#9 Happiness – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Mon, 22 Jan 2024 06:21:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 2024 Wealth Kit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24204-wealthkit/ Sat, 23 Dec 2023 08:32:42 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=43114 2024 Wealth Kit - Energy Infused Material: Multiple Color: Multicolored Dimension(in): Multiple Weight: 1435g ID: SL24204]]> This WEALTH kit includes:

  1. Period 9’s Magic Ho Tu
  2. Thriving in Period 9
  3. Period 9’s Inexhaustible Money Shower
  4. Chief Treasury (3pcs)
  5. Period 9 Authority Star
  6. Six Loshu Tortoises Lucky Array

Note: All items are energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Period 9’s Inexhaustible Money Shower https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-17-moneytree/ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:28:31 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41708 Period 9's Inexhaustible Money Shower - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Genuine Gold Plated and Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 2.25x0.1x2.25in Plaque 1; 2.4x0.1x3in Plaque 2; 2.1x0.1x2.1 Plaque 3; 2.4x0.1x1.8in Plaque 4; 1.1x0.1x1.1in Coin; 15.5in total length Weight: 167g ID: 24-AM-17]]> This astonishing wall hanging features FOUR main emblems that harness the fullest prosperity potential for Period 9, namely the “Jade Emperor”, the “Money Tree”, the “Red Dragon” and the Lock Coin of “10 Million Taels of Gold”. The Jade Emperor blesses you with divine help from the heaven. The Money Tree promises limitless financial blessings. The Red Dragon being a fire dragon activates the positive attibutes of Period 9. The Lock Coin builds savings in a big manner. All in all, it showers you with money, bountiful amounts of money, multiplying, duplicating, replenishing itself, infinite money, recreating money effortlessly where money rush to you. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing abundance and initiate the journey to riches. Infinite money awaits you each day and endless opportunities and blessings will come your way. Money accelerates to you explosively and rapidly. It is a fortune magnifier for laymen, investors, speculators, businessmen and career minded people. On the same note, it will turn one from poverty into self-sustainable, and from moderate to become well-to-do and from the above average to become ultra rich.

Featuring 4 plaques altogether, the salient features and the importance of the FOUR main emblems and other auspicious symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

1st Plaque

The Jade Emperor (Yu Huang or Yu Di), known informally as Heavenly Grandfather (Tian Gong) is the ruler of Heaven in Chinese mythology and is among the most important gods in the Daoist and folk pantheons. Accompanying the Jade Emperor’s image are chinese characters “Tian Kuan Chi Fu” which connotes blessing you with divine help from the heaven. Also featured are a pair of Fu Lin dogs which is another emblem of wealth and protection symbolizing that your “wealth is safe”.  In his capacity as celestial ruler, the Jade Emperor is thought to govern Heaven and Earth, and he holds the power to distribute wealth to mankind. He is in charge of blessing everyone with good fortune and happiness so that there will be less suffering. Furthermore, he showed respect and benevolence to both men and creatures with loving kindness, but possesses powerful capability to vanquish evil. Having the image of the Jade Emperor at home simulates him paying a welcome visit to your home, bringing good luck in the form of solid support from those with the power, influence and capability to help you. Helping those who feel you are bouncing from idea to idea getting nowhere, you will make progress in leaps and bounds. Those without a plan will find new opportunities to benefit from and enjoy a windfall of some kind.

On an equally good note, hidden behind the plaque of the Jade Emperor are the inscriptions of “100 Fu CHARACTERS”. The chinese character “fu” expresses the sentiment “luck”. Therefore, a hundred of them becomes an auspicious connotation that multiplies your good luck by 100 times more. It is actually a symbolic representation of the “God of Luck” (Fu Xing), whom originated as a lucky star and was believed to bring good fortune. The character symbolizes family happiness, fulfillment, good relationships and mutual love uninterrupted by illnesses, setbacks and sufferings. It also brings power, authority and wealth. In other words, the “100 Fu CHARACTERS” bring you complete good fortune, material luck, protection, peace, confidence and genuine happiness in your wealth accumulation.

2nd Plaque

Next, “Yao Qian Shu” (literally means “shaking money tree”) is a money tree laden with treasures that grows in the heaven. The Money Tree is the gathering place of money dragons (manifesting in the form of Red Dragons). It is from this tree that the Jade Emperor and other Gods of Wealth will distribute the wealth to mankind. Therefore the Money Tree actually resembles the “ultimate source” of all big wealth. The Money Tree is a universal motif of a great “world tree” ascending from earth to heaven and found in the paradise gardens of the heaven. This form of heavenly tree is laden with beautiful blossoms and unending money motifs, radiating divine light and appear to be as brilliant as precious jewels. It is the most fundamental divine pillar of wealth in feng shui. It implies financial strength and not just money earned randomly. Earning/winning money randomly does not imply financial strength. Financial strength enables one to be able to retire luxuriously and resist any forms of instability in the long term. The tree generates financial success, enable you to earn higher incomes and build greater fortunes.

3rd Plaque

In addition, the Red Dragon emerging from mountain and sea is a symbol of permanence and immovability. It is the emblem of rising wealth, powerful support and protection from reversal of fortune. Regarded as the most powerful symbol on earth, the mountain with dragon played the same sort of role in Chinese Cosmology as the Emperor did in society; it ensured cosmic order and permanence. It is repository of great wealth for those who practise old school feng shui. Similar to the mountains on imperial motifs from ancient times, this mountain is designed together with border of wavy lines representing the ocean. This denotes the auspicious blessing “shou shan fu hai” which carries the meaning “longevity and good fortune as unlimited as that of the oceans and mountains”. Featured behind this plaque is the Wealth Increasing Mantra which has the effect of attracting multiple sources of solid income for you.

Furthermore, a coin hanging below the 3rd plaque brings victorious connotation. One side has the chinese characters “bai zhan bai sheng” which expresses the sentiment of “winning all 100 battles”. The other side has the Chinese Characters “da gong gao cheng” which means “succeed in all undertakings”.

4th Plaque

Inscribed with chinese characters that denote “10 Million Taels of Gold” and featured in a Lock Coin, it turns around the luck for those who are in a serious lack of wealth luck and safeguards one from easily losing money. This expresses the sentiment of “abundance in savings”. It features the Military God of Wealth on Tiger. General Zhao Kong Ming is one of the five Wealth Gods who gives powerful blessings of good fortune for the mainstream income. His looks are more confident, grandeur and victorious compared to other Wealth Gods. He sits on a ferocious tiger, thus making him having extremely powerful command over wealth. He carries a gold ingot and a multilevel military varja weapon. The magical varja weapon enables him to punish all evils and to destroy all ignorance that could lead to being cheated. The tiger swallows all devils lurking in the surroudings. Besides, there are two Secret Taoist Incantations that empower the entire wall hanging by providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke their divine help. The talismans are from the powerful taoist lineage: “ming chai” (money earned from work) and “ngam chai” (windfall). They will bring better mainstream income as well as windfall luck in investment, speculative portfolios and gambling. They ensure that all your money desires are being fulfilled rapidly!

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

The benefits
This auspicious wall hanging will bless one with the following circumstances:

  1. To stimulate financial opportunities for those who have suffered from financial setbacks, cash degeneration and zero income.
  2. To put a full stop to continuous financial losses and selling of assets.
  3. To improve an extremely bad financial condition and eradicate poverty.
  4. To form a catalyst that could develop a turn around and overcome a stalemate financial situation.
  5. To move forward quickly in financial recovery, beyond what the other feng shui enhancers could do.
  6. To generate exponential financial growth and wealth at a speedy rate.
  7. To prevent reversal of fortune.
  8. To snowball wealth growth further.

Where to display this auspicious wall hanging?
This auspicious wall hanging is best used to activate #8 or #9. #8 is intrinsically a general Prosperity Star in all periods. Although its power is “amplified” in Period 8 and will go back to its original form in Period 9, it is still a benevolent star that gives positive effects in generating wealth. #9 will become the a prosperous Wealth Star in Period 9 as it is the chief star of the period. This wall hanging can therefore be used to activate either one or both:

  1. Activate Water Star #8/#9 and Mountain Star #8/#9 which are both Flying White Star #8 in ones natal chart, irrespective of the period the house is built in. Activating Water Star #8/#9 and Mountain Star #8/#9 is the best method to activate ones MAXIMUM feng shui luck to bring in prosperity, wealth, harmony, good health, longevity and happiness. The auspicious wall hanging must be displayed until the end of Period 9 according to your home’s natal flying star chart.
  2. Activate Annual Flying Star #8/#9 to bring in annual wealth luck for that particular year. For example, in 2024, it is best to display this in the north or southwest directions, be it in a house, bedroom or living room. 

On a similarly good note, other suggested areas to display this auspicious wall hanging are as follows::

  1. Display it in your living room, family rooms, dining or bedroom of your home, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (universal wealth corner) or your personal sheng chi direction to activate and enhance your wealth luck.
  2. Display it in your office if you have one that you own by yourself or your own shop to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.
  3. Display it in the Northwest sector to activate the financial luck for the Patriarch or the man of the family.
  4. To increase ones personal wealth luck, one can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Bountiful Fortune Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-07-amulet/ Fri, 24 Nov 2023 08:38:31 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41523 Bountiful Fortune Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2.3x0.1x1.8in Primary; 7in length Weight: 39g ID: 24-AM-07]]> Featuring the Three Star Gods Fulushou (Fuk Luk Sau), this amulet ensures that you are never lacking in magnanimous fortune resulting in three qualities in life: “prosperity”, “status/wealth” and “longevity/good health”. Renewal in these three kinds of fortune as one embarks into a “new beginning” is essential, whether it is the start of a new period, beginning to live in a new home, launching into a new business, undertaking a new journey elsewhere etc. They are Heavenly Officials who grants good fortune. Besides denoting the three attributes of a good life, Fulushou has the efficacious effect of dispelling malevolence and warding off catastrophes. The three stars they control over are Jupiter, Ursa Majoris and Canopus. The Star of Fortune “Fuk” connotes good luck and success. The Star of Prosperity “Luk” symbolizes prosperity, where authority is gained and salary is adequate. The Star of Longevity “Sau” represents good health and longevity. Together, they are capable of lifting you successfully in all the 8 aspirations of life: wealth, health, recognition, love, networking, education, career and children. Carrying his amulet in Period 9 translates to powerful divine help that brings you COMPLETE GOOD FORTUNE.

Behind the amulet, it features the symbolic forms of Fulushou and Xi. Xi is another Star God who bestows happiness on people. Life is becomes even more complete with happiness over riding anxiety. There is a Taoist Incantation of Quiren that brings benefactors’ luck so that you are never lack of support from important people in all your endeavors. The amulet is further consecrated with Amitayus Mantra that is having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death.

you to prosper at greater speed and snowball your wealth. Ambitious minded people wishing to become millionaire or money masters can only have your dreams realized if you honor the God of Wealth. 

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Fuk Luk Sau 
Fuk Luk Sau (also known as Three Star Gods) integrate:

  1. Happiness/Descendants Luck/Prosperity/Wealth,
  2. Success/Power/Authority and
  3. Longevity/Health.

The Star of Wealth “Fuk” (Fuxing) refers to planet Jupiter and has the second ranking among the three constellations. It is the star which emblems wealth, good fortune, good luck and success. Alternatively, according to a Taoist myth of the Ming dynasty, the Fuk star is associated with Yang Cheng, a governor of Daozhou in Western Han (206 BC – 24 AD). Yang Cheng risked his life by writing a memorial to the emperor to save the people from presenting dwarf slaves as the special tribute to the imperial court. After his death, the people built a temple to commemorate him, and over time he came to be considered the personification of good fortune. He is generally depicted in scholar’s dress, holding a scroll, on which is sometimes written the character “Fuk”. He may also be seen holding a child, or surrounded by children. He is sometimes conflated with Cai Shen, the “Wealth God”. He symbolizes family happiness, life fulfillment, many children and grandchildren, good relationship and mutual love.

The Star of Authority “Luk” (Luxing) refers to Ursa Majoris (sixth star in the Wenchang cluster) and takes on the first rank of star constellation among the three. The Luk star is believed to be Zhang Xian who lived during the later Shu dynasty. The word luk specifically refers to the salary of a government official. As such, the Luk star is the star of prosperity, rank, and influence. The Luk star was also worshipped separately from the other two as the deity dictating one’s success in the imperial examinations, and therefore success in the imperial bureaucracy. The Luk star is usually depicted in the dress of a mandarin. He is also the epitome of high ranking official, where authority is gained and salary is adequate. He is denoted as a wiseman who carries the ru yi (chinese sceptre) that promises smoothness and success in endeavours and a gold ingot that promises wealth luck. He normally bestows one with career/business success with enhanced income luck.

The Star of Longevity “Sau” (Shouxing) is a Carinae (Canopus), the star of the south pole in Chinese astronomy, and is believed to control the life spans of mortals. This star is often being symbolized by an oldman with protruding forehead, white hair and beard whom attained immortality. He normally carries a dragon crutch, a peach, the fungus of immortality ling tzi and the wu lou (gourd) which have medicinal values. He often impart virtues to people on the secret of longevity and ask them to avoid greed, negative thinking and arrogance as principles to sustaining longevity and good health. His magical peach is blossomed from the heaven only every 3000 years. His image represents good health and longevity.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet
One can also display the amulet in the following areas:

  1. Reception area as you enter your home or on your door front to signify all aspirations of life being fulfilled.
  2. Important areas of your living rooms and family rooms (any directions or sectors) to tap excellent Feng Shui luck and energies.
  3. In lobbies, reception areas of business premises and bosses’ rooms.
  4. Dining area facing your dining table for blessings of a lifetime on the whole family.
  5. Behind your sitting position to gain vital support and good fortune to fulfill all your aspirations in life.
  6. According to the “Sub Direct Spirit” by observing the Ho Tu, the secondary wealth corner for Period 9 (2024-2043) resides in the north. Therefore, displaying Fuk Luk Sau image in your north is said to bring you abundance luck and excellent fortune.
  7. The sector where Purple Advancement Star #9 sector is located to bring about joyful events. It is the current prosperity star and a happiness star that will also bring about joyous occasions such as marriage, newborn, increase in power/status and promotion.
Lady of Nine Heavens Mini Plaque https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-05-ladyofnineheavens/ Sat, 18 Nov 2023 07:32:37 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41396 Goddess of Period 9  - Energy Infused Material:Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolor Enamelled Dimension(in): 2.1x0.1x2.1in Plaque; 2.1x1x0.6in Acrylic Base Weight: 57g ID:24-AM-05]]> Featuring the Lady of Nine Heavens, this mini plaque that functions both as a display plaque as well as a carry-along amulet is a Talisman of Period 9.

Known to be the heavenly guardian of feng shui or simply the Feng Shui Goddess, the Lady of Nine Heavens is also the Goddess of Period 9 because her main vehicle is the phoenix. Her role is to bless one with good feng shui luck. She has powerful control over all manner of feng shui on earth. She has the ability to perform 1000 changes for the better and remedy 10000 problematic situations.

Displaying or carrying this mini plaque is equivalent to having someone who lends an unseen but beneficial helping influence to remove all feng shui “poisons” magically and safeguard you from misfortunes. She bestows safety from premature death and offers supreme protection against all forces that threaten your safety.

  1. The mini plaque is consecrated by a taoist incantation that remedies mishaps, disasters, accidents and negativities.
  2. Equally powerful, the Big Dipper symbol is said to arrange the fate of everyone, be it good or bad. Also known as Northern Polar Stars, the cluster of stars controls and handles the world’s fortune. Taoists place high importance in Big Dipper’s power.
  3. Also featured are the Four Celestial Guardians. Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a house that has the exterior environmental forms and landscape supported by these creatures. Carrying along their images will make up their absence in your home environment. They will look after family safety, prevent dangers and regulate your career, wealth, health, power and fame.

All-in-all, auspicious energies will be at work creating an invisible aura of protection.  Being the Goddess of Period 9, inviting her will ensure a flawless transition into the fire period with #9’s boundless opportunities, less volatility, long lasting good fortune and strong protection. Used annually throughout the 20-year period those whose zodiac forecast hinting that you are vulnerable to misfortune will require this amulet to reverse the bad luck.

Furthermore, the reasons to display her image in your house are aplenty. The Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens (better known in chinese as “Jiu Tian Xuan Nv”) is the Goddess of Feng Shui who introduced feng shui to mankind. She descended to earth with the “luopan compass” and the “Three Great Books” (Qi Men Dun Jia, Tai Yi Shen Shu and Liu Ren Shen Ke). If you are desperately in need of good feng shui for your home, worry no more! In situations where you cannot enjoy desirable landscape, form and flying stars, these imperfections can be casted away by her. Her presence ensures that the surrounding cosmic energies gets in sync to boost your feng shui.

Her presence can bring many favorable outcomes:

  1. To correct many hard-to-remedy problems associated to poor feng shui.
  2. To increase female luck and martriarch’s luck.
  3. To impart winning strategies in career and academic.
  4. To boost the learning journey of feng shui enthusiasts.
  5. To renew the auras of Feng Shui Masters and Energy People.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens
”Jiu Tian” means nine heavens. Nine heavens means boundless heaven or universe. “Xuan” means phoenix. Legend says she came to earth riding on a phoenix. “Nv” means lady. Translated into English, her name becomes the Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens. She rides on the phoenix as her vehicle because she is the disciple of the West Queen Mother (Xi Hwang Mu). The Phoenix Lady of Nine Heavens (also known as Lady Ba) was sent by the West Queen Mother (Xi Hwang Mu) from the heaven during a critical war by the Yellow Emperor against his rebel field marshall Chih Yue. The rebel Chih Yue used many dirty tactics to supplant the Yellow Emperor. One of the most threatening tactics was the “black storm” to blind the Yellow Emperor’s forces. They lost many settlements because of lost in directions. It was during this critical period that the Lady of Nine Heavens presented the luopan to the Yellow Emperor to successfully defeat Chih Yue. Besides, the Lady of Nine Heavens was also known to be a close advisor to the Yellow Emperor in paving way to the invention of the Magic Square, feng shui of the city and agriculture of the country. She imparted the knowledge of the Three Great Books to the Yellow Emperor. These books (Qi Men Dun Jia, Tai Yi shen shu and Liu Ren Shen Ke) possessed great “SECRETS” for power. Learning from these books, the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) during 2500BC defeated four other emperors from four cardinal directions, namely north (Black Emperor), south (Red Emperor), east (Green Emperor) and west (White Emperor). He later conquered all of China. He was also the first emperor who studied in depth about land contours, built cities that successfully avoided flood and established building rules.

The Lady of Nine Heavens later became known to be the heavenly guardian of feng shui or simply the Feng Shui Goddess. Her role is to bless one with good feng shui luck and drawing good energy from the earth for mankind. She has powerful control over all manner of feng shui on earth. She has been popularly worshipped in Chinese temples for over 4500 years till today to usher in good feng shui luck. Mediums today even claimed that the Lady of Nine Heavens now had attained higher enlightenment as a Pu’sa. Her statues are normally shown to be holding the luopan, the wulou or a flying whisk.

The followings elaborate further about the benefits of inviting the Lady of Nine Heavens into your homes.

  1. To correct many hard-to-remedy problems associated to poor feng shui. Houses that have hard-to-remedy feng shui problems can be cured by displaying her statue or image in the living room. Houses that have poor external landscape, complex interiors, odd shaped buildings, improper orientation, lousy directions, poor ventilation, polluted “chi” and bad flying stars will need her assistance. Her image should appear in prominent areas such as the living room and facing towards the maindoor to protect the household against bad feng shui. In essence, her presence will solve ones worries and frustrations about their bad feng shui.
  2. To increase female luck and martriarch’s luck. To increase female luck, authority and dominance, one can choose to display her statue at your personal sheng chi location or the universal matriarch corner in the southwest.
  3. To impart winning strategies in career and academic. She is the master of the Three Great Books (“bibles” of china). One can display her statue at the “fu wei” direction according to your kua number or at the Annual Literary Star #4 sector or at the universal knowledge corner in the northeast.
  4. To boost the learning journey of feng shui enthusiasts. Beginners who are hoping to pick up feng shui quickly will also benefit with her guidance. Those who prefer the “do-it-yourself” approach can obtain spiritual enlightenment from her blessings. With her presence, feng shui knowledge will be drawn to you, where one will discover important findings that link to each other like a chain. If you accidentally press a wrong link on internet search, it will lead you to a vital piece of information.
  5. To renew the auras of Feng Shui Masters and Energy People. Feng Shui masters and practitioners will consider her image compulsory to guide them on continuous improvement and attaining higher acquisition in mastering feng shui knowledge. Feng shui masters will normally have her image in their office or home for protection against any harm due to their work that provoke forces of nature. Not everyone belongs to the energy world, therefore spiritual support and blessings is most of the time required. She is the Goddess of Feng Shui and blesses all feng shui masters and practitioners who acquire blessings from her. Feng shui masters need to rejuvanate their own energy because they provoke the forces of nature in their audit works. In the energy world, heavenly blessings is vital.

It is also worth taking note that houses that have their facing direction or maindoor facing in the directions of LINES OF EMPTINESS would in particular require to invite the Lady of Nine Heavens to correct the problem. Display Her image facing the maindoor or the facing direction. Lines of emptiness are actually transitional middle point between a cardinal direction and secondary direction. Such type of houses normally project a major problem according to the Flying Stars theory. The directions of lines of emptiness are as follows:

  1. Transition between south to southwest: 202.5 degrees
  2. Transition between southwest to west: 247.5 degrees
  3. Transition between west to northwest: 292.5 degrees
  4. Transition between northwest to north: 337.5 degrees
  5. Transition between north to northeast: 22.5 degrees
  6. Transition between northeast to east: 67.5 degrees
  7. Transition between east to southeast: 112.5 degrees
  8. Transition between southeast to south: 157.5 degrees

Note: Since she is quite highly ranked in the heaven, respect is required where the mini plaque cannot be displayed in storage rooms and toilets.

Thriving in Period 9 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-ag-02-phoenix/ Wed, 08 Nov 2023 03:53:15 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=40598 Thriving in Period 9 - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Genuine Gold Plated and Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 2.4x2.4x4.2 in Weight: 457g ID: 24-AG-02]]> Unsurpassed in beauty, this spellbinding Vermilion Phoenix demonstrates the grace and agility of the creature with the Pi Yao riding on its back in dramatic style, launching energetically skyward as its wings prepare to soar higher while its stunning tail feathers trail its base. The phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures and becomes the lord of Period 9 for 20 years . It is associated to Purple Star #9 in the flying star system and guards the south. The bird embodies the vigor of strong “yang” energy, representing summer, midday, and the element of fire. This steadfast creature of noble virtue is believed to attract advantageous opportunities, prosperity and commercial success in Period 9. The phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It will mysteriously carve out paths of opportunities for your business, work, career or all other pursuits in your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame, recognition luck and popularity. Displaying the phoenix is also the best way to activate the auspicious Purple Star #9, which is Period 9’s wealth star, happiness star and a luck magnifying star. It brings joyous occasions such as child birth, fame luck, popularity, recognition, promotion, marriage luck, favorable investment yields, good support from benefactors and property revenues.

On the other hand, the petite Pi Yao is a harbinger of good luck and profit, with its presence sowing the seeds for riches beyond wildest dreams to take root and manifest. The Pi Yao is a strong wealth magnet that is especially beneficial if the feng shui of the house does not favour making money. The Pi Yao possesses the ability to transform negative chi into positive, overcome obstacles, prevent annual dangers caused to zodiacs, subdue bad luck, diminish obstructions, combat bodily harm and terminate stress. The Pi Yao is suitable for stimulating growth in business, securing safety for the family, warding off negativities, inviting fortune/wealth, protecting against intangible afflictions, and appeasing the Tai Sui and Sui Po. The Pi Yao ensures you have the powerful backing of the Tai Sui (God of the Year). The Pi Yao is a powerful celestial creature known to absorb all the bad vibes caused by inadvertantly offending the Tai Sui, for example if you cut a tree, dig a hole, hammer a nail or unavoidably disturb the Tai Sui corner. It is common for feng shui enthusiasts to invite the pi yao to grow wealth for the household while using the obedient pet to appease the Tai Sui wrath. Yes, it is like killing two birds with one stone. The position of Tai Sui in 2024 is at SOUTHEAST 1 ranging from 112.6 to 127.5 degrees. The direction opposite where he is sitting will be the NORTHWEST 1 ranging from 292.6 to 307.5 degrees.

The base features:

  1. Twelve Zodiacs – they will protect and maximize the wealth luck of all zodiacs whether one has good or bad luck throughout Period 9. All zodiacs will get immuned from misfortunes and obtain equal opportunities to maximize their wealth luck. Each zodiac is associated to one of the 12 mountains and will bring about a certain kind of elemental influence, thus has enhancing and curing capability. While it is known that the Four Celestial Guardians (Dragon, Phoenix, Tortoise and Tiger) guard the four cardinal directions, what is unknown to many is that the Twelve Zodiac animals will relieve the 12 mountains (directions) off any disorganized elements and interactive influences. The twelve zodiacs also represent the cycle of time, therefore it will incorporate the “time dimension” to ensure long lasting good feng shui of a space, to create good luck, to cure bad luck and to increase desired opportunities in life.
  2. Yellow Jhambala Mantra that invokes wealth for Period 9 – according to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality. When one is rich, he frees himself from worrying about poverty and can exercise generosity with an unselfish attitude to help others.
  3. The 12 Sovereign Hexagrams transform negative energy into positive energy. These hexagrams are known as “feudal lords”, while the remaining 48 hexagrams are the “subjects”. They represent the essence of the I Ching hexagrams. These twelve hexagrams are linked to the twelve months of the year to create The Firing Times of the Greater Cycle the Sky – The Sun. These ultimate patterns activate the lunar and solar currents of all the years in Period 9.

All-in-all, the Phoenix-PiYao duo promotes the benevolent energy while countering a wide array of inauspicious energy in a sector. They signify a good start soaring towards great success throughout Period 9. All important undertakings taking off smoothly is vital. “No battle can be won without a good start”.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Phoenix symbolizes?
The phoenix lives in the Chinese Parasol Tree. The parasol tree is the king of all trees and is known for its sturdiness. Once upon a time, the phoenix was only a normal looking bird. Being extremely diligent and conscientious, it possessed the good habit of gathering and accumulating fruits that were thrown away by other birds. The fruits were stored safely in its own nest. One bad season, the bird kingdom was truck by a drought and this had caused shortage of food. The phoenix offered its storage and as a gesture of gratitude, every bird plucked a feather to be presented to the phoenix. This being the reason why the phoenix has the most beautiful feathers compared to any other bird and is revered as the king of all birds. On the phoenix’s birthday, birds will flock to congratulate the phoenix, which expresses the sentiment “birds adoring the phoenix”.

Put together with dragon, the dragon and phoenix is the symbol of ultimate yin and yang and perfect feng shui. The dragon is symbol of male vigour and fertility. The phoenix symbolizes yin splendour and female beauty. They represent fruitful marriage blessed with a great deal of success and prosperity as well as many offsprings, and the beginning of a dynastic family.

The phoenix is a must for those seeking for opportunities, fame, popularity and successes linked to popularity:

  1. Display in the Southwest corner to favour Matriarch luck and to favor love and relationship. When displayed together with the symbol of peony, it amplifies the creation of young lovers or couples.
  2. For those in the showbiz, politics or craving for fame and popularity, display in the south corner of your house and let lights shine on it. Display it high up in the living room where it can stand in splendour. The presence of the phoenix is important to assist a person who desires to be selected or elected for an important event, new role, promotion and important position. Displaying the phoenix in the south also magnifies wealth and abundance.
  3. For bachelor women and men seeking for love and marriage, display it in your nien yen direction according to your kua number.
  4. Display in the south to activate for fame, recognition and popularity luck.
  5. Display in the location where Purple star #9 is in both your natal and annual flying star chart to activate wealth and prosperity.
  6. For those who are seeking for romance and love luck, you can increase your chances of getting it by activating your personal “Tao Hua Luck”. Dsiplay it in your personal Tao Hua direction. It is also suitable to fire up the SW universal love corner to catalyze new love.
  7. Further, the phoenix also holds the key to remedying any form of quarrel, hostility, conflict and anger, including those caused by the notorious Quarrelsome Star #3. Made from strong brass, this “fire within metal” cure will effectively burn the wood energy of Quarrelsome Star #3.

To thrive in Period 9, this special Period 9 ornament can be considered in more than one location. It can be used to:
1. Welcome in Period 9 energy into all homes and premises so that everyone can benefit such energy even if one does not own a house that is compliant to Period 9 (2024-2043). To welcome in Period 9 energy to benefit homes, place this powerful emblem in the south permanently.
2. Activate Water Star #9 and Mountain Star #9 which are both Flying Purple Star #9 in ones natal chart, irrespective of the period the house is built. Activating Water Star #9 and Mountain Star #9 is the best method to activate ones MAXIMUM feng shui luck to bring in prosperity, wealth, harmony, good health, longevity and happiness. The emblem must be placed permanently according to ones natal flying star chart.
3. Activate Annual Flying Star #9 to bring in annual wealth luck for that particular year. Since the annual wealth star #9 move from one location to another every year, the emblem will have to be moved annually in this case.

One should know that the Water Star #9 can be activated and harnessed effectively with this special emblem, surpassing the water feature. This is especially useful if your Water Star #9 falls in your bedroom or kitchen or places where water features are not suitable.

Meanwhile, the Mountain Star #9 can also be activated with this emblem. Most feng shui masters tend to focus on only Water Star #9 and neglect Mountain Star #9. This is not the wisest decision because one can leap so many good benefits from Mountain Star #9 to complete ones life, in areas such as relationship, health, networking, social, marriage and descendants luck.

Period 9’s Tribute Horse https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-ag-05-horse/ Sun, 05 Nov 2023 07:58:38 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=40522 Period 9's Tribute Horse - Energy Infused Material: Metal, Swarovski Crystals Color: 24K Gold Plated; Multicolored Dimension(in): 3.25x1x2.9 in Horse; 3.1×3.1×0.15in Base Weight: 294g ID: 24-AG-05]]> The horse being an “Earthly Branch” of the south brings complete potency and allows you to capture the best of what Period 9 has to offer particularly, even more so when it is in bright red that jives with the new energies of the fire period. This Period 9 welcoming horse will ensure a flawless transition into the Period of Fire. It protects you from sudden downturn in luck which can hit anyone who is unprepared for the big change of events from Period 8 to Period 9. Charming, loyal, and reliable, this stunning red Tribute Horse celebrates the beauty and grace of the horse confidently returning home with fame from war after victory. Secured around its neck is a treasure chest connoting precious winnings and invoking wealth from the heaven. The figurine sparkles in a stunning combination of multiple vibrant colors of mantra flags and crystals embellished on its saddle and body to create a fascinating finish. The equestrian figurine possesses courage, loyalty, speed, endurance, strength and obedience with connotations of success in attaining whatever goals one has set by strengthening inner confidence levels. Having the “yang” animal placed at your house will allow you to ride through the victorious winds of nobility with less obstacles. If you want to do well in your career and ensure that the right people recognize your talents and hard work, the Horse is best used to energize the aspirations of the South, which include fame, recognition and gaining a good reputation. For ladies who wish to become divas and popular in their social life, the horse will definitely spice up your life. For career minded men who wish to be recognized at work and climb higher in your corporate ladder, the horse will help you gallop further. Place these horse in the south of your house, living room, office or your study if one is looking for fame. For those who are seeking love, you can quicken the process by firing up the southwest with this fiery horse. And for those who are seeking to increase your education luck, you can place it in the NE to fire up the earth element in the sector. The red tribute horse is also a cure for hostile energy by preventing arguments from flaring up and spiralling out of control. It effectively neutralizes the malevolent hostile energies. A stunning decoration piece, the horse also constitutes a prestigious gift for any occasion. While the flags ornamented on the body features the Mantra of Manjusri, there are three rollings of mantras that are kept inside a secret compartment of the horse: 1. Wishfulfilling Mantra (joy fulfilling), 2. King Gesar Mantra (career enhancement) and 3. Yellow Jhambala (prosperity and wealth). The horse comes with a Five Element Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Mantra Flags of Manjusri

Manjusri (Wenshu Pusa) is a bodhisattva in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. The name “Manjusri” means “gentle glory”. Manjusri is the bodhisattva associated with development of enlightened wisdom, doctrine and awareness. Manjusri is usually denoted in Chinese traditions as riding on the back of a lion. Those who are negative in mindset, stressed, depressed, suicidal, quarrelsome and troublesome can benefit from and be tamed by the Manjusri. The mantra of wisdom “Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih” represents the attainment of ultimate realization.

5 Element Plate
A catalyst for reaction, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form an equilibrium with its surrounding.

The “productive mode” of 5 Elements holds the key to effectively balance weak or missing elements of a space when it goes out of sync, and thus remedying elemental conflicts and imbalances.

At the center of the plate is the symbol of Big Dipper (a.k.a. Northern Stars). The Big Dipper is said to arrange the fate of everyone, be it good or bad. Also known as Northern Polar Stars, the cluster controls and handles the world’s fortune. Taoists place high importance in Big Dipper’s power. In addition to that, the Big Dipper can be used as a good measure of four seasons.

Next, the 4 Celestial Guardians are an essential remedy for form and landscape feng shui (“luan tou”). Popularly known, the four celestial guardians are the green dragon, white tiger, black xuan wu and red phoenix, each guarding one cardinal direction (north, east, south and west). Displaying them symbolically in their own directions will watch over and balance the “chi” of the cardinal directions of your property. A fundamental requirement, a balanced “luan tou” is the basic that will prepare you towards doing up the feng shui and preparing for the well-being of the occupants. When all directions are in harmony, it encourages the dragon’s breathe (lung chi) to settle, thus creating an inflow of auspicious energy. They will also look after family safety, prevent dangers and regulate your career, wealth, health, power and fame. They are also essential to correct any external landscape problems and internal missing corners.

In addition, the magical symbols of yin-yang are capable to provide “rebalancing” to ones life. “Rebalancing” means flushing out of obstacles and unwanted bad luck so that one’s actual cycle of luck could ripe naturally! It will help you capture good luck without missing it again.

The plate is consecrated with the mantras of 4 Heavenly Kings. Having great control over the cosmic elements of each of the four directions North, South, East and West, the “Cosmic Protectors” pulverize all negative forces and clear blocked pathways.

Below the plate captures the Bagua Horoscope, which provides powerful protection and safeguard against numerous dangers for all the 12 zodiacs, especially if the year is not a good one. It combines 2 potent symbols of protection: 8 trigrams of the bagua and 12 earthly branches of animal zodiacs.

What the horse symbolizes and placement of the figurine?
The Horse (also a zodiac sign in chinese astrology) is an all time popular feng shui enhancer to activate fame, popularity and recognition in all aspects of your life. Fame luck is an important aspiration of life as it is indirectly related to high income luck in your career. Businessmen, social media influencers, internet marketing people and Hollywood artistes are the ones most likely to crave a lot for fame luck. When their fame luck grows, it ensures that their fortune continues to grow exponentially. When there is fame luck, their status and popularity becomes unchallengeable especially in a highly competitive environment. This animal exerts very “yang” energy to signify success, victory, strength, power, perseverance, speed and elegance. The horse is men’s best friend besides the dog and is extremely loyal. The horse is of fire element and its direction is in the south.

  1. Display it coming into your home, office or important rooms to signify triumph over your opponents and to enable you to stay at a more competitive advantage.
  2. Display it at your desk to ensure that your work is always recognized by your boss and your goals are always met. It will also help you create a significant differentiation between you and your peers in the hearts of your management. It ensures that your talents and hard work is acknowledged by the right people.
  3. For public faces, you can gain more fame luck by displaying it in the south sector of your living room or family area. It will bring upward mobility in all aspects of your life.
  4. To magnify new wealth opportunities, display it at your “sheng chi” direction, southeast universal wealth corner or Purple Star #9 sector.
  5. To activate Romance Luck for those born with “Yang Wood” or “Yin Wood” element in your day pillar according to the bazi chart.
  6. To activate Tao Hua Love Luck for those born under zodiacs ox, rooster and snake according to the lunar calendar.
  7. To activate career luck for those born under zodiacs dog and tiger. The Horse is the ally of those whose zodiacs are Dog and Tiger. It will therefore help you achieve maximum results in your undertakings and career.
  8. To help the Sheep. The Horse is the secret friend of zodiac Sheep. It will help you through challenges, protect you against harm and provide you with great strength for persistency. It brings you good luck and promises a smoothriding path ahead.
  9. The Horse’s position is in the S2 (172.5-187.5 degrees). The Horse will also be able to patch up a missing corner in the S2 (172.5-187.5 degrees). If ones home, premises or office has a missing corner there, you can display the figurine of the Horse anywhere close to the vicinity of the missing corner there.
  10. Display the red horse in the areas of the Current Prosperity Star #9. Doing so will magnify the wealth prospect of the whole family.
  11. Display the red horse in the areas of hostility as an effective countermeasure. Eg. at the annual Hostile Star #3 direction.
Treasure Vase Legend (XL) – Yellow Jhambala https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl23024-wealthvasekit/ Sun, 11 Dec 2022 17:46:46 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37925 Treasure Vase Legend (XL) - Yellow Jhambala Material: Brass Vase and Multiple Others Color: Gold Plated Vase and Mutlilple Others Total Dimension(in): 5x5.2x7 inch vase Total Weight: ~3500g ID: SL23024]]> The treasure vase is a vase of inexhaustible treasures regularly employed for increasing wealth and spreading abundance. This legendary treasure vase in glittering gold honors Tibetan’s long standing tradition of emblematic motifs on its stomach: the powerful “Yellow Jhambala” and the “Eight Auspicious Objects”. This breathtaking stunning piece brings cheers to the discerning practitioners who are seeking for a leading vase that stands above the rest when doing up the feng shui of your living sanctuary. The “eight auspicious substances” together with a “universal vajra” seal the vase’s upper rim. Multiply your inflow of cash and wealth luck by keeping this premier quality wealth vase, filled with gold ingots, gemstones, Chien Lung coins and all the other vital ingredients. Wealth vase were the main means of wealth energy storage by the wealthiest tycoons and people who got rich from using feng shui in ancient times, and making the power and wealth stay with the family for centuries after centuries. This being the reason why the wealth vase was so popular among tycoons who practised feng shui. This special large set in premier quality has the most complete and all-in-one ingredients that meets all your needs. Suitable for display in business premises, director’s office and home. The kit comes with the vase, the 5 Element Cloth Kit, the Wealthgod, 100 pieces of the powerful Chien Lung coins, Millionaire Lock Coin, 8 Gold Coins, a Gold Bar, a Gold Ruyi, Gold Ingots, Wishgranting Jewel, Crystal Globe, 9 Emperor Coins, 5 Element Food, 2 Powerful Mantra Rollings, Mixed 7 Treasures Gemstones and Citrine Chips as listed below.

Gold Plated Heavy Brass Treasure Vase (Weights 2kg alone)
According to Buddhist mythology, the Yellow Jhambala practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality.

The 8 Auspicious Subtances are bringers of good fortune. It comprises eight types of offerings to goddesses:
(1) Mirror; (2) Medicines; (3) Yogurt; (4) Durva grass; (5) Bilva fruit; (6) Conch shell; (7) Cinnabar and (8) Mustard seed. These symbols connote the Eightfold Noble Paths: right speech, right thought, right view, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness and meditation.

The universal vagra formed from four vajra heads that emanate from a central hub towards the four cardinal directions symbolizes absolute stability and protection of the four directions. Its stability is unshakeable and unmovable.

The lotus is a symbol of purity and renunciation. It represents the blossoming of wholesome activities, which are performed with complete freedom from the faults of cyclic existence.

5 Element Cloth Kit

The 5 element cloth set here consist of 6 pieces of cloths. They are made from five major colors of the 5 Elements in Feng Shui, namely white, blue, green, red and yellow. They are used to wrap around the mouth of the wealth vase to represent sealing of the wealth vase with a productive cycle of 5 elements, thus inviting powerful balanced energy and protection from all the 8 directions. The dimension of these quality cloths are specially cut with “auspicious dimensions” with their edges sewn rightfully. The quality strings also come in 5 colors according to 5 elements. One extra piece of cloth which is yellow in color will be used inside the vase. There is also an extra-large jade mystic knot that goes together with the strings. More instructions on developing the wealthvase will be provided in the hardcopy guide that will be shipped together with this kit.

Wealth God – Laughing Buddha

The Wealth God in the wealth vase will bless your family with wealth luck and govern the wealth creation for individuals. This wealth vase kit comes with the figurine of the Laughing Buddha elevating a gold ingot above him, connoting elevated success and abundance. The Laughing Buddha in such a gesture will be beneficial in:
1) Ushering in good luck and fortune
2) Elevating wealth and riches
3) Bringing windfall luck.
4) Blessing happiness.

Ru Yi of Five Blessings

Unique and stunning, this heart-warming Ru Yi combines features that connotes “everything splendid, smoothriding and prosperous”. This means all your undertakings, family matters, projects, encounters, social life, financial portfolios will be at excellent status all year round. With the elegant looking emblem, nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from advancing forward.

Powerful Mantras

Most feng shui practitioners have left out the roots of wealth vase. The wealth vase is in fact belonging to one of the 8 Auspicious Objects and we cannot avoid it being associated to Buddhism to make it work! There are two mantra rollings included. First, the 4 Dharmakaya Relic Mantras are essential mantras that give power and make the wealth vase holy. Next, the rolling of the “Heart Sutra Siddam” will give the wealth vase consecration, where it opens up the wealth vase to become a pandora box for the good luck of the whole family. The powerful mantras will make magic in the wealth vase by energizing it with power for creating abundance, harmony, blessings, protection, accident prevention, safety and resistance against evil for the whole family.

Wishgranting Jewel

Wish granting jewel is a sacred symbol popular among the Tibetans. They come in varying colors and all are equally precious, each signifying an aspiration in life. Similar to yellow citrine and yellow diamond, the yellow wealth-granting jewel exerts similar properities for wealth generation in Period 8 due to its yellow color.

Crystal Globe and 100 pieces of Chien Lung Coins

Globe represents globalization, international network and smoothness in one’s endeavour. Meanwhile Chien Lung coins have been endorsed by all authentic Feng Shui masters to be the most supreme of all chinese coins for overall luck attraction. The best quantity required in the wealth vase is 100 pieces or more. They are the most potent wealth magnet and are always recommended by Feng Shui Masters to be used to activate luck to create tycoons, successful politicians and rich people.The reign of Chien Lung was considered the most powerful and prosperous period with international trade massively taking place, China going through a peaceful period and the nation enjoying tremendous wealth. Using Chien Lung coins signifies getting solid financial luck and support from Emperor Chien Lung.

9 Emperor Coins

9 Emperor coins with red thread and mystic knot is essential to empower it for endless fortune to obtain strong financial luck and support from the 9 Emperors. It represent endless wealth and glamourous tidings for the family. 9 Emperor Coins tied in red thread consist of coins that are from the first nine Ching Dynasty Emperors from the following reign: – Shun Chi (1644-1661), Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796), Chia Ching (1796-1820), Tao Kwong (1820-1850), Shen Fung (1850-1861), Tung Chi(1862-1874) and Kwong Shui (1875-1908). Feng Shui masters believe that the 10th emperor is not considered auspicious because Ching Dynasty collapsed during his weak rulership. The dragon breathe for Ching Dynasty had ended after 9 generations. 9 is also a lucky number which represents abundance and completeness.

Gold Bar

Gold bars are universal representation of GOLD and signifies solid reserve, bypassing money notes because its value is unchallengeable. Gold bars set the fundamental baseline for world currencies from its reserve in the bank. In feng shui, no doubt it is a strong representation of wealth, income opportunity, prosperity and abundance. This heavy gold bar is made from genuine brass.

8-Gold Chien Lung Coins

The 8-Gold Coins is believed to be surpassing the potency of 3-coins during period 8. The 8 Gold Chien Lung Coins in “peony knots” is a special wealth magnet for Period 8, especially potent to improve wealth luck, windfall luck and speculative luck such as trading shares and buying lotteries. The “peony knot” symbolically represents power, riches, lasting spring, wealth and rank. The number “8” will be the reigning number of Period 8, and therefore will be the luckiest number in this 20 year cycle.

18 Pieces of Gold Ingots

There must be sufficient number of gold ingots in the wealth vase and the number of it must be auspicious to give the meaning the boost, for example 6, 8, 18, 68, 88 pieces etc. We provide “18 pieces” because “18” means “sure get rich” in feng shui. Gold ingots are ancient chinese gold medium for exchanging expensive goods. They are made to look like a smiley face because gold ingots trigger happiness when one sees it. Gold ingots have been designed by ancient Feng Shui masters with a perfect shape to emit wealth chi. They were owned in ancient times by high ranking officials, emperors and tycoons only. Gold ingots are highly recommended by all Feng Shui masters as the symbol of wealth and abundance.

Fortune 3-Coins in Correct Trinity Knots

It would represent “current wealth”. Our special three coins tied securely with “trinity secure knots” are made from high quality chinese bronze coins from three powerful reigns (Kang Hsi, Yong Cheng and Chien Lung). These are the wealth generative reigns during the glamourous Ching Dynasty. We are extra particular about how the coins are tied together to ensure the trinity union of mankind, earth and heaven is properly realized and secured, with three knots on each coin

24K Millionaire Lock Coin – Windfall Luck Magnifier

This kind of Gold Lock Coin is best rewarding those who desire to become not just rich, but be part of the listed super rich tycoons and millionaire or billionaire list. This gold lock coin magnifies the wealth luck and promises accumulation so that one is able to save the money made. The yang side has a very powerful one chinese word that has hidden meanings of a special 4-worded sentence. It reads “wong karm man liong” in one breathe which means “ten thousand tahil of pure gold”. In ancient times, only the royal families, officials and tycoons were able to possess this much of gold! Today, this is equivalent to millions or even billions. On the yin side of the coin, it has the Liu Hai’s image fishing for the money frog. This guarantees wealth creation. Lastly, the lock shape of the entire coin locks up the money made so that one can save it for a lifetime. The Wealth Lock Coin is meant to look after and secure your investments, wealth luck and abundance forever.

Sandalwood Incense Ingots

Some masters insist that a wealth vase needs to be aromatic at all times in order for it to be able to generate wealth. We are including our all-natural-and-chemical-free incense ingots made from genuine sandalwood. They will keep your wealth vase always filled with good “chi” in order to cultivate power from within. These ingots should be kept close to food ingredients within the wealth vase.

5 Auspicious Food with 5 Element Colors

A must ingredient in the wealth vase is 5 types of food that has embedded auspicious meanings for offering to the Wealth God. Do not take for granted that any type of food can be used as offering. Offering food to the Wealth God symbolizes wealth luck and long lasting abundance. It also signifies that the whole family will have endless supply of food. We have carefully selected 5 types of auspicious food that has 5 elements basis to nourish good health and longevity for the family as well, because our body is governed by 5 elements as well such as lungs, liver, kidney, heart etc. They are black beans, green beans, red beans, groundnut and soya beans.

Note: These are considered seeds for plants by certain countries such as Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, EU, Middle East, Canada, Singapore etc. They are prohibited by the Quarantine Department. Therefore, they will be removed from your parcel prior to shipping if your country is part of the list and you will not receive them.

Genuine Golden Citrine Chips

Genuine yellow citrine has been endorsed by all Feng Shui masters to be the “Period-8 Merchant Gemstone”. This is because period 8 (2004-2024) is earth element. Citrine being dugged from the earth is filled with pure earth energy. Furthermore its yellow color will further complement its earth energy. Therefore, citrine would be the most important crystal wealth energizer for Period 8. This item will invite more solid wealth luck and income luck for you throughout the next twenty years (2004-2024). Citrine is capable to increase income, speculative and wealth luck!

7 Treasures Gemstones

Seven treasures gemstones are the best means of creating wealth bowls, wealth vase and wealth ships. Seven treasures provide the magical effects of nourishing all the seven chakras in human body. Each chakra in our body is associated to a color and multicolored gemstones will benefit us. They are able to emit good chi that is needed by all our seven chakras and dispel the bad energy in the surrounding to help us achieve our endeavour smoothly.

Other optional ingredients depending on your discretion and availability would be:

  1. A bit of soil or crystals from a wealthy person’s home. This represents borrowing earth energy or wealth luck (wealth luck from his feng shui) to catalyse as a foundation for your wealth growth in an easier and smoother manner. But it is not compulsory since not everyone has strong bondage with rich people or some people might even find it hard to get someone richer than themselves. Most initially poor people who later turned millionaires themselves are mostly strong-willed people who planted seeds of riches by themselves and rally towards the goals themselves without depending on other rich peoples luck. There is a will, there is a way.
  2. Strong currencies of different countries to signify opportunities to obtain riches globally. But of course if you are living in countries with strong currencies such as AUD, SGD or USD, you may just want to have them in it because other weaker currencies may not be value added to you.
  3. Genuine diamonds, gold pieces or any other precious items of high value which you desire to accumulate.
  4. A written or printed wish of yours. For example: ” I am already a millionaire”. Make sure that your wish must be lawful and in good means.
  5. Five Element Gold Ingots being the favorite wealth energy generators can also be filled into your wealth vase if there is still space left. It will continue to heighten the strength so that the wealth energy never fades away.
  6. Money Frog because its presence signifies the presence of true wealth. The Money Frog hungrily searches for places that has gold, money and treasures.
  7. Star of David for those who like to keep the chi within the vase continuously being energized and recycled endlessly.
  8. Supreme Nine Dragons Amulet implies financial strength and not just money earned randomly. Earning/winning money randomly does not imply financial strength. Financial strength enables one to be able to retire luxuriously and resist any forms of instability in the long term. The amulet generates financial success, enable you to earn higher incomes and build greater fortunes. It showers you with money, bountiful amounts of money, multiplying, duplicating, replenishing itself, infinite money, recreating money effortlessly where money rush to you.

Place this wealth vase (with the Wealth God’s face never facing out towards a door directly) in the following areas to energize your wealth luck. It not only creates abundance in wealth, but also protects your existing wealth from being loss:

  1. Display the Wealth Vase in your living room, family rooms, dining or bedroom of your home, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (universal wealth corner), your personal sheng chi direction or wealth star#8 location to activate and enhance your wealth luck. Some feng shui masters would even suggest putting the wealth vase in 4 main corners of the house to ensure wealth and abundance coming from all corners.
  2. Display the Wealth Vase in your office if you have one that you own by yourself and your shop to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.
  3. Display the Weath Vase in the Northwest sector to activate your financial support luck for the Patriarch or man of the family for money finding opportunities.
  4. The Wealth Vase generates vibes to our minds to remind us of money seeking opportunities, which will enhance business luck tremendously.

Some feng shui masters recommend to hide the wealth vase either by implanting them into the ground before moving into a new house or hiding it in bedrooms’ cupboard. But some masters would think this is not necessary. For example, wealth vase hidden in bedroom cupboards and share the space with ones undies or clothes may not be a respectful thing. And it is quite impractical to implant a wealthvase into the ground if groundbreaking is impossible for those living in high rise building or do not wish to do a renovation. In fact, wealth vases can be placed in places that are visible as long as they are safe. If there are no kids or other people in the house which could intimidate the wealth vase, it is deemed safe. Or one can even think of placing the wealthvase higher up so that it is out of reach. We have seen some 5-Star hotels successfully incorporating their wealth vases into their design at the lobby by placing gigantic wealth vases high up at four corners of the lobby. One may have one or accumulate more wealth vases at home to represent upward mobility from year to year with more sources of income.

This wealth vase kit will come with complete paper instructions on developing and maintaining the wealth vase for every purchase.

Note: All wealth vases will be cleansed with sandal wood incense smoked within the vase and rituals performed before shipping it. This is to ensure no wondering spirit or energy sticking inside the vase. If you wish, you can also continue to burn genuine sandalwood incense continuously beside you while you are developing the wealthvase to ensure good chi all over your surrounding, thus making it favorable for the wealth vase making process.

Phoenix Egg https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-af-05-phoenixegg/ Sat, 03 Dec 2022 19:00:15 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37709 Phoenix Egg (X-Large) - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Rose Gold Plated; Gold Dust Coat Dimension(in): 2.5x2.5x3.0in Weight: 339g ID: 23-AF-05]]> This enchanting Phoenix Egg epitomizes soaring aspirations and a bounteous life. An emblem of preparation for success in Period 9, the Phoenix Egg triggers the onset of all the good fortune associated to Period 9 and Purple Star #9 in the flying star system.  Also a symbol of wealth harvest, the golden egg is the emblem of rising wealth, powerful prosperity and protection from reversal of fortune. Exerting strong “yang energy” and positive vibes, the golden egg of the mythical bird can magically stand upright on its own in spite of its oval shape. Looks simple but extremely difficult to manufacture, we spent a bomb and 3 years to develop and fabricate its high precision die cast mould in order to attain perfection in both its interior and exterior quality. The size of it is larger than an actual regular chicken egg from the farm. Filled inside are precious objects where the egg can be opened by dis-tightening the threaded edges hidden inside it. Displaying the Phoenix Egg is also a good way to activate the auspicious Purple Star #9, which is the wealth star, happiness star and a luck magnifying star. It brings joyous occasions such as child birth, fame luck, popularity, recogntion, promotion, marriage luck, favorable investment yields, good support from benefactors and property revenues.

The Phoenix Egg comes with a complete set of auspicious ingredients, each embodying a pillar of luck.

  1. Four Literary Objects – They consist of Gu Cheng (ancient chinese musical instrument), chinese chess, book and scroll art. In ancient times, mastering these four aspects is considered as crucial for scholars and talented high achievers. In modern times, it equates to holding a high official position, personal status in the society and success.
  2. Zhang tianshi (Patriarch of Taoism) amulet – provides protection against mishaps, misfortunes, dangers and negativity for all 12 horoscope signs. This ensures a smooth-sail through period 9. He diminishes ghostly attempts and powerfully dissipates any evil energy charging over you. This Taoist saint bestows safety from premature death and offers supreme protection against all forces that threaten your safety.
  3. 9 Emperor Coins – from the Ching Dynasty, where “nine” signifies completeness. It is like injecting a high dose of quality into all areas of your life.
  4. Equally powerful, the glimmering multigems chips represent natural energy from the earth, 5 Elements and 7 Chakras. They will give you endless vibes of wealth luck and more dollars in your income.
  5. A “Double Dragon Gold Ingot” signifies magnified prosperity. Financial strength enables you to resist any forms of instability in the long term. It generates financial success, enable you to earn higher incomes and build greater fortunes.
  6. The mantra fillings provided include:
    a. King Gesar’s Mantra – Kubera (Wealth God) brings serious wealth luck and continuous prosperity by dropping wealth to everyone he meets up. Riding on the Windhorse, he overcomes all obstacles that block wealth from manifesting. Enables you to gain the victory advantage. This means you will have a smooth, easy and unobstructed ride in your undertakings.
    b. Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras – Are essential mantras that give power and make the object holy.
    c. Wishfulfilling Mantra – Promises you a quantum change in making your impossible wishes possible. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing possibilities and materializes your dreams. The magic created will move events, people and circumstances to fulfill all your dreams. You will be unrestrained and seeing enormous changes that leads to boundless returns.
    d. Jhambala Mantra – According to Buddhist mythology, he practiced Buddhism for a thousand years before Brahma made him immortal and have him guard treasures and distributing wealth to eliminate poverty and provide financial stability. It is said that riches attained from Jhambala comes with a wealth of spirituality.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Phoenix Symbolizes

The phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity. The phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It will mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, it brings you fame, recognition luck and popularity. It will also bring out the excellent side of the female. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with its strong fiery energy. 

Where to Display?

  1. Display it in the location where Purple star #9 resides, either in your natal chart and annual flying star chart to activate your long term wealth assets luck and prosperity that can last for generations.
  2. Display it in your living or family rooms, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate your wealth luck.
  3. Display it facing your entrance so that you can see it as you enter to invite wealth and fortune into your homes at chi entry points.
  4. Display it in your office and shop to ring in more sales and achieve more financial success.
  5. Display it in the Northwest to activate tycoon’s luck for the partriarch.
  6. To increase ones personal luck, one should display it at your personal zodiac direction to improve your personal luck:
    Rat – North
    Ox – NE
    Tiger – NE
    Rabbit – East
    Dragon – SE
    Snake – SE
    Horse – South
    Sheep – SW
    Monkey – SW
    Rooster – West
    Dog – NW
    Pig – NW
Fire of Nine Heavens https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-am-10-plaque/ Sat, 26 Nov 2022 22:05:42 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37251 Fire of Nine Heavens - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 4.1x3.8x0.1in Plaque; 1x0.8x0.1in each Triangle; Total 4.1x0.1x15in Weight: 163g ID: 23-AM-10]]> The path to a thriving life is via peace of mind, harmonious inter-relationships and rapport with others. When there is peace and harmony, good tidings will follow. Fire of Nine Heavens (“Jiu Tian Xuan Huo”) consists of 9 powerful fire balls from of the heaven, connoting cosmic fire energy of the highest degree with the ability to effectively neutralize the malevolent wood energies of Quarrelsome Star #3. The Star #3 is increasingly harmful in Period 9. Stunningly splendacious, this powerful hanging plaque also features 9 Horses and 9 Li Hexagram Triangles. By harnessing the power of the number 9 whose potency is rising quickly in Period 9, it brings complete potency and allows you to capture the best of what Period 9 has to offer. Even when in face of hostile adversity, it keeps you flourishing and gives you the grit to keep pushing forward, the agility to move with the changes and that ensures you come out of unpredictable landscapes favourably.

The salient features and the importance of the symbols can be explained and elaborated as follows:

  1. The horse is of fire element and its direction is in the south, thus an extremely auspicious animal in Period 9 where its symbolic power is magnified. It also a cure for hostile energy by preventing arguments from flaring up and spiralling out of control.
  2. “Li Hexagram” connotes BIG FIRE element. This hexagram is an ultimate remedy that effectively burns away all forms of quarrelsome energy (wood element).It subdues quarrelsome energy that causes disputes between lovers, conflicts in the family, troubles with office authority, lawsuits from enemies, hostilities among neighbours and more. Meanwhile, each element takes a shape, and fire element is being represented by a triangle. And when the triangle is multiplied, it becomes a big fire element cure.
  3. “Fix 100 Types of Shar Chi” Taoist Incantation – fixes any area of the house with negative energy or bad star.
  4. Laughing Buddha – Signifying triumph over hostility, the Laughing Buddha promises power, authority, happiness and influence.
  5. Three Harmony Animals – It also has the powerful three celestial animals of victory against disharmony (known as Triple Union). They are the pairing of six mythological enemies: otter and fish, seamonster and seasnail, garuda and snowlion. These ancient practice of uniting the rival pairs are being put on banners for reconciliation of disharmony and disputes.
  6. Mantra of Manjusri. Manjusri (Wenshu Pusa) is a bodhisattva in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. The name “Manjusri” means “gentle glory”. Manjusri is the bodhisattva associated with development of enlightened wisdom, doctrine and awareness. Manjusri is usually denoted in Chinese traditions as riding on the back of a lion. Those who are negative in mindset, stressed, depressed, suicidal, quarrelsome and troublesome can benefit from and be tamed by the Manjusri. The mantra of wisdom “Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih” represents the attainment of ultimate realization.
  7. Five traditional fans – the fan is an excellent anecdote to fan off hostility, gossips, slander, disputes, conflicts, lawsuits and quarrels in your family, office and social circle. It is also excellent at fanning off enemies.
  8. Phoenixes – also featured are the phoenixes to increase good reputation and improve popularity. It is one of the four celestial guardians that safeguards your good name.

Capable of reconciling disharmony and disputes, this cure will diminish quarrelsome energy at home, havoc, dispute between lovers, problems with office authorities, lawsuits and quarrelsome neighbours, which are all usually caused by the pesky Quarrelsome Star #3. This “fire within metal” cure is an excellent anecdote to combat wood energy of the star. It is Anti Conflict, Anti Hostility, Anti Gossip and Anti Lawsuit, safeguarding you against becoming a victim of related circumstances.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Success in Period 9 depends on how well conflicts are suppressed

Luck associated to human interaction such as: social linkage, popularity, relationship, fame, networking and recognition would determine if one can become successful in Period 9 (fire element period). Becoming interactively attractive is essential to elevate one to high social status, success in career and happiness in relationship. For those who are suffering from defamation, bad-mouthing and gossips from petty people, the key to suppressing and curing such problems will unlock your success potential. Gossips if left uncontrolled can lead to a kingdom being overthrown, an idol defamed into a publicly disgusting figure, good business being snatched by competitors and obstruction in career advancement.

Laughing Buddha
The Laughing Buddha is actually the Future Buddha or better known as Matreiya Buddha in Buddhism. He is said to be currently living in the 6th layer of heaven and will be reincarnated to earth as a very handsome man with a group of other deities from the heaven. Since the Matreiya is going to be the future Buddha, that is why it is often linked to happiness and fulfilment of no sufferings in the future for the people.

Because of the Matreiya being associated to happiness, the chinese had tranformed the symbol to show the Buddha as being a fat and happily laughing Buddha. In the past, where poverty is common, fat people often denote people who have more than enough to eat and contented in life. Therefore fat denotes happiness. The Matreiya is then better known as the Laughing Buddha to the chinese. The Laughing Buddha is the ultimate symbol of happiness in Feng Shui because he bestows ultimate fulfillment in everyone’s life. He plays the role to take away your problems, worries, stress, anger, pressure and sadness. The Laughing Buddha is also said to bring incredible good luck, excellent fortune, prosperity and wealth luck to households, offices and businesses. The presence of His symbol rejuvanates energy “chi”, wipes out flame tension and anger and turn the aura into blessings of pure happiness. Today, the Laughing Buddha has become so popular that the symbol is placed almost everywhere as it is believed to bring a great future filled with happiness. It could be found at receptions, cashier counters, living rooms, hotel lobbies, temples and almost all business premises in Asia.

Three Harmony Animals

The three celestial animals are actually the combinations of mutually opposite hostile animals. It is called “sign of victory in the fight against disharmony”. It is purely of Tibetan origin and first appeared in early Buddhism on victory banners, thangkas and prayer flags.

  1. The eight-limbed lion (also known as eight-legged lion or garuda-lion) is formed from the interbreeding of the lion with its competitor garuda bird. In real life, its eight-limbs are formed with claws on both its foot pads and knees, although the claws are only represented on its foot pictorially and seldom being disclosed on its knees. It has the overall body (also limbs, mane and tail) of the lion. While its head and wings are of the garuda. Because the garuda bird is the animal lord of the sky while the lion is the animal lord of the earth, this protector integrates the heaven and earth victoriously. It is one of the three symbols of victory in the fight against disharmony. The eight-limbed lion can help to resolve huge disputes, for example hatred, anger or even legal lawsuit from your enemy.
  2. The fish with hair (also known as fur bearing fish) is a hybrid from the interbreeding of the fish with its enemy otter. It has the overall body (also limbs) of the otter and cover with brown hair. While its head, flippers and tail are of the fish. The scales of the fish neck may dissolve into the otter’s fur or an abrupt demarcation may be formed at the forelegs. It is one of the three symbols of victory in the fight against disharmony. The fish with hair can help to resolve business related disputes among customers, suppliers and competitors. It can also prevent copyright infringement problems.
  3. The makara snail (also known as makara crocodile or makara dragon) is a hybrid from the interbreeding of the water monster makara with its enemy snail. It has the overall body firm like a snail shell. While its head, scales, horns, tusks and mane of the makara protrude out of the shell. It is also generally regarded as the son of a union among crocodile, dragon and snake. It is one of the three symbols of victory in the fight against disharmony. The makara snail can help to resolve disputes among friends, loved ones and family members. It can also prevent breakup among loving couples and spouses.


The Horse (also a zodiac sign in chinese astrology) is an all time popular feng shui enhancer to activate fame, popularity and recognition in all aspects of your life. Fame luck is an important aspiration of life as it is indirectly related to high income luck in your career. Businessmen, social media influencers, internet marketing people and Hollywood artistes are the ones most likely to crave a lot for fame luck. When their fame luck grows, it ensures that their fortune continues to grow exponentially. When there is fame luck, their status and popularity becomes unchallengeable especially in a highly competitive environment. This animal exerts very “yang” energy to signify success, victory, strength, power, perseverance, speed and elegance. The horse is men’s best friend besides the dog and is extremely loyal. The horse is of fire element and its direction is in the south.


The phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity.The Phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It would mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame and popularity. It would bring out the excellent side of the female. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The display of phoenix is perfect for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.

Where to Display?

  1. Display it at your workdesk to burn off any quarrelsome energy caused by flying star #3 which could possibly be invading your space permanently, annually, monthly or even hourly based on time dimension of feng shui concept. Because most of you are too busy to find out when this bad star#3 will strike your space, it is best to place one there all the time to prevent such occurences so that you can experience harmony with your office colleagues and improve your relationship with people.
  2. Display it in the corner of your home to cure “annual” quarrelsome star #3. It is especially important to have if your maindoor is in this location or if your bedroom is located in this location. This enables you to build good relationship with your partner, family members and friends.
  3. Display it in locations of homes where the natal flying star map has the Quarrelsome Star #3 is, especially when #3 meets with #2.
  4. Display in the West of the family room to prevent the younger generation from showing disrespect to the elderly.
  5. Display in your bedroom at your personal “nien yen” direction if you are seeking for a happier life and wanting to forge more friendships.
  6. Display if your unit door or balcony has the Water Star #3 located there, or else it could bring you financial difficulties in the long term.
Power in Period Nine https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-am-06-plaque/ Wed, 23 Nov 2022 14:30:08 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37224 3 Emperors and 9 Phoenixes - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 4.1x3.7x0.1in Plaque; 1.2x1.2x0.1in each Mantra Ring; Total 4.1x0.1x11.8in Weight: 141g ID: 23-AM-06]]> Stunningly magnificent, this powerful hanging plaque captures the powerful bond among the 3 Generation Emperors (Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong), Pegasus, 9 Phoenixes and Qing Mother Empress. This high combination possesses almighty power to unlock TOTAL SUCCESS potential throughout Period 9. With the ability to unlock a new dawn to a very bright future, 3 Emperors from the most powerful reigns are symbolic of 3 generations of great success, harmonious relations, longevity, good health, filial children and magnified wealth. Next, the pegasus means good tidings and joyous occasions are arriving soon. Embodying meaningful achievement to the highest point, it can transform your lives in magical ways. On the other hand, the 9 Phoenixes is the most potent magnifier for Joyful Star #9, be it from the period chart, natal chart, annual chart or monthly chart of flying stars. Symbolizing new prospects and new fortunes manifestation, the 9 Phoenixes enable you to break into new territory, new beginnings, broaden horizons, new profession and entry into a new industry by activating Star #9. The Mother Empress is said to be the supreme superior of the 9 Phoenixes and she can summon them whenever she is present. Lastly, the 3 mantra rings decorating below the primary plaque consist of Mantra for Increasing Wealth and Power Mantra. When displayed together the above symbols manifest all the positive attributes of the Joyful Star #9, a flying star whose power cannot be underestimated. As we get closer to the Period 9, its auspiciousness can be said to rival, if not over take that of the reigning Wealth Star #8. Activating the Joyful Star #9 attracts all kinds of good fortune luck into your life and ensures a smooth sailing transition from Period 8 into Period 9.

Note: This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Three Emperors

Kangxi was the 2nd emperor of the Qing Dynasty who ruled between 1661-1722. When he passed away at a ripe age, he passed on his throne to Yongzheng who ruled between 1723-1735. Then Qianlong who was Yongzheng’s 4th son became the emperor between 1736-1796. They are popularly known to be the three of the most outstanding generations of longer term wealth success.

Kangxi was the emperor who wisely strengthen his control of all the territories in the large piece of China land. He began by strengthening his army and fought off all the rebels. His strength was his ability to get all high ranking officials worked faithfully under him. He cleverly gather great support from important network and officials in ruling the country.

Yongzheng, on the other hand was an emperor who was very hard working. He was the emperor who brought many fine tuning and changes to the policies and rules of the country. He was the first to imposed some smart rules to increase efficiencies and to remove bureaucracy. Historians had found many wealthvases hidden above the roofs of the palace all belonged to emperor Yongzheng.

When Qianlong took over the throne from his father as a young emperor, he further improved the country’s economy. During his reign, he opened China for international trading. He then became the richest emperor ever lived in China. At the same time, he invested in scientific research to build his weapons and army that made him undefeatable. He was very capable in his fighting skills, well educated, artistic and powerful. He had a full grip and control of the country. Jade and ceramic arts were his favorite, he had turned the whole palace into housing extensive collection of symbolic feng shui. All the fine symbols which could only be used by emperors those days were crafted from bronze, jade, gold and ceramics. Probably with his strong practice of feng shui that made him so rich, powerful and long life. He was also the first emperor who retired, passed on the throne to his son and became the grand emperor during his old age.

Feng Shui Masters from all over the world therefore believe that symbols, figurines, portrait and even coins that are associated to them are extremely precious to build good feng shui luck. Borrowing luck from these three emperors is believed to bring long term riches. The blessings from the three most powerful emperors will ensure authority, good progress, stability, wealth, success, smoothrides in all undertakings and most importantly is the ability to build a dynastic family. Their presence bestows one with better income and benefits as one leap frog to greater heights in their endeavours in the upcoming future. It signifies as one progresses, things become better and better that last for at least nine generations.


The phoenix lives in the Chinese Parasol Tree. The parasol tree is the king of all trees and is known for its sturdiness. Once upon a time, the phoenix was only a normal looking bird. Being extremely diligent and conscientious, it possessed the good habit of gathering and accumulating fruits that were thrown away by other birds. The fruits were stored safely in its own nest. One bad season, the bird kingdom was truck by a drought and this had caused shortage of food. The phoenix offered its storage and as a gesture of gratitude, every bird plucked a feather to be presented to the phoenix. This being the reason why the phoenix has the most beautiful feathers compared to any other bird and is revered as the king of all birds. On the phoenix’s birthday, birds will flock to congratulate the phoenix, which expresses the sentiment “birds adoring the phoenix”.

The phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity. The Phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It will mysteriously create avenues of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits in your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame and popularity. It will bring out the excellent side of the female. It can also remove quarrelsome energy and rekindle poor relationship with fiery energy from the Phoenix.

Joyful Purple Star #9

The auspicious Purple Star #9 is a luck magnifying star associated with “completeness” and “fullness”.  It brings joyful events. It is a long term prosperity star and will also bring about joyous occasions such as marriage, newborn, increase in power/status and promotion. Hong Kong feng shui masters oftenly refer this star as the strongest love star that create romance. Therefore those seeking for love and marriage will benefit from it. It is also the star that will shine wealth energy to us and will be the most prosperous star because it is the  Period 9’s wealth star, thus is very auspicious as a star to bring wealth, prosperity and abundance. This star is especially important for people in the business sector seeking for advancement and flourish in businesses.

Where to Display?

  1. Display it in the south to activate for fame, recognition and popularity luck as the south is a universal fame corner according to the theory of 8 Aspirations.
  2. Display it in the sector where Water Star #9 is in your Natal Flying Star chart to activate your long term wealth and prosperity that can last in future.
  3. Display it in the sector where Annual Purple Advancement Star #9 is to be able to accumulate and snowball your wealth in a particular year.
  4. If one is looking for strong and long lasting good fortune where he/she can build a dynastic family, display it in important family sectors such as in the living room, dining room or east area of the house.
  5. If one is seeking to be a rich and successful patriarch, you can display it in the Northwest corner prominently.  
  6. If one is seeking for prosperity and good harvest in a business, display it in a prominent area of your shop or office so that it attracts good chi into your office.
  7. One can also display it at the southeast corner, personal sheng chi direction and other wealth corners of your living room to activate wealth luck. Having the images of 3 Emperors is more powerful than having 3 Emperor coins. 
  8. If one is seeking to be successful in politics or to polish up your public image, display it in the south corner.