Tai Sui/Sui Po – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:01:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 2024 Tai Sui Kit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24201-kit/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:18:50 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=43026 2024 Tai Sui Kit - Energy Infused Material: Multiple Color: Multicolored Dimension(in): Multiple Weight: 665g ID: SL24201]]> This TAI SUI kit includes:

  1. Grand Duke Tai Sui Plaque 
  2. Thriving in Period 9 
  3. Tai Sui Talisman

Note: All items are energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

2024 Tai Sui Plaque https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-02-taisuiplaque/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 13:44:10 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41212 2024 Grand Duke Tai Sui Plaque (Marici Enhanced) - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Genuine 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 4.6×0.1x4.1in Plaque; 1.2×1.2x0.1in each coin; Total 4.6×0.1×12.1in Weight: 164g ID: 24-AM-02 (24-AM-01 refers to 2024 Tai Sui Talisman)]]>

This is the world’s number one most complete Grand Duke Tai Sui Plaque. The Tai Sui Plaque is displayed at home to appease as well as to protect individuals from the wrath of the Tai Sui. The Tai Sui of the Year always bring virtue and good tidings, and promises divine help when needed. The following are special features of the Tai Sui Plaque for 2024:

  1. Taoist Goddess DOU MU (MARICI or Mother of Dipper or Primordial Sovereign of the Big Dipper) is a stellar divinity. With her great merit of medicine and healing, manages and harmonizes the five elements, balances the Vital Breaths of Yin and Yang, dissolves the stagnant and eliminates the evil and dark. A multi-armed deity with a different weapon in each hand. Those who offend the Tai Sui should also seek homage to Dou Mu to relieve you of any difficulty, danger and bad luck. The reason is because she is the mother of Nine Stars and her power is inconceivable as she oversee the welfare of all beings.
  2. Big Dipper Stars which essentially has one of its stars Dubhe known as the seat of Goddess DOU MU. The Big Dipper Seven Stars are in charge of the fate of human and earthly fate in the universe. Every star controls the earthly fate for a period of 20 years. The division of 3 yuan and 9 yun of Feng shui originated from this theory.
  3. Mantra of Marici consecrates the plaque. Mudra of Marici, generally depicted with a characteristic hand gesture is used primarily to indicate the nature and function of the deity. It is also used in spiritual exercises and worship for the deity.  
  4. Tai Sui Great General Li Cheng who is one of the 60 Tai Sui who is assigned to lead the Year of Dragon in 2024.
  5. Tai Sui Talisman 2024 – A set of Taoist incantations to dissolve any wrath or punishment from the Tai Sui. Every year this talisman is different and it holds the key to invoke blessings from the heaven.
  6. Four Celestial Guardians provides protection from four cardinal directions. They will also essentially give balance to the feng shui of the home.
  7. Decorating below the plaque, three Pi Yao Coins with chinese characters “tai kat tai lei” connoting that everything is safe, sound and fortunate.  
  8. Two Longbi Symbols, a powerful antidote for punishments from the Tai Sui.
  9. Two fans to blow away misfortunes and to ensure everything goes smoothly throughout the year.

The plaque can be displayed on a wall with the “talisman side” against the wall or displayed in the air freely  to enjoy the support and blessings of the Tai Sui. In 2024, the following zodiacs are required to display the plaque in the SOUTHEAST sector of the house, the living or the family room:


Note: This plaque is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Displaying the Grand Duke Tai Sui Plaque at home is a common method of acknowledging the goodwill of Tai Sui as the Heavenly Divine One who is in charge of the year. This is also a way of paying deep respect to the deity and seeking blessings from Him. This protects against offending him and cultivates his support in all our daily endeavours, for health, wealth, love, peace and happiness. This is a popular taoist method of invoking His guardian and protection. Those whose zodiacs are facing “disagreement” with the Tai Sui are the ones who will need to display the Tai Sui plaque at home, especially those who live in areas where they are unable to perform their prayers at the Tai Sui temple. Those facing “disagreement” can face serious misfortunes if not properly remedied. The Tai Sui plaque is usually displayed in position/direction of the Tai Sui. However, if the direction of the Tai Sui is in a toilet, bedroom or storeroom, then it will be more suitable for the plaque to be displayed in the direction of Tai Sui at the living room or family room. For those who have a Buddhist or Taoist prayer altar at home, the plaque can be displayed at the prayer altar. Remember that the Tai Sui must always be treated with high respects.

The Tai Sui for the Year of Dragon

The Tai Sui of 2024 (Jia Chen Dragon Year) is represented by the Great General Li Cheng.

Born during the Yuan Dynasty, in which the empire built schools for Confucian scholars, issued paper money, revived Chinese rituals, and endorsed policies that stimulated agricultural and commercial growth, Li Cheng was a polished imperial court official.

Growing up in Wei Nan province, he was a devoted son who was sincere and uncomplicated. As a court official of great diligence, he had been dutiful and showed excellent judgement in all aspects of governance. With a tender heart, he had administered with morality when it came to sentencing the wrong doers.

Also a visionary person, he had been instrumentally contributing towards agricultural development to ensure food was sufficient for his people. Knowing that knowledge was key for raising the standard of living for the people, he set up many institutions of learning. He had also transformed the civil service into one that is skilled and impartial where all officials had high respect for him. His leadership had led towards a strong presence of law and order where criminals were kept at bay throughout his era. Even opposing officials were afraid to interfere with his decisions.

He managed to stamp out the invasion of He Nan border by foreign tribes and stabilized the border. His collection of funds in a fair manner from country folks according to ones affordability to finance the military had earned him glorification from people from all walks of life. The poor offered food while the rich offered weapons as the people believed he could provide them with peace and stability once the war over.  

Later on before his retirement, his biggest accomplishment was his ability to give his people a prosperous period.

His life experiences translate to year of possible invasions been stamped out, changes for the better in governing bodies, fairness in administration and stability in economic affairs. Food supplies around the world will be stabilized and taxes will be channeled appropriately to correct aspects. Everyone should be able to benefit from economic recovery. As usual a few zodiac signs will suffer from his wrath this year. Besides certain zodiacs linked to him, those whose Chinese names having the same strokes as his will also be offending him and will suffer from emotional setbacks due to pressure, lawsuit, sickness, quarrel and fight.

Zodiacs facing “Disagreement” with the Tai Sui are the OX, RABBIT, DRAGON and DOG

To check for which zodiac one is born under, one will have to follow the Solar Calendar. There are many zodiacs in disagreement with the Tai Sui in 2024 and they are the OX, RABBIT, DRAGON and DOG. The disagreements (in descending order of severity) are further termed as Conflicting Tai Sui, Offending Tai Sui, Torturing Tai Sui, Harming Tai Sui, Breaking Tai Sui and Damaging Tai Sui which we will be discussing in greater detail in the following paragraphs.

Conflicting/Confronting Tai Sui – The DOG conflicts the Tai Sui in 2024. It means the DOG confronts the Tai Sui directly from the opposite direction like in “wrestling position” with the Tai Sui. Remember, no one can win a fight with the Tai Sui because he will be the victorious wrestler of the year. This kind of energy conflict is the fiercest of all. It implies high risk, crisis, inconsistency in fortune and difficulty in every aspect. Problems associated to such a disagreement are for example the death of a loved family member, accidents, injuries, death, hospitalization, money loss, bankruptcy, demotion and losing a job. There will also be possible changes in the love relationship, therefore one has to exercise caution. Therefore, the DOG should consider donating their blood and doing more charity in 2024.

Offending Tai Sui – The DRAGON offends the Tai Sui in 2024. The seriousness of offending Tai Sui will be considered as 2nd to conflicting the Tai Sui. Those who offend the Tai Sui will feel weak for the whole year and suffers from bad temper which results in poor human relationship. They will frequently fall sick, get wounded, pessimistic, feel restless and suffer from love problems. Therefore one has to exercise regularly and eat nutritiously. One should also not stay out for late nites because a lot of evil things can happen to one when the luck is not good.

Torturing Tai Sui – The SHEEP tortures the Tai Sui in 2024. When torturing the Tai Sui, the year spells no good harvest. There will a lot of contradictory problems afflicting them. Gossips, scandals, disharmony, badmouthing, emotional instability and bad relationship with people are going to be a norm at work and even hard work will not pay off well at the end. Crisis after crisis will occur. Crisis implies troubles, obstructions, failures in investments and blood mishaps. Therefore this is going to be a non-fruitful year for those torturing the Tai Sui. The whole year will just go to waste. The best is to stay low profile. They can also learn up meditation and pick up some spiritual paths.

Harming Tai Sui – The RABBIT harms (pokes) the Tai Sui in 2024. It simply means incompatiblity. When the Tai Sui is harmed, one will not do well simply because they cannot connect well with the rest of the eleven other zodiacs. They cannot get along with anyone, always in confrontation mode and will face difficulty at work. Their public image will become tarnished and this will be a major disadvantage for those who are in politics, showbiz, business and doing sales. Gossips and troublemakers are aplenty making them difficult to concentrate on getting more important things done.

Breaking Tai Sui – The OX breaks the Tai Sui in 2024. This affliction will result in one’s life going haywire and behaving in a disorderly manner. Although it is the lightest affliction, it cannot be ignored by all means else it will magnified to become bad. The slightest mistake will bring financial losses. For example one is going to get speeding tickets, fined for drunk driving, investigated by authorities for wrongdoings etc. Therefore, the OX will have to be extra tactful and careful in the year 2024.

2024 Tai Sui Talisman https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-01-taisuitalisman/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 12:42:47 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41179 2024 Tai Sui Talisman - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Genuine 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in):2.0x0.1x2.8in primary piece; Total length of amulet 8.2in Weight: 44g ID: 24-AM-01 (24-AM-02 refers to 2024 Tai Sui Plaque)]]>

Unmistakeable in inspiration and undeniably contemporary, our design for this new charm is driven by its origin myth. As we continue to assume the lead role in making the best traditional Tai Sui amulets over the years, this quintessential 2024 Grand Duke Charm (Tai Sui Talisman) has improved in esthetics, colors, finishing, quality and reliability. It provides powerful protection and safeguard against many dangers from the Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui). Distinctive motifs of stylised pair of Pi Yao grace the amulet as stylishly as they mark the occasions of appeasing the grand duke. Similar to previous years, we continue to incorporate the authentic current year’s “Tai Sui Mantra” onto it for genuine protection. Every year, the Tai Sui Mantra is different due to a different duke taking over the role. This protective talisman also combines with the symbols of Six “Longbi”s and lucky fans to blow away misfortunes. For added power, the presence of Five Element symbols will be beneficial for any unbalanced “personal bazi chart” and “annual bazi chart”, where by having them it will bring the basket of elements back into balance so that wealth and good fortune can manifest. This Grand Duke charm is best carried along and hung in ones personal bedroom, workplace and car for protection against mishaps. In 2024, the following zodiacs may require this charm:


Besides certain zodiacs linked to him, those whose chinese names having the same strokes as his will also be offending him and will suffer from emotional set backs due to pressure, lawsuit, sickness, quarrel and fight.

This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

The Tai Sui for the Year of DRAGON

The Tai Sui of 2024 (Jia Chen Dragon Year) is represented by the Great General Li Cheng.

Born during the Yuan Dynasty, in which the empire built schools for Confucian scholars, issued paper money, revived Chinese rituals, and endorsed policies that stimulated agricultural and commercial growth, Li Cheng was a polished imperial court official.

Growing up in Wei Nan province, he was a devoted son who was sincere and uncomplicated. As a court official of great diligence, he had been dutiful and showed excellent judgement in all aspects of governance. With a tender heart, he had administered with morality when it came to sentencing the wrong doers.

Also a visionary person, he had been instrumentally contributing towards agricultural development to ensure food was sufficient for his people. Knowing that knowledge was key for raising the standard of living for the people, he set up many institutions of learning. He had also transformed the civil service into one that is skilled and impartial where all officials had high respect for him. His leadership had led towards a strong presence of law and order where criminals were kept at bay throughout his era. Even opposing officials were afraid to interfere with his decisions.

He managed to stamp out the invasion of He Nan border by foreign tribes and stabilized the border. His collection of funds in a fair manner from country folks according to ones affordability to finance the military had earned him glorification from people from all walks of life. The poor offered food while the rich offered weapons as the people believed he could provide them with peace and stability once the war over.  

Later on before his retirement, his biggest accomplishment was his ability to give his people a prosperous period.

His life experiences translate to year of possible invasions been stamped out, changes for the better in governing bodies, fairness in administration and stability in economic affairs. Food supplies around the world will be stabilized and taxes will be channeled appropriately to correct aspects. Everyone should be able to benefit from economic recovery. As usual a few zodiac signs will suffer from his wrath this year. Besides certain zodiacs linked to him, those whose Chinese names having the same strokes as his will also be offending him and will suffer from emotional setbacks due to pressure, lawsuit, sickness, quarrel and fight.

Zodiacs facing “Disagreement” with the Tai Sui are OX, RABBIT, DRAGON and DOG

To check for which zodiac one is born under, one will have to follow the Solar Calendar. There are many zodiacs in disagreement with the Tai Sui in 2024 and they are the OX, RABBIT, DRAGON and DOG. The disagreements (in descending order of severity) are further termed as Conflicting Tai Sui, Offending Tai Sui, Torturing Tai Sui, Harming Tai Sui, Breaking Tai Sui and Damaging Tai Sui which we will be discussing in greater detail in the following paragraphs.

Conflicting/Confronting Tai Sui – The DOG conflicts the Tai Sui in 2024. It means the DOG confronts the Tai Sui directly from the opposite direction like in “wrestling position” with the Tai Sui. Remember, no one can win a fight with the Tai Sui because he will be the victorious wrestler of the year. This kind of energy conflict is the fiercest of all. It implies high risk, crisis, inconsistency in fortune and difficulty in every aspect. Problems associated to such a disagreement are for example the death of a loved family member, accidents, injuries, death, hospitalization, money loss, bankruptcy, demotion and losing a job. There will also be possible changes in the love relationship, therefore one has to exercise caution. Therefore, the DOG should consider donating their blood and doing more charity in 2024.

Offending Tai Sui – The DRAGON offends the Tai Sui in 2024. The seriousness of offending Tai Sui will be considered as 2nd to conflicting the Tai Sui. Those who offend the Tai Sui will feel weak for the whole year and suffers from bad temper which results in poor human relationship. They will frequently fall sick, get wounded, pessimistic, feel restless and suffer from love problems. Therefore one has to exercise regularly and eat nutritiously. One should also not stay out for late nites because a lot of evil things can happen to one when the luck is not good.

Torturing Tai Sui – The SHEEP tortures the Tai Sui in 2024. When torturing the Tai Sui, the year spells no good harvest. There will a lot of contradictory problems afflicting them. Gossips, scandals, disharmony, badmouthing, emotional instability and bad relationship with people are going to be a norm at work and even hard work will not pay off well at the end. Crisis after crisis will occur. Crisis implies troubles, obstructions, failures in investments and blood mishaps. Therefore this is going to be a non-fruitful year for those torturing the Tai Sui. The whole year will just go to waste. The best is to stay low profile. They can also learn up meditation and pick up some spiritual paths.

Harming Tai Sui – The RABBIT harms (pokes) the Tai Sui in 2024. It simply means incompatiblity. When the Tai Sui is harmed, one will not do well simply because they cannot connect well with the rest of the eleven other zodiacs. They cannot get along with anyone, always in confrontation mode and will face difficulty at work. Their public image will become tarnished and this will be a major disadvantage for those who are in politics, showbiz, business and doing sales. Gossips and troublemakers are aplenty making them difficult to concentrate on getting more important things done.

Breaking Tai Sui – The OX breaks the Tai Sui in 2024. This affliction will result in one’s life going haywire and behaving in a disorderly manner. Although it is the lightest affliction, it cannot be ignored by all means else it will magnified to become bad. The slightest mistake will bring financial losses. For example one is going to get speeding tickets, fined for drunk driving, investigated by authorities for wrongdoings etc. Therefore, the OX will have to be extra tactful and careful in the year 2024.


Pair of Pi Yao With Wings https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl23000-piyao/ Fri, 14 Oct 2022 02:50:07 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=31135 Pair of Pi Yao With Wings Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated Dimension(in): 2x0.7x2.3 in each piece Weight: 260g pair ID: SL23000]]> This is a beautifully-finished gold plated brass heavenly Pi Yao, which comes in a pair working together hand-in-hand. They are much seeked after by many feng shui enthusiasts who like them in pairs for more potency. They have beautiful wings, a solid one horn, big mouths and are depicted in very alertive and strong gesture. They will become your very faithful pets to help you overcome obstacles and hardship, and at the same time increase your fortune exponentially for you. Their mouths are widely open to signify their ability to swallow as much wealth as they could for you. The body is fat to signify a full stomach (filled with lots of wealth).

What the Pi Yao symbolizes and how to place the celestial animal? 
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth generation of the heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using Pi Yao over Chi Lin because Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, Pi Yao is what you are looking for. Pi Yao are also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

An example of how a huge Imperial Pi Yao stand majestically in business district of China

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generate good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevating wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship
  6. Brings windfall luck

In the olden days, the Pi Yao was devoted as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it would benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circle, casinos, business, betting, service industry and stock market. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions and can be placed in different locations of your premise according to your needs:

  1. Place the pair of Pi Yao anywhere in your living room (best in the east sector and lower than eye level of the tallest family member) if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home/premise to overcome obstacles and guard your family against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures good health to your family.
  2. If you desire good fortune, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and overcome bad luck, you may place them at your work desk, reception or important area of your living room. At the same time, the pair of Pi Yao could ensure authority for managers when placed in Northwest sector of your workdesk.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, display them facing out directly at the main door (or placing one in your car) to prevent injuries, accidents and ensuring successful and fruitful journeys with good business deals. Putting the Pi Yao in this position will also promise good fortune that enters your house being trapped in the stomach of Pi Yao and its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. They could also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. You may place them at the sector where the annual “Tai Sui” (Grand Duke Jupiter) resides and the “Sui Po” location to appease the bad influence. The Pi Yao is excellent in helping people who are experiencing bad luck due to bad annual stars too.


24 Mountains Pi Yao https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl20053-piyao/ Mon, 20 Dec 2021 19:23:30 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=12359 24 Mountains Pi Yao - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 24K Gold Plated figurine; Vintage Black Gold Plate Dimension(in): 2.8x1.5x2.2 in Pi Yao; 2.7x2.7x0.2in Plate in Longbi Weight: 570g ID: SL20053]]> Sparkling in shiny gold and radiating strong metal energy, this stunning masterpiece celebrates the beauty and brilliance of the very important animal of outstanding fortune in feng shui. The item comes in two pieces; the figurine of Pi Yao and a 24 Mountains Plate. The 24 Mountains Plate is essential to force the alignment of cosmic forces of the cure to face an afflicted direction, especially useful for those who are not good at accuracy and precision of compass directions. Remember that the Tai Sui’s and Sui Po’s directions only span 15 degrees each and it is very easy to make mistakes with your placement; perhaps due to instability of your compass at the time of placement or unknown shift of the item’s facing after some months later. With the 24 Mountains Plate, even if the Pi Yao’s facing direction runs a little out of the actual 15 degrees span, it will work effectively as long as you place the Pi Yao facing according to the intended direction (one of the 24 directions) shown on the 24 Mountains Plate.

This Pi Yao possesses the following characteristics to produce wondrous results in countering misfortunes:

  1. Wings (heavenly type) – There are three types of Pi Yao, heaven, earth and water. The kind with wings signify the heaven kind with its ability to fly high and reach greater heights/goals.
  2. Warrior-like – the strong gestures, muscular limbs and legs make it an animal warrior. It is charming and at the same time fierce-looking (ready to fight but remain steady and calm).
  3. ‘Taoist incantation’ – inscribed between the neck and the stomach in front. This short incantation is known as the “Universal Tai Sui Mantra” which is applicable every year. It has been successfully used for centuries to strongly appease the wrath from the Tai Sui and Sui Po, which are both very brutal afflictions.
  4. Metal energy – is key to remedying afflictions from the Tai Sui and Sui Po. Metal here refers to real gold and strong metal. These are made from heavy brass and genuinely electro-plated with gold.
  5. Fat looking – The stomach of the Pi Yao is buldging to the front. This is the criteria that feng shui masters often look for. As oppose to skinny ones, the fat Pi Yao signifies abundance.
  6. Wealth magnet – the Pi Yao standing on a pile of treasure coins magnetizes prosperity.

On the other hand, the 24 Mountains Plate has the following characteristics:

  1. Tai Chi Symbol – complement each other according to the theory of “Yin Yang” to generate “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities!
  2. “Early Heaven” 8 Trigrams of the Bagua – are used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either “broken” or “unbroken,” representing yin or yang, respectively.
  3. 45 Stars – formed by a total of nine sets of stars; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
  4. 8 Natures of the Trigrams – namely fire, earth, marsh, heaven, water, mountain, thunder and wind.
  5. 24 Mountains Names and Markings – A total of 4 cardinal directions and 4 subdirections are further divided into three directions each. For example, east is subdivided into E1, E2 and E3 and each related to a mountain’s name.
  6. Universal Long Tai Sui Incantation – this is the longer version of a Taoist Incantation that is used to appease the Tai Sui every year universally for all the 60 Tai Sui.

Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused scalar tag is hidden under the figurine. This fabulous Pi Yao possesses the ability to transform negative chi into positive, overcome obstacles, prevent annual dangers caused to zodiacs, subdue bad luck, diminish obstructions, combat bodily harm and terminate stress. The Pi Yao is suitable for stimulating growth in business, securing safety for the family, warding off negativities, inviting fortune/wealth, protecting against intangible afflictions, and appeasing the Tai Sui and Sui Po. The Pi Yao is a powerful celestial creature known to absorb all the bad vibes caused by inadvertantly offending the Tai Sui, for example if you cut a tree, dig a hole, hammer a nail or unavoidably disturb the Tai Sui corner. It is common for feng shui enthusiasts to invite the pi yao to grow wealth for the household while using them to appease the Tai Sui wrath. Yes, it is like killing two birds with one stone.

Note: This Pi Yao is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Pi Yao symbolizes and how to place the celestial animal?
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth generation of the heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using the Pi Yao over Chi Lin because the Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to its owners as it is loyal in nature.

An example of how a huge Imperial Pi Yao stand majestically in business district of China

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generates good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevates wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship
  6. Brings windfall luck

In olden days, the Pi Yao was invited as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it will benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circles, casinos, businesses, betting outlets, service industries and stock markets. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions and can be placed in different locations of your premises according to your needs:

  1. Place the Pi Yao anywhere in your living room (best facing the maindoor and lower than eye level of the tallest family member) if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home to overcome obstacles and guard your family against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures good health to your family.
  2. If you desire good fortune, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and the ability to overcome bad luck, you may place the Pi Yao at your work desk, reception or important areas of your living room. At the same time, the Pi Yao can ensure better authority luck for managers when placed at the Northwest sector of your workdesk.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, display the Pi Yao facing out directly at the main door (or placing one in your car) to prevent injuries, avoid accidents and ensure fruitful journeys with good business deals. Putting the Pi Yao in this position will also promise good fortune that enters your house being trapped in the stomach of Pi Yao and its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. The Pi Yao can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. You may place the Pi Yao at the sector where the annual “Tai Sui” (Grand Duke Jupiter) resides and the “Sui Po” location to appease the bad influence. The Pi Yao is excellent in helping people who are experiencing bad luck due to other bad annual stars too.


Rapid Miracle Pi Yao on Swallow https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl11895-piyao/ Fri, 10 Dec 2021 00:50:47 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=4938 Rapid Miracle Pi Yao on Swallow - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 24K Gold Plated Dimension(in): 2.5x1.3x2 in each piece Weight: 300g pair ID: SL11895]]> This pair of stunning Pi Yao celebrates the beauty and grace of the very important animal of outstanding fortune in feng shui. The figurine sparkles in stunning gold and radiates out strong metal energy. Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused tag is hidden under its belly. Winged Pi Yao is known to be able to fly, but with the help of the swallow it is stepping on that speeds, the velocity go even faster. This means if you desire to speed up the effects, this pair of Pi Yao on swallow will serve as your accelerator. A treasure vase on its back, topped by wishfulfilling jewels that is surrounded by radiating rays of bright light symbolizes increasing wealth and abundance. The gorgeous figurine possessed high ability, power, rapidness and obedience with connotations of success in removal of obstacles. It has the ability to transform negative chi into positive, overcome obstacles, prevent annual dangers caused to zodiacs, subdue bad luck, combat bodily harm and terminate stress. Inviting them to your home will ease your efforts in diminishing obstructions. You will then gain a full grip and better control over your fortune and luck.

It possesses the following characteristics to produce wondrous results in countering misfortunes:

  1. Wings (heavenly type) – the wings signify its ability to fly high and reach greater heights/goals.
  2. Swallow – increases velocity so that the Pi Yao can fly more rapidly for faster results.
  3. Treasure Vase – the strongest symbol of wealth and abundance. It connotes the ability to save and snowball all that is earned.
  4. Warrior-like – the strong gestures, muscular limbs and legs make it an animal warrior. It is charming and at the same time fierce-looking (ready to fight but remain steady and calm).
  5. They come in a pair – Yes, pairing them up make them more potent because they can work hand-in-hand like close buddies when fighting against malignant forces.
  6. ‘Taoist incantation’ – inscribed between the neck and the stomach in front. This incantation is known as the Tai Sui Mantra. It has been successfully used for centuries to strongly appease the wrath from the Tai Sui and Sui Po, which are both very brutal afflictions.
  7. Metal energy – is key to remedying afflictions from the Tai Sui and Sui Po. Metal here refers to real gold and strong metal. These are made from heavy brass and genuinely electro-plated with gold.
  8. Fat looking – The stomach of the Pi Yao is buldging to the front. This is the criteria that feng shui masters often require. As oppose to skinny ones, the fat Pi Yao signifies abundance.

This pair of Pi Yao is suitable for stimulating growth in business, securing safety for the family, warding off negativities, inviting fortune/wealth, protecting against intangible afflictions, and appeasing the Tai Sui and Sui Po. It is common for feng shui enthusiasts to invite the pi yao to grow wealth for the household while using them to appease the Tai Sui wrath. Yes, it is like killing two birds with one stone. The position of Tai Sui in 2024 is at SOUTHEAST 1 ranging from 112.6 to 127.5 degrees. The direction opposite where he is sitting will be the NORTHWEST 1 ranging from 292.6 to 307.5 degrees.

Note: This Pi Yao is energy infused.

What the Pi Yao symbolizes and how to place the celestial animal? 
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth generation of the heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using Pi Yao over Chi Lin because Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, Pi Yao is what you are looking for. Pi Yao are also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

An example of how a huge Imperial Pi Yao stand majestically in business district of China

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generate good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevating wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship
  6. Brings windfall luck

In the olden days, the Pi Yao was devoted as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it would benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circle, casinos, business, betting, service industry and stock market. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions and can be placed in different locations of your premise according to your needs:

  1. Place the pair of Pi Yao anywhere in your living room (best in the east sector and lower than eye level of the tallest family member) if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home/premise to overcome obstacles and guard your family against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures good health to your family.
  2. If you desire good fortune, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and overcome bad luck, you may place them at your work desk, reception or important area of your living room. At the same time, the pair of Pi Yao could ensure authority for managers when placed in Northwest sector of your workdesk.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, display them facing out directly at the main door (or placing one in your car) to prevent injuries, accidents and ensuring successful and fruitful journeys with good business deals. Putting the Pi Yao in this position will also promise good fortune that enters your house being trapped in the stomach of Pi Yao and its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. They could also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. You may place them at the sector where the annual “Tai Sui” (Grand Duke Jupiter) resides and the “Sui Po” location to appease the bad influence. The Pi Yao is excellent in helping people who are experiencing bad luck due to bad annual stars too.

Note: This high quality pair of Pi Yao’s are originated and custom made by Feng Shui Bestbuy from a prestigious brass factory in Taiwan. Its quality is guaranteed.

Smooth-Sailing Pi Yao on Ship https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl15018-piyao/ Fri, 10 Dec 2021 00:43:55 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=4940 Smooth-Sailing Pi Yao on Ship - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: 24K Gold Plated Dimension(in): 3.1x1.1x2.5 in Pi Yao in Longbi Weight: 440g ID: SL15018]]> Heavy and made from precious material, this stunning masterpiece celebrates the beauty and brilliance of the very important animal of outstanding fortune in feng shui. The figurine sparkles in stunning gold and radiates out heavy duty metal energy. Under its feet lies a pile of treasures carried by a wealth ship sailing speedily, thus making the Pi Yao cast its powers more efficiently. It signifies smooth-sailing undertakings with less obstacles.

It possesses the following characteristics to produce wondrous results in countering misfortunes:

  1. Wings (heavenly type) – the wings signify its ability to fly high and reach greater heights/goals.
  2. Warrior-like – the strong gestures, muscular limbs and legs make it an animal warrior. It is charming and at the same time fierce-looking (ready to fight but remain steady and calm).
  3. ‘Taoist incantation’ – inscribed between the neck and the stomach in front. This incantation is known as the Tai Sui Mantra. It has been successfully used for centuries to strongly appease the wrath from the Tai Sui and Sui Po, which are both very brutal afflictions.
  4. Metal energy – is key to remedying afflictions from the Tai Sui and Sui Po. Metal here refers to real gold and strong metal. These are made from heavy brass and genuinely electro-plated with gold.
  5. Fat looking – The stomach of the Pi Yao is buldging to the front. This is the criteria that feng shui masters often require. As oppose to skinny ones, the fat Pi Yao signifies abundance.

Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused scalar tag is hidden under the ship. This fabulous Pi Yao possesses the ability to transform negative chi into positive, overcome obstacles, prevent annual dangers caused to zodiacs, subdue bad luck, diminish obstructions, combat bodily harm and terminate stress. The Pi Yao is suitable for stimulating growth in business, securing safety for the family, warding off negativities, inviting fortune/wealth, protecting against intangible afflictions, and appeasing the Tai Sui and Sui Po. The Pi Yao is a powerful celestial creature known to absorb all the bad vibes caused by inadvertantly offending the Tai Sui, for example if you cut a tree, dig a hole, hammer a nail or unavoidably disturb the Tai Sui corner. It is common for feng shui enthusiasts to invite the pi yao to grow wealth for the household while using them to appease the Tai Sui wrath. Yes, it is like killing two birds with one stone. The position of Tai Sui in 2024 is at SOUTHEAST 1 ranging from 112.6 to 127.5 degrees. The direction opposite where he is sitting will be the NORTHWEST 1 ranging from 292.6 to 307.5 degrees.

Note: This Pi Yao is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

What the Pi Yao symbolizes and how to place the celestial animal? 
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth generation of the heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using Pi Yao over Chi Lin because Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, Pi Yao is what you are looking for. Pi Yao are also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

An example of how a huge Imperial Pi Yao stand majestically in business district of China

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generate good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevating wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship
  6. Brings windfall luck

In the olden days, the Pi Yao was devoted as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it would benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circle, casinos, business, betting, service industry and stock market. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions and can be placed in different locations of your premise according to your needs:

  1. Place the Pi Yao anywhere in your living room (best in the east sector and lower than eye level of the tallest family member) if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home/premise to overcome obstacles and guard your family against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures good health to your family.
  2. If you desire good fortune, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and overcome bad luck, you may place the Pi Yao at your work desk, reception or important area of your living room. At the same time, the Pi Yao can ensure authority for managers when placed at the Northwest sector of your workdesk.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, display the Pi Yao facing out directly at the main door (or placing one in your car) to prevent injuries, accidents and ensuring successful and fruitful journeys with good business deals. Putting the Pi Yao in this position will also promise good fortune that enters your house being trapped in the stomach of Pi Yao and its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. The Pi Yao can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. You may place the Pi Yao at the sector where the annual “Tai Sui” (Grand Duke Jupiter) resides and the “Sui Po” location to appease the bad influence. The Pi Yao is excellent in helping people who are experiencing bad luck due to bad annual stars too.

Note: This high quality Pi Yao is originated and custom made by Feng Shui Bestbuy from a prestigious brass factory in Taiwan. Its quality is guaranteed.


8 Immortals Pi Yao https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/20-ag-04-piyao/ Thu, 09 Dec 2021 21:50:52 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=4817 8 Immortals Pi Yao - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated and Ceramic Red Dimension(in): 1.75x1.25x1.8in Pi Yao; 4.25x4.25x0.2in Base Weight: 342g ID: 20-AG-04]]> Pi Yao comes in different shapes and postures (which are acquired by lay persons), but there is only one posture that is reserved particularly for emperors of ancient China. Known as the “Imperial Pi Yao”, it stands in upright position with four feet held firmly to the ground. Its many statues can be found today at the National Palace Museum of Taiwan (where Chiang Kai Shek moved everything from the entire palace to Taiwan). Remember that the emperors had always been selfishly reserving genuine forms of magical creatures only to themselves so that they can always stay above others. Decorated on the body of the Pi Yao, the 8 Immortal Implements catalyse the powers of the taoist 8 Immortals to help bless one with positive energy, bring good health, good fortune, wealth, fame luck, longevity and good descendants. The 8 Immortals benefit those who are experiencing bad luck from the Tai Sui. There is a secret compartment within it which is openable and be filled with special mantras as a gesture of consecration. More superior than the norm in terms of its quality, mass and make, this extravagant Pi Yao comes together with a “24 Mountains Plate”. Symbolizing abundance and power, a fat looking Pi Yao like this one is also a strong wealth magnet that is especially beneficial if the feng shui of the house does not favour making money. On the other hand, the 24 Mountains Plate is essential to force the alignment of cosmic forces of the cure to face an afflicted direction, especially useful for those who are not good at accuracy and precision of compass directions. Remember that the Tai Sui’s and Sui Po’s directions only span 15 degrees each and it is very easy to make mistakes with your placement; perhaps due to instability of your compass at the time of placement or unknown shift of the item’s facing after some months later. With the 24 Mountains Plate, even if the Pi Yao’s facing direction runs a little out of the actual 15 degrees span, it will work effectively as long as you place the Pi Yao facing according to the intended direction (one of the 24 directions) shown on the 24 Mountains Plate.

The 24 Mountains Plate has the following characteristics:

  1. Tai Chi Symbol – complement each other according to the theory of “Yin Yang” to generate “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities!
  2. “Early Heaven” 8 Trigrams of the Bagua – are used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either “broken” or “unbroken,” representing yin or yang, respectively.
  3. 45 Stars – formed by a total of nine sets of stars; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
  4. 8 Natures of the Trigrams – namely fire, earth, marsh, heaven, water, mountain, thunder and wind.
  5. 24 Mountains Names and Markings – A total of 4 cardinal directions and 4 subdirections are further divided into three directions each. For example, east is subdivided into E1, E2 and E3 and each related to a mountain’s name.
  6. Hidden under the plate is the inscription of “99 FUK CHARACTERS”. The chinese character “fuk” expresses the sentiment “luck”. Therefore, a hundred of them becomes an auspicious connotation that multiplies your good luck by 99 times more. It is actually a symbolic representation of the “God of Luck” (Fuk Xing), whom originated as a lucky star and was believed to bring good fortune. The character symbolizes family happiness, fulfillment, good relationships and mutual love uninterrupted by illnesses, setbacks and sufferings. It also brings power, authority and wealth. Feng Shui masters believed that it is the strong chi contained in the strokes of this powerful chinese character that brings out all these wonderful properties. During the Ching Dynasty, Emperor Kang Hsi wrote this chinese character for his long-ailing empress mother and hang it in her bedroom. As a result, her empress mother recovered and lived to a riped age of a hundred. Since then, the character is also believed to bring curitive and longevity advantages. All in all, the “99 FUK CHARACTERS” bring you complete good fortune, material luck, protection, peace, confidence and genuine happiness in your wealth accumulation.

There are two holy mantras to be filled into the secret compartment:

  1. Wishfulfilling Mantra- Promises you a quantum change in making your impossible wishes possible. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing possibilities and materializes your dreams. The magic created will move events, people and circumstances to fulfill all your dreams. You will be unrestrained and seeing enormous changes that leads to boundless returns.
  2. May All Beings Be Happy Mantra – Suppresses sufferings, sadness, anger, depression and anxiety. Increases happiness and joyfulness.

This fabulous Pi Yao possesses the ability to transform negative chi into positive, overcome obstacles, prevent annual dangers caused to zodiacs, subdue bad luck, diminish obstructions, combat bodily harm and terminate stress. The Pi Yao is suitable for stimulating growth in business, securing safety for the family, warding off negativities, inviting fortune/wealth, protecting against intangible afflictions, and appeasing the Tai Sui and Sui Po. The Pi Yao is a powerful celestial creature known to absorb all the bad vibes caused by inadvertantly offending the Tai Sui, for example if you cut a tree, dig a hole, hammer a nail or unavoidably disturb the Tai Sui corner. It is common for feng shui enthusiasts to invite the pi yao to grow wealth for the household while using them to appease the Tai Sui wrath. Yes, it is like killing two birds with one stone. The position of Tai Sui in 2024 is at SOUTHEAST 1 ranging from 112.6 to 127.5 degrees. The direction opposite where he is sitting will be the NORTHWEST 1 ranging from 292.6 to 307.5 degrees.

Note: This Pi Yao is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Why does the Pi Yao have no anus and why is there a taboo that other should not touch your Pi Yao?
The Pi Yao is a fierce looking creature that attracts fortune and wards off evil spirits. Likened to that of an inspector in heaven, it has the ability to exorcising evil forces, epidemics ad illnesses from harming people. In ancient times, people displayed the Pi Yao to protect the household. It was commonly used by the emperors, ministers and royal families. The Pi Yao is the ninth generation of the heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. Other names such as Tian Lu with single horn, Bi Xie with horns or Pi Xiu with gender are all actually the Pi Yao. All of them bring the same blessings and possess the same properties. The Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite to eat gold and silver. According to chinese mythology, it was wandering in the palace of the Jade Emperor of the heaven. Unfortunately, it defecated without any discipline every where in the heaven ground as the consequence of overeating. This provoked the Jade Emperor and he casted magic to seal the Pi Yaos anus causing it to lose its defecation function. Since then, solid waste could not be excreted from its body. Lay persons then considered this as a sentiment of “money flowing in but never flowing out”. Blessing one with prosperity and protection, the Pi Yao is particularly beneficial to those who are involved in banking industry, gambling sector and financial activities, as well as speculative investments such as forex trading, stocks and equities. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to its owners as it is loyal in nature. Because the Pi Yao is very loyal and obedient to its owner, practitioners believe that they should never let other people touch their Pi Yao because this will eventually lead the Pi Yao to confusion of who its right owner is.

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:

  1. Ushers good luck and fortune
  2. Generates good feng shui or earth luck
  3. Elevates wealth and riches
  4. Protects individuals and home
  5. Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship
  6. Brings windfall luck

In olden days, the Pi Yao was invited as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it will benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circles, casinos, businesses, betting outlets, service industries and stock markets. It brings good luck all year round.

The Pi Yao has many functions and can be placed in different locations of your premises according to your needs:

  1. Place the Pi Yao anywhere in your living room (best facing the maindoor and lower than eye level of the tallest family member) if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home to overcome obstacles and guard your family against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures good health to your family.
  2. If you desire good fortune, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and the ability to overcome bad luck, you may place the Pi Yao at your work desk, reception or important areas of your living room. At the same time, the Pi Yao can ensure better authority luck for managers when placed at the Northwest sector of your workdesk.
  3. For those who travel long distance frequently, display the Pi Yao facing out directly at the main door (or placing one in your car) to prevent injuries, avoid accidents and ensure fruitful journeys with good business deals. Putting the Pi Yao in this position will also promise good fortune that enters your house being trapped in the stomach of Pi Yao and its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. The Pi Yao can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
  4. You may place the Pi Yao at the sector where the annual “Tai Sui” (Grand Duke Jupiter) resides and the “Sui Po” location to appease the bad influence. The Pi Yao is excellent in helping people who are experiencing bad luck due to other bad annual stars too.
