Wealth – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Mon, 22 Jan 2024 05:56:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 2024 Wealth Kit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24204-wealthkit/ Sat, 23 Dec 2023 08:32:42 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=43114 2024 Wealth Kit - Energy Infused Material: Multiple Color: Multicolored Dimension(in): Multiple Weight: 1435g ID: SL24204]]> This WEALTH kit includes:

  1. Period 9’s Magic Ho Tu
  2. Thriving in Period 9
  3. Period 9’s Inexhaustible Money Shower
  4. Chief Treasury (3pcs)
  5. Period 9 Authority Star
  6. Six Loshu Tortoises Lucky Array

Note: All items are energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Gold Abacus https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24021-abacus/ Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:17:02 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=42349 Gold Abacus - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Brass Dimension(in): 3.5x1.9x0.4 in Abacus; 4.6x3.3x1.2in Base Weight: 237g ID: SL24021]]> The abacus is a calculating and numerical recording tool that was once widely used in East Asia.  It is a harbinger of new income streams, abundance in wealth and successful financial pivotings. It was traditionally used in computing for income and expenditures. Used by merchants and traders to keep track of daily sales, it is thus associated with healthy income streams and managing savings. The abacus connotes having so much sales in your business that you would require its assistance to total up the sum instead of doing the summation mentally. For doctors, the abacus help them in their prescriptions of herbs. Made from strong brass, the beads can produce metal tones when you shake the abacus. Each time you shake it, it will bring you incredible business opportunities, rising sales and income stream. Therefore, start off your day with good business by shaking it hard!!! 

Note: The item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Abacus symbolizes?
In China, in outlying towns or more backward areas, you might see one lying around or actually used if you go into a shop. You might find older people using them. Up until calculators and teller machines became so cheap in China, they were widely used. Shop keepers used them to tally figures. The abacus is called “suanpan” (算盤, calculating pan) in China. It was mentioned in a 2nd century BC Chinese document, and versions may have been used for thousands of years prior. The Chinese kind has beads strung on wires or thin wood rods. There is a divider that separates the left and right strings of beads. The Chinese kind has two beads on the rods on one side and 5 beads on the rods on the other side of the divider. Chinese abacuses are designed to allow for hexadecimal computation. These suanpans can be used for doing division, multiplication and for taking square roots and cube roots as well if the user knows the techniques. Thinking of ringing in more sales? Yes, the abacus is the answer, as this auspicious symbol is used by tycoons, businessmen, shop owners and financial planners to signify too many numbers to calculate in their income. The abacus placed on your desk or cashiers will multiply your sales profits and boost your business transactions. For those who are seeking to increase your skills in the fields of mathematics, accountancy, science and engineering, placing an abacus on the study table can enhance your competency.

Where to display?

  1. Display it in your living or family rooms, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate your wealth luck.
  2. Display it facing your entrance so that you can see it as you enter to invite wealth and fortune into your homes at chi entry points.
  3. Display it in your office and shop to ring in more sales and achieve more financial success.
  4. Display it in the Northwest to activate tycoon’s luck for the partriarch.
  5. To increase ones personal wealth luck, one should display it at your personal zodiac direction to improve your personal luck:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW


Period 9’s Inexhaustible Money Shower https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-17-moneytree/ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:28:31 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41708 Period 9's Inexhaustible Money Shower - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Genuine Gold Plated and Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 2.25x0.1x2.25in Plaque 1; 2.4x0.1x3in Plaque 2; 2.1x0.1x2.1 Plaque 3; 2.4x0.1x1.8in Plaque 4; 1.1x0.1x1.1in Coin; 15.5in total length Weight: 167g ID: 24-AM-17]]> This astonishing wall hanging features FOUR main emblems that harness the fullest prosperity potential for Period 9, namely the “Jade Emperor”, the “Money Tree”, the “Red Dragon” and the Lock Coin of “10 Million Taels of Gold”. The Jade Emperor blesses you with divine help from the heaven. The Money Tree promises limitless financial blessings. The Red Dragon being a fire dragon activates the positive attibutes of Period 9. The Lock Coin builds savings in a big manner. All in all, it showers you with money, bountiful amounts of money, multiplying, duplicating, replenishing itself, infinite money, recreating money effortlessly where money rush to you. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing abundance and initiate the journey to riches. Infinite money awaits you each day and endless opportunities and blessings will come your way. Money accelerates to you explosively and rapidly. It is a fortune magnifier for laymen, investors, speculators, businessmen and career minded people. On the same note, it will turn one from poverty into self-sustainable, and from moderate to become well-to-do and from the above average to become ultra rich.

Featuring 4 plaques altogether, the salient features and the importance of the FOUR main emblems and other auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

1st Plaque

The Jade Emperor (Yu Huang or Yu Di), known informally as Heavenly Grandfather (Tian Gong) is the ruler of Heaven in Chinese mythology and is among the most important gods in the Daoist and folk pantheons. Accompanying the Jade Emperor’s image are chinese characters “Tian Kuan Chi Fu” which connotes blessing you with divine help from the heaven. Also featured are a pair of Fu Lin dogs which is another emblem of wealth and protection symbolizing that your “wealth is safe”.  In his capacity as celestial ruler, the Jade Emperor is thought to govern Heaven and Earth, and he holds the power to distribute wealth to mankind. He is in charge of blessing everyone with good fortune and happiness so that there will be less suffering. Furthermore, he showed respect and benevolence to both men and creatures with loving kindness, but possesses powerful capability to vanquish evil. Having the image of the Jade Emperor at home simulates him paying a welcome visit to your home, bringing good luck in the form of solid support from those with the power, influence and capability to help you. Helping those who feel you are bouncing from idea to idea getting nowhere, you will make progress in leaps and bounds. Those without a plan will find new opportunities to benefit from and enjoy a windfall of some kind.

On an equally good note, hidden behind the plaque of the Jade Emperor are the inscriptions of “100 Fu CHARACTERS”. The chinese character “fu” expresses the sentiment “luck”. Therefore, a hundred of them becomes an auspicious connotation that multiplies your good luck by 100 times more. It is actually a symbolic representation of the “God of Luck” (Fu Xing), whom originated as a lucky star and was believed to bring good fortune. The character symbolizes family happiness, fulfillment, good relationships and mutual love uninterrupted by illnesses, setbacks and sufferings. It also brings power, authority and wealth. In other words, the “100 Fu CHARACTERS” bring you complete good fortune, material luck, protection, peace, confidence and genuine happiness in your wealth accumulation.

2nd Plaque

Next, “Yao Qian Shu” (literally means “shaking money tree”) is a money tree laden with treasures that grows in the heaven. The Money Tree is the gathering place of money dragons (manifesting in the form of Red Dragons). It is from this tree that the Jade Emperor and other Gods of Wealth will distribute the wealth to mankind. Therefore the Money Tree actually resembles the “ultimate source” of all big wealth. The Money Tree is a universal motif of a great “world tree” ascending from earth to heaven and found in the paradise gardens of the heaven. This form of heavenly tree is laden with beautiful blossoms and unending money motifs, radiating divine light and appear to be as brilliant as precious jewels. It is the most fundamental divine pillar of wealth in feng shui. It implies financial strength and not just money earned randomly. Earning/winning money randomly does not imply financial strength. Financial strength enables one to be able to retire luxuriously and resist any forms of instability in the long term. The tree generates financial success, enable you to earn higher incomes and build greater fortunes.

3rd Plaque

In addition, the Red Dragon emerging from mountain and sea is a symbol of permanence and immovability. It is the emblem of rising wealth, powerful support and protection from reversal of fortune. Regarded as the most powerful symbol on earth, the mountain with dragon played the same sort of role in Chinese Cosmology as the Emperor did in society; it ensured cosmic order and permanence. It is repository of great wealth for those who practise old school feng shui. Similar to the mountains on imperial motifs from ancient times, this mountain is designed together with border of wavy lines representing the ocean. This denotes the auspicious blessing “shou shan fu hai” which carries the meaning “longevity and good fortune as unlimited as that of the oceans and mountains”. Featured behind this plaque is the Wealth Increasing Mantra which has the effect of attracting multiple sources of solid income for you.

Furthermore, a coin hanging below the 3rd plaque brings victorious connotation. One side has the chinese characters “bai zhan bai sheng” which expresses the sentiment of “winning all 100 battles”. The other side has the Chinese Characters “da gong gao cheng” which means “succeed in all undertakings”.

4th Plaque

Inscribed with chinese characters that denote “10 Million Taels of Gold” and featured in a Lock Coin, it turns around the luck for those who are in a serious lack of wealth luck and safeguards one from easily losing money. This expresses the sentiment of “abundance in savings”. It features the Military God of Wealth on Tiger. General Zhao Kong Ming is one of the five Wealth Gods who gives powerful blessings of good fortune for the mainstream income. His looks are more confident, grandeur and victorious compared to other Wealth Gods. He sits on a ferocious tiger, thus making him having extremely powerful command over wealth. He carries a gold ingot and a multilevel military varja weapon. The magical varja weapon enables him to punish all evils and to destroy all ignorance that could lead to being cheated. The tiger swallows all devils lurking in the surroudings. Besides, there are two Secret Taoist Incantations that empower the entire wall hanging by providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke their divine help. The talismans are from the powerful taoist lineage: “ming chai” (money earned from work) and “ngam chai” (windfall). They will bring better mainstream income as well as windfall luck in investment, speculative portfolios and gambling. They ensure that all your money desires are being fulfilled rapidly!

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

The benefits
This auspicious wall hanging will bless one with the following circumstances:

  1. To stimulate financial opportunities for those who have suffered from financial setbacks, cash degeneration and zero income.
  2. To put a full stop to continuous financial losses and selling of assets.
  3. To improve an extremely bad financial condition and eradicate poverty.
  4. To form a catalyst that could develop a turn around and overcome a stalemate financial situation.
  5. To move forward quickly in financial recovery, beyond what the other feng shui enhancers could do.
  6. To generate exponential financial growth and wealth at a speedy rate.
  7. To prevent reversal of fortune.
  8. To snowball wealth growth further.

Where to display this auspicious wall hanging?
This auspicious wall hanging is best used to activate #8 or #9. #8 is intrinsically a general Prosperity Star in all periods. Although its power is “amplified” in Period 8 and will go back to its original form in Period 9, it is still a benevolent star that gives positive effects in generating wealth. #9 will become the a prosperous Wealth Star in Period 9 as it is the chief star of the period. This wall hanging can therefore be used to activate either one or both:

  1. Activate Water Star #8/#9 and Mountain Star #8/#9 which are both Flying White Star #8 in ones natal chart, irrespective of the period the house is built in. Activating Water Star #8/#9 and Mountain Star #8/#9 is the best method to activate ones MAXIMUM feng shui luck to bring in prosperity, wealth, harmony, good health, longevity and happiness. The auspicious wall hanging must be displayed until the end of Period 9 according to your home’s natal flying star chart.
  2. Activate Annual Flying Star #8/#9 to bring in annual wealth luck for that particular year. For example, in 2024, it is best to display this in the north or southwest directions, be it in a house, bedroom or living room. 

On a similarly good note, other suggested areas to display this auspicious wall hanging are as follows::

  1. Display it in your living room, family rooms, dining or bedroom of your home, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (universal wealth corner) or your personal sheng chi direction to activate and enhance your wealth luck.
  2. Display it in your office if you have one that you own by yourself or your own shop to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.
  3. Display it in the Northwest sector to activate the financial luck for the Patriarch or the man of the family.
  4. To increase ones personal wealth luck, one can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Unassailable Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-16-amulet/ Sat, 25 Nov 2023 14:50:00 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41566 5 Flags Kwan Kung Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in):1.5x0.1x2.75in Primary; 8.2in length Weight: 43g ID: 24-AM-16]]> One of the things that the victorious 5 Flagged God of War connotes is making your position “unassailable” (un-defeatable) and presenting the enemy with a scenario that it would be unwise to challenge. The idea is that the enemy recognizes defeat before they even begin to attack. With the amulet, cosmic energies will work in favor of you that make your enemy believes you can attack, will attack, and will win, or that you have war fighting capabilities that you do not actually possess, this can lead to an enemy reaching out for peace or at least withholding their own attack. Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” 

The image of Kwan Kung with 5 Flags is the most powerful form.  Signifying victory, the dragon flags resemble fire (red), earth (yellow), metal (white), water (blue) and wood (green) dragons. Held on his right arm is his signature kwan dao (knife with a long spear-like handle).

Kwan Kung is the protector for people who are persecuted and facing rivalry. Every ill intention becomes harmless. Having his protection enables you to overcome danger, obstacles, bitterness, malevolence, ill will, competition and betrayals. Your path ahead will steer clear of controversial issues bringing you endurance and strength. The amulet is suitable for attaining high goals in business pursuits, political mileage, protection against evil forces, financial success, investment achievement, family safety and support from helpful people.

The amulet is consecrated by a taoist incantations that benefit Wealth and Business. Therefore this amulet is also suitable for those who are ambitious, determined to win over competitors, leading a challenging team or desiring to lead in the future.

The amulet also has Mantra of Manjusri. Manjusri (Wenshu Pusa) is a bodhisattva in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. The name “Manjusri” means “gentle glory”. Manjusri is the bodhisattva associated with development of enlightened wisdom, doctrine and awareness. Manjusri is usually denoted in Chinese traditions as riding on the back of a lion. Those who are negative in mindset, stressed, depressed, suicidal, quarrelsome and troublesome can benefit from and be tamed by the Manjusri. The mantra of wisdom “Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih” represents the attainment of ultimate realization.

Note: This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

What Kwan Kung symbolizes?
Kwan Ti (later known as Kwan Kung) is the most famous war general in the history of China. He is perceived as the grandest military hero who lived during the popular era of Romance of Three Kingdoms under the Han Dynasty over 2000 years ago. Centuries after centuries after his death, he continued to be a powerful figure known for his protective qualities of the nation and country till he was elevated to the rank of God of War in 15th century because of his righteousness, becoming one of the most popular deities in China. In the heavenly realm, He was chartered to take care and guard the Buddhists texts, being the reason why the Kwan Kung images always appear in almost all temples. He normally appears alone or with his two assistants.

His image can be found globally at home, office or business premises of Feng Shui enthusiast, as he aids those in need of assistance for various trades and professions. Because almost all businessmen regarded the Kwan Kung to provide blessings in money making and almost all trades, He later was also known as God of Wealth and God of Literature. Kwan Kung embodies power, honesty, righteousness, scholastic ability, strength, integrity, and honor. Kwan Kung not only provides a strong force of protection, his presence brings about fortune, wealth, grandeur, fearlessness, competitiveness, status and confidence. Kwan Kung has also become the most important deity of worship for police forces and triad members in Hong Kong. Both black and white forces have high respect and regards for the Kwan Kung because he is capable of ensuring victories in all pursuits.Kwan Kung is feared by all evil and revered by all who are sincere at heart. Kwan Kung protects the righteous and defends the innocent. No spirit would dare to enter homes or premises when the Kwan Kung is present.

Kwan Kung usually wears his military uniform with embroidery of the powerful Dragons. Kwan Kung has a red face as his famous identity, always look confident, usually victorious and normally fierce to scare away the evil spirits and opponents. His most powerful weapon is the “Kwan Dao” (the battle knife), a special knife in which only the Kwan Kung used and no one else.

Kwan Kung has many roles, therefore brings various advantageous to one keeping the amulet:

  1. Carrying the amulet provides strong force of protection and counter any killing breathe, negativities or evil. All evils will be scared away instantly.
  2. Carrying the amulet can invite mentor luck, extreme support from authority and helpful people coming your way.
  3. Managers, leaders, executives and politicians can keep the amulet for protection at work. The powerful protector will keep away backstabbers and deceivers.
  4. Police forces and triad members in Asia are blessed by the Kwan Kung to ensure their safety. He is highly respected and worshipped by them. Carrying the amulet by those in the triad groups or police forces can provide them with safety.
  5. Carrying the amulet can ensure victory in business competition and protection against problem makers. Kwan Kung protects businesses from fraud and embezzlement, promotes loyalty and ensures smooth sailing. This is believed to be able to help a business prosper even against overwhelming odds. Kwan Kung also promotes unity, loyalty and honesty of the employees.

Everyone needs protection against negative vibes sent out by unscrupulous people, especially if you are working in complex corporation and working overseas:

  1. To smooth over your career without bad politics which will result in increased money in your pocket, display the amulet at your work desk.
  2. To increase wealth achievement and riches in life, display the amulet in your sheng chi direction, SE universal wealth corner and water star-9 location in your home or workplace. The amulet will bring benefactors and helpful people to help you in your endeavours.
  3. One can also display the amulet in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Get Rich and Fortunate Through Period 9 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-03-amulet/ Wed, 22 Nov 2023 12:36:05 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41494 Get Rich and Fortunate Through Period 9 Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.15x0.1x2.15in Primary; 7.5in length Weight: 43g ID: 24-AM-03]]> This amulet features the God of Wealth, also known as Chai Shen Yeh who is unsurpassed in bestowing riches on those who carry his symbol. The full name for this primary chinese God of Wealth is Li Gui Zu. He is also known as Cai Bo Xing Jun, Zeng Fu Xiang Gong, Zeng Fu Cai Shen or Fu Shan Ping Shi Gong. Legend has it that he was a special envoy, Star Venus, of Great Jade Emperor being sent down to earth to help mankind. In heavenly realm, his responsibility is to take charge and control the wealth in Heaven and on also Human Realm. He takes care of distributing money from heaven to earth. He pacifies all financial difficulties, removes all obstacles that block you from obtaining wealth along your way and helps you cope with financial difficulties you may encounter in everyday life. Carrying his amulet in Period 9 translates to powerful divine help that enables you to prosper at greater speed and snowball your wealth. Ambitious minded people wishing to become millionaire or money masters can only have your dreams realized if you honor the God of Wealth. 

Featured on the other side of the amulet are Chinese characters Jiu Yun Fa Chai Zhi Fu connoting “Get Rich and Fortunate Through Period 9”. The salient features and the importance of other auspicious symbols on the amulet can be explained and elaborated as follows each of them connoting auspicious meanings and powerful bliss:

  1. Money Bag – a bag full of new money found. A universal symbol of new prosperity.
  2. Taoist Incantation of Prosperity – materializes money luck.
  3. Taoist Incantation of Quiren – brings benefactor’s luck.
  4. Treasure Chest – Symbol of great abundance and flourishing wealth.
  5. Richman’s Mansion –  It is a powerful symbol of everlasting wealth and abundance.
  6. Tangerine – Signifying gold, the tangerine always take the lead as the most auspicious fruit to usher in good fortune, wealth and peace.
  7. Mystic Knot – signifying wealth that lasts unendingly.

Note: This item  is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Rich Wealth God symbolizes and how to display this deity?
Li Gui Zu was born in Zi Chuan District in Shandong Province on 17th of 9th Lunar Month. During the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei period, he was working as a country magistrate. He brought great benefit to the folks, such as dredging the rivers, control the salinity of water, often took out his own salary to help the poor. He also had a frugal live. He was an honest and upright official well loved by the people. After he passed away, people in his community build a temple to worship him. His good deeds recorded in history text also led to further conferring of more Titles by future officials. During the 2nd Year reign of Wu De Emperor of Tang Dynasty (619 A.D), Tang Gao Zong conferred Li Gui Zu the Title: God of Wealth – Cai Bo Xing Jun. During the reign of Emperor Ming Zong of Later Tang Dynasty (926 A.D), Li Gui Zu was conferred the Title: Gods Of Increasing Blessing – Shen Jun Zheng Fu Xiang Gong. During the Yuan Dynasty (1271 – 1368) , Li Gui Zu was conferred the Title: Fu Shan Ping Shi Gong.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet
One can display the amulet in the following areas:

  1. Display the Rich Wealth God in your living or family rooms, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate and enhance your wealth luck.
  2. Display the Rich Wealth God facing your entrance so that you can see him as you enter to invite wealth and multiple fortune luck into your homes at chi entry points. He will help transform all kinds of chi to become prosperity chi.
  3. Display the Rich Wealth God in your office and shop to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.
  4. Display the Rich Wealth God in the Northwest sector to activate your financial support luck for money attracting opportunities.
  5. Display in the car to ensure you are always being filled with wealth energy, speculative luck and never a long term loser.
  6. To magnify your wealth opportunities, windfall and speculative luck in life, display in your sheng chi direction and SE universal wealth corner in your home or workplace.
  7. Hang the amulet inside your maindoor’s doorknobs or bedroom’s doorknobs to make sure every time your door is opened the speculative luck enters into your space.
  8. Place the amulet together with your lottery tickets, share certificates etc to increase chances of getting good gains.
  9. Those who are conducting sales or business can display this amulet at your cash register.

Note: Kindly do not display in the kitchen, on the floor and in toilet areas.

Thrive Vibrantly Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-12-amulet/ Wed, 22 Nov 2023 10:59:36 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41486 Thrive Vibrantly (Wong Tai Sin) Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.15x0.1x2.7in Primary; 8in length Weight: 49g ID: 24-AM-12]]> If one has a small budget and desires to only get one single amulet to transform for the better, this is highly recommended for you. Featuring Taoist Deity Wong Tai Sin popular in Hong Kong with the power of healing and consecrated by his magical taoist incantation, the amulet helps you to materialize all your wishes and thrive even in challenging times. To thrive is to be in tip top health, to prosper, to be fortunate and successful. It gives you positive transformation that lets you flourish vibrantly in all areas of life. On the other hand, the Double Dragon Tortoises pacify all negativities, remove all obstacles along your way and help you cope with difficulties you may encounter in everyday life. The reverse side presents to you the Number One answer from a sacred oracle lot, which is the rarest 1/100th chance and best of all answers to a divination. The abstract answer is related to Chou dynasty’s king who went to see Chiang Thye Kong for an advice before he became the king. Chiang Thye Kong‘s advice was that everything would be excellent, where Dragon and Tiger were to be seen together both at the same time which was auspicious.And the outlook would be filled with luxury where he would become an emperor and all bad events will be left behind in the path forward. This translates to the following luck that you will be blessed with:

  1. Your year will be better than the last. Everything that you had lost will be gained back this year.
  2. Your career will meet with many benefactors.
  3. Everything you do will see profitable outcome.
  4. Wealth wise, you will see excellent harvest.
  5. You will grow and develop rigorously where wisdom is gained.
  6. Your health will be good throughout all the four seasons. Even small diseases will pass by.
  7. Your family will see harmony and potentially see a new born joining your family.
  8. Your marriage will see happiness. Those who have lost the relationship opportunity previously will see you finding a new love.
  9. For those who is intend to move to another place will see new opportunities knocking on your door.
  10. Your reputation will be good and well accepted by everyone.
  11. Your friendship will be excellent. Villains will stay away. Your social linkage and bondage will increase.

“When one holds on to the “Seong Seong Chim” (Fortune Stick of Highest Hierarchy) it expresses the sentiment that one can PROCEED with any form of undertaking irrespective of whether the year’s or any period’s fortune is good or bad for him (according to his bazi or zodiac luck. With this “Thrive Rigorously Amulet”, you will experience a smooth path uninterrupted by setbacks, bad luck or sufferings. You will be injected with a dose of immunity to bad luck or misfortune. When you are at your lowest point of a cross road, this talisman promises that you will experience a reversal from shock where things will turnaround for the better. Your wishes will materialize where you see successful outcome from your endeavor. It is also important to begin a new chapter of your life with the amulet to ensure that good luck is always shining at your constellation, as it provides immunity for zodiacs which are pre-destined to suffer from problems due to the visiting of negative stars. It helps protect you against fortune reversal, transforms bad luck into good luck rapidly and magnifies good luck into even better luck. If you have been facing hardship for a while, this amulet actually generates better health luck, wealth luck, relationship luck and good fortune in all areas of your life.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

What is a Fortune Stick?
Fortune Stick divination (“Kau Chim“) is a chinese fortune telling practice of requesting answers from the sacred oracle lot. It is based on the Book of Changes (I Ching). Fortune Sticks are a number of flat sticks stored in a bucket. Numbers in chinese characters are inscribed on the sticks. This method of fortune telling involves shaking the bucket full of bamboo sticks numbered 1 to 78 in such a manner that just one number would jump out of the bucket. This number would then be ones fortune and a fortune teller would be required to explain it. There are five levels of fortunes, from excellent, good, mid, to bad and disastrous. Before one shakes the bucket, one must think of a “wish”. The luck and outcome of the wish will be foretold by the fate of the message corresponding to that fortune stick.

Wong Tai Sin
Wong Tai Sin or Huang Daxian is the divine form of Huang Chuping or Wong Cho Ping (c. 328 – c. 386), a Taoist hermit from Jinhua during the Eastern Jin dynasty. According to the text Self-Description of Chisongzi (“Master Red Pine”), Wong Tai Sin was born Huang Chuping (Wong Cho Ping in Cantonese) in 328 in Lanxi, Jinhua, Zhejiang province. Western sources have him listed at c. 284 to 364 CE. Wong Cho Ping is said to have experienced poverty and hunger, becoming a shepherd when he was eight years old. He began practising Taoism at the age of fifteen after meeting an immortal or saintly person on Red Pine Mountain in his hometown. Legend has it that he was able to transform stones into sheep forty years later. Wong Tai Sin later became known as the Red Pine Immortal, after the mountain where he had his hermitage, and his birthday is celebrated on the 23rd of the eighth lunar month.

There is a Wong Tai Sin temple in modern Hong Kong today and Wong Tai Sin district is named after the deity. Today, Sik Sik Yuen is an educational and charitable foundation that, true to Leung’s origins as a healer, runs a free clinic. In Hong Kong, there is one MTR station named after Wong Tai Sin and there is a Wong Tai Sin Temple. Many tourists from all over the world visit Wong Tai Sin Temple every day.

Where to display

  1. It is best to carry along this amulet with you to maximize the benefits. However, if it is not convenient, then you can display it either by your bed, on your work desk or in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  2. Hang the amulet at your workdesk or in the north location of your home to ensure your career path will be a smooth one, your difficult projects are accomplished without obstacles.
  3. For those who had been going through rough times in your personal life, hang the amulet in your personal sheng chi direction.
  4. For those who desire to have a smooth life and avoid any potential problems in the upcoming year, hang it in prominent areas of your home such as your living room and dining room.
Turn Mishaps Into Luck https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-11-shigandang/ Mon, 20 Nov 2023 08:49:19 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41468 Turn Mishaps into Luck - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Genuine Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.0x0.1x3.9in plaque; 0.8x0.1x0.8in discs; 1.1x0.1x1.1in coins Weight: 134g ID: 24-AM-11]]> This special cure known as “Dui Wo Shen Chai” expresses the sentiment “whatever that faces me turns into fortune”. It combats malevolent energy, whether it is visible or invisible. This means that when it is displayed facing a physical “shar chi” (poison arrow) such as a tree or a sharp edge outside pointing through your windows to your interior or any threatening interior objects like window blinds pointing to an important area, it will diminish them all. Also when it is displayed in sectors or directions where invisble malevolent energy is such as afflictive annual flying star #7, it will diminish them. The primary piece of the wall hanging has two sides, where one side has Shigandang, while the other side has nine lions. Hanging below are seven discs of water waves with symbols of rhinoceros and elephant. The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

A. Shigandang is a stronger cure to ward off stronger killing breathe. Shigandang can be used to ward of evil chi from grave yards, dead chi from hospital, corpse energy from mortuary and large killing chi exerted from larger killing features as compared to the size of your premises. It is best used to cast away accidents, ghosts, black magic, ill energies and influence of shar chi from the surroundings It is said to be able to serve as a powerful protection as well as bringing good fortune, and gives the following 10 types of blessings:
1. It suppresses Eight Devils
2. It protects against disasters happening to the family.
3. It benefits those in official ranking to protect against competitors and harmful people.
4. It ensures the family is healthy.
5. It blesses one with wealth luck.
6. It provides cure to family members who suffer from illnesses.
7. It drives away shar chi and has the same duties of a bagua.
8. It prevents accidents.
9. It protects against theft and burglary.
10. Its presence is similar to the presence of Fuk Luk Sau.

B. Nine lions – Lions in a pack of nine are in their most powerful form and are associated with military strength and hunting prowess, a powerful symbol of enforcement. They also denote protection for all the nine directions including the center.

C. Seven Rhinoceros and Elephants – Seven is the unrivaled number of rhinoceros to remedy in difficult, violent and forceful situations. The unparelleled duo is a magnified symbol of protection against robberies, kidnaps, accidents, office politics, competitions and backstabbings. Unwanted visitors, people who harbor ill intention, business competitors and enemies will be kept away. It is also an authentic remedy for the direction where the Annual Violent Star #7 flies to.

D. “Kan Hexagram” – Derived from I-Ching Magic (ancient Book of Changes), two Kan Trigrams combine to represent BIG WATER and holds the key in combating the metal element energy of violence from Star #7. Old style feng shui masters will understand this better.

F. Taoist incantation of removing hardship, poverty and safety – pacifies all negativities, removes all obstacles along your way and helps you cope with difficulties you may encounter in everyday life.

E. “Mantra of Anti-Robbery”- Consecrates the plaque with power. It has a powerful Dakini Talisman that wards off thieves and robbers.

F. Hanging Four Celestial Guardians Coins – are an essential remedy for form and landscape feng shui (“luan tou“). Popularly known, the four celestial guardians are the green dragon, white tiger, black xuan wu and red phoenix, each guarding one cardinal direction (north, east, south and west). A fundamental requirement, a balanced “luan tou” is the basic that will prepare you towards doing up the feng shui and preparing for the well-being of the occupants. When all directions are in harmony, it encourages the dragon’s breathe (lung chi) to settle, thus creating an inflow of auspicious energy. They will also look after family safety, prevent dangers and regulate your career, wealth, health, power and fame. They are also essential to correct any external landscape problems and internal missing corners.

In situations where the magnitude of negative influence becomes overly amplified, we need a substantial amount of power from this special charm to counter such undesirable energy. For example, as we are nearing Period 9 (after leaving Period 7 for almost two dacades), the influence from Violent Star #7 has turned ugly, where it had robbed the world through the spread of Covid-19. This is also a cure more powerful, simpler to use and friendlier than the bagua when it comes to countermeasuring against complicated poison arrows, for example T-Junction, corner of buildings, small gaps between tall buildings, trees, building column etc.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

Story of Shigandang
This is based on a true story that happened in China over 1000 years ago. The story started with a family that used to live in the village of Tai Ann. For a period of time, the daughter of this poor family felt disturbed by an evil wind that blew from the southeast direction everytime there was a sunset. As time passed, she became more and more hysterical because of the frequent visit of the evil. Her mother then went to the magical mountain Tai San to seek help from the master who developed his magical powers there. The master’s name was Shigandang. He helped the family and fought off the evil. However, later somebody else in the south of Hokkien District was again reported to have faced similar problem. Again, Shigandang was invited to chase away the evil spirit. It again did not end there. The evil spirit repeatedly went from one village to another to cause similar problem. The havoc spread like wildfire from village to village and so the people started to carve Shigandang’s name on stones and displayed them at home. Shigandang’s name in fact scared and frightened off every evil spirit. The evil finally gave up and the problem was solved. Since then, feng shui masters have started using Shigandang’s name as a simple yet powerful method to cure many problems associated to evil chi or shar chi. The words Shigandang alone can be used to exorcise evil spirits. The words are also used at street intersections or three-way junctions, especially in the crossing, which is often considered a fierce place.

Where to display this cure

1. It can be displayed to prevent bad luck from killing chi if your house has a main door or window facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers and evil looking mountains.
2. It can also repel evil spirits and negative energy when hung on your main door.
3. It provides protection to the household and prevents theft, harmful people, frobbery and accidents when displayed at entrances.
4. It can be displayed inside the house in areas or directions where protection against bad evil stars is needed, eg. Annual Violent Star #7.
5. It can be displayed inside the house in areas where protection against visible malevolent energy is required. Display facing the direction of conflict either in your interior.
6. For businesses, display it facing outwards at the main entrance to ensure that your competitors are kept at bay and counter attack their venomous threat.
7. Display it in your office to solve political problems in office, backstabbing, arguments and havoc from harmful peers.

3 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Blooming Wealth https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24016-dzi/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 14:13:23 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41141 3 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Blooming Wealth Material: Triple Diamond Grade dZi, Green Aventurine, Clear Quartz, Hematite and Black Obsidian Color: Natural Dzi Dimension(in): 1.4in dZi bead Weight: 22g ID: SL24016]]> A sensual designer piece, this bracelet setting blends the much adored 3 Eye dzi bead with green aventurine, clear quartz, hematite and black obsidian, a creation connoting blooming wealth. The 3 Eye dZi symbolizes the rolling in of extensive wealth. This is because it symbolizes the Tibetan Wealth Gods (Jhambala). This dZi enables obtainment of prosperity, happiness and good health. For those who are lack in good opportunity, this dZi will help you get positive surprises. It will also boost up your financial status incredibly.

Note: This original Dzi bead was made over 15 years ago by a retired producer that had its factory door already shut. Its grade is classified as a triple diamond grade and is no longer available in the market. Currently, out there small quantities of this original Dzi sold by merchants are now only silver graded ones. The gap in price is 10-fold. The bead is made from far older and matured agate and possess strong and darker color, emanating more power. They have been tested and guaranteed to give good fortune vibrations, by our own 3A pure pendulum. Also worth to take note that every piece of dzi is unique on its own because of natural etch behaviour following the molecular grain boundaries of each piece of natural agate. There could potentially be internal grains, blemishes, imperfection and crack lines. Only fake beads which are scientifically manufactured can be repeated perfectly with similar design and colors. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

This bracelet is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Natural crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy are cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of “chi” when they are delivered to you.

9 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Unobstructed Happiness https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24017-dzi/ Mon, 13 Nov 2023 15:33:49 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41126 9 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Unobstructed Happiness Material: Triple Diamond Grade dZi, Lapis Lazulli and Agate Color: Natural Dzi Dimension(in): 1.45in dZi bead Weight: 20g ID: SL24017]]> A sensual designer piece, this bracelet setting blends the much adored 9 Eye dzi bead with blue lapis lazulli and agate, a creation connoting unobstructed success and happiness. Representing the 9 planetary systems and period 9, the 9 eyes dzi is the ‘king’ of all dzis. News had circulated that several people who had worn them survived near death experiences. Today, being the most sought after dzi, enthusiasts are craving to have his own 9 eyes dzi to gain all kinds of good fortune, power, positive influence, divine protection, good health, wealth, prosperity from heaven, double longevity, victory over foes, windfall luck and ultimate good luck; protected by the Buddha’s eyes. It brings the most complete blessings, which helps to remove negative sins and dissolves all kinds of obstacles along your path. It can also protect you against all kinds of misfortune and harm from evil.

Note: This original Dzi bead was made over 15 years ago by a retired producer that had its factory door already shut. Its grade is classified as a triple diamond grade and is no longer available in the market. Currently, out there small quantities of this original Dzi sold by merchants are now only silver graded ones. The gap in price is 10-fold. The bead is made from far older and matured agate and possess strong and darker color, emanating more power. They have been tested and guaranteed to give good fortune vibrations, by our own 3A pure pendulum. Also worth to take note that every piece of dzi is unique on its own because of natural etch behaviour following the molecular grain boundaries of each piece of natural agate. There could potentially be internal grains, blemishes, imperfection and crack lines. Only fake beads which are scientifically manufactured can be repeated perfectly with similar design and colors. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

This bracelet is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Natural crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy are cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of “chi” when they are delivered to you.

9 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Period 9 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24007-dzi/ Mon, 13 Nov 2023 15:18:17 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41119 9 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Period 9 Material: Triple Diamond Grade dZi, Coral, White Jade, Black Obsidian, Hematite and Agate Color: Natural Dzi Dimension(in): 1.45in dZi bead Weight: 19g ID: SL24007]]> A sensual designer piece, this bracelet setting blends the much adored 9 Eye dzi bead with coral, white jade, black obsidian, hematite and agate, a creation connoting unobstructed success and happiness. Representing the 9 planetary systems and period 9, the 9 eyes dzi is the ‘king’ of all dzis. News had circulated that several people who had worn them survived near death experiences. Today, being the most sought after dzi, enthusiasts are craving to have his own 9 eyes dzi to gain all kinds of good fortune, power, positive influence, divine protection, good health, wealth, prosperity from heaven, double longevity, victory over foes, windfall luck and ultimate good luck; protected by the Buddha’s eyes. It brings the most complete blessings, which helps to remove negative sins and dissolves all kinds of obstacles along your path. It can also protect you against all kinds of misfortune and harm from evil.

Note: This original Dzi bead was made over 15 years ago by a retired producer that had its factory door already shut. Its grade is classified as a triple diamond grade and is no longer available in the market. Currently, out there small quantities of this original Dzi sold by merchants are now only silver graded ones. The gap in price is 10-fold. The bead is made from far older and matured agate and possess strong and darker color, emanating more power. They have been tested and guaranteed to give good fortune vibrations, by our own 3A pure pendulum. Also worth to take note that every piece of dzi is unique on its own because of natural etch behaviour following the molecular grain boundaries of each piece of natural agate. There could potentially be internal grains, blemishes, imperfection and crack lines. Only fake beads which are scientifically manufactured can be repeated perfectly with similar design and colors. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

This bracelet is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Natural crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy are cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of “chi” when they are delivered to you.
