#2 Illness – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Fri, 12 Jan 2024 15:12:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 2024 Health Protection Kit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24203-healthkit/ Sat, 23 Dec 2023 08:11:33 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=43110 2024 Health Protection Kit - Energy Infused Material: Multiple Color: Multicolored Dimension(in): Multiple Weight: 762g ID: SL24203]]> This HEALTH PROTECTION kit includes:

  1. Six Loshu Tortoises Lucky Array
  2. Period 9’s Five Garuda Pagoda
  3. Windchime of Chung Kwei

Note: All items are energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

5-Tiers 6-Rods Bagua-Wulou Windchime https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24025-windchime/ Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:02:28 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=42359 5-Tiers 6-Rods Bagua-Wulou Windchime (Energy Infused) Material: Brass Color: Brass Dimension(in): 2-in Diameter; 2x2x20in Overall Weight: 190g ID: SL24025]]> This heavy duty windchime is made from 5 thick tiers and 6 strong rods to empower a stronger remedy against conditions that are punishing. The 5 tiers embody Five Elements, specifically metal, wood, water, fire and earth. It also symbolizes the Celestial Guardians of the 5 directions, namely the phoenix in the south, dragon in the east, xuan wu in the north, phoenix in the west and chilin in the center. Meanwhile the 5 “wulou heads” on top of every tier will counter illness energies from the 5 directions. On the other hand, the six rods actually denotes “Chien Hexagram” which carries the meaning Big Metal and luck from heaven. It is also a potent cure against visible and invisible “shar chi” such as poison arrows (both internally and externally) and annual flying stars afflictions.  It wards off all odds, misfortune, devastation from the afflictions.  It is also exactly what is needed to powerfully subdue the negativities from #5-Yellow and #2-Black. The center piece contains the bagua 8 trigrams that knocks the 6 hollow rods, while the tail of the windchime features a fortune coin. This windchime can also be used to suppress unwanted energies in toilets, and most importantly be favorable in situations where one feels that lighter windchimes did not work. 

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.


A first century BC Chinese scientific experiment used tubes of different lengths (derived from the pentatonic musical scale) filled with ash to measure the changing chi of the seasons. As each type of seasonal chi reached maturity, during the course of the year, so the ash was expelled by it from one of the pipes. Hence tubes (of specific lengths) have been known to conduct chi for some considerable time, and so it is no surprise that they are used as remedies. The most commonly used tubular feng shui remedy is the windchime. These have the same qualities as the flute, but since they are made of multiple tubes, they are more effective. Windchimes are often used to regulate and slow down chi in positions like hallways. In more poetic feng shui texts, chi is personified as it it is seduced into stopping long enough to play with the windchimes before passing on its way, rather than rushing straight through. Either way, windchimes slow down chi. On the question of whether the tubes of the windchime should be solid or hollow, our advice is to use hollow windchimes, as they are more effective at producing metal chi than solid windchimes.

Windchime like bagua has been a fundamental countermeasure used in authentic Feng Shui for a long time. The advantage of a windchime is that it can be used internally to dissolve “shar chi”. It is unquestionably the most powerful enhancer and cure in many Feng Shui situations. It is potent enough to maneuver and enhance “chi” wherever it is placed. The reason is that passing breezes will stir the metal windchimes, thus keeping the metal activated from the passage of the chi through the tubes. It is significantly advantageous especially to those who do not want to spend too much money to modify your homes when encountering certain problematic feng shui situations. Properly designed windchimes by incorporating mantras and sacred symbols do not invite ghost, but instead they will chase away evil spirits.

This windchime can be used to cure many bad situations:

  1. Display it where malevolent energy exists as a result of bad flying stars, even the most complicated combinations where other cures are insufficient.
  2. Display it at intended areas to counter any “shar chi” due to rushing energy. Examples of rushing energy situations are such as stairs facing your maindoor, long pathway leading to a door, two doors facing each other, a window facing a door etc. It will slow down rushing “chi”. Besides, it is also used to welcome in positive energy.
  3. Display at the main entrance to ward off evil spirits and harmful forces and killing breathe.
  4. Display in location where killing forces are found, display it facing the killing forces such as straight narrow path directly coming towards you, bad energy coming from construction sites, graveyard etc.
  5. Display in the sector where the Natal or Annual Illness Star #2 flies into.
  6. Display in the sector where the Natal or Annual Fatal Yellow Star #5 flies into.
  7. Display this windchime to counter shar chi due to rushing energy such following the sketches below. The windchime will slow down rushing chi. Besides, it is also used to welcome in positive energy through chi entry points such as the doors and windows.

Note: Please do not hang a windchime directly above where you sleep, sit, eat, work or stand. Your energy will be suppressed. In the event that there is space constraint, you may hang the windchime lower than waist level.

Cosmetic Disclaimer
Defect rules built over time: They have high degree of quality gloss finish. But because they are held by tools and shaped through machining from blocks , there could be tiny tool marks or scratches visible under 30cm visual.
Cast brass work experiences high heat process, gas defect, extreme shrinking and rough process steps, therefore they have “common irregularities” on their surfaces. They include blisters, bubbles, shrinkages, cavities, scratch lines, dents, tarnishes, dark spots, oxides etc. They are NOT considered as faulty and therefore are non rejectable. Despite obtaining from factories that provide high brass purity and the best in workmanship that supply only grade A pieces to us, common irregularities are still unavoidable.

Windchime of Chung Kwei https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-18-windchime/ Fri, 01 Dec 2023 16:05:46 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41854 Windchime of Chung Kwei - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Brass Rods, Genuine Gold Plated Primary Piece; Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 3.1x0.1x3.1in primary piece; 12.5in total length Weight: 157g ID: 24-AM-18]]> Astonishing in esthetics, the primary piece captures the amazing bond among Chung Kwei, 8 Auspicious Objects and Kalachakra. The six rods windchime actually denotes “Chien Hexagram” which carries the meaning Big Metal and luck from heaven. It is also a potent cure against visible and invisible “shar chi” such as poison arrows and annual afflictions.  It wards off all odds, terrorism, misfortune, devastation from unlucky stars and annual afflictions.  It is also exactly what is needed to powerfully subdue the negativities from #5-Yellow and #2-Black. All in all, this windchime transforms bad energies into positive vibes, build protection for the 9 palaces of your home, eliminate afflictions and overcome evil.

The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

1. On the front side of the upper plaque:

a. Easily identified by his ferocious appearance (bushy black beard and moustache), this matured muscular adult male is Zhong Kui (Chung Kwei), popularly known as the Demon Chaser. With almighty power to repel evil spirits and ghosts, he protects the household against any harm. He is all-time-alert and ready to diminish any spirits lurking around your vicinity. Because Chung Kwei’s popularity comes from his ability to defeat ghosts and demons, his image is especially loved by traditional styled feng shui grandmasters as the number one counter measure against negativities, especially in more difficult situations when the malevolent energy is particularly strong in certain sectors. The variety of good fortune that can be expressed in his image is almost endless, where Chung Kwei also represents prosperity, wealth luck, immortality and longevity. Besides giving fortune blessings, he helps you overcome all sorts of obstacles in life. He has the unusual capability to control our environment from harmful forces and loss of wealth.

b. 8-Petal Lotus around the perimeter of the plaque – the flower dedicated to Buddha, it is essentially used to signify joy, peace, purity and sincerity.

c. Taoist Incantation of Chung Kwei – is for home safety.

d.  Bagua with “Early Heaven Arrangement” – will neutralize poison arrows (shar chi) within a space.

2. On the back side of the upper plaque:

a. Eight Auspicious Objects – is an ultimate cure and also enhancer that serves to generate good energy, subdue bad energy and nourish/improve the feng shui of a space so that good fortune continues to grow esponentially. It is also a potent cure for extremely bad situation where other feng shui cures are considered not strong enough to counter a problem.

b. Kalachakra – known as the Tenfold Powerful One, it is an ultra strong antidote for killing energy and evil forces. It is often used as cures for difficult situations when other cures become helpless, in situations that may possibly carry misfortunes, disasters and accidents if not properly remedied. It is also a potent cure against visible and invisible “shar chi” such as poison arrows and annual afflictions.

3. On the Mantra Coin:

a. Empowered by the Mantra of “White Umbrella Goddess” – the powerful Buddha of Protection who carries a white umbrella has the power to symbolically dispel any evil intentions of people who may want to hurt you. Be mindful that everyone is vulnerable to jealous intentions of unscrupulous people, enemies or competitors, so it is better safe than to be sorry. This mantra can also ward off black spells casted by the underlying currents of jealousy and making them harmless. The mantra is “Tadyatha Om Anale Anale, Khasame Khasame Bhaire Bhaire, Sume Sume Sarva Buddha, Adhishthana Adhishtite Svaha” which can be recited 108 times to empower the windchime.

b. The Chien Hexagram with six solid yang lines represents BIG METAL, thus exerting powerful energies to subdue earth energies from 5-Yellow or 2-Illness stars.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Chung Kwei

Chung Kwei is popularly seen in all Goldsmith and shops trading expensive goods in Taiwan as an important symbol of protection from robbery, theft and fraud. He is also considered an exorcist of the highest ability as he is said to have subdued many demon spirits and thereafter had them under his command. The image brings you scholastic luck, protection from harmful people, wealth luck and protection from evil spirits/ghost. Having the image of Chung Kwei in your home will provide potent protection from tough enemies who have been giving you a tough time. For those in high profile professions, Chung Kwei will help to prevent backstabbing and jealousy, both in your workplace and business relationships.

Chung Kwei was a fictitious scholar and a swordsman who had gone through a lot of difficult times to attain his ambition of becoming a court official. Due to his fierce and scary looks, he was denied by an emperor to serve for the government despite passing his exams with great results. As a result, he committed suicide on the steps of the imperial palace. Later, after many years, another Tang Emperor Xuanzong (712-56) who dreamt about Chung Kwei was sorry about the unfair deprival of his rightful honors even though Chung Kwai was so capable. He was however posthumously restored to his rightful position, labeled the Demon Chaser, and give the status of “judge” as a reward for returning to the world to save the Emperor Zuanzong from the evil spirits and ghosts that were tormenting the emperor’s sleep. This Emperor ordered his portrait to be painted and recognized for his duty as “God of Demon Buster “. He was then also being recognized to be “Star God of Examinations” by folks in China.

Chung Kwei is depicted as being ugly with large protruding eyes and a rough beard. His fierceness alone could kill harmful evil. He uses his powerful sword as a weapon to kill the evil spirits.


A first century BC Chinese scientific experiment used tubes of different lengths (derived from the pentatonic musical scale) filled with ash to measure the changing chi of the seasons. As each type of seasonal chi reached maturity, during the course of the year, so the ash was expelled by it from one of the pipes. Hence tubes (of specific lengths) have been known to conduct chi for some considerable time, and so it is no surprise that they are used as remedies. The most commonly used tubular feng shui remedy is the windchime. These have the same qualities as the flute, but since they are made of multiple tubes, they are more effective. Windchimes are often used to regulate and slow down chi in positions like hallways. In more poetic feng shui texts, chi is personified as it it is seduced into stopping long enough to play with the windchimes before passing on its way, rather than rushing straight through. Either way, windchimes slow down chi. On the question of whether the tubes of the windchime should be solid or hollow, our advice is to use hollow windchimes, as they are more effective at producing metal chi than solid windchimes.

Windchime like bagua has been a fundamental countermeasure used in authentic Feng Shui for a long time. The advantage of a windchime is that it can be used internally to dissolve “shar chi”. It is unquestionably the most powerful enhancer and cure in many Feng Shui situations. It is potent enough to maneuver and enhance “chi” wherever it is placed. The reason is that passing breezes will stir the metal windchimes, thus keeping the metal activated from the passage of the chi through the tubes. It is significantly advantageous especially to those who do not want to spend too much money to modify your homes when encountering certain problematic feng shui situations. Properly designed windchimes by incorporating mantras and sacred symbols do not invite ghost, but instead they will chase away evil spirits.

Where to Display?

  1. Displaying the windchime can counter malevolent energies of the month either caused by flying stars or one’s personal horoscope. Display it where malevolent energy exists as a result of bad flying stars, even the most complicated combinations where other cures are insufficient.
  2. Display it at intended areas to counter any “shar chi” due to rushing energy. Examples of rushing energy situations are such as the stairs facing or too close to your main door, long pathway leading to a door, two doors facing each other (or doors are aligned in one straight line), main door opens to a garage, a window facing a door etc. It will slow down rushing “chi”. 
  3. Display it at chi entry points such as doors and windows to ward off evil spirits and bad external forces pointing at you and killing breathe. It transforms bad energies in positive energies.
  4. Display in location where killing forces are found, display it facing the killing forces such as straight narrow path directly coming towards you, bad energy coming from construction sites, graveyard etc.
  5. As a protective guardian, the windchime of Chung Kwei should be displayed near you entrance facing out directly at the main door to ward off evil spirits, people with bad intention, competitors, robbers, thefts, fraud and act of unlawfulness.
  6. For those who suspect that there are evil spirits wondering in their rooms at night, you may also display the windchime of Chung Kwei at the foot of your stairs to be watchful of all evil spirits wishing to go upstairs to disturb your sleep.
  7. Display the windchime of Chung Kwei in the sector of the living room or home, bedroom, vicinity of main door or doors afflicted by annual #5 Yellow or #2 Black. These stars are especially more detrimental if the house is facing their directions. 
  8. Display the windchime of Chung Kwei in the sector afflicted by mountain star#5, water star#5, mountain star#2 or water star#2 according to the natal flying star chart of your house.
  9. Display the windchime of Chung Kwei where extremely bad combinations of stars occur such as 5-7-9, 5-5-9, 2-5-9 etc or vice versa. These are extremely fatal situations that need a strong countermeasure like the Chung Kwei image.
Hang the Windchime with the Eight Auspicious Symbol as antidote for (1) doors facing each other in a straight line, (2) at the end of staircases near the maindoor, or at the frame of the maindoor (3) above the maindoor facing shar chi or where bad flying stars resides (4) above the window frame facing a shar chi. It is also hung at chi entry points (doors and windows) to welcome in positive energy.



]]> 41854 Period 9’s Nine Mirrored Bagua https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-10-bagua/ Sun, 26 Nov 2023 07:56:29 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41575 Period 9's Nine Mirrored Bagua - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated; Red and Green Enamel Dimension(in): 3.8x0.2x3.8in Weight: 208g ID:24-AM-10]]> This superb quality and finely made bagua plated in real gold is a class above the usual pieces. Featured in crimson red (fire element) and emerald green (wood element), this 9 Mirrored bagua is the bagua of Period 9 as its power is amplified by Period 9. Being the most powerful bagua in the world, this supreme form of bagua made from noble metal is denoted as the “Grand Emperor Bagua”. Sorted in “early heaven arrangement”, the nine mirror solution is used to remedy ALL types of “shar chi” (poison arrows) including the most disastrous ones that are unsolvable by other baguas or by any other means. Classical feng shui masters, especially from the San He School, insist the importance of metal over wood in the material and make. Strong metal like brass exerts “holy metal energy” where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting dangerous energies. This bagua provides powerful protection to your maindoor, which is the most important feature of a house so that fundamental luck is not being stolen away. Displaying this bagua above your main door is equivalent to having someone who lends an unseen but beneficial helping influence to neutralize all possible “poison arrows” magically and safeguard your household. Its presence ensures that the surrounding cosmic energies gets in sync so that the “good chi” can flow into your interior. The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. Made from supreme metal with high quality finish together with overwhelming heaviness and thickness, it is especially beneficial to create immense strength to repel dangerous energies.
  2. A total of nine sets of trigrams in “early heaven arrangement” with 9 mirrors in their centers wield predominant force to counter ALL kinds of negative energies.
  3. A special Taoist Magic Incantation behind the bagua catalyses divine powers to activate and empower the bagua.

This bagua must not be used indoor at all. It can be used as a stronger defense against ALL severe cases of killing chi. Stronger killing chi refers to negative forces exerted from a bridge, overhead flyover, railway track, curve knife shape road, lamp post and large tree in front of your chi entry points such as windows and doors. It can also be used to subdue star #2, #3 and #5 combinations at your maindoor.

Note: There have been claims that one may faint, feel uncomfortable or get drained when facing this bagua directly if they are being possessed by evil energies and dark forces. This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the bagua symbolizes?
The bagua is used commonly in “Form School of Feng Shui”, which is the first and oldest feng shui school dating back to Song Dynasty (AD960-1279). “Form School” which is the basis of all schools of feng shui overides other school of thoughts when landscape, shape and formation in an environment are not desirable. The bagua is used to neutralize negative effects or external influences to create good flow of energy into homes.

The Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagramically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams.

The eight fundamental trigrams

The proper arrangement of eight trigrams in a bagua has the Chien trigram at the top and the Kun trigram at the bottom to set up potent energy in repelling bad luck. As for the mirror in the center, they are either flat, concave or convex according to principles of science in light reflection. Concave mirrors curve inwards and absorb all types of “chi” be they good or bad. On the contrary, the convex mirror buldges outwards and reflect all types of “chi” be they good or bad. Flat mirrors are neutral, which means they absorb the good and reflect the bad. While it is important to protect our homes, we should also consider preventing ourselves from harming our neighbours to gain good merits in our karma. Therefore Feng Shui Bestbuy only offer baguas with concave and flat mirrors.

Types of external Shar Chi that requires cure with a Bagua. We only advise using the concave bagua and not convex bagua in order not to hurt or harm your surroundings. Hurting your surrounding neighbourhood would bring bad karma and may affect your personal luck in the future.

Beware! The bagua can only be displayed outdoor and facing outside. The bagua when displayed indoor and facing into the house can be deadly and harmful to you. The bagua should be placed at the “points of entry of bad chi” such as above a door or a window:

  1. The bagua useful to prevent bad luck from killing chi if your house has its main door or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers, police/firestations, schools/colleges/universities and houses of worship such as churches/mosques/temples.
  2. The bagua can repel evil spirits, bad luck and harmful people when placed above the main door.
  3. The bagua can diffuse killing chi (poison arrows) from lamp post, straight pole, tree and oppressing large building too close for comfort directly in front of your house.
  4. The bagua is best used to remedy killing chi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of your neighbours pointing at your doors.
  5. The bagua can cure continuous rushing chi on a T-intersection, a street that ends at your front yard with on coming traffic heading straight towards your house.
  6. The bagua subdue any harmful “chi” that enters your home through a door.

All the above situation if not cured could result in accidents, sickness, depression, psychological effects, or even death in a household.

]]> 41575 King of Medicine Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-15-amulet/ Fri, 24 Nov 2023 14:38:40 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41544 King of Medicine Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.25x0.1x2.1in Primary Piece; 0.6x0.1x1in each Wulou; 7.5in total length of amulet Weight: 51g ID: 24-AM-15]]> With the ability to award health and longevity, this knockout amulet consists of a peach of immortality and two miracle healing wulou‘s. The front side of the peach features the God of Medicine who shields against all kinds of disease, subdues sickness vibes and is excellent for those facing any kind of health risk. The God of Medicine is the go-to deity for anyone who is already unwell, or if one has life force or element health luck that is weak. Next, the dragon and tiger are two dynamic animals  that form an unbreakable cosmic bond to bring out good long term health prospect in supporting the blessings from the God of Medicine. Behind the amulet features the Taoist Magic Incantation of the God of Medicine himself.

Next behind the amulet, the Medicine Buddha (Bhaisyajaguru), is the Buddha or Master of healing. Medicine Buddha is also known to be the “Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light”. He represents the healing aspect of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. Medicine Buddha has unbiased compassion for all. He protects everyone from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the source of all illness and danger. The Medicine Buddha is typically depicted seated with a lapis-colored jar of medicine nectar in his left hand and the right hand resting on his right knee, holding the stem of the aurara plant between thumb and forefinger. The Medicine Buddha not only helps in healing but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance. Thus the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. Anyone who is stricken by disease can seek blessings from the Medicine Buddha for curing. The sacred “Medicine Buddha mantra” will:

  1. purify negative karma and assist those who are having long term illness so that they can live a longer life.
  2. strengthen the antibodies of those who have a weak body and often falling sick.
  3. keep all types of illness energy due to unpopular stars at bay.
  4. help cure mental depression and mental illnesses.

Lastly, the two miracle healing mini wulous controls the illness bringing aspects of any malevolent stars.

Note: This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.


The peach was originally a heavenly fruit of immortality from the garden of the Queen Mother of the West (Hsi Wang Mu) and is the main ingredient for making pills of longevity to grant good health, long lives and immortality. This auspicious fruit resembles a long healthy life with great fortune for many generations.


The Wulou (bottle gourd) originates from a fruit. When dried, it is very durable and its shape render it useful as a receptacle for medicine. In olden days, the Wulou was often carried by aged people as a charm of longevity and a charm to dissipate or ward off pernicious influences.

God of Chinese Medicine

Sun Si-miao Zhen Ren, a reknown taoist priest healer who lived during Tang Dynasty is the God of Chinese Medicine. It was during the Sung Dynasty that Sun was crowned with the holy title Miao Ying Zhen Ren by the Emperor Master Sun. Master Sun Simiao was a well-known physician and medicine researcher of the Tang dynasty. He was also a Taoist priest and was well-versed in the teachings of Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi, as well as medicine and other studies. His theories promoted prevention over treatment, with a particular focus on food therapy, and he authored many medical classics, winning the title of the “King of Medicine” for his contributions. He was famous for his writings and healing and was very knowledgeable about Lao-Zhuang (Chinese philosophical  teachings and herbal medicine). He emphasized on purging ones mind of desires and ambitions. This is further supported by methods of ingesting vital breath namely embryonic breath introspection breath-holding and hissing breath to stay healthy.

The birthday of the Medicine King is celebrated annually in taoist temples on April 28 of the Lunar.

Picture of King of Medicine’s Altar at Wong Tai Sin Temple in Hong Kong

Mantra of Medicine Buddha

While holding and touching the peach of immortality, chant the following mantra daily for higher effectiveness:

“Tadyatha Om Bhekhandzye Bhekhandzye,
Maha Bhekhandzye Radza Samudgate Soha” (21x)

Who needs to use this amulet?

The amulet can be used as a protective amulet for individuals with the following situations to reduce fatality risk:

  1. When one’s zodiac is invaded by 5-Yellow and 2-Illness energy.
  2. Those living in bedrooms that are located in 5-Yellow and 2-Illness areas will suffer from the afflictions.
  3. For occupants of homes that are in the axis where either 5-Yellow and 2-Illness is. It is especially even more pronounce if the main door is in these locations.
  4. For occupants of homes where the 5-Yellow flies to the kitchen. Remember that strong fire energy in the kitchen will magnify the earth energy of the 5-Yellow.
  5. For those who frequently fall sick or suffer from long term illness so that they can stand a good chance of quick recovery.
  6. For any zodiac who is susceptible to annual ill winds or monthly ill winds, one can carry the amulet in the bag and display it in the bedroom.
  7. It is also a powerful amulet to protect elderly members who are weak.
  8. For people who are at health risks, you may immediately carry this amulet to turn around your health issues.
Six Lo Shu Tortoises Lucky Array https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-06-sixloshuarray/ Sat, 18 Nov 2023 14:46:11 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41400 Six Lo Shu Tortoises Lucky Array - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated, Red and Black Enamel Dimension(in): 3.9x4.7x0.2in Wulou Core; 0.75x0.75x0.1in Weight: 186g ID: 24-AM-06]]> A traditional method to manage negative forces from any afflicted sector is to apply powerful symbols, hexagrams, taoist incantations and buddhist mantras within the affected area as counter-measures. Old School Traditional feng shui masters and Flying Stars purists implement this regularly from the old books and thus the formulation of this potent cure to fulfill the requirements, known as the Six Lo Shu Tortoises Lucky Array. It consists of Six Tortoises with Lo Shu Diagrams (messenger of heaven) filling into a thick Taiji Wulou core with other important symbols such as Borderless Longevity Coins beneath the six discs, Dui Trigram, Four Signs of Health, Medicine Buddha Mantra and 8 types of Taoist Health Incantations. When these symbols combined together, they merge to become a SUPER ENHANCER or CURE that is most optimized and more powerful than the ordinary. The traditional use of Six Round Discs is fortified in this manner to ensure this super artifact can adequately magnify Heaven Star #6 as well as pulverize Fatal Star #5-Yellow and Illness Star #2-Black in the flying star charts. Besides it is also an important cure and activator for the partriarch’s corner in the Northwest. This special array represents pure heaven energy, with each symbol signifying a very specific power and bringing their own unique brand of good fortune luck.

The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. Six Tortoises Discs – the tortoise is the greatest sign of health, longevity, stability, steadiness, good fortune, support and protection. The Lo Shu diagram discovered on the back of a giant tortoise around Hsia Dynasty (2000BC) comprises “four yin” and “five yang” with no superiority among them. Containing the message of the basic order in chinese cosmology, the miracle Lo Shu reflects the cycle of destruction of the Five Elements, shows how Flying stars move over time and emits the magic for this cure. Six discs represents six solid lines of the Chien Hexagram which means BIG METAL, thus exerting powerful energies to subdue earth energies from #5 or #2.  It is Hexagram 1 out of 64, connoting Force. Other variations include “the creative”, “strong action”, “the key”, “heaven” and “god”. Thus, six becomes the number that represents heaven luck!
  2. Wan Shou Shou Jiang Coins – located beneath the six discs, they connote the auspicious meaning of border-less longevity.
  3. Taiji-Wulou – The symbol of Taiji signifies the balance of yin and yang, which balances forces that are out of sync or facing imbalances. Ancient masters believed that there should be balance in “positive and negative” for everything to function properly. Yin energy brings bad news related to death, injury and illness. The Taiji is no doubt the best symbol used to ward off negative vibes from too much “yin” energy by symbolically forcing the illumination of “yang” energy. The wulou is used to neutralize illness energies and create good flow of energy into homes. 
  4. Dui Trigram symbol – it represents the heavenly doctor symbol in subduing Illness #2.
  5. Four Signs of Health – The five petals of the plum blossom symbolize the “five blessings” (wufu), also known as the “five happinesses” or “five good fortunes”. These five blessings refer to longevity, wealth, health and composure, virtue, and the desire to die a natural death in old age.Next, the bamboo is a legendary symbol of longevity because it is able to live beyond a thousand years. It survives harsh winters and grows stronger with each passing season. Equally important, the auspicious peach resembles a long healthy life with great fortune for many generations. It is suitable as auspicious gifts for birthdays and for elderly people. Last but not least, the pine tree is a very common symbol for longevity because it is an evergreen and can endure severe winters.
  6. Medicine Buddha Mantra – is the mantra inscription that cures ailments. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. Anyone who is stricken by disease can seek blessings from Medicine Buddha for curing.
  7. Eight health related  taoist incantations – Combat Cough, Combat Epilepsy, Cure Bone Ailments, Cure Cancer, Cure Incurable Diseases, Cure Intestinal Illnesses, Cure Kidney Illnesses and Good Health Talisman.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity. 

Powerful Activator of Heaven Luck for #6
The Six Lo Shu Tortoises Lucky Array activates and magnifies the auspicious Heaven Star #6 in both the annual and natal flying star charts. In the Flying Star system, the #6 Nobility White Star is a longevity and lucky star. It is responsible for bringing:

  1. favorable windfall luck suitable for speculative investments.
  2. divine blessings from the heaven – when one’s heaven luck is activated, you will enjoy long term wealth and good luck from all directions.
  3. luck of travelling/migration/changes.
  4. steady mainstream income.
  5. nobleman (benefactors/mentors/help of powerful people).

Powerful Cure for #2 and #5
Made from noble materials, this BIG METAL cure can effectively counter strong “earth energy” from Fatal #5 Yellow Star and Illness #2 Black Star. They can either be in the form of “natal” chart’s Water Star or Mountain Star or “annual” chart’s Annual stars. The deadly Fatal Star #5 Yellow causes high amplification of obstruction, serious misfortune, mishap, calamity, family disharmony, family breakup, injuries, accidents, ailment, fatality, obstacles at work, a whole series of bad news, all sorts of difficulties and bankruptcy if not remedied. On an equally bad note, the Illness Star #2 Black brings ill winds, viruses and hard-to-cure illnesses that can lead to death if not properly remedied.

They are best displayed in the following areas to enhance your health and benefit from longevity:

  1. Display them in the bedroom to create protective shielding of aura against illnesses, to heal ailments/sickness and to rejuvanate the energy of sick people.
  2. Display them in the sector afflicted by mountain star#2 or water star#2 according to the natal flying star chart of your house.
  3. Display them in the east sector of your living room, family room and dining for the benefit of the entire family.
  4. Display them at your workdesk to eliminate illness chi from harming you.
  5. Display them as a powerful cure against annual Illness Star-2. 

Protects the Northwest
It is an excellent cure to protect the patriarch’s luck in the northwest. It is especially useful when the northwest corner is afflicted or when the northwest corner is missing.
a. When the northwest is afflicted with energies that clashes the base element of the northwest corner, the partriach will be at risk. It is especially deadly when negative energies clashes into the northwest.
b. Whenever the northwest corner is missing, the luck of the family will be in great difficulty. The males of the family will become unsuccessful for life if the situation is not cured. You will need to display this cure in the NW corner of the living room if the actual NW corner of the house is missing.

Period 9’s Magic Ho Tu https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-ag-01-hotuchilin/ Fri, 17 Nov 2023 08:27:53 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41341 Magic Ho Tu - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Genuine Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.7x0.75x1.9in Chilin; 1.6x0.7x1.15in Phoenix; 2.35x2.35x0.2in Plate Weight: 172g ID: 24-AG-01]]> The Magic Ho Tu is recognized as the number one cure to overcome the effect of undesirable flying stars. Known as the superlative cure for houses with Flying Star charts not compliant to the current Period 9, the Magic Ho Tu is primarily a stunning ancient styled chilin standing on a solid core plate consisting of the Ho Tu Pattern. The Chilin was recorded seen by Fu Hsi and was the only key to unlock the many secrets of Flying Star feng shui when correctly combined with the powerful magical Ho Tu pattern. The Ho Tu contain the message of the basic order in chinese cosmology. The use of Ho Tu is in accordance to ancient Classical Feng Shui text that is recognized by all Flying Star Feng Shui Masters, to remedy ALL flying star problems you are facing and promote only fortunate and lucky energy. The chilin is further flanked by an alluring Period 9’s lord, the phoenix. The Period 9 welcoming phoenix will awaken benevolent cosmic energy when remedying Flying Star issues in the Period of Fire. The plate also feature symbols of fulushouxi (connoting the Four Star Gods of Success, Prosperity, Longevity and Happiness), mystic knot (endless fortune) and double coins (wealth). Behind the plate, there are four sub-cardinal trigrams to balance the Ho Tu in front. It is consecrated by two taoist incantations and a buddhist mantra:

  • Fix 100 Types of Shar Chi Incantation – fixes any area of the house with negative energy or bad star.
  • Grant All Wishes Incantation – enables and materializes all desired results.
  • OM MANI PADME HUM Mantra – is the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion.

The primary functions of the Magic Ho Tu are as follows:

  1.  Solve NATAL FLYING STARS CHART problems – a building is born with Water Stars and Mountain Stars that shows the energy map. It will not change until the building is demolished and rebuilt. For many advanced classical feng shui theories, especially the San Yuen school of feng shui, the Magic Ho Tu is adopted as the cure for problems:
    • Houses NOT built in Period 9 and NOT compliant to Period 9. Water and Mountain Stars that used to be timely during other periods can become “untimely” as we transition into a new period, eg. a positive star can turn into a negative star. Not everyone is fortunate enough to own an old house that continues to be desirable in feng shui through Period 9. Majority of the houses today are built in other periods and not everyone is able to change the period of their houses with massive renovations.
      1. Houses built in periods 1 to 8 that have their flying star distributions in sitting and facing along the axis that are no longer auspicious in Period 9.
      2. Houses built in periods 1 to 8 that have a flying star/s in the facade, main door, balcony or bedroom that are no longer auspicious in Period 9.
    • Houses built in Period 9 and NOT compliant to Period 9. Water and Mountain Stars that are auspicious ended up in undesirable areas. The feng shui of some houses are simply not good enough despite being built in Period 9 and not everyone is able to change the orientation of the facade of their houses.
      1. Houses built in Period 9 that have their flying star distributions in sitting and facing along the axis that are not auspicious in Period 9.
      2. Houses built in Period 9 that have flying star/s in the facade, main door, balcony and bedroom that are not auspicious in Period 9.
  2. Solve VISITING STARS CHART problems – these stars causes event changes over time. They are Period Stars, Annual Stars, Monthly Stars, Day Stars and Hour Stars. They change constantly over time and cause impact on the Natal Chart, hence contributing to events and change of fortune in your house. Because there is an important consideration of time dimension in feng shui, every house will have to go through equivalent cycles of good and bad luck from one year to another and to more detail one month to another. Two common scenarios of consideration:
    • When a bad visiting star arrives at either the sitting position,the center or the facing position of a house, it disturbs the energy stabilization of the whole house.
    • When a bad visiting star arrives at either a specific room in the facade, patriarch sector, matriarch sector, main door, balcony and bedroom that is considered as important, it brings harm to the entire family or specific individuals.
  3. Shield against any capacity of negative backlash resulting from substantial energy change to Period 9 for all houses built in other periods. Houses facing any direction that were constructed or last renovated in Period 8 and before will instantly experience a drastic plunge in energy and luck. Flying Stars masters know that those who continue to live in a house of the past period will encounter a dip in fortunes and because of this reason alone would resolute that everyone change the period of their houses.
    • Not everyone is able to change your house period due to various reasons. For example those who are living in apartments and high rise livings are unable to change the period of your houses. This classical cure Ho Tu Chilin that incorporates a symbol of the new period’s Phoenix will align your home with the attributes of Period 9, thus countering the downturn in energy.
    • In some cases, if the house period is changed, your period 9 charts do not emerge to have better flying star distributions at the important sectors of the house and changing the period may bring worse luck. As such, even if one has the flexibility to change the house period, it is better not to. To counter the loss in energy of the house, all you need is to place the Period 9’s Ho Tu Chilin anywhere in your house.

Note: This item comes with instructions. You are required to get a compass to align and place this item accurately. The item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

To read further about the Chilin
The Unicorn, Dragon Horse or the Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

It is reputed to be able to walk on water as well as on land and last appeared before the birth and death of Confucious. Confucious was often associated to the Chi Lin because he was born a sage after his mother stepped on the footsteps of the the Chi Lin and got pregnant. The Chi Lin is regarded by Buddhists to carry the civilizing Book of Law on its back. In ancient feng shui studies, the Chi Lin was described as coming out of Yellow River and appeared to Fu Hsi, the first legendary Emperor, bearing on its back a mystic Ho Tu map from which the Flying Stars formulas is said to have evolved. It is always seen as solitary, and appears to mankind only when a king of the highest benevolence sits upon the throne, or when a sage is about to be born. It had appeared during the halcyon days of the Emperors Yao and Shun and when Confucius was living, but so degenerated have mankind since become that it has never since shown itself to us again.

Since the Chi Lin is a wonderful combination of a dragon’s head and a horse’s body, it produces a harmonized mixture of excellent qualities between the two auspicious animals. It has a more royal status compared to the other guardians and is simply adorable. The Chi Lin blows “sheng chi” because of its Dragon head to benefit surrounding. Unlike lions and other fierce creatures, the Chi Lin representing a “new born baby” by ancient chinese is very loyal to its owner and easier to tame, like a lovely horse. Its energy represent vitality, strength, ambition, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Besides, it also has the scales of a carp which ushers in wealth, prosperity and abundance. The patterns on its back were used to derive the earlier heaven bagua, an ultimate symbol in the study of Feng Shui.

To read further about the Ho Tu 
Ho Tu is a mysterious numerical diagram discovered at River Ho during the Hsia Dynasty (2000BC). It has numbers in paired relationship. The Ho Tu numbers are 2 and 7 in the south, 1 and 6 in the north, 3 and 8 in the east, 4 and 9 in the west and 5 and 10 in the center. These pairs of numbers differ by 5. It forms the cycle of birth for the Five Elements in a clockwise movement direction. In a flying star map, when a pair of Ho Tu numbers are next to each other without obstruction, they have a tendency to merge. If one number is benevolent and the other is malevolent, the benevolent number will over ride the malevolent number turning it into benevolent as well.


Ho Tu Numbers


The Ho Tu actually describes the underlying secrets of universe, humanity and nature of all things. And the presence of this pattern have protective capabilities to overcome bad flying stars of any situation, turning bad luck into good luck for a house inflicted with undesired combination of flying stars. This is because Ho Tu patterns defines the time dimension. Together with the Chilin, this ultimate cure and also enhancer serves to generate good energy, subdue bad energy and nourish/improve the feng shui of a space so that good fortune continues to grow esponentially. It is also a potent cure for extremely bad situation where other feng shui cures are considered not strong enough to counter a problem from bad flying stars.

1. Solve NATAL FLYING STARS CHART problems – display the cure anywhere in the center axis of the house where the axis goes through the sitting position, the center and the facing position. That means as long as a room falls within the axis of the house, for example the foyer, the external garage, the living room or the dining room you may display the cure there. More details on the exact alignment will be provided in the paper instructions with the purchase.

2. Solve VISITING STARS CHART problems –  When a bad star arrives in the sitting position, in the center or in the facing position of a house, the best is to display the cure along the axis in any room of the house, be it the foyer, garage, living room or dining room. However, when a bad star arrives in a specific room that is important, you may display the cure in the particular room to neutralize the bad star.

3.Counter dip in fortunes for HOUSES OF PAST PERIODS – You may display the cure anywhere in the house to nullify any loss in energy.

Period 9’s 5 Element Garuda Pagoda https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-ag-03-fiveelementpagoda/ Sat, 04 Nov 2023 15:06:08 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=40502 Period 9's Five Element Garuda Pagoda - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated, Silver Plated, Rose Gold Plated, Black Titanium Plated, Bronze Plated, Multi-colored Enamel Dimension(in): 1.9x1.9x4.1in Weight: 419g ID: 24-AG-03]]>

The Five Element Pagoda is undoubtedly a more favorable remedy against the Five Yellow when earth energy is stronger than usual in certain directions, years and period. The Five Element Pagoda always overide other ordinary cures when the earth chi becomes fatal. The pagoda arrests, traps and locks up the harmful energies of earth element. The Five Yellow is also known as a devil by the name of “Female Yaksha”. This devil is wicked, angry, irrationale, eat humans and has a baby. Therefore, some masters believe there is no point taming a devil, but instead terminate it. This pagoda features the Garuda in 5 Elements. The Garuda is known as the mythical lord of the birds. Since the bird realm dominates Period 9, this makes the pagoda featuring the Garuda a Period 9’s pagoda. Besides, the cure is mantra enhanced to sought the assistance of “Cosmic Energies” to pulverize negative forces of the Five Yellow and clear blocked pathways paving you to a smoother and less aggravating year. Having great control over the cosmic elements, this pagoda wield its miraculous power, guard against loss of wealth, loss of career, loss of life and loss of health. Incredibly powerful, it wards off the terrible potential of fatality, accidents and bankruptcy. The Five Yellow is somehow responsible for tragedies striking a family when it afflicts the center of the house, the maindoor or a bedroom. Featured on the outside of the pagoda are 8 Auspicious Objects, 12 Sovereign Hexagrams, “Hidden” 8 Immortals, the Mantra of White Umbrella Goddess and “Hidden” Four Heavenly Kings. Hidden under the pagoda is a “Hotu” pattern. Rollings of multiple secret mantras and citrine chips will be provided to be kept in the lower compartment.

The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:
1. The 8 Auspicious Objects are an ultimate cure that serves to generate good energy, subdues bad energy and nourishes the “chi” of a space so that good fortune continues to grow esponentially. It is also a potent cure for extremely bad situation where other feng shui cures are considered not strong enough to counter a problem. Therefore in situations where the #5 Yellow becomes stronger than usual, this is the secret weapon that will subdue it powerfully.

2. The great powered Garuda defeats demon spirits that bring illness, setbacks and obstacles to success. Therefore, Garuda is an esteemed destroyer of 5-Yellow (a demon). Feeding on powerful serpents and nagas, no naga is able to survive Garuda’s grip or bite. Garuda’s triple sadhana (practice of three deities) is highly effective for removing obstacles or illnesses, especially naga-related afflictions such as kidney failure, plague and cancer. Therefore, Garuda is a revered cure for contagious diseases and deadly illnesses. Featured in 5 Elements, it provides directional guardians to evil energies coming from the five directions. They are the green, red, yellow, blue and bronze garudas.  They also hold the key to effectively balance weak or missing elements of a space when it goes out of sync, and thus remedying elemental conflicts and imbalances.

3. The 12 Sovereign Hexagrams transform negative energy into positive energy. These hexagrams are known as “feudal lords”, while the remaining 48 hexagrams are the “subjects”. They represent the essence of the I Ching hexagrams. These twelve hexagrams are linked to the twelve months of the year to create The Firing Times of the Greater Cycle the Sky – The Sun. These ultimate patterns activate the lunar and solar currents of the year.

4. The Mantra of White Umbrella Goddess – The powerful Buddha of Protection who carries a white umbrella has the power to symbolically dispel any evil intentions of people who may want to hurt you. Be mindful that everyone is vulnerable to jealous intentions of unscrupulous people, enemies or competitors, so it is better safe than to be sorry. This mantra can also ward off black spells casted by the underlying currents of jealousy and making them harmless. The mantra is “Tadyatha Om Anale Anale, Khasame Khasame Bhaire Bhaire, Sume Sume Sarva Buddha, Adhishthana Adhishtite Svaha” which can be recited 108 times a day. This is the most powerful mantra to diminish the strong evil 5 Yellow and subdue all kinds of dark forces.

5. The 8 Immortals Objects (known as “hidden eight immortals”) represent the presence of Eight Immortals. The 8 Immortals catalyses divine powers to help bless one with positive energy, bring good health, good fortune, wealth, fame luck, longevity and good descendants. They dispel whatever obstacles arising from the Five Yellow. 

6. The Four Heavenly Kings Weapons (known as “hidden 4 heavenly kings”) represent the presence of them. They catalyses diving powers to protect against and subdue all negative energies from 4 cardinal directions.

7. As for the Hotu Pattern, ancient texts revealed that the Hotu pattern is a powerful antidote and provides the key to unlock many of the secrets of Flying Star feng shui problems.

8. Citrine Chips placed inside the pagoda represents the imprisonment of earth energy from the Five Yellow in the pagoda.

9. The three rollings of mantras kept in the pagoda consists of:
a. Long Mantra of Medicine Buddha – Medicine Buddha has unbiased compassion for all. He protects everyone from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the sources of all illness and danger. Medicine Buddha not only helps in healing but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance. Thus Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. Anyone who is stricken by disease can seek blessings from Medicine Buddha for curing.
b. Exalted Mantra King of Great Breath Mantra – it is believed that diseases are caused by the breath sent out by the great lord of all the spirits of all the three continents called Grinning Teeth (sekpa). All humans and spirits living in the world may contract various sicknesses and having their lives taken away once the destructive breath fills up the whole world and touches sentient beings. And it was revealed that the anecdote to the diseases is through the practising of this mantra called the “Exalted Mantra King of Great Breath”. Whenever it is practised, sentiant beings will not be harmed by the breath. The mantra when worn or kept on ones neck, head or body will be protected against Ebola Virus and other contagious diseases, receiving no harm or sicknesses (tongney) from wind, bile, phlegm etc.
c. Amitayus Mantra – To increase longevity, merit and wisdom and especially to clear the obstacle of untimely dealth.
d. White Tara Mantra – To increase longevity, merit and wisdom and especially to clear the obstacle of untimely dealth.
e. Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras – Are essential mantras that give power and make the object holy.

Note: The pagoda is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Garuda was the son of Kashyapa and Vinata, who after 500 years of incubation hatched fully-grown from the egg that his mother laid. So great was Garuda’s power that even Indra’s mighty vajra was broken by Garuda. Only Vishnu was capable of subduing Garuda and once he was subdued, Vishnu bound him to an oath of servitude and obedience. Vishnu made Garuda his vehicle. Garuda is one of the Four Dignities in Tibetan Buddhism and is a mythical animal who is daring and fearless. It possesses great power (more than 72 magical powers of the Monkey God) and great strength. Its greatest strength is to soar beyond without holding back. Garuda is depicted as having a golden body, white face, red wings, and an eagle’s beak and wings but a man’s body. He wears a crown on his head. He is huge and can block out the sun. The exact size of the garuda is uncertain, but its wings are said to have a span of many miles. This may be a poetic exaggeration, but it is also said that when a garuda’s wings flap, they create hurricane-like winds that darken the sky and blow down houses. Garuda is invoked as a symbol of impetuous violent force, of speed, and of martial prowess. Because of its ability to help you fight negavities, killing energies, malevolent forces and earth spirit energies, it frees your mind from worries. It is also a potent cure for extremely bad situation where other feng shui cures are considered not strong enough to counter. It feeds on powerful serpents and nagas. No naga is able to survive Garuda’s grip or bite. The triple sadhana or practice of three deities is highly effective fror removing obstacles or illnesses, especially naga-related afflictions such as kidney failure, plague and cancer. India, Thailand, Indonesia, Mongolia and other countries regularly use the symbol of the garuda as their government buildings and structures. Tibetan Buddhism considers Garuda a very sacred protector on earth.

Made from noble materials, this luxurious cure can effectively counter strong earth energy from Fatal #5 Yellow Star and Illness #2 Black Star. They can either be in the form of “natal” chart’s Water Star or Mountain Star or “annual” chart’s Annual stars. However, please avoid placing them on the floor or inside the toilet since they invite divine help to vanish bad energies, illnesses, evil and killing forces. They can be displayed anywhere else, as long as they are above the floor level on a proper table, platform or cabinet in sectors that are afflicted with #5 or #2. Rollings of mantras and citrine pebbles (strong earth element) will be provided where you can fill into the bottom compartment of the pagoda.

Where to display the item

  1. Display it in the sector of the living room or home, bedroom, vicinity of main door or doors afflicted by annual #5 Yellow or #2 Black. These stars are especially more detrimental if the house is facing their directions. Eg. in 2024, #5 Yellow is in the west and #2 Black is in the southeast.
  2. Display it in the sector afflicted by mountain star#2 or water star#2 according to the natal flying star chart of your house.
  3. Counter any evil forces entering your house by displaying near the vicinity of your maindoor. It can also be displayed on the outside facing out for home protection against any negative vibes.
Medicine Buddha Longevity Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-am-05-amulet/ Sat, 03 Dec 2022 13:38:18 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37691 Medicine Buddha Longevity Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.1x2.6in primary piece; 7.5in total length of amulet Weight: 39g ID: 23-AM-05]]> This stunning amulet features primarily the Long Life Vase and Medicine Buddha. The Long Life Vase is the emblem of the Longevity Buddha of ‘Infinite Life’ Amitayus. It is said to contain the nectar of immortality for long-life empowerment. Next, the Medicine Buddha (Bhaisyajaguru), is the Buddha or Master of healing. Medicine Buddha is also known to be the “Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light”. He represents the healing aspect of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. Medicine Buddha has unbiased compassion for all. He protects everyone from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the source of all illness and danger. The Medicine Buddha is typically depicted seated with a lapis-colored jar of medicine nectar in his left hand and the right hand resting on his right knee, holding the stem of the aurara plant between thumb and forefinger. The Medicine Buddha not only helps in healing but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance. Thus the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. Anyone who is stricken by disease can seek blessings from the Medicine Buddha for curing. Behind the amulet, the sacred “Medicine Buddha mantra” will:

  1. purify negative karma and assist those who are having long term illness so that they can live a longer life.
  2. strengthen the antibodies of those who have a weak body and often falling sick.
  3. keep all types of illness energy due to unpopular stars at bay.
  4. help cure mental depression and mental illnesses.

Other salient symbols of health featured on the amulet include:

  1. Four Signs of Health – The five petals of the plum blossom symbolize the “five blessings” (wufu), also known as the “five happinesses” or “five good fortunes”. These five blessings refer to longevity, wealth, health and composure, virtue, and the desire to die a natural death in old age.Next, the bamboo is a legendary symbol of longevity because it is able to live beyond a thousand years. It survives harsh winters and grows stronger with each passing season. Equally important, the auspicious peach resembles a long healthy life with great fortune for many generations. It is suitable as auspicious gifts for birthdays and for elderly people. Last but not least, the pine tree is a very common symbol for longevity because it is an evergreen and can endure severe winters.
  2. The peach was originally a heavenly fruit of immortality from the garden of the Queen Mother of the West (Hsi Wang Mu) and is the main ingredient for making pills of longevity to grant good health, long lives and immortality. This auspicious fruit resembles a long healthy life with great fortune for many generations.
  3. Wulou – The Wulou (bottle gourd) originates from a fruit. When dried, it is very durable and its shape render it useful as a receptacle for medicine. In olden days, the Wulou was often carried by aged people as a charm of longevity and a charm to dissipate or ward off pernicious influences.
  4. Ruyi – The lid of the vase takes the shape of the ruyi scepter’s head. It will ensure a life free from mishaps and unsafe events.

Note: This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Mantra of Medicine Buddha

While holding and touching the long life vase, chant the following mantra daily for higher effectiveness:

“Tadyatha Om Bhekhandzye Bhekhandzye,
Maha Bhekhandzye Radza Samudgate Soha” (21x)

Who needs to use this amulet?
The amulet can be used as a protective amulet for individuals with the following situations to reduce fatality risk:

  1. When one’s zodiac is invaded by 5-Yellow and 2-Illness energy.
  2. Those living in bedrooms that are located in 5-Yellow and 2-Illness areas will suffer from the afflictions.
  3. For occupants of homes that are in the axis where either 5-Yellow and 2-Illness is. It is especially even more pronounce if the main door is in these locations.
  4. For occupants of homes where the 5-Yellow flies to the kitchen. Remember that strong fire energy in the kitchen will magnify the earth energy of the 5-Yellow.
  5. For those who frequently fall sick or suffer from long term illness so that they can stand a good chance of quick recovery.
  6. For any zodiac who is susceptible to annual ill winds or monthly ill winds, one can carry the amulet in the bag and display it in the bedroom.
  7. It is also a powerful amulet to protect elderly members who are weak.
Six Heaven Force Lucky Array https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-af-04-coins/ Sun, 27 Nov 2022 18:09:12 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37271 Six Heaven Force Lucky Array - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated, Gold Chromed, Rose Gold Chromed Dimension(in): 4.1x4.1x0.2in primary piece; 1.1x1.1x0.1in Weight: 252g ID: 23-AF-04]]> Favored by Classical Flying Stars feng shui masters, this heavy duty “Six Heaven Force Lucky Array” is a potent activator for heaven luck and also strong countermeasure against Stars #2 and #5. It consists of Six Chien Hexagrams, Six Powerful Mantras, Messenger Birds of Heaven, Taiji-Bagua-LuoRiverWriting and Six Emperor Coins. When these symbols combined together, they merge to become a SUPER ENHANCER or CURE that is most optimized and more powerful than the ordinary. The traditional use of Six Emperor Coins is fortified in this manner to ensure this super artifact can adequately magnify Heaven Star #6 as well as pulverize Fatal Star #5-Yellow and Illness Star #2-Black in the flying star charts. Besides it is also an important cure and activator for the partriarch’s corner in the Northwest. This special array represents pure heaven energy, with each symbol signifying a very specific power and bringing their own unique brand of good fortune luck.The salient features and the importance of the auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. Chien Hexagram – with six solid yang lines representing BIG METAL, thus exerting powerful energies to subdue earth energies from 5-Yellow or 2-Illness stars. It is Hexagram 1 out of 64, connoting Force. Other variations include “the creative”, “strong action”, “the key”, “heaven” and “god”. Thus, six becomes the number that represents heaven luck!
  2. Six Emperor Coins – the six emperors are Shun Chi (1644-1661), Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796), Chia Ching (1796-1820) and Tao Kwong (1820-1850). It is during the reign of these six emperors that the Ching Dynasty was enjoying most fortune, prosperity and power.
  3. Six Powerful Mantras – they consecrate the object and invoke blessings from the heaven.
    (a) Amitayus Mantra – having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.
    (b) Manjusri Mantra – the name “Manjusri” means “gentle glory”. Manjusri is the bodhisattva associated with development of enlightened wisdom, doctrine and awareness. Manjusri is usually denoted in Chinese traditions as riding on the back of a lion. Those who are negative in mindset, stressed, depressed, suicidal, quarrelsome and troublesome can benefit from and be tamed by the Manjusri. The mantra of wisdom “Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih” represents the attainment of ultimate realization.
    (c) Yellow Jhambala Mantra – according to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality. When one is rich, he frees himself from worrying about poverty and can exercise generosity with an unselfish attitude to help others.
    (d) Medicine Buddha Mantra – the Medicine Buddha has unbiased compassion for all. He protects everyone from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons attachment, hatred, and ignorance which are the source of all illness and danger. The Medicine Buddha not only helps in healing but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance. Thus the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. Anyone who is stricken by disease can seek blessings from the Medicine Buddha for curing.
    (e) White Umbrella Goddess Mantra – the powerful Buddha of Protection who carries a white umbrella has the power to symbolically dispel any evil intentions of people who may want to hurt you. Be mindful that everyone is vulnerable to jealous intentions of unscrupulous people, enemies or competitors, so it is better safe than to be sorry. This mantra can also ward off black spells casted by the underlying currents of jealousy and making them harmless. The mantra is “Tadyatha Om Anale Anale, Khasame Khasame Bhaire Bhaire, Sume Sume Sarva Buddha, Adhishthana Adhishtite Svaha” which can be recited 108 times a day.
    (f) White Tara Mantra – the powerful mantra that magnifies longevity, creates excellent health and ensures that a long life is uninterupted by sudden unfortunate death.
  4. Taiji-Bagua-LuoRiverWriting – The symbol of “Taiji signifies the balance of yin and yang, which balances forces that are out of sync or facing imbalances. Ancient masters believed that there should be balance in “positive and negative” for everything to function properly. Yin energy brings bad news related to death, injury and illness. The “Taiji” is no doubt the best symbol used to ward off negative vibes from too much “yin” energy by symbolically forcing the illumination of “yang” energy. The bagua is used to neutralize negative effects and create good flow of energy into homes. The luo river writing is the fundamental stars surrounding the bagua.
  5. Messenger Birds of Heaven – anticipate for positivity, good news, the beginning of something good, heavenly symbols or signs through these birds.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity. The six coins have been arranged in proper sequence upfront and concealed and they CANNOT be separated. The photos shown here about the separated coins are for illustration only.

Powerful Activator of Heaven Luck for #6
The Six Heaven Force Lucky Array activates and magnifies the auspicious Heaven Star #6 in both the annual and natal flying star charts. In the Flying Star system, the #6 Nobility White Star is a longevity and lucky star. It is responsible for bringing:

  1. favorable windfall luck suitable for speculative investments.
  2. divine blessings from the heaven – when one’s heaven luck is activated, you will enjoy long term wealth and good luck from all directions.
  3. luck of travelling/migration/changes.
  4. steady mainstream income.
  5. nobleman (benefactors/mentors/help of powerful people).

Powerful Cure for #2 and #5
Made from noble materials, this BIG METAL cure can effectively counter strong “earth energy” from Fatal #5 Yellow Star and Illness #2 Black Star. They can either be in the form of “natal” chart’s Water Star or Mountain Star or “annual” chart’s Annual stars. The deadly Fatal Star #5 Yellow causes high amplification of obstruction, serious misfortune, mishap, calamity, family disharmony, family breakup, injuries, accidents, ailment, fatality, obstacles at work, a whole series of bad news, all sorts of difficulties and bankruptcy if not remedied. On an equally bad note, the Illness Star #2 Black brings ill winds, viruses and hard-to-cure illnesses that can lead to death if not properly remedied.

Protects the Northwest
It is an excellent cure to protect the patriarch’s luck in the northwest. It is especially useful when the northwest corner is afflicted or when the northwest corner is missing.
a. When the northwest is afflicted with energies that clashes the base element of the northwest corner, the partriach will be at risk. It is especially deadly when negative energies clashes into the northwest.
b. Whenever the northwest corner is missing, the luck of the family will be in great difficulty. The males of the family will become unsuccessful for life if the situation is not cured. You will need to display this cure in the NW corner of the living room if the actual NW corner of the house is missing.
