#4 Literary/Romance – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:47:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 2024 Self Development Kit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24206-selfdevelopmentkit/ Sat, 23 Dec 2023 12:10:38 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=43121 2024 Self Development Kit - Energy Infused Material: Multiple Color: Multicolored Dimension(in): Multiple Weight: 537g ID: SL24206]]> This SELF DEVELOPMENT kit includes:

  1. Period 9 Authority Star
  2. Everything is Achievable

Note: All items are energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

2024 Love Kit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24205-lovekit/ Sat, 23 Dec 2023 10:13:16 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=43117 2024 Love Kit - Energy Infused Material: Multiple Color: Multicolored Dimension(in): Multiple Weight: 1391g ID: SL24205]]> This LOVE kit includes:

  1. Blissful Love, Career and Health
  2. Happiness and Harmony
  3. Peace and Harmony
  4. Amulet of Tenfold Increase in Love
  5. Thriving in Period 9 

Note: All items are energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Joyous Vibes and Double Defense https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-ag-09-lions/ Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:05:07 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=40786 Joyous Vibes and Double Defense - Energy Infused Material: Brass and Crystals Color: Genuine Gold Plated; Multicolored Enamel; Sprinkle of Loose Pearl Glittery Powder Dimension(in): 2.1x1.6x2.4in left lion; 2x1.5x2.4in right lion; 4.25×4.25×0.2in plate Weight: 560g ID: 24-AG-09]]> Tzi Chi Lions are the augury of aspirations in all new beginnings or renewed beginnings as they bring in joyous vibes as well as fortified shielding. To bring good luck and ensure success, Tzi Chi Lions exert good vibes for important occasions such as business opening events, special celebrations or wedding ceremonies, or may be used to honour special dates. This is why it is so important to have them to renew our energies as we transition into Period 9. Joyous vibes in the first year are essential to lay a good foundation for Period 9. The south is the Chief Palace (a.k.a direct spirit) of Period 9. It is a power spot that enables bounteous fortune and is very important to have its feng shui doubled up if you want a thriving Period 9. Featured in blue, these Tzi Chi lions symbolize water element and wealth and makes them excellent to be introduced into every home to calm down an overly fiery period. Next, the Tzi Chi lions are associated with military strength and hunting prowess. Having them denotes protection for all the nine directions including the center. They are considered to be a spiritually endowed creatures that could provide honor and recognition to your pursuits with strong external support. 

Further, in the Flying Stars system, the Violent Star #7 becomes more vicious and a threat to security as the world enters into Period 9. Admired for their stunning beauty,  they can also serve as a powerful security measure against this wicked star. Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime. In the modern era, when we talk about security it is not only security of money. But security involves physical security, information security, home security, career security, business security, internet security and wealth security. Beside, they can also be displayed in sectors with auspicious stars due to the vibrant energy they infuse into any space.

Their secret compartments are filled inside with powerful rollings of mantras each:

  1. Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras – Are essential mantras that give power and make the object holy.
  2. Wishfulfilling Mantra – Promises you a quantum change in making your impossible wishes possible. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing possibilities and materializes your dreams. The magic created will move events, people and circumstances to fulfill all your dreams. You will be unrestrained and seeing enormous changes that leads to boundless returns.
  3. Yellow Jhambala Mantra – According to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality.
  4. White Umbrella Goddess Mantra – The powerful Buddha of Protection who carries a white umbrella has the power to symbolically dispel any evil intentions of people who may want to hurt you. Be mindful that everyone is vulnerable to jealous intentions of unscrupulous people, enemies or competitors, so it is better safe than to be sorry. This mantra can also ward off black spells casted by the underlying currents of jealousy and making them harmless

The items come with a 24 Mountains Brass Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

24 Mountains Brass Plate
The shape, element and meaning associated to all characters on it serves as a communication tool to the heaven and transmit messages to the cosmic universe where all your wishes of success will be granted. This will align the auspicious object to cosmic forces and empower it with greater power.

The 24 Mountains Plate has the following characteristics:

  1. Tai Chi Symbol – complement each other according to the theory of “Yin Yang” to generate “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities!
  2. “Early Heaven” 8 Trigrams of the Bagua – are used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either “broken” or “unbroken,” representing yin or yang, respectively.
  3. 45 Stars – formed by a total of nine sets of stars; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
  4. 8 Natures of the Trigrams – namely fire, earth, marsh, heaven, water, mountain, thunder and wind.
  5. 24 Mountains Names and Markings – A total of 4 cardinal directions and 4 subdirections are further divided into three directions each. For example, east is subdivided into E1, E2 and E3 and each related to a mountain’s name.
  6. Hidden under the plate is the inscription of “99 FUK CHARACTERS”. The chinese character “fuk” expresses the sentiment “luck”. Therefore, a hundred of them becomes an auspicious connotation that multiplies your good luck by 99 times more. It is actually a symbolic representation of the “God of Luck” (Fuk Xing), whom originated as a lucky star and was believed to bring good fortune. The character symbolizes family happiness, fulfillment, good relationships and mutual love uninterrupted by illnesses, setbacks and sufferings. It also brings power, authority and wealth. Feng Shui masters believed that it is the strong chi contained in the strokes of this powerful chinese character that brings out all these wonderful properties. During the Ching Dynasty, Emperor Kang Hsi wrote this chinese character for his long-ailing empress mother and hang it in her bedroom. As a result, her empress mother recovered and lived to a riped age of a hundred. Since then, the character is also believed to bring curitive and longevity advantages. All in all, the “99 FUK CHARACTERS” bring you complete good fortune, material luck, protection, peace, confidence and genuine happiness in your wealth accumulation.

Celestial Lion Symbolism

Buddha’s tame lion would “follow his heels like a faithful dog”, according to the legend. According to an oft-repeated legend, this is no ordinary lion. Long ago a lion fell in love with a marmoset. The disparity in their sizes made this an impossible love, so the heart-sore lion asked Ah Chu, the protector of animals, to shrink him down to the size of a marmoset so that the two animals could marry. Only his heart remained its original size. From this union, the celestial lion was born. With the spread of Buddhism to China, the status of celestial lions were elevated during the reign of Emperor Zhangdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty due to the religion’s high regard for them. Therefore, you will find the celestial lions statues abundantly available in the chinese palace and the emperors consider breeding pekingese dogs as the real form of celestial lions. With the power to drive away evil, they are popularly known as the defender of law and protector of homes. They provide ultimate protection from theft and robbery, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations. It is seen as the symbol of power and strength because of its ability to eat up the tiger and leopard besides having the ability to suppress and expel evil forces.

Why is Violent Star #7 dangerous?
One of the most hazardous stars in Xuan Kong Flying Stars is the Broken Army Violent Star #7. This star which used to be auspicious before 2004 (Period 7) has transitioned to become a notorious one. It is also called “Po Jun” star in chinese. It will create fights and make people get furious for no practical reason. Disputes will be created in aspects of relationship, career or finance. Your investments and bank savings will be subjected to heavy losses. If unattended it will also make you lose your precious belongings or documents. Vile characters will triumph in their disputes over you. In aggressive cases, it causes bloodshed caused by metal objects such as guns, knives and swords. All in all, it brings disturbances, turbulence, violence, financial losses, fire, injuries by sharp objects, fightings in the family, armed burglary and theft. Nowadays, thieves have also become IT savvy where they are stealing your passwords and your money via the internet. If this star is not properly dispelled, you are also more vulnerable to falling prey to such crimes. Its effects becomes worst when combined with bad stars such as #2, #3, #5 or magnifying star #9.

Placement Suggestions

  1. To increase ones personal luck, display them at your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  2. Place them in your living room to ensure success in all areas of your life, leading to fulfillment and abundance. They will help you in your endeavours, help your children in their studies and generate family harmony.
  3. For businessmen, place them on a table or cabinet behind you or on your desk to ensure quick success in business pursuits and smooth ride in business transactions. They will invite more business luck to you.
  4. Place them in your “Sheng Chi“ sector to help smoothen all your pursuits in life and increase your money luck, health luck and love luck.
  5. Placed them in the east sector and its head facing maindoor, it can also protect family members from harm and danger when they are outdoor. They bring you many happy blessings to your family.
  6. When placed in the southeast of your living room or dining and your business premise, you will enjoy tremendous wealth luck constantly coming your way.
  7. You may also place them on your workdesk facing out to bring good luck and ward off harmful people and politics. You may also place them near your reception and important areas of your shop, facing out.
  8. Display them at your child’s study desk to benefit his/her literary luck.
  9. For the safety of your family and children, display them facing out towards the maindoor (from inside) to ward off robberies and accidents.
  10. To dispel political problems in the office, backstabbing, arguments and petty peers, display them on your office desk. They will stop all the bickering.
  11. To keep competitors at bay for businessmen, display them facing outwards at the main entrance of your workplace or shop. They will help you counter attack all the threats.
  12. To remedy against Violent Star #7, either from the natal chart, annual chart or monthly chart of flying stars, display them in the afflicted sector. 
Blissful Love, Career and Health https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-ag-11-peonytree/ Sat, 11 Nov 2023 14:36:36 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=40746 Blissful Love, Career and Health - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Genuine Gold Plated; Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 3.0x2x4.3in Weight: 340g ID: 24-AG-11]]> Unrivaled in its function in blessing one with three aspirations namely love, career and health, this fascinating Peony Tree is featured laden with the Dragon Tortoise and treasures on a base. Peony signifies beauty, romance and the amorous feelings of youth. Its presence always benefit ladies who are single as it is said to bring many suitors for marriage. The beauty and love making skills of the famous concubine an emperor in China was likened to the peony. She decorated her bedroom with peonies and this kept the emperor’s lust for her to continue without a match. The peony acts like a love potion. Ladies who display peony will promote attraction  and encourage libido from their desired men. It is used to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. Next, the dragon tortoise plays a pivotal role in governing long term wealth, career opportunities and health. The Dragon Tortoise, a chimeric creature with the body of a tortoise and the head of a dragon, is known as the celestial guardian of the north, water element and prolongs life. Water is also equivalent to wealth in feng shui. Because it has power over water, it is considered as being able to draw wealth. 

A stunning decoration piece, the base has a secret compartment in it. It is consecrated and empowered with many powerful mantras and concealed inside the statue. The rolling of mantras include:

  1. King Gesar’s Mantra – Kubera (Wealth God) brings serious wealth luck and continuous prosperity by dropping wealth to everyone he meets up. Riding on the Windhorse, he overcomes all obstacles that block wealth from manifesting. Enables you to gain the victory advantage. This means you will have a smooth, easy and unobstructed ride in your undertakings.
  2. Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras – Are essential mantras that give power and make the object holy.
  3. Wishfulfilling Mantra – Promises you a quantum change in making your impossible wishes possible. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing possibilities and materializes your dreams. The magic created will move events, people and circumstances to fulfill all your dreams. You will be unrestrained and seeing enormous changes that leads to boundless returns.
  4. Yellow Jhambala Mantra – According to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality.
  5. Mantra of “May All Beings Be Happy” – Blesses one with long term happiness.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with certificate of authenticity.

What the Peony symbolizes?

Flowers are the natural nectar that bring auspicious energy to our surroundings. They signify the growth energies of the wood element and the successful attainment of success. The peony symbolizes beauty, romance and purity. The peony is China’s Queen of Flowers. The peony when displayed at home makes single ladies witty and charming, thus bringing many suitors to their hands in marriage.

Displaying the peony in the bedroom is an enticement for sexual entanglement for married couples. Therefore, married couples should display them in the living room to lighten the eeffect instead. However, for those who want to encourage libido in their husbands can display one in their bedroom.

Displaying the peony around ladies will benefit those at marriageable age to find a partner of life. For men, the peony will help to bring in some female energy into their surrounding, thus bringing potential partners into their lives too.

What the Dragon Tortoise symbolizes?

The Dragon Tortoise is the divine version of tortoise that combines two of the four celestial animals (Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger and Tortoise) in Feng Shui practice. This wonderful combination produces a harmonized blend of qualities between a Dragon and a Tortoise, namely ambitious and wisdom. This divine creature can live for more than 5000 years and imperishable without food and air. This creature was also said to be the attendant of Pan Ku, the one who chiselled out the world and created everything. It guards the northern quadrant of the heaven and is said to symbolize winter. Hindus and Buddhist believe it symbolizes the universe. Its markings on the shell uncover all the secrets of heaven and star constellations. This traditional symbol is placed in ancient palace to signify peace, steady rule of the country and longevity of the emperor and placed in homes to symbolize high status in life, long life and harmony.

The heavenly creature is able to blow cosmic chi because of its Dragon’s head to benefit the entire family. Water is equivalent to wealth in feng shui. Because it has power over water, it is considered as being able to draw wealth. The Tortoise body signifies excellent support from important people, good health and longevity and perseverance in homes.


  1. To increase ones personal combination of love, career and health luck, one can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  2. To activate more on career luck, display it in the north sector of your home (or your personal Sheng Chi direction).
  3. To activate more on health luck, display it in the east sector of your home (or your personal Tien Yi direction). 
  4. To activate more on love luck, display it in the southwest sector of your home (or your personal Nien Yen direction).
Breakthrough Success Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-am-12-amulet/ Sat, 10 Dec 2022 15:27:17 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37875 Breakthrough Success Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.6x2.6x0.1in Primary; 8.0in length Weight: 43g ID: 23-AM-12]]> Featuring the ‘God of Success’ (Wen Chang) and the ‘Victory Banner’, these symbols of success ensures that everything is achievable, your mission is accomplished, your aspiration is attained and your new beginnings obtain good support from the right people. The amulet helps you to thrive even in challenging times. To thrive is to be in tip top health, to prosper, to be fortunate and successful. It gives you positive transformation that lets you flourish rigorously in all areas of life. Determination, desire and dynamism is what drives us. If you have been facing hardship for a while, this amulet actually generates better health luck, wealth luck, literary luck, business luck, relationship luck and good fortune in all areas of your life.

Having the support from the ‘God of Success’ who stands on a carp as his vehicle is synonymous to attracting plenty of new paths, thriving solutions and lucrative opportunities into your life, as well as noble people you need to support you in whatever undertakings you may be pursuing. Doors will automatically open for you, and help will somehow find their way into your life.  Consecrated with his incantation is the key in empowering this amulet by providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine help in fulfilling success for you.

With the victory banner n the other hand, you will attain success in all goals you have set yourself upon. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward. You will experience a smooth path uninterrupted by setbacks, bad luck or sufferings. You will be injected with a dose of immunity to bad luck or misfortune. When you are at your lowest point of a cross road, the victory banner promises that you will experience a reversal from shock where things will turnaround for the better. Your wishes will materialize where you see successful outcome from your endeavor.

Lastly, there is another powerful Taoist Incantation on the other side of the amulet. It blesses you with whole year round safety, excellent health, granted wishes and smooth undertakings.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

Wen Chang

Wen Chang or Wen Chang Dijun, the Chinese God of Success and Literature, whose chief heavenly task, assigned by the Jade Emperor, is to keep a log of men of letters so that he can mete out rewards to each according to merit. He also maintains a register of the titles and honours each writer has received.

Among numerous legends about Wen Chang, he is said to have had 17 reincarnations, during the ninth of which he appeared on earth as Zhang Ya. Some say he lived during Tang dynasty times (618–907 CE), others say during the 3rd or 4th century or even earlier. In any case, his brilliant writing led to his canonization during the Tang dynasty and to his appointment as lord of literature in the 13th century. Because Zhang is said to have lived at Zitong in Sichuan province, persons of that region worship him under the title Zitongshen (Spirit of Zitong).

In addition, Wen Chang was well respected as a model for filiality. The Book of Emperor Zi Tong records: “Wen Chang was had a mature mind at birth. His mother breastfed him even though she was perilously ill and malnourished. In the middle of the night, Wen Chang cut flesh from his own thighs and fed it to his mother. She was then cured of her illness.”

Wen Chang also appears in other texts, where he is praised for other noble virtues. The book Wen Chang Emperor and the States He Stabilized mentions: “He descended into the mortal world seventy-three times as a shidafu” (a scholar-bureaucrat position in the emperor’s government of feudal China). Wen Chang was uncorrupted, upright and just, and never dealt out harsh punishments to the people. He allegedly helps people when they have hardships, saves those who are in trouble, has compassion for the lonely, forgives people’s mistakes, and leaves peace and stability everywhere he goes.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet

  1. It is best to carry along this amulet with you to maximize the benefits. However, if it is not convenient, then you can display it either by your bed, at your work desk or in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
  2. Display it at work or at the north to seek for a new job or enhance your career for promotional opportunities.
  3. Display it at the cashier’s or director’s desk to enable more creativity in marketing and new ideas for your products for business success.
  4. Display it at your study desk, next to your bedside, in the northeast or in your personal Fu Wei direction if you want to improve in your studies and achieve academic excellence.
  5. Display it at the annual Flying Star #4 location if you are sitting for an important examination in that particular year. It can clear your mental exhaustion, thus creating a more harmonized mind for more memory power.
  6. Display next to the bed or under the pillow of a child to catalyze his interest in books and studies.
  7. Display at your personal Sheng Chi direction to enable good fortune and material success.
Princess Iron Fan Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-am-11-amulet/ Tue, 06 Dec 2022 14:13:38 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37821 Princess Iron Fan Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.8x0.1x3.0in primary piece; 8.4in total length of amulet Weight: 46g ID: 23-AM-11  ]]> Easily identified by her ‘magic iron fan” that could magnify into a giant size and create big whirlwinds when summoned, this pretty adult female is Princess Iron Fan, popularly known as the ‘Troublemaker Diminisher’. She protects against people who try to split up friendships, partnerships or marriages. With almighty power to fan off and subdue all third parties who seduce her husband the Bull King, having her by your side means no interference can ruin your relationship ties and no negative peach blossom can hit on your spouse. . She is all-time-alert and ready to diminish any persons who is targeting at ruining your relationship. Carrying her amulet is also equivalent to having someone who lends an unseen but beneficial helping influence to remove all forms of interference magically, vanquish infidelity vibes and safeguard you from breakup. She offers supreme protection against all forces that threaten your partnership, friendship or marriage, including negative intention from your in-laws, friends, relatives or troublemakers who come in between and try to split up your relationship. With her amulet, it is impossible for third parties or external influences to come between husband and wife. It promises sustainable happiness in a relationship. For any relationship to last, it is best to be prepared early with her amulet before anything deteriorates suddenly to an non save-able status.  It will be unwise for you to take any chances. And it can happen anytime whereby by the time you discover it will be way too late.

The amulet also has a powerful symbol of ‘unilome lotus’. Feng Shui practitioners can relate to this a universal representation of overcoming the cycles of suffering and embracing one’s unique journey through life. The amulet is further consecrated with an Anti Third Party Mantra which protects against infidelity in a relationship. Next, it also has the Red Tara Mantra (“Kurukulla Mantra”) which helps to soften mutual restriction for better relationship especially beneficial for those suffering from negative peach blossom, bazi restriction and couples suffering from conflicting zodiacs. This mantra can be invoked to help you to whisper terms of endearment, to guide your sensual power, explore your erotic potential, deepen intimacy, reveal and fulfill your lover’s fantasies and infuse lovemaking with sparkling fire. It creates beauty, colorful romance and the amorous feelings of youth. There is also an additional Taoist incantation of STRONG LOVE BONDAGE that catalyzes virtue, brings perfect matches and hopes for successful relationships in romance. It creates the type of romance that is free from troublemakers and nasty quarrels. It invites suitable candidates into your lives.

This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

The Legend of Monkey God – Princess Iron Fan

Princess Iron Fan (Tie shan gongzhu) is the wife of the Bull King and mother of Red Boy in the taoist’s Legend of Monkey God. She is a beautiful goddess living in an underground cave awaiting her husband’s return, but always angry at him for his affair with a foxy vixen woman. One day, she refused to lend the Monkey King (Sun Wu Kong) her iron fan to subdue the flaming mountains. The pilgrims encountered an extremely hostile range of volcanic mountains and could only pass if the volcanoes became inactive. Sun Wu Kong wanted to borrow her fan, but she turned him down as the monkey had been on bad terms with her husband before. Sun Wu Kong, however, was crafty. He transformed into a fly and flew into her mouth, down her throat, and into her belly. Once inside, the monkey kicked and punched Princess Iron Fan from the inside until she surrendered her Iron Fan to him. The monkey god then obtained her fan and removed the volcanic flames.

Peach Blossom Issue (Poison Tao Hua)

“Tao Hua” includes unwanted third party relationship, infidelity, involvement with prostitutes, sex scandals, one night stand and unwanted internet romance. “Tao Hua” does not refer to a marriage or a stable relationship. You need to block your partner from involvement with his/her external romance scandals to free your mind from sufferings. Only when there is harmony in your relationship can there be blooming career, business and happiness. When you are trapped with such unhappiness, your whole life can be ruined. You have no time to deal with unwanted third party affairs brought into your life by your partner. The main focus of your precious time should be to gather wealth and happiness instead. The recent development of multiple social networking applications such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Instagram etc may pave way for more interaction and freedom of friendship between sexes. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to scandals and affairs out of the wedlock. Both men and women who are friendly, sexy, attractive and capable often get attention from the lonely ones and fall into the prey of third party seduction due to carelessness and curiosity.

Terminate Peach Blossom (Tao Hua)

The key to remedying your partner’s peach blossom luck will be to display this amulet at the Peach Blossom direction. This method will be a sure way to break-up an existing third party relationship from your partner. Love is pure and sometimes need to be selfish and love should be confined to only two persons anyway. There are a few directions you can consider when determining the Peach Blossom direction:

  1. The Peach Blossom direction can be the sector where the Mountain Star #4 is located in a Natal Flying Star chart. To check this location, you must determine the period of the house and the facing direction of the house.
  2. The Peach Blossom direction can be the sector where the Annual Wen Chang Star #4 flies to on a yearly basis. This direction changes every year and will generate influence to your partner for an entire year.
  3. The Peach Blossom direction can be the sector derived based on his or her zodiac. Ones personal “Peach Blossom” direction is determined by their own zodiac (can be found in this table according to their year of birth) and then refer to the following directions:
    (a) Rat, Dragon and Monkey – West
    (b) Ox, Rooster and Snake – South
    (c) Tiger, Horse and Dog – East
    (d) Rabbit, Sheep and Pig – North
  4. The Peach Blossom direction can be the sector derived based on his or her personal bazi. It is derived from the day pillar. The method to determine the direction of Peach Blossom based on Bazi can be found here.

Where to Display?

It is best to carry along this amulet in your bag, but if this is not feasible, the followings are the recommended areas to display the amulet:

  1. Display the amulet in the southwest location of your bedroom, living room, dining, family room, your car and even your workdesk to activate romance and love luck. Southwest is the universal love sector according to Life Aspiration Theory.
  2. Check out your personal love direction according to your kua number (based on your birthdate) to activate your Nien Yen direction. This is in accordance with 8 Mansions Theory of Feng Shui. Activation using this method will successfully create excellent marriage happiness chi for you. This is also the location to activate new love luck for those who have same sexual preference.
  3. For women and men trying to secure an existing relationship from being broken, display it in your personal nien yen direction (not your partner’s) according to your kua number.
  4. For couples who stay together, this is the perfect amulet to be hung in the bedroom to generate long lasting love and a successful relationship that is free from infidelity.
  5. Display the amulet beside your bed, in prominent areas of the living room or at your work desk to catalyze friendships, acquaintanceship, work relationships, community/group relationships and public relations.
  6. To attain harmony among family members and newly weds in a household, display the amulet beside your bed or in prominent areas of the living room to create happiness energy. It will also resolve your conflicts you may have with your neighbours or colleagues at work or school.
  7. For matriarch to be blessed with obedient children and a good husband, display the amulet in the southwest of the living room.
  8. To watch over peace, happiness and harmony from being destroyed by petty people and ill-will people, display at your work desk if it is office related or at your main door’s knob facing out in general.


Secret Green Dragon in Globe https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-af-01-globe/ Sat, 03 Dec 2022 10:39:10 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37618 Secret Green Dragon in Globe - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Rose Gold; Dark Blue; Glittery Gold and Golden Green Dimension(in): 2.3x2.3x2.3in globe Weight: 436g ID: 23-AF-01]]> This vintage-styled ornament has a Secret Green Dragon encapsulated inside a Globe. If you are unable to keep a dragon image exposed and prefers it hidden from the view of others, this is the perfect artifact for you. Connoting that “everything is easily achievable”, the Green Dragon symbolizes power, prosperity and illustrous sons. In Form and Landscape Feng Shui, it can sometimes be represented by green hills/bushes in the east or on the left side of your house. Traditional purist often emphasize how important it is to invite a Green Dragon into your home to ensure that everything is achievable. Determination, desire and dynamism is what drives us. Having a Green Dragon is synonymous to attracting plenty of new and lucrative opportunities into your life, as well as noble people you need to support you in whatever path you choose to take. Doors will automatically open for you, and help will somehow find their way into your life.When the Green Dragon is present, you will attain success in all goals you have set yourself upon. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward. It is a symbol of ultimate blessings. Practitioners often use the dragon as a metaphor of success by inviting a green dragon to realize their aspirations and materialize success for new beginnings. The rollings of special mantras sealed underneath the Green Dragon consecrates the ornament in order to enable you to accomplish your mission, be blessed with wisdom and obtain good support from the right people.

On the other hand, the globe can bring you globalization and network expansion. The globe is a symbol that illuminates your life with noblemen luck, help from powerful people, rapid business linkages and the power of networking. These aspects of luck are known as the mentor luck, whereby when career life knocks you down you will quickly bounce back and become unsinkable because important people lend their hands to pick you up. It will help those in corporate life facing the meritocratic review who need to compete with other peers. It is also especially useful to draw strategy and clever tactics for those who are running a competitive business or seeking office. For those who desire to experience progress, to be granted with power, to gain more travelling opportunities, to attain tactical and strategic thinking capabilities, to leap frog in the career, the globe is your answer. Besides, the globe is also a mental sharpening symbol that assists those who are testing the abilities in the public examination. It enables academic success and win you a place in the university. Those wishing to increase your self-development, further your education status or improve in certain skill-sets will also benefit from the globe.

Note: This ornament is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity. The rolling of mantras are concealed inside the Green Dragon and not exposed like in the photo. Only the Green Dragon can be seen when the globe is opened. 

What the Dragon symbolizes and how to place the object?
Dragon has an imperial and unsurpassed status. The chinese emperors called themselves the dragons which shows how diving and prestigious they were being considered. The Dragon brings upon the essence of life, in the form of its celestial breath, known to many as sheng chi. He has the ability to blow out cosmic “chi” from his breath, which is the base for studies of Feng Shui. Hidden in the caverns of mountains that are beyond reach or resting in deep seas, the dragon is able to transform and render itself visible or invisible to people. Some said the mountains, valleys, rivers, buildings and highways are all correlated to Dragon head, claws, tail, veins and his pearl, which translates to fundamental studies of feng shui. Besides drawing in water, the dragon also has the power to release water as it is the king of the ocean. That is why ancient emperors used to pray to Dragon God in times of draught or for less rain in times of flood. He yields energy and generate power in the form of the seasons, bringing water from rain, warmth from the sunshine, wind from the seas and soil from the earth. In other words, it is said that the Dragon is the ultimate representation of the forces of Mother Nature. The greatest divine force on Earth.

The Chinese Dragon is often seen as the heaven’s supreme symbol of vigilance and incredible strength. The dragon is in charge of the east quadrant of the heaven and represents sunrise, good beginning and hope. People also often refer to the left side of their house (inside looking out) as the green dragon and is also considered luckier than the right side’s White Tiger. Being the “yang” mythical animal, the Dragon can scare off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent, bless one with safety and increases wealth to all that hold his emblem. The Chinese Dragon is look upon as the ultimate symbol of extremely good fortune. Today, all Feng Shui masters treat Dragon with great respect and have symbols of the dragon as their ultimate possession.

Although there are three types of dragons, one that lives in the sky, next in the sea and last one in the mountain, only the heavenly dragon is considered as the authentic species. In color it varies from green, red to gold. The Chinese Dragon does not blow out fire and is not an evil (like what is believed by some parties). Its breathe is filled with positive energy and sometimes turn into spouting water which is equivalent to wealth. A standard Dragon has 4 claws and an imperial dragon (symbollically used by higher authorities) has 5 claws representing its royalty. It is more desirable when a Dragon possesses a healthy look, active gestures with good motives and fat. A fat and healthy Dragon is the most essential characteristics needed for successful blessings.

What the Globe symbolizes?
Globes are excellent energizers for academic pursuits and promoting interest in studies. Globes also resemble wisdom, intelligence, smoothness in endeavours and expanded network. Most tycoons, rich people, highly literate people, judges, lawyers and politicians place a globe on their desks to bring in:

  1. fame and recognition.
  2. mentor luck for those in need of support and guidance.
  3. more sales globally. Many logos of firms and successful company uses a globe to enhance their business luck.
  4. improved relationships to enhance your career. It empowers recognition.
  5. wealth and richness.

Where to Display?

  1. For businessmen who want success in globalization, display it at your cash registrars, shop reception, treasurer’s desk, safe and any part of the business premises which deals with money and customers. It will bring in multiplication of business branches after branches or doubling ones fortune successfully.
  2. For those who are hungry for career achievement, knowledge, advancement, fame, authority, power and status, and expect quick and excellent results, display it at your personal “Sheng Chi” direction.
  3. Display it at your study desk to enhance literary pursuits. Similarly, it can also be placed at the northeast sector to tap the literary energy according to 8-Aspiration Theory. It will help your children win a scholarship and gain important places in universities.
  4. For writers, reporters, journalist and administrators, the crystal globe will enhance fame and recognition. Display it on your work desk.
  5. For career success, place this globe at your office desk directly in front of you for a fruitful career and optimized promotion opportunities. Their powerful combination will make you unbeatable in a competitive office environment.
  6. A dragon is designed into company logos to guarantee “business success”. However if it is not convenient for you to do that, you can opt to place the image of the dragon at the director’s office for similar effects.
  7. Having a secret dragon in any part of your home or premises or even in your car is auspicious for all your endeavours as it represents ultimate Feng Shui for the well-being of the entire family. The best location is to place the dragon in the east sector.
  8. Display it in the sector where Mountain Star #4, Water Star #4 or Annual Star #4 resides in your house map.
A Pair of “Tai Kat Tai Lei” Love Swans https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-ag-09-swans/ Tue, 15 Nov 2022 23:14:36 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=36873 A Pair of "Tai Kat Tai Lei" Love Swans - Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: Silver Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.9x1.9x2.1in Weight: 175g ID: 23-AG-09]]> Bejewelled with 35 glittering swarovski along the perimeter of the heart base where the pair of white swans sit, they are adorned with a pear and an orange around their necks. The swan is a universal symbol of grace, love, purity, loyalty and strength. A pair of swans are associated with fidelity, loyalty in marriage, and monogamy. Signifying endless romance, they mate for life. Also an emblem of high commitment, they are dedicated partners. When choosing a mate mutual bill dipping or head-to-head posturing are involved. By following the swans lead you will begin to respect what you have chosen and to follow things through until the very end. The swan therefore brings about the honouring of commitments in love relationships. The swan gracefully glide through the water leaving hardly a ripple behind. It also does not dive into the water like other birds do. Therefore the swan denotes the ability to gently ride through the currents of relationship and not get trapped or ruined by any emotions. Equally important for love, the symbols of an orange and a pear connotes “ta da ji da li” (tai kat tai lei) which means “safe and sound”. A loving couple must be blessed with good health and safety in order for the love story to be complete with a happy ending. Its secret compartment is filled with rollings of Wish Fulfilling Mantra (all desires actualized), Kurukulla Mantra (love and romance) and May All Beings Be Happy Mantra (joy fulfilling). You may also place the photo of your desired man or woman in the compartment as part of the love spell to bind the couple together.

Note: This item is energy infused. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

What the Swans symbolize and where to display them?
The swan is a graceful, white bird, and the largest of the waterfowl. The swan is a symbol of “yang” and considered a solar bird. Grounding herself on earth, lofting to great heights in the air, and winding through waters with magnificent elegance. The Swan teaches you that everyone has inner grace and beauty, and this teaches you self-esteem. It awakens your own true beauty to reveal the ability to bridge new realms and new powers.

To activate:

  1. Romance and love luck, display them in the southwest location of your bedroom, living room, dining, family room and even at your workdesk. Southwest is the universal love sector according to Life Aspiration Theory.
  2. Good love relationship, you may also want to check out your personal love direction according to your kua number (based on your birthdate) to activate your Nien Yen direction. This is in accordance with 8 Mansions Theory of Feng Shui. Activation using this method will successfully create excellent marriage happiness chi for you.
  3. Harmony among family members and newly weds in a household, display the love swans beside your bed or in prominent areas of the living room to create happiness energy.
Giraffe https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-ag-10-giraffe/ Tue, 15 Nov 2022 21:39:06 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=36860 Giraffe- Energy Infused Material: Metal; Swarovski Crystals Color: Bronze Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.5x1.2x5.1in Giraffe; 3.5×3.5×0.2in Base Weight: 416g ID: 23-AG-10]]> Giraffe becomes an important symbol in period 9 (fire element), being the reason why tourists flock to places with giraffes and willing to pay a fortune just to take a photo with them lately. This extraordinary masterpiece is spellbinding and more extravagant than the usual pieces because its artwork is tediously done by a grand master crafter. The giraffe is a chimerical animal admired for its elegance, class and communicates power and wealth. The giraffe is another manifestation of the heavenly Chilin on earth, being the reason why feng shui masters use its symbols for their modern clients. This is somewhat understandable given the similarities between the two. Both Chilin and giraffe are peaceful, grass-eating, benevolent, seclusive, and hooved mythical animals. The giraffe is viewed as a magical protector of the people and the law, a symbol of good luck, a bringer of prosperity, as well as success and longevity, and much more. This “yang” animal represents a number of positive attributes, including benevolence, literacy, virtue, longevity, grandeur, felicity, illustrious offspring and wise administration. Capable of ushering in bountiful wealth and attracting good fortune, the giraffe ensures everything to proceed smoothly. Your wishes will be granted and goals achieved.  It opens up opportunities for better fortune, higher position in office, examination luck and conceiving a baby boy. The popular animal represents strength, great ambitions, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Worn around the neck of the figurine with a chain is a Lock Coin connoting windfall luck. A stunning decoration piece, the giraffe also constitutes a prestigious gift for any occasion. Its secret compartment is filled with rollings of Wish Fulfilling Mantra (all wishes granted), Manjushri Mantra (wisdom and literacy) and May All Beings Be Happy Mantra (joy fulfilling). The giraffe comes with a Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Double Lotus Plate

A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the manifestation of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The lotuses on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of Amitayus. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The plate is also empowered with two taoist magic incantations, one to fix 100 types of poison arrows (protection against all negativity) and the other is to enable wishes to be materialized.

The Chilin and Giraffe
The first time an actual Chilin appeared in China according to historic speculation was during the time of the legendary Yellow Emperor Huangdi in 2697 BCE – over 4,700 years ago. On the other hand, the first giraffe ever to be brought to Chinese rulers happened during the Ming Dynasty when the explorer Zheng He brought a giraffe from Somalia in front of the Chinese Emperor Yongle.  The emperor was fascinated in receiving exotic animals, including birds, elephants, rhinoceroses, bears, parrots, peacocks and ostriches as gifts from foreign countries and there was even a special part of the imperial grounds in Nanjing, the forbidden gardens, where they were kept and cared for.

Where to display?
The giraffe will produce wonderful results to enhance family prosperity, career luck, longevity and excellent health:

  1. Place it in your living room to ensure success in all areas of your life, leading to fulfillment and abundance. It will help you in your endeavours, help your children in their studies and generate family harmony.
  2. For businessmen, place it on a table or cabinet behind you or on your desk to ensure quick success in business pursuits and smooth ride in business transactions. It will invite more business luck to you.
  3. Place it in your Sheng Chi sector to help smoothen all your pursuits in life and increase your money luck, health luck and love luck.
  4. Placed it in the east sector and its head facing maindoor, it can also protect family members from harm and danger when they are outdoor. It brings you many happy blessings to your family.
  5. The giraffe when placed in the southeast of your living room or dining and your business premise, you will enjoy tremendous wealth luck constantly coming your way.
  6. You may also place the giraffe on your workdesk facing out to bring good luck and ward off harmful people and politics. You may also place it near your reception and important areas of your shop, facing out.
  7. Display it at your child’s study desk to benefit his/her literary luck.
  8. Display in the west corner of the house and shine lights onto it to activate descendants luck so that you will be blessed with a baby boy.
  9. To increase ones personal luck, display it at your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW


Extravagant Love Swans https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl20021-swans/ Mon, 20 Dec 2021 02:40:43 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=12132 Extravagant Love Swans - Energy Infused Material: Earth Material Color: Navy Blue and Vintage Gold Dimension(in): 3.9x2.3x3.5in and 3.5x2.3x3.9in Weight: 447g ID: SL20021]]> The swan is a universal symbol of grace, love, purity, loyalty and strength. A pair of swans are associated with fidelity, loyalty in marriage, and monogamy. Signifying endless romance, they mate for life. Also an emblem of high commitment, they are dedicated partners. When choosing a mate mutual bill dipping or head-to-head posturing are involved. By following the swans lead you will begin to respect what you have chosen and to follow things through until the very end. The swan therefore brings about the honouring of commitments in love relationships. The swan gracefully glide through the water leaving hardly a ripple behind. It also does not dive into the water like other birds do. Therefore the swan denotes the ability to gently ride through the currents of relationship and not get trapped or ruined by any emotions. This emblem of powerful conjugal bliss is for those who are seeking for resurgence of passionate feelings in a stagnant relationship or for singles who are seeking for committed relationships.

Consecrated with the Red Tara Mantra (“Kurukulla Mantra”), it helps to soften mutual restriction for better relationship especially beneficial for those suffering from negative peach blossom, bazi restriction and couples suffering from conflicting zodiacs. This mantra can be invoked to help you to whisper terms of endearment, to guide your sensual power, explore your erotic potential, deepen intimacy, reveal and fulfill your lover’s fantasies and infuse lovemaking with sparkling fire. Two other beneficial mantras consealed together inside the figurines and not visible include the Multiplying Mantra (magnify love luck) and Wishfulfilling Mantra (make your love wishes come true).

Note: This item is energy infused. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

What the Swans symbolize and where to display them?
The swan is a graceful, white bird, and the largest of the waterfowl. The swan is a symbol of “yang” and considered a solar bird. Grounding herself on earth, lofting to great heights in the air, and winding through waters with magnificent elegance. The Swan teaches you that everyone has inner grace and beauty, and this teaches you self-esteem. It awakens your own true beauty to reveal the ability to bridge new realms and new powers.

To activate:

  1. Romance and love luck, display them in the southwest location of your bedroom, living room, dining, family room and even at your workdesk. Southwest is the universal love sector according to Life Aspiration Theory.
  2. Good love relationship, you may also want to check out your personal love direction according to your kua number (based on your birthdate) to activate your Nien Yen direction. This is in accordance with 8 Mansions Theory of Feng Shui. Activation using this method will successfully create excellent marriage happiness chi for you.
  3. Harmony among family members and newly weds in a household, display the love swans beside your bed or in prominent areas of the living room to create happiness energy.