly dispelled, you are also more vulnerable to falling prey to such crimes. Its effects becomes worst when combined with bad stars such as #2, #3, #5 or magnifying star #9.

Where to Display?

  1. As a protective immortal, Sun Wukong’s image can be displayed near you entrance facing out directly at the main door to ward off demons, evil spirits and people with bad intention.
  2. For protection against health issues, Sun Wukong’s image can be displayed at ones Tien Yi direction according to 8 Mansions formula. .
  3. For protection against troublemakers and petty people that is disrupting ones career, Sun Wukong’s image can be displayed on the work desk.
  4. For the safety of your family and children, display the plaque facing out towards the maindoor (from inside) to ward off robberies and accidents.
  5. To dispel political problems in the office, backstabbing, arguments and petty peers, display the plaque on your office desk. They will stop all the bickering.
  6. To keep competitors at bay for businessmen, display the plaque facing outwards at the main entrance of your workplace or shop. They will help you counter attack all the threats.
  7. To remedy against Violent Star #7, either from the natal chart, annual chart or monthly chart of flying stars, display the plaque in their directions.
  8. It can be displayed inside the house in areas where protection against visible malevolent energy is required. Display facing the direction of conflict in your interior.
Precious White Elephant Wed, 16 Nov 2022 22:46:27 +0000 Precious White Elephant - Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: 24K Gold Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.2x1.2x2.1in Elephant; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 340g ID: 23-AG-07]]> Sacred, loyal and inexhaustible, the Precious Elephant is an albino white elephant adorned with an elephant’s saddle blanket and a jeweled harness bearing hanging tassles. His head and rump are adorned with jewels, set in the head ornament and decorative on his rear. Featured to be returning triumphantly from battle with its trunk up, it is a symbol of strong victory, authority and power in feng shui, suitable for career candidates wishing for promotion to higher ranks or management positions wishing to stablize their status. The rare white albino elephant was highly venerated as royal elephant in ancient times. Due to its sheer physical might the elephant destroyed much that was in its path; it could ford rivers, blaze trails or clear pathways, and batter against doorways and fortifications during war fares. As such it became the unstoppable “remover of obstacles”. Perfect obedience and the ability to stand its ground amidst bloodthirsty frenzy of the battlefield, were prerequisites of the valiant war elephant. Having the Precious Elephant placed in your house will allow you to gain power, obtain good fortune, prevent harm and ensure no serious obstacles blocking your success. On top of that it is used in feng shui to guard your wealth luck to prevent financial traps, fight off violence and prevent burglary. A stunning decoration piece, the Precious Elephant also constitutes a prestigious gift for any occasion. There are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside the elephant: 1. Wishfulfilling Mantra (all desires actualized), 2. King Gesar Mantra (career enhancement) and 3. White Umbrella Goddess Mantra (subdue harm and evil). The elephant comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

What the Precious White Elephant symbolizes? 

The precious elephant has skin white as snow, and his trunk, tail and scrotum reach down to the ground. His steps are gentle, strategic and sacred, and he moves with majesty. The rutting fragrance that exudes from his forehead glands overpowers all other elephants, enticing them meekly towards him. He has four sturdy legs, a versatile trunk and two powerful tusks. Fearless and unassailable, he wins all battles everyday. In ancient warfare he is able to withstand the clamour of battle, the thrusting of lances and the savage onslaught of hand-held weapons. Perfect obedience, and the ability to stand its ground amidst the bloodthirsty frezy of the battlefield, were prerequisites of the valiant war elephant. Due to its sheer physical might the elephant destroyed much that was in its path, it could ford rivers, blaze trails or clear pathways, and batter against doorways and fortifications. As such it became the unstoppable “remover of obstacles”. It is immutable and unshakeable. In peace times, he is wise and dignified. It helps to ward off evil, maneuver your life smoothly against all tides, combat resistance and exercise control over situations that are unstable and lack clarity.

The precious elephant is also associated to Buddhism. Queen Maya, the mother of Sakyamuni Buddha, dreamed that a white elephant entered her womb at the moment of conception. The Precious White Elephant is the vehicle to many Buddhist deities, in particular Akshobhya, the blue Buddha of the east. The elephant is one of the seven possessions of the chakravartin It is both the most gentle and powerful of creatures, representing endurance, self-control, patience, gentleness and power of the Buddha.

Where to Display?

  1. For descendant’s luck, place it in the west location of your living room.
  2. For home protection, you may place the elephant facing your maindoor or any entrance of your home.
  3. For office protection and good luck, place it at your work desk facing out. It will represent good governance, intelligence, dignity and prudence for executives.
  4. To usher in wealth and success, display it in the living room showing this elephant arriving from the maindoor looking into the house. If possible try to display it in wealth corners such as your personal sheng chi corner, the SE corner or the water star #8 corner. In those positions, this elephant will also ensure ones financial portfolios are well protected.
  5. For leaders and the partriarch of the family, this elephant will help you stay in power and free from being overthrown.
  6.  To increase ones individual luck, you can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Four Heavenly Kings Fri, 17 Dec 2021 10:04:28 +0000 Four Heavenly Kings - Energy Infused (Final Revision) Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.2x4.7x0.1in Plaque; 1.1x1.1x0.1in each coin; Total 3.2x0.1x11in Weight: 162g ID: 22-HD-17]]> The Four Heavenly Kings are four Buddhist gods, each of whom is believed to watch over one cardinal direction of our home. In Chinese mythology, they are known collectively as the “Feng Tiao Yu Shun” connoting “good climate or everything going smoothly” or “Sìda Tianwang” meaning “Four Heavenly Kings”. Currently live in the Caturmaharajika heaven, they are the protectors of the world and fighters of evil, each able to command a legion of supernatural creatures to protect us from dangers of all kinds. They are known as guardians against the wicked and evil. Their main duty is to protect the home from havoc. Their supernatural powers are being produced by their four powerful weapons which could change climates and trumble the earth. Their presence powerfully kill negative chi, harmful evil spirits and bad influences.Known to be worldly deities with cosmic powers. they are spiritual and powerful protectors who are always watchful in warding off negative influences and protecting you from demons and ghost sprits. When invited to your home, all four direction north, south, east and west of your home will be locked and well guarded against bad spirits. They also protect your body and mind from negative influences and bring victory and success. Having great control over the cosmic elements of each of the four directions North, South, East and West, the “Four Heavenly Kings” carrying their special implements which they wield their miraculous power, guard against loss of wealth, loss of popularity, loss of life and loss of health. Incredibly powerful, they ward off the terrible potential for reversal of fortunes. Some afflictions, pesky stars and evil spirits tend to bring a host of problems big and small such as misfortune, financial loss, hostility, accident, treachery, duplicity, untrustworthy friends, disaster, danger, ghostly encounter, injuries, violence, mysterious sickness and black magic. These unseen forces only fear the Cosmic Protectors and Enlightened Beings that ward off all odds, misfortune, devastation from unlucky stars and annual afflictions. Empowering and consecrating the primary piece is the “Mantras of 4 Heavenly Kings”. The other side of the plaque features the picture of the Li Hexagram from I-Ching (book of changes from 5000 years ago). The picture illustrates a bright sun above the sky, tall mountains with a river flowing forward and a pair of deers. This 5000 year old illustration is an effective countermeasure against hostile energy in the house that can make you communicate better, reduce your anxiety and stress, defuse conflicts, improve relationships, new insights, better judgement, empathize with others, and effectively overcome life’s challenges. Malevolent energies lurking in your house that is invincible to your eyes will be diminished. The coins below expresses the sentiment of this cure. One side of the coins read “Quan Shan Cheng E” which carries the sentiment “the wrong to be punished, the good to be rewarded”. And the other side of the coins read “Xie Bu Sheng Zheng” which carries the sentiment “evil hearts cannot match with righteousness”.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Four Heavenly Kings

North Heavenly King (Mo-Li Shou) guards the north. He who sees all. He carries along an evil eating creature and sometimes a snake to kill devils. He sometimes also carry a pearl on his hand. As the eye in the sky, he watches the bad people. His ancient name means “he who has broad objectives”. Associated with the color red. He also protects against nagas and other kinds of danger. He is also the best Protector to call upon to protect against black magic or dark spells of any kind.

East Heavenly King (Mo Li Ch’ing) guards the east. He who causes to grow. He carries a magic sword. He is able to produce black wind that produces tens of thousands of spears to turn evil spirits into dust. He is the ruler of the wind. His symbolic weapon is the sword which he carries in his right hand to protect the Dharma. Associated with the color blue. He protects your life force, keeps you safe from all forms of harm and ill health. He helps to boost up the luck of those who are always running into misfortunes and those who are sickly.

South Heavenly King (Mo-Li Hung) guards the south. He who hears everything. He holds a magical umbrella. This umbrella can produce thunderstorms and earthquakes during battle with demons. This is the chief of the four kings. He is the ruler of rain. Wearing heavy armor and carrying the umbrella in his right hand, he is often associated with the ancient Indian god of wealth, Kubera. Associated with the color yellow or green. This Heavenly King boosts wealth luck, profits and abundance in your life.

West Heavenly King (Mo-Li Hai) guards the west. He who upholds the realm. He carries a chinese magical “pi-pah” (musical instrument like a guitar) where the sounds of it could put evil spirits and harmful forces to rest. God of music. He is harmonious and compassionate and protects all beings. Associated with the color white. He protects your spirit essence and boosts the luck of those with low levels of Spirit Essence. He is also known as “The Luck Transformer” because he has the ability to transform one’s luck, transforming bad luck into good luck. Those who need cosmic help to overturn an injustice should invoke the blessings of this Heavenly King.

Li Hexagram

This hexagram is double sign. The trigram Li means “to cling to something,” “to be conditioned,” “to depend on something,” and also “brightness.” A dark line clings to two light lines, one above and one below – the image of an empty space between two strong lines, whereby the two strong lines are made bright. The trigram represents the middle daughter. The Creative has incorporated the central line of the Receptive, and thus Li develops. As an image, it is fire. Fire has no definite form but clings to the burning object and thus is bright. As water pours down from heaven, so fire flames up from the earth. While K’an means the soul shut within the body, Li stands for nature in its radiance.


  1. Display to face the main entrance (looking outwards) to ward off evil spirits and harmful forces and killing breathe.
  2. Display in the vicinity of a Buddha image or in front of the Buddha to activate their potency in bringing the support you need for protection purposes.
  3. Display to protect precious items/treasures from burglary and theft.
  4. If there are killing forces coming your way, display facing the killing forces such as straight path directly leading towards you, bad energy coming from construction sites, graveyard etc.
  5. Display it where malevolent energy exists as a result of bad flying stars, even the most complicated combinations where other cures are insufficient.
  6. Display it at intended areas to counter any “shar chi” due to rushing energy. Examples of rushing energy situations are such as stairs facing your maindoor, long pathway leading to a door, two doors facing each other, a window facing a door etc. It will slow down rushing “chi”. Besides, it is also used to welcome in positive energy.
  7. Display it at Quarrelsome Star #3 sector.
  8. Display it at Violent Star #7 sector.
  9. Display it in the living room to prevent hauntings from ghostly encounters. The 4 Heavenly Kings will lock all the 4 directions from being attacked.
Chung Kwei Heart Sutra Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:27:54 +0000 Chung Kwei with Heart Sutra - Energy Infused (Final Revision) Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.7x4.7x0.1in Plaque; 1.1x1.1x0.15in each Coin; Total 2.7x0.1x11.8in Weight: 119g ID: 22-HD-03]]> Easily identified by his ferocious appearance (bushy black beard and moustache), this matured muscular adult male is Zhong Kui (Chung Kwei), popularly known as the Demon Chaser. With almighty power to repel evil spirits and ghosts, he protects the household against any harm. He is all-time-alert and ready to diminish any spirits lurking around your vicinity. Because Chung Kwei’s popularity comes from his ability to defeat ghosts and demons, his image is especially loved by traditional styled feng shui grandmasters as the number one counter measure against negativities, especially in more difficult situations when the malevolent energy is particularly strong in certain sectors. The variety of good fortune that can be expressed in his image is almost endless, where Chung Kwei also represents prosperity, wealth luck, immortality and longevity. Besides giving fortune blessings, he helps you overcome all sorts of obstacles in life. He has the unusual capability to control our environment from harmful forces and loss of wealth. His presence is also suitable for those who are energizing their scholastic luck. Also highly recommended for those who are doing jewellery and businesses that involves expensive goods for protection. On the other hand, the lion head is associated with military strength and hunting prowess and a powerful symbol that protects against any annual storm. Hanging under the plaque are three beautiful thick coins. Once side of the coins read “da ji da li” which connotes “safe and sound”. The other side of the coins read “chu ru ping an” which connotes “safe travelling”. Serving as an important protector as well as an energizer, this plaque diminishes ghostly attempts and powerfully dissipate any evil energy charging over your house. It bestows safety from premature death and offers supreme protection against all forces that threaten your family’s safety. It provides protection against injuries, bloodsheds, mishaps, dangers and accidents caused by underlying supernatural realms. Auspicious energies will be at work creating an invisible emanation of energy. You will be blessed with safe journeys at all times.

The consecration of the plaque consists of:

  • OM MANI PADME HUM Heart Sutra – is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. In Tibetan Buddhism, this is the most ubiquitous mantra and the most popular form of religious practice, performed by laypersons and monastics alike.The Heart Sutra is “the single most commonly recited, copied and studied scripture in East Asian Buddhism. It is recited by adherents of Mahayana schools of Buddhism regardless of sectarian affiliation. It is the greatest mantra. It is the clearest mantra, the highest mantra, the mantra that removes all suffering. It is a powerful way to create the conditions for having a direct realization of emptiness.
  • Taoist Incantation of Chung Kwei – is for home safety.
  • Taoist Incantation to prevent fire disaster.
  • Taoist Incantation to stop ghost from entering the house.
  • Taoist Incantation to stop spirits from entering the house.
  • Taoist Incantation to stop foxes from entering the house. It stops the real fox, spirit fox and third parties from disturbing your family harmony.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What Chung Kwei symbolizes?
Chung Kwei is popularly seen in all Goldsmith and shops trading expensive goods in Taiwan as an important symbol of protection from robbery, theft and fraud. He is also considered an exorcist of the highest ability as he is said to have subdued many demon spirits and thereafter had them under his command. The image brings you scholastic luck, protection from harmful people, wealth luck and protection from evil spirits/ghost. Having the image of Chung Kwei in your home will provide potent protection from tough enemies who have been giving you a tough time. For those in high profile professions, Chung Kwei will help to prevent backstabbing and jealousy, both in your workplace and business relationships.

Chung Kwei was a fictitious scholar and a swordsman who had gone through a lot of difficult times to attain his ambition of becoming a court official. Due to his fierce and scary looks, he was denied by an emperor to serve for the government despite passing his exams with great results. As a result, he committed suicide on the steps of the imperial palace. Later, after many years, another Tang Emperor Xuanzong (712-56) who dreamt about Chung Kwei was sorry about the unfair deprival of his rightful honors even though Chung Kwai was so capable. He was however posthumously restored to his rightful position, labeled the Demon Chaser, and give the status of “judge” as a reward for returning to the world to save the Emperor Zuanzong from the evil spirits and ghosts that were tormenting the emperor’s sleep. This Emperor ordered his portrait to be painted and recognized for his duty as “God of Demon Buster “. He was then also being recognized to be “Star God of Examinations” by folks in China.

Chung Kwei is depicted as being ugly with large protruding eyes and a rough beard. His fierceness alone could kill harmful evil. He uses his powerful sword as a weapon to kill the evil spirits.

Invite the Chung Kwei home to improve your home feng shui:

  1. As a protective guardian, Chung Kwei should be displayed near you entrance facing out directly at the main door to ward off evil spirits, people with bad intention, competitors, robbers, thefts, fraud and act of unlawfulness.
  2. Chung Kwei can effectively subdue the fatal effects of 5-Yellow star (bringing mishaps, death, accidents, big losses). If you invite a Chung Kwei in your house, irrespective of where the 5-Yellow is in any year, his image will be able to protect the entire family.
  3. For those who suspect that there are evil spirits wondering in their rooms at night, you may also display Chung Kwei at the foot of your stairs to be watchful of all evil spirits wishing to go upstairs to disturb your sleep.
  4. To enhance your child’s scholastic luck in examination, display the image of Chung Kwei in the Northeast corner (education luck corner).
  5. Invite the Chung Kwei during times of bad luck and frustration, especially due to influence from bad people and backstabbing from your office. He will help to counter those harmful forces.
  6. Display Chung Kwei in the sector of the living room or home, bedroom, vicinity of main door or doors afflicted by annual #5 Yellow or #2 Black. These stars are especially more detrimental if the house is facing their directions. 
  7. Display Chung Kwei in the sector afflicted by mountain star#5, water star#5, mountain star#2 or water star#2 according to the natal flying star chart of your house.
  8. Display Chung Kwei where extremely bad combinations of stars occur such as 5-7-9, 5-5-9, 2-5-9 etc or vice versa. These are extremely fatal situations that need a strong countermeasure like Chung Kwei image.


Fu Dog Head Door Knock Fri, 10 Dec 2021 05:12:18 +0000 Fu Dog Head Door Knock Material: Heavy Brass Color: Brass Dimension(in): 3.5x4.2x1.5 in each Weight: 350g ID: SL10271]]> The Fu Dog Head doorknockers are ancient guardians on doors for palaces, mansions and homes of royalty, officials and merchants. Position this cymbal on your door to prevent people of evil intentions from entering the house and to ward off shar chi (killing energy). They are best to guard the main entrance of your home or office and protect the whole family from being harmed. They are crafted from heavy brass which makes it strong enough to terminate any evil or yin energies. It is normally installed as one piece on one sided door or in pairs for two sided doors to protect the entire family from accidents, robbery and any other forms of bad luck.

This ancient day Fu Dog head door knocker can assimilate so well with modern day doors to add elegance and prestige to it.

The name Fu Dogs are actually derived chinese “foh” (recited in chinese as Buddha) because these beings are found as stone mounting guardians at Buddhist temples. They are considered sacred in Buddhism, where most deities are depicted sitting on it. It is the emblem of wisdom, power and protection, which could be the reason why they are being embroidered on ancient chinese official robes. These powerful guardians are fun to own like a lovely pair of real dogs at our homes and are easy to tame. This powerful symbol provides potent protection and demon scaring for ancient palaces, banks, mansions, shops, malls, businesses, hotels and jewellery shops. Their faces may look like lions, but take note that they are different from the actual lions.

Ancient legend revealed that the Fu Dogs produce milk from their paws and enjoyed sporting with hollow balls. Therefore, ancient people place hollow balls in the jungle in hope of them leaving some milk onto the hollow balls. This is the reason why many chinese artpieces would show two Fu Dogs playing with the hollow balls. And these two Fu Dogs actually have the same significance as the two supreme Dragons playing with the pearl.

The Fu Dogs are popularly known as defender of law and protector of buildings. The Fu Dogs provide ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate.

We have seen many success stories of business people, high ranked politicians and important people whom have told us how their grand pair of the Fu Dogs brought them remarkable results in their premises (homes or shops or business buildings). They prevent robbery/theft, ward off harmful people, bring in more good fortune/ better sales and improve feng shui of entrances.

Watchdragons Jiaotu (One Pair) Fri, 10 Dec 2021 05:11:41 +0000 Watchdragons Jiaotu (One Pair) Material: Earth Material Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 2x3x2 in each Weight: 300g ID: SL10864]]> The Jiaotu is one of the nine dragon sons and his job is to watch and guard your homes. These ancient guardians are often found in palaces, mansions and homes of royalty, officials and merchants. Jiaotu is as tight-lipped as a mussel or a snail. Its image is normally carved directly onto doors. It isoften been mistaken as the fu dog, but in fact they are the more heavenly and royal version of guardians. They can also prevent people of evil intentions from entering the house and to ward off shar chi (killing energy). One can have a peace of mind when they watch over the main entrance and protect the whole family from being harmed. They are particularly effective in preventing robbery, theft and evil haunts, to help out working people who are not at home most of the time. Even office desks in cubicle set-up can be decorated with them to “terminate” theft and evil attempts.

The dragon has nine sons with each having its own supernatural power and strength. In ancient China, the nine sons of the dragon were often used to decorate musical instruments, incense burner, buildings, roofs, weapons and vessels. The names of the nine dragon sons are different according to different ancient records. Each record gives each of them a different character and different habit. No one knows exactly how so many names are derived although there are only 9 of them, and it remains as mystery until today. As long as their strength, characters and habits are well known to people, it doesn’t matter how they are named.

Just like the Fu Dogs, the Jiaotu provides ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate.

Place a pair of the Jiaotu at the door front on either sides if the door is facing the lift, stairs or escalator to dissolve rushing bad chi. They can be placed on floor level or raised to higher level.

Placement of the Jiaotu to guard the door, just like the same placement as the Fu Dogs

The additional advantage of the Jiaotu is that it is able to overcome afflictions from violence or robbery stars when displayed in the affected sectors. One can display them to ward off Violence Star #7.

Five Celestial Guardians Fri, 10 Dec 2021 05:10:39 +0000 Five Celestial Guardians - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Electro Gold Plated Dimension(in): 1.5in each primary piece Weight: 213g all ID: SL15067]]> Stunningly convenient to display, these Five Celestial Guardians are an essential remedy for form and landscape feng shui (“luan tou”). Popularly known, the four celestial guardians are the green dragon, white tiger, black xuan wu and red phoenix, each guarding one cardinal direction (north, east, south and west). Rarely known is the fifth celestial guardian Chilin which is guarding the center. Classical masters always insist that there are five directions instead of four. According to them, the center itself is a direction and the most important of all directions. Therefore, the Five Celestial Guardians makes the “luan tou” protection more complete. Displaying them symbolically in their own directions will watch over and balance the “chi” of the five directions of your property. A fundamental requirement, a balanced “luan tou” is the basic that will prepare you towards doing up the feng shui and preparing for the well-being of the occupants. When all directions are in harmony, it encourages the dragon’s breathe (lung chi) to settle, thus creating an inflow of auspicious energy. They will also look after family safety, prevent dangers and regulate your career, wealth, health, power and fame. They are also essential to correct any external landscape problems and internal missing corners.

Note: This pieces are energy infused and emit energy unendingly. They come with a certificate of authenticity and a free gift box.

What the Five Celestial Guardians symbolize and how to display?
Ideally, for excellent feng shui, the landscape of the surrounding is the most important factor to be considered before looking into the flying star system of a building. If the landscape is bad, the feng shui can never be good no matter how good the flying stars are. Remember that feng shui is first and foremost a tradition tied to the land. The relationship of the feng shui practitioner with the land is the expression of bond, of understanding the flow of energy in the earth and cooperating with it. By listening to the earth, you become attuned to the energy of the universe. To cure such problems, this set of five celestial guardians are the best symbolic replacement of perfect landscape for city dwellings today.

The chinese astrology studies have shown that the location of dragon is at the east, the phoenix in the south, the tiger in the west and the xuan wu is in the north as shown below.

In olden days, all houses in China were built to sit north and face south. This is to avoid cold winds coming from the north to enter the main door. The back of the house should be protected by mountains or using trees as shields behind the house. They would also carefully analyze the landscape for the presence of Dragon’s Breath for shapes that reveal the Yang Dragon and the Yin Tiger. They would examine the landscape where the dragon and the tiger meet. This is where sharply rising Yang Dragon merges softly with the undulating Yin tiger ground.The Dragon brings upon the essence of life, in the form of its celestial breath, known to many as “sheng chi”. Then the front of the house should have a wide open space and a low land to represent the phoenix.

Of the five, the green dragon is the most prominent and significant. The dragon epitomizes the emperor, signifies heaven, and is the most celestial of all creatures. Having the dragon attracts good “yang” energy into your home. Having it in your home will benefit you hugely for success in every area of your life. It brings you wealth, business luck and many filial children. The dragon should be positioned in the east of the living room. Alternatively, you can also have it on the internal left-hand wall of the house (inside looking out towards your front).

The white tiger on the other hand will protect the household from any harm. Its presence will especially benefit politicians and high ranking officials. It constrains the negative, and balances the Dragon’s power. It symbolizes passive energy and protection against evil intentions. It should be positioned in the west of the living room. Alternatively, you can also have it on the internal right-hand wall of the house (inside looking out towards your front).

The xuan wu is as important as the dragon, and its presence will benefit you in your career. It gives promotions, a good job and smooth business undertakings. It symbolizes longevity, strength, endurance, support and stability. It protects home from everything negative. Its position is in the north. Alternatively, you can also have it on the back wall of the house.

The red phoenix brings you fame, recognition and public success. It also stands for rebirth, success, recognition and new opportunities. Its position is in the south. Alternatively, you can also have it on the front wall of the house.

The chi lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the chi lin is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. It brings good fortune. Its position is in the center.

To sum up, one can display these Five Celestial Guardians in an armchair formation:

  1. The phoenix in the front portion of the house.
  2. The xuan wu in the back portion of the house.
  3. The green dragon on the left portion of the house (inside looking out).
  4. The white tiger on the right portion of the house (inside looking out).
  5. The chi lin in the center portion of your house.
Blue Rhinoceros Windchime Thu, 09 Dec 2021 03:30:20 +0000 Blue Rhinoceros Windchime - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold and Metallic Blue Dimension(in): 4x0.2x12in Weight: 170g ID: SL16049]]> Favored by feng shui masters, the windchime is known to be the easiest way to remedy flying star problems. Featured with two blue rhinoceros, it blissfully sends powerful energy to counter armed robbery, violence, office politics, backstabbing and business competitors. Consisting of 8 molded mantra rods inscribed clearly with the all-time-favorite “Om Mani Padme Hum” and gilded with gold, it provides a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine blessings. “Eight rods” is a connotation of “prosperity” and is suitable to prevent financial loss. The eight rods windchime is also the most widely used windchime throughout Period 8 (2004-2023). On the other hand, the rhinoceros duo is especially useful in protecting those whose zodiac luck suggests vulnerability of getting robbed or facing financial losses.This windchime is best displayed in the sector of annual Violence Star #7. For eg. in 2016, the direction of this notorious star is in the North.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Why Violent Star #7 is bad and how to place this remedy?
One of the most hazardous star is Violent Star #7. This star used to be very auspicious and was a wealth star during Period 7 (1984-2004). But in Period 8, its good attributes are gone and have turned into an evil star that brings nothing good but injuries, burglary, troubles, chaos, fightings, bad luck, law cases and lawsuits. It is associated to “injured soldier” and is hinting blood. That is why it relates to armed robbery and violence. Its effects become worse when combined with other bad stars such as #2, #3, #5 or #9.

Display the windchime in the following locations:

  1. For the safety of your family and children, display it in the vicinity of your main door looking out.
  2. To keep competitors at bay, businessmen can hang this windchime at the main entrance looking out. The powerful rhinoceros will help you counter attack their poisonous threat.
  3. The Rhinoceros is no doubt the most unrivaled cure against Violence Star#7, either from the natal chart, annual chart or monthly chart of flying stars. 

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual.
Cast brass work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high brass purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.
