Children – FENG SHUI BESTBUY Shop for Feng Shui Products Sun, 24 Dec 2023 09:31:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211095377 Rainbow Obsidian Bracelet Sun, 24 Dec 2023 09:19:14 +0000 Rainbow Obsidian Bracelet Material: Rainbow Obsidian, Tiger Eye, Turquoise, Agate, Clear Quartz, Jasper, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Alloy Prayer Wheel Color: Natural Dimension(in): 8mm Rainbow Obsidian Weight: 20g ID: SL24002]]> This bracelet consists primarily Rainbow Obsidian with “third eye”. The power from obsidian keeps negative energies away, uncover and protect against evil attempts, prevent bad intentions, arrest bad luck, provides protection, happiness, joy, creativity and for protection from over sensitivity. It has an effect during times of change, by helping to see things more clearly. Not all obsidian crystals have the third eye. It is very rare and hard to find such small beads having the third eye. Yes, such special third eye in rainbow obsidian could only be seen under bright sunlight and is hard to find in natural crystals. This third eye assist us to see the unseen and sense the unforeseen. It is knows as the mirror of soul and is effective in revealing what is truly reflected in the souls of others and yourself. Best used to help you make important decisions clearly and correctly for your family, business and corporate.

Also strung along are the Tiger Eye, Turquoise, Agate, Clear Quartz, Jasper, Hematite and Smoky Quartz which adds to power being unleashed to the wearer. Last but not least, the prayer wheel symbol is an emblem of reversal of bad karma.

This bracelet which is suitable for both male and female is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Fortune in Period 9 Bracelet Sun, 24 Dec 2023 08:56:19 +0000 Fortune in Period 9 Bracelet Material: Amethyst, Hematite, Tiger Eye, Alloy Elephant Color: Natural Dimension(in): 8mm Amethyst Beads Weight: 27g ID: SL24003]]> Consisting of predominantly purple amethyst, this lucky bracelet lays the pillar of success for Period 9. Amethyst has the element fire and water which are two elements that enable success in Period 9. This is because fire is the element of Period 9, while water is the element that is lacking. Purple Amethyst enhances prosperity, creativity, intelligence and passion, thus making you extremely sexy and attractive. The Amethyst is an excellent stone for diplomats, negotiators and business people. It calms angry temperaments and gives a distinct advantage in situations where debating is required. Wear or hold Amethyst to bring in spiritual insights coupled with intellectual reasoning. As a luck and prosperity crystal, the Amethyst is good for reducing the tendency to overspend, gambling addictions or unwise investments. The amethyst is also reputed to control evil thoughts, increase intelligence and render men shrewd in business matters. The Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition, and refines the thinking processes. It helps in the assimilation of new ideas, putting thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. It is a talisman of focus and success.

Also strung along are the hematite and tiger eye which adds to protection being unleashed to the wearer. Last but not least, the elephant symbol is an emblem of good fortune and descendant’s luck.

This bracelet which is suitable for both male and female is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its long lasting “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Everything Smooths Out Fri, 15 Dec 2023 08:09:13 +0000 Everything Smooths Out - Energy Infused Material: Copper Sheet and Acrylic Color: 24K Gold Plated Dimension(in): 3.5x1.25x0.4in Weight: 109g ID: SL24022]]> With the ability to smooth out the effects of unwanted changes in your undertakings, the Ruyi is the emblem of authority and power, serving as an irresistible magnet for soaring career and fulfillment of wishes. Crafted in lustrous 24K Gold-finish precious metal and stylized in an acrylic housing, this intricately designed ceremonial scepter is more than just a decorative piece; it seamlessly transforms into a thoughtful corporate gift or a cherished housewarming present.

Other salient symbols featured on the ruyi include:

  1. The cloud shape of the Ruyi’s head is a stylised interpretation of the lingzhi, plant of immortality. The head of the ruyi is further adorned with five bats denoting “Five Blessings”, namely longevity, wealth, health and composure, virtue and longevity.
  2. The upper body is featured with four Chinese characters wufulinmen that connotes “may the five blessings descend upon this home”.
  3. The center is featured with the chinese character “fu” expressing the sentiment “luck”. The character symbolizes family happiness, fulfillment, good relationships and mutual love uninterrupted by illnesses, setbacks and sufferings. It also brings power, authority and wealth.
  4. The lower body is featured with another four Chinese characters jixiangruyi connoting every path is safe, smooth and sound. With a trouble-free mind, problem free endeavor and by freeing yourself from obstacles, you will therefore be able to attain your dreams successfully.
  5. The tail of the ruyi is inscribed with the symbol of five bats again.

Note: This item comes with a decorative box and is energy infused. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

What Ru Yi symbolizes and how to display this object?
Originally, the Ru Yi was a short sword made from iron and used by ancients for self defence and for purposes of gesticulation. Later it evoluted to become a present to signify good wishes to the recipient. Some claimed it was used as a pointer of directions and others said it guards against anything unexpected. The shape was derived from lotus and some even claimed it was derived from ling tzi, a special curative fungus that cures a thousand diseases. The head of the Ru Yi is also a strong resemblance of a bat which brings fortune and good luck. Ru Yi symbolizes authority and power in the imperial courts and royal assemblies. The Ru Yi was later being regarded as the sceptre for Imperial courts and offices, which was used by high ranking government officials including empresses. Ru Yi has auspicious meanings: smoothness in endeavours and enhanced luck in undertakings. Ru Yi is also a potent symbol carried by the Tua Peh Kong, Laughing Buddha and one of the Fuk Luk Sau (3 Star Gods) and many other deities for blessings. The symbol is most suitably used to bring our career to greater heights and raise the bar for authority. The item can be displayed to ensure we get enough control over subordinates at work, increase our influential power and also if we have rebellious children. The Ru Yi can also protect you from evil, harmful people and misfortune.


  1. Display it in the West (family luck corner) to enhance your authority in the family, especially over your children who are rebellious.
  2. Display it in the Northwest of your living rooms or family rooms to energize your mentor luck. This will bring in helpful people and support from important people.
  3. Display it in the north sector of your living room or work desk to improve your career luck and to enable promotional opportunities. It will help you gather more support from subordinates and peers, besides having more command over difficult employees.
  4. For wives who are seeking more authority, control or say in the family or over your husbands, you can display it in the Southwest corner of your bedroom or living room or nien yen direction.
  5. To increase one’s individual luck, you can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Bountiful Fortune Amulet Fri, 24 Nov 2023 08:38:31 +0000 Bountiful Fortune Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.3x0.1x1.8in Primary; 7in length Weight: 39g ID: 24-AM-07]]> Featuring the Three Star Gods Fulushou (Fuk Luk Sau), this amulet ensures that you are never lacking in magnanimous fortune resulting in three qualities in life: “prosperity”, “status/wealth” and “longevity/good health”. Renewal in these three kinds of fortune as one embarks into a “new beginning” is essential, whether it is the start of a new period, beginning to live in a new home, launching into a new business, undertaking a new journey elsewhere etc. They are Heavenly Officials who grants good fortune. Besides denoting the three attributes of a good life, Fulushou has the efficacious effect of dispelling malevolence and warding off catastrophes. The three stars they control over are Jupiter, Ursa Majoris and Canopus. The Star of Fortune “Fuk” connotes good luck and success. The Star of Prosperity “Luk” symbolizes prosperity, where authority is gained and salary is adequate. The Star of Longevity “Sau” represents good health and longevity. Together, they are capable of lifting you successfully in all the 8 aspirations of life: wealth, health, recognition, love, networking, education, career and children. Carrying his amulet in Period 9 translates to powerful divine help that brings you COMPLETE GOOD FORTUNE.

Behind the amulet, it features the symbolic forms of Fulushou and Xi. Xi is another Star God who bestows happiness on people. Life is becomes even more complete with happiness over riding anxiety. There is a Taoist Incantation of Quiren that brings benefactors’ luck so that you are never lack of support from important people in all your endeavors. The amulet is further consecrated with Amitayus Mantra that is having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death.

you to prosper at greater speed and snowball your wealth. Ambitious minded people wishing to become millionaire or money masters can only have your dreams realized if you honor the God of Wealth. 

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Fuk Luk Sau 
Fuk Luk Sau (also known as Three Star Gods) integrate:

  1. Happiness/Descendants Luck/Prosperity/Wealth,
  2. Success/Power/Authority and
  3. Longevity/Health.

The Star of Wealth “Fuk” (Fuxing) refers to planet Jupiter and has the second ranking among the three constellations. It is the star which emblems wealth, good fortune, good luck and success. Alternatively, according to a Taoist myth of the Ming dynasty, the Fuk star is associated with Yang Cheng, a governor of Daozhou in Western Han (206 BC – 24 AD). Yang Cheng risked his life by writing a memorial to the emperor to save the people from presenting dwarf slaves as the special tribute to the imperial court. After his death, the people built a temple to commemorate him, and over time he came to be considered the personification of good fortune. He is generally depicted in scholar’s dress, holding a scroll, on which is sometimes written the character “Fuk”. He may also be seen holding a child, or surrounded by children. He is sometimes conflated with Cai Shen, the “Wealth God”. He symbolizes family happiness, life fulfillment, many children and grandchildren, good relationship and mutual love.

The Star of Authority “Luk” (Luxing) refers to Ursa Majoris (sixth star in the Wenchang cluster) and takes on the first rank of star constellation among the three. The Luk star is believed to be Zhang Xian who lived during the later Shu dynasty. The word luk specifically refers to the salary of a government official. As such, the Luk star is the star of prosperity, rank, and influence. The Luk star was also worshipped separately from the other two as the deity dictating one’s success in the imperial examinations, and therefore success in the imperial bureaucracy. The Luk star is usually depicted in the dress of a mandarin. He is also the epitome of high ranking official, where authority is gained and salary is adequate. He is denoted as a wiseman who carries the ru yi (chinese sceptre) that promises smoothness and success in endeavours and a gold ingot that promises wealth luck. He normally bestows one with career/business success with enhanced income luck.

The Star of Longevity “Sau” (Shouxing) is a Carinae (Canopus), the star of the south pole in Chinese astronomy, and is believed to control the life spans of mortals. This star is often being symbolized by an oldman with protruding forehead, white hair and beard whom attained immortality. He normally carries a dragon crutch, a peach, the fungus of immortality ling tzi and the wu lou (gourd) which have medicinal values. He often impart virtues to people on the secret of longevity and ask them to avoid greed, negative thinking and arrogance as principles to sustaining longevity and good health. His magical peach is blossomed from the heaven only every 3000 years. His image represents good health and longevity.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet
One can also display the amulet in the following areas:

  1. Reception area as you enter your home or on your door front to signify all aspirations of life being fulfilled.
  2. Important areas of your living rooms and family rooms (any directions or sectors) to tap excellent Feng Shui luck and energies.
  3. In lobbies, reception areas of business premises and bosses’ rooms.
  4. Dining area facing your dining table for blessings of a lifetime on the whole family.
  5. Behind your sitting position to gain vital support and good fortune to fulfill all your aspirations in life.
  6. According to the “Sub Direct Spirit” by observing the Ho Tu, the secondary wealth corner for Period 9 (2024-2043) resides in the north. Therefore, displaying Fuk Luk Sau image in your north is said to bring you abundance luck and excellent fortune.
  7. The sector where Purple Advancement Star #9 sector is located to bring about joyful events. It is the current prosperity star and a happiness star that will also bring about joyous occasions such as marriage, newborn, increase in power/status and promotion.
1 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Talent Trigger Tue, 14 Nov 2023 14:26:43 +0000 1 Eye Dzi Bracelet for Talent Trigger Material: Triple Diamond Grade dZi, Tiger Eye, Coral, Clear Quartz and Hematite Color: Natural Dzi Dimension(in): 1.5in dZi bead Weight: 29g ID: SL24005]]> A sensual designer piece, this bracelet setting blends the much adored 1 Eye dzi bead with tiger eye, coral, clear quartz and hematite, a creation connoting talent trigger. The 1 Eye dzi is best suited for those seeking to increase their brightness, intelligence and enhancement in specific talents, especially great for kids, youths or those who are in school. It also promises luck in advancement and success, which means those who are seeking for victory in your endeavours will have your dreams come true. The 1-Eye dzi is also excellent to clarify thoughts and create calmness.

Note: This original Dzi bead was made over 15 years ago by a retired producer that had its factory door already shut. Its grade is classified as a triple diamond grade and is no longer available in the market. Currently, out there small quantities of this original Dzi sold by merchants are now only silver graded ones. The gap in price is 10-fold. The bead is made from far older and matured agate and possess strong and darker color, emanating more power. They have been tested and guaranteed to give good fortune vibrations, by our own 3A pure pendulum. Also worth to take note that every piece of dzi is unique on its own because of natural etch behaviour following the molecular grain boundaries of each piece of natural agate. There could potentially be internal grains, blemishes, imperfection and crack lines. Only fake beads which are scientifically manufactured can be repeated perfectly with similar design and colors. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

This bracelet is free-size and can be easily worn by almost all hand sizes (but best for 7.5inch perimeter as standard) because of its “expandable-retractable korean string”.

Natural crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy are cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of “chi” when they are delivered to you.

Rabbit Sat, 19 Nov 2022 14:17:43 +0000 Rabbit - Energy Infused  Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: 24K Gold Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.9x1.9x2.75in Weight: 191g ID: 23-AG-16]]> The captivating ornament has a rabbit surrounded by beautiful flowers, sitting on top of a treasure box. Next, symbols of 3 I-Ching coins (representing heaven, earth and mankind) are adorning the treasure box for empowerment. The rabbit has special importance associated to the moon which represents the kind of yin energy that is clear and auspicious which we would welcome, not the stale, stagnant kind associated with the dead.  According to Taoist legend, a rabbit lives on the moon’s heaven dimension together with Goddess of the Moon, Chang E, preparing an elixir of immortality from the bark of the cassia tree with a mortar and jade pestle. Therefore, the rabbit has special importance as a Taoist symbol associated to immortality and hence longevity. Besides, buddhist legend also awarded the rabbit to live on the moon as a reward for offering itself food to the Buddha. Because of the rabbit’s association to the moon dimension, the rabbit has also become the most important symbol during the mid-autumn festival (a.k.a. moon cake festival) during the eighth lunar month. This important festival where families must gather together carries the sentiment of longevity and many offspring. Because it is a pure yin energy symbol, it attracts romance/love of the deepest and most enduring kind (the type that leads to marriages) for female or palace eunuch. Eunuchs were castrated male officials in ancient palace. Today this is translated to benefiting deep love for gay males in the modern society.  The rabbit tends to smoothen out interactions between spouses and imbues stale marriages with newfound passion and vigor. In essence, the rabbit brings good health, longevity, offspring, true love and romance. There are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside the treasure box: 1. Medicine Buddha Mantra (health), 2. Kurukulla Mantra (love and romance) and 3. Kwan Yin Mantra (offspring).

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Rabbit is also A Horoscope Animal

Those born in the lunar years coinciding with 1927 1937 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023 2035 belong to the rabbit zodiac. Those born under this zodiac are adored and loved by almost everyone. The rabbit is very compassionate and likes harmony. They never initiate quarrels among their group and with others. People born under this sign are usually very elegant and admired by many admirers. They are reliable and will appear in times when you need their help. Unfortunately, they normally fall pray to others bad intention. Being timid, rabbit people also normally buys in to others threats and forces. They love to be in comfort zones.

  1. The Rabbit is the ally of those whose zodiacs are Sheep and Pig. It will therefore help them achieve maximum results in their undertakings and career.
  2. The Rabbit is the secret friend of zodiac Dog. It will help you through challenges, protect you against harm and provide you with great strength for persistency. It brings you good luck and promises a smooth-riding path ahead.
  3. The Rabbit is the Peach Blossom Animal of Tiger, Horse and Dog. People born under these zodiacs can display the Rabbit in the east to activate their love luck and attract partners into their lives.
  4. The Rabbit will also be able to patch up a missing corner in the E2 (82.5-97.5 degrees). If ones home, premises or office has a missing corner there, they can display the figurine of the Rabbit anywhere close to the vicinity of the missing corner there.

The Rabbit’s position is in the E2 (82.5-97.5 degrees).

Where to Display?

  1. Display it in the east to improve the health of the family. The rabbit in the east will ensure everyone at home living till a ripe age filled many happy occasions. One may place the rabbit for good health and longevity.
  2. Display in the west sector of your living room or bedroom for descendant’s luck, to increase fertility and invite many offspring into the house. 
  3. For female, display in the southwest of the house, living room or bedroom for love and romance. 
  4. For male gays, display in the northwest of the house, living room or bedroom for love and romance.
  5. For those whose zodiac is sheep who like to form more allies in social network or in the business world, display it in the southwest.
  6. For those whose zodiac is pig who like to form more allies in social network or in the business world, display it in the northwest.
  7. For those whose zodiac is dog who like to address challenges in life, display it in the northwest.
  8. For those whose zodiac is tiger, horse and dog wanting to activate your peach blossom luck, display it in the east.
  9. For those whose zodiac is rabbit who like to strengthen your own personal zodiac luck, display it in the east.
  10. For houses that have a missing corner in the east, display it in the wall next to the missing corner or in the east corner of your living room. 
Precious White Elephant Wed, 16 Nov 2022 22:46:27 +0000 Precious White Elephant - Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: 24K Gold Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.2x1.2x2.1in Elephant; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 340g ID: 23-AG-07]]> Sacred, loyal and inexhaustible, the Precious Elephant is an albino white elephant adorned with an elephant’s saddle blanket and a jeweled harness bearing hanging tassles. His head and rump are adorned with jewels, set in the head ornament and decorative on his rear. Featured to be returning triumphantly from battle with its trunk up, it is a symbol of strong victory, authority and power in feng shui, suitable for career candidates wishing for promotion to higher ranks or management positions wishing to stablize their status. The rare white albino elephant was highly venerated as royal elephant in ancient times. Due to its sheer physical might the elephant destroyed much that was in its path; it could ford rivers, blaze trails or clear pathways, and batter against doorways and fortifications during war fares. As such it became the unstoppable “remover of obstacles”. Perfect obedience and the ability to stand its ground amidst bloodthirsty frenzy of the battlefield, were prerequisites of the valiant war elephant. Having the Precious Elephant placed in your house will allow you to gain power, obtain good fortune, prevent harm and ensure no serious obstacles blocking your success. On top of that it is used in feng shui to guard your wealth luck to prevent financial traps, fight off violence and prevent burglary. A stunning decoration piece, the Precious Elephant also constitutes a prestigious gift for any occasion. There are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside the elephant: 1. Wishfulfilling Mantra (all desires actualized), 2. King Gesar Mantra (career enhancement) and 3. White Umbrella Goddess Mantra (subdue harm and evil). The elephant comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

What the Precious White Elephant symbolizes? 

The precious elephant has skin white as snow, and his trunk, tail and scrotum reach down to the ground. His steps are gentle, strategic and sacred, and he moves with majesty. The rutting fragrance that exudes from his forehead glands overpowers all other elephants, enticing them meekly towards him. He has four sturdy legs, a versatile trunk and two powerful tusks. Fearless and unassailable, he wins all battles everyday. In ancient warfare he is able to withstand the clamour of battle, the thrusting of lances and the savage onslaught of hand-held weapons. Perfect obedience, and the ability to stand its ground amidst the bloodthirsty frezy of the battlefield, were prerequisites of the valiant war elephant. Due to its sheer physical might the elephant destroyed much that was in its path, it could ford rivers, blaze trails or clear pathways, and batter against doorways and fortifications. As such it became the unstoppable “remover of obstacles”. It is immutable and unshakeable. In peace times, he is wise and dignified. It helps to ward off evil, maneuver your life smoothly against all tides, combat resistance and exercise control over situations that are unstable and lack clarity.

The precious elephant is also associated to Buddhism. Queen Maya, the mother of Sakyamuni Buddha, dreamed that a white elephant entered her womb at the moment of conception. The Precious White Elephant is the vehicle to many Buddhist deities, in particular Akshobhya, the blue Buddha of the east. The elephant is one of the seven possessions of the chakravartin It is both the most gentle and powerful of creatures, representing endurance, self-control, patience, gentleness and power of the Buddha.

Where to Display?

  1. For descendant’s luck, place it in the west location of your living room.
  2. For home protection, you may place the elephant facing your maindoor or any entrance of your home.
  3. For office protection and good luck, place it at your work desk facing out. It will represent good governance, intelligence, dignity and prudence for executives.
  4. To usher in wealth and success, display it in the living room showing this elephant arriving from the maindoor looking into the house. If possible try to display it in wealth corners such as your personal sheng chi corner, the SE corner or the water star #8 corner. In those positions, this elephant will also ensure ones financial portfolios are well protected.
  5. For leaders and the partriarch of the family, this elephant will help you stay in power and free from being overthrown.
  6.  To increase ones individual luck, you can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Giraffe Tue, 15 Nov 2022 21:39:06 +0000 Giraffe- Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: Bronze Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.5x1.2x5.1in Giraffe; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 416g ID: 23-AG-10]]> Giraffe becomes an important symbol in period 9 (fire element), being the reason why tourists flock to places with giraffes and willing to pay a fortune just to take a photo with them lately. This extraordinary masterpiece is spellbinding and more extravagant than the usual pieces because its artwork is tediously done by a grand master crafter. The giraffe is a chimerical animal admired for its elegance, class and communicates power and wealth. The giraffe is another manifestation of the heavenly Chilin on earth, being the reason why feng shui masters use its symbols for their modern clients. This is somewhat understandable given the similarities between the two. Both Chilin and giraffe are peaceful, grass-eating, benevolent, seclusive, and hooved mythical animals. The giraffe is viewed as a magical protector of the people and the law, a symbol of good luck, a bringer of prosperity, as well as success and longevity, and much more. This “yang” animal represents a number of positive attributes, including benevolence, literacy, virtue, longevity, grandeur, felicity, illustrious offspring and wise administration. Capable of ushering in bountiful wealth and attracting good fortune, the giraffe ensures everything to proceed smoothly. Your wishes will be granted and goals achieved.  It opens up opportunities for better fortune, higher position in office, examination luck and conceiving a baby boy. The popular animal represents strength, great ambitions, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Worn around the neck of the figurine with a chain is a Lock Coin connoting windfall luck. A stunning decoration piece, the giraffe also constitutes a prestigious gift for any occasion. Its secret compartment is filled with rollings of Wish Fulfilling Mantra (all wishes granted), Manjushri Mantra (wisdom and literacy) and May All Beings Be Happy Mantra (joy fulfilling). The giraffe comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

The Chilin and Giraffe
The first time an actual Chilin appeared in China according to historic speculation was during the time of the legendary Yellow Emperor Huangdi in 2697 BCE – over 4,700 years ago. On the other hand, the first giraffe ever to be brought to Chinese rulers happened during the Ming Dynasty when the explorer Zheng He brought a giraffe from Somalia in front of the Chinese Emperor Yongle.  The emperor was fascinated in receiving exotic animals, including birds, elephants, rhinoceroses, bears, parrots, peacocks and ostriches as gifts from foreign countries and there was even a special part of the imperial grounds in Nanjing, the forbidden gardens, where they were kept and cared for.

Where to display?
The giraffe will produce wonderful results to enhance family prosperity, career luck, longevity and excellent health:

  1. Place it in your living room to ensure success in all areas of your life, leading to fulfillment and abundance. It will help you in your endeavours, help your children in their studies and generate family harmony.
  2. For businessmen, place it on a table or cabinet behind you or on your desk to ensure quick success in business pursuits and smooth ride in business transactions. It will invite more business luck to you.
  3. Place it in your Sheng Chi sector to help smoothen all your pursuits in life and increase your money luck, health luck and love luck.
  4. Placed it in the east sector and its head facing maindoor, it can also protect family members from harm and danger when they are outdoor. It brings you many happy blessings to your family.
  5. The giraffe when placed in the southeast of your living room or dining and your business premise, you will enjoy tremendous wealth luck constantly coming your way.
  6. You may also place the giraffe on your workdesk facing out to bring good luck and ward off harmful people and politics. You may also place it near your reception and important areas of your shop, facing out.
  7. Display it at your child’s study desk to benefit his/her literary luck.
  8. Display in the west corner of the house and shine lights onto it to activate descendants luck so that you will be blessed with a baby boy.
  9. To increase ones personal luck, display it at your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW


White Jade Elephants (Pair) Wed, 12 Oct 2022 06:55:38 +0000 White Jade Elephants (Pair) Material: Natural White Jade Color: White Jade Dimension(in): 2.9x1.7x2 in each Weight: 450g pair ID: SL22037]]> The Elephant has many blessings in Feng Shui. This pair of elephants will protect the household and brings infant luck to those who are wishing for babies. This pair of guardian Elephants is carved from “ice-grade” white jade. For protection of the household, place this pair of elephants facing the maindoor. For activating infant luck, these figurines are best placed in the west part of your house (metal element), or outside your bedroom leading their way towards the entrance of the bedroom, or beside your bed. Elephant also take away troubles and is a protective symbol. Elephant is a sacred animal in Thailand and India, and is used to represent loyalty, wisdom, longevity and elegance. They are auspicious symbols of good luck and excellent fortune. Best gift for couples who are newly weds or wishful of having their own kids.

What elephant symbolizes and how to place this object?
The elephant were used in warfare by chinese during ancient times. In fact, during the reign of Kang Hsi, the King of Siam had sent a number of tribute elephants as gifts to the Chinese emperor. Elephant in white color is the purest of all form and is believed by many to be the incarnation of future Buddha. In fact, it is known to be one of the Seven Treasures of Buddhism. In some countries like Indochina and India, only the Kings are allowed ride on the elephant. It is the symbol of royalty, power and grandness.The Elephant has many blessings in Feng Shui. Elephant brings infant luck to those who are wishing for babies in their lives. Buddha’s mother dreamt about a white elephant and got pregnant after that. Therefore the elephant is a lucky omen in Buddhism. Elephant also take away troubles and is a protective symbol. Elephant is a sacred animal in Thailand and India, and is used to represent loyalty, wisdom, longevity and elegance. They are symbols of good luck and excellent fortune. Statues and images of deities and kings are often depicted riding on elephants in India and Thailand.

There are a few places you could place this pair of Elephants.

  1. If you are hoping to bring in a new member to your family (baby), it is best to activate these elephants close to your bedroom entrance leading towards your bedroom. You may also place them beside your bed.
  2. For more family luck, place them in the west location of your living room to signify descendant luck. This is the universal location in accordance of Life Aspiration Theory.
  3. For home protection, you may place the elephant facing your maindoor or any entrance of your home.
  4. For office protection and good luck, place them on your work desk facing out. They will represent good governance, intelligence, dignity and prudence for executives.
Bronze Unicorn Bestowing Offspring Wed, 15 Dec 2021 06:35:46 +0000 Bronze Unicorn Bestowing Offspring Material: Bronze Color: Bronze Dimension(in): 6.5x2.5x5.5 in Weight: 800g ID: SL11332]]> Ancient texts had mentioned that each time the unicorn was sighted, an illustrious offspring will be born. It was mentioned in ancient texts that Emperor Yao, Emperor Shun and Confucius were born after the unicorn appeared. Some said the mother of Confucius became pregnant when she followed the footsteps left by the unicorn in a temple. This being the reason why if one ever go to chinese temples to pray for a child, the authentic fortune tellers and taoist masters would always recommend the figurine of the unicorn to be brought back home. This unicorn carries two kids on its back, a boy and a girl. Meanwhile, the boy is connoted holding a huge Ru Yi to represent outstanding achievement in future. On the other hand, the girl holds a tangerine for good fortune. This heavy metal figurine is best displayed in the west corner of the house where the descendant luck is. The west corner belongs to metal element.

What the Chi Lin symbolizes and how to place the object?
The Unicorn, Dragon Horse or Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

It is reputed to be able to walk on water as well as on land and last appeared before the birth and death of Confucious. Confucius was often associated to Chi Lin because he was born a sage after his mother stepped on the footsteps of the Chi Lin and got pregnant. The Chi Lin is regarded by Buddhists to carry the civilizing Book of Law on its back. In ancient feng shui studies, the Chi Lin was described as coming out of Yellow River and appeared to Fu Hsi, the first legendary Emperor, bearing on its back a mystic Ho Tu map from which the Flying Stars formulas is said to have evolved. It is always seen as solitary, and appears to mankind only when a king of the highest benevolence sits upon the throne, or when a sage is about to be born. It had appeared during the halcyon days of the Emperors Yao and Shun and when Confucius was living, but so degenerated have mankind since become that it has never since shown itself to us again.

Since Chi Lin is a wonderful combination of a dragon’s head and a horse’s body, it produces a harmonized mixture of excellent qualities between the two auspicious animals. It has a more royal status compared to the other guardians and is simply adorable. Chi Lin blows “sheng chi” because of its Dragon head to benefit surrounding. Unlike lions and other fierce creatures, the Chi Lin representing a “new born baby” by ancient chinese is very loyal to its owner and easier to tame, like a lovely horse. Its energy represent vitality, strength, ambition, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Besides, it also has the scales of a carp which ushers in wealth, prosperity and abundance. The patterns on its back were used to derive the earlier heaven bagua, an ultimate symbol in the study of Feng Shui.

This powerful symbol is an excellent support for important people. Chinese emperors have Chi Lin objects on their tables next to their important seals. And many architectural motives will use the symbol of Chi Lin to manifest blessings and good fortune. Large Chi Lins are also used to protect huge businesses like hotel industry, ministers’ homes, banks, antique shops etc. Chi Lin being an extremely lucky symbol of fortune is usually depicted standing or sitting on a bed of wealth like coins and gold ingots to represent increasingly steady income luck and unlimited windfalls. One will enjoy wonderful prosperity by owning the auspicious Chi Lin.

This unicorn with an offsprings on top of it is especially displayed at home to bring one or more illustrious offspring for those who wishes to conceive:

  1. According to he Bagua 8 Life Aspirations theory, the corner to activate descendant’s luck is the West. It can be the west of the living room, the bedroom or for those who are working they may place it in the west corner of their workdesk.
  2. For those who wants to follow the more personalized 8 Mansion formula, it can be placed in the husband’s nien yan location. Similarly, it can be placed in either the bedroom, living room or workdesk at the nien yan’s corner.
  3. For those who are familiar with the Flying Stars theory, they can place it in the mountain star #8 location where one will be blessed with good relationship, good health and many children for happiness.