3-Killings – FENG SHUI BESTBUY https://fengshuibestbuy.com Shop for Feng Shui Products Mon, 22 Jan 2024 01:57:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 211095377 2024 Malevolence Protection Kit https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/sl24202-kit/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:44:16 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=43076 2024 Malevolence Protection Kit - Energy Infused Material: Multiple Color: Multicolored Dimension(in): Multiple Weight: 311g ID: SL24202]]> This MALEVOLENCE PROTECTION kit includes:

  1. 100 Peace
  2. Turn Mishaps Into Luck
  3. Tortoise Shell Enhanced “3 Chilins”

Note: All items are energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Tortoise Shell Enhanced “3 Chilins” https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/24-am-08-chilin/ Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:11:54 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=41830 Tortoise Shell Enhanced 3 Chilins - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Genuine Gold Plated; White Enamel Dimension(in): 1.9x0.1x1.2in each Chilin; 1.1x0.1x1in each Tortoise Sheel; 13in overall length Weight: 82g ID: 24-AM-08]]> Favored by Classical Feng Shui Masters, the Three Chilins are known as the best remedy and most authentic method for countering 3-Killings affliction. It is known to be the easiest way to arrest this “Three Robbers’ energy” in any living space. On the other hand, Three Tortoise Shells are also known as an immediate remedy by old time traditional masters. Those days, it was more convenient and economical to obtain natural tortoise shells than images of Chilins in brass. When combined together, the power of the cure is amplified by a three fold. The Chilin embodies magic, representing divinity, power and good fortune. This brass hanging exerts quality metal energy where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting the 3-Killings. Beautiful and dainty, it serves as a neat, tidy and classy looking hanging for modern homes. The remedy will protect you from legal problems, violences, lawsuits, gossips, scandals, backstabbings, obstacles, prevent accidents/losses, enhance good fortune and bring in good luck. Apart from protecting you, it is also able to axe away your opponents, enemies, competitors or evil counterparts. For example in 2024, the 3-Killings come from the SOUTH direction, therefore display them in the SOUTH. If you have a SOUTH door, display them at the vicinity of the door or facing the door. 

Behind the tortoise shell has the “Fix 100 Types of Shar Chi Incantation”, capable of fixing any area of the house with negative energy or bad star.

This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

To read further about the Chilin
The Unicorn, Dragon Horse or the Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefully, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

It is reputed to be able to walk on water as well as on land and last appeared before the birth and death of Confucious. Confucious was often associated to the Chi Lin because he was born a sage after his mother stepped on the footsteps of the the Chi Lin and got pregnant. The Chi Lin is regarded by Buddhists to carry the civilizing Book of Law on its back. In ancient feng shui studies, the Chi Lin was described as coming out of Yellow River and appeared to Fu Hsi, the first legendary Emperor, bearing on its back a mystic Ho Tu map from which the Flying Stars formulas is said to have evolved. It is always seen as solitary, and appears to mankind only when a king of the highest benevolence sits upon the throne, or when a sage is about to be born. It had appeared during the halcyon days of the Emperors Yao and Shun and when Confucius was living, but so degenerated have mankind since become that it has never since shown itself to us again.

Since the Chi Lin is a wonderful combination of a dragon’s head and a horse’s body, it produces a harmonized mixture of excellent qualities between the two auspicious animals. It has a more royal status compared to the other guardians and is simply adorable. The Chi Lin blows “sheng chi” because of its Dragon head to benefit surrounding. Unlike lions and other fierce creatures, the Chi Lin representing a “new born baby” by ancient chinese is very loyal to its owner and easier to tame, like a lovely horse. Its energy represent vitality, strength, ambition, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Besides, it also has the scales of a carp which ushers in wealth, prosperity and abundance. The patterns on its back were used to derive the earlier heaven bagua, an ultimate symbol in the study of Feng Shui.

To read further about the 3-Killings
The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings. 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, potential injuries and death. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three protective guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui. But San Yuan thinks that the metal element is also an important factor. Therefore to be on the safest side, we recommend you to use three protective guardians made from metal to counter this affliction as the best cure. Please ensure they are tangible looking and must not be hidden from view or else the 3-Killings will not be scared away.

One can display the Three Chilins in the following places for protection:

  1. One can display them by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. One can display them in the living room or center of the house facing the maindoor.
  3. One can display them at the sector of the afflicted energies that causes legal problems and troublemakers.

To read further about legal problems
Are you bothered by legal problems? Worry no more, because these three divine creatures are a protective cure against lawsuits, legal problems, disturbances from police or political forces. If you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, you may display them next to you by your bed. There is no need to use force nor violence when solving problems with your opponents. The one who uses the mouth wins, while the one who uses the fist loses. These celestial protectors can be used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2024, the SOUTH is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac HORSE will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of SNAKE and SHEEP will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2024, the NORTH is the facing direction. Therefore, the RAT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.
  4. Those who are prone to legal issues or who are currently in a legal battle can display them beside the bed for assistance. Normally those who are in business, those who do not wish to open a can of worms, those whose job requires them to avoid the police force, those who did not properly declare their income to the tax department etc will have to display the chilins to prevent legal problems. Those who are facing lawsuits can also display it to win in the court battle.
Period 9 Authority Star https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/period-9-authority-star/ Thu, 09 Nov 2023 10:03:25 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=40687 Period 9 Authority Star - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: Genuine Gold Plated; Multicolored Enamel Dimension(in): 2.2x1.2x1.6in Dragon Tortoise; 3.1×3.1×0.2in Base Weight: 198g ID: 24-AG-07]]> In Period 9, the #1 White Star plays a pivotal role in governing long term wealth, opportunities and intuition. It is one of the most powerful future stars in-charge of power, influence and authority wielded by individuals in different spheres of society. A person’s success in Period 9 is attributed to steadfast adherence to the energy associated to the star. The Dragon Tortoise, a chimeric creature with the body of a tortoise and the head of a dragon, is known as the celestial guardian of the north, water element and symbolizes a connection to the supernatural realm, being a lord to the #1 White Star. Water is equivalent to wealth in feng shui. Because it has power over water, it is considered as being able to draw wealth. Besides, it is said to be able to control fate, relieve disasters, treat ailments, prolong life and bring in good fortune. While the Phoenix makes you thrive in Period 9, the Dragon Tortoise is the authority star that ensures “unending” success throughout the period.  When the “authority sector” of homes, offices and properties is correctly activated, occupants find themselves empowered with influential leadership roles and strategic career opportunities. The undefeatable dragon tortoise has the capability to ensure “luck continuity” securely. To achieve breakthroughs in your career, business, sales and investment endeavours, good luck is crucial. Often neglected, good luck is the one success factor that triumphs hard work, intelligence and talent. While many successful individuals are no doubt smart, gifted and diligent, not all hardworking and intelligent individuals are successful. Good luck is about being at the right place, at the right time, meeting the right people and doing the right things. 

A stunning decoration piece, stylised motifs decorate the tortoise shell that has a secret compartment in it. Beneath its body features a powerful taoist talisman. The following are the salient features:

  1. The symbol of “Tai Chi” signifies the balance of “yin” and “yang”. It balances out energy that is out of sync or facing imbalances. Capable of neutralizing all forms of poison arrows, negative forces and evil spirits.
  2. The 4 Celestial Guardians provide directional guardiance to evil energies coming from the four cardinal directions. They are the green dragon, white tiger, black tortoise and red phoenix. Known as the protectors of four directions, they provide safety blessings and prevent dangers from hurting the household. They also hold the key to effectively balance weak or missing elements of a space when it goes out of sync, and thus remedying elemental conflicts and imbalances.
  3. The Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagrammatically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams. These natural events affect our health, livelihood, and relationships.
  4. Inscribed with the taoist talisman of “LUCK TRANSFORMING”, it transforms bad luck into good luck, especially great for years when one’s zodiac has bad luck.You will be unrestrained and seeing enormous changes that leads to boundless returns.

Further, the figurine is consecrated and empowered with many powerful mantras and concealed inside the statue. The rolling of mantras include:

  1. Mantra of “May All Beings Be Happy” – Blesses one with long term happiness.
  2. Mantra of Manjushri – Manjusri (Wenshu Pusa) is a bodhisattva in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. The name “Manjusri” means “gentle glory”. Manjusri is the bodhisattva associated with development of enlightened wisdom, doctrine and awareness. Manjusri is usually denoted
  3. Wishfulfilling Long Mantra – Promises you a quantum change in making your impossible wishes possible. It opens up endless possibilities, superlative success, overflowing possibilities and materializes your dreams. The magic created will move events, people and circumstances to fulfill all your dreams. You will be unrestrained and seeing enormous changes that leads to boundless returns.

The item comes with a Tai Chi Lotus Horoscope Plate.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with certificate of authenticity.

Tai Chi Lotus Horoscope Plate
A catalyst for activation, the plate boosts the energy of any feng shui artifact placed on top of it. It enables the artifact to interact well and form a balance with its surrounding. According to the theory of “Yin Yang”, the symbol of Tai Chi generates “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities! The Lotus on the other hand is essentially used to signify joy, harmony, peace, purity and sincerity. Next, the Twelve Horoscope animals will protect and maximize the wealth luck of all zodiacs whether one has good or bad luck in any particular year. All zodiacs will get immuned to misfortune and obtain equal opportunities to maximize their wealth luck. Each zodiac is associated to one of the 12 mountains and will bring about a certain kind of elemental influence, thus has enhancing and curing capability. While the Four Celestial Guardians (Dragon, Phoenix, Tortoise and Tiger) guard the four cardinal directions, the Twelve Zodiac animals will relieve the 12 mountains (directions) off any disorganized elements and interactive influences. The twelve zodiacs also represent the cycle of time, therefore it will incorporate the “time dimension” to ensure long lasting good feng shui of a space, to create good luck, to cure bad luck and to increase desired opportunities in life. The plate is consecrated with the mantra of White Tara. Having great control over the cosmic world, this mantra pulverizes all negative forces and clear blocked pathways.

What the Dragon Tortoise symbolizes?
The Dragon Tortoise is the divine version of tortoise that combines two of the four celestial animals (Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger and Tortoise) in Feng Shui practice. This wonderful combination produces a harmonized blend of qualities between a Dragon and a Tortoise, namely ambitious and wisdom. This divine creature can live for more than 5000 years and imperishable without food and air. This creature was also said to be the attendant of Pan Ku, the one who chiselled out the world and created everything. It guards the northern quadrant of the heaven and is said to symbolize winter. Hindus and Buddhist believe it symbolizes the universe. Its markings on the shell uncover all the secrets of heaven and star constellations. This traditional symbol is placed in ancient palace to signify peace, steady rule of the country and longevity of the emperor and placed in homes to symbolize high status in life, long life and harmony.

The heavenly creature is able to blow cosmic chi because of its Dragon’s head to benefit the entire family. Water is equivalent to wealth in feng shui. Because it has power over water, it is considered as being able to draw wealth. The Tortoise body signifies excellent support from important people, good health and longevity and perseverance in homes.

The Dragon Tortoise produces wonderful results in enhancing career luck, longevity and health, wealth luck, family luck and education luck:

  1. To benefit from Period 9, display this special Dragon Tortoise in the sectors of authority where annual #1 White Star, Water Star #1 or Mountain Star #1 are located.
  2. Display this special Dragon Tortoise in the vicinity where you want to dissolve “interior poison arrows” from internal structures or furniture pieces.
  3. Display three of this figurine facing the 3-Killings. The Dragon Tortoise is favored by certain old school masters in Hong Kong.
  4. Place the dragon tortoise in the north sector of your home (or your personal Sheng Chi direction) at living room or dining room and business premise to activate the career corner for a long and successful worklife with never-ending support from your boss and a peaceful environment with your counterparts. You can also place it at your work desk or behind your back at your work place to enjoy continuous promotion opportunities annually. This is also an effective way to multiply your authority in your management position for managers.
  5. Place the Dragon Tortoise in the east sector of your house to ensure your family is being blessed with good health and longevity. You may also place it facing the main door to ensure a long and happy life. When placed facing the door, it can also bless you with safe journeys, prevent accidents and injuries.
  6. The Dragon Tortoise placed in an individual’s personal Tien Yi direction can help those who are sickly in the family or placed in northwest to enhance the family’s patriach.
  7. Placed in the southeast of your living room or dining and your business premise, you will enjoy tremendous wealth luck constantly coming your way. You may also place it near your cash register, reception and important areas of your shop.
  8. For those who wish to further your studies, place the Dragon Tortoise in the northeast sector or at the study desk to ensure constantly excellent results and a steady and smooth blessing of a scholarship or financial aid from an institute of higher learning.
Bao Qingtian Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-am-04-amulet/ Sun, 11 Dec 2022 12:22:27 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=37894 Bao Qingtian Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: 18K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in):1.5x0.1x2.7in primary piece; 0.7x0.1x1.1in secondary piece; 9.6in length total Weight: 46g ID: 23-AM-04]]> Often portrayed wearing a judge miter hat and a crescent moon on his forehead, this ancient court judge is Bao Qingtian (包青天), popularly known as the metaphor for justice. Respected for his sense of justice and uprightness, his amulet ensures you get fair treatment and the opponent subjected to proper punishment in all forms of dispute. It can be a contention with the authority, enforcer, neighbour, tax department, partner, spouse, manager, police, merchant, service provider, consultant, housing developer etc. The contention can mean something as small as a verbal fight, written complaint and mental war, or something more serious such as a legal action and court case. If you are the subject of unfair treatment, the amulet ensures you gain clever defense, enable you to counter powerful suppression, make you undefeatable and paving towards sensible conclusion that is favorable to you. If you are suing in court, the amulet gives you the power to win the court case with justified punishment imposed on the opponent, a trial that is conducted fairly, justly, and with procedural regularity by an impartial judge. If you are a defendant, you will gain the advantage to rebut the opposition’s evidence and the presence of an impartial jury, and the judge’s freedom from bias. It ensures that all problems associated your litigation will be removed. Also functioning as an anti-lawsuit amulet, if you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, your opponent will be compelled to scale back or drop charges against you.

On the other side of the amulet, the Chilin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog counter the effects of Triple Conflicts and the Three Killings when they attack ones zodiac constellation. These divine creatures can wield their miraculous powers to dispel the “three robbers” (3-Killings). The 3-Killings imply loss of good name, loss of wealth and loss of health/life. Other salient features can be explained as follows:

  1. Taoist Talisman of “Winning Court Cases” – Assists anyone who is facing a legal problem thrive in the case or attain a favorable settlement.
  2. Manjushri Mantra – Promotes peace of mind and invoke the ability to counter conflicts with wisdom.
  3. Hotu Pattern – Is used to remedy ALL flying star problems you are facing and in turn promote only fortunate and lucky energy. It was recorded seen by Fu Hsi and was the only key to unlock many of the secrets of Flying Star feng shui.

The shape of the amulet is in the form of a vase. The vase is a powerful symbol of peace and mercy. It signifies a life free of hostility and quarrels. Meanwhile the petite lion head cymbal protects you from being harmed. The chinese characters Shang Fang Bao Jian (尚方宝剑) and Xian Zhan Hou Zou (先斩后奏) connotes “unstoppable justice is served”.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Bao Qingtian

Bao Zheng (包拯; 5 March 999 – 3 July 1062), commonly known as Bao Gong (包公; ‘Lord Bao’), was a Chinese politician during the reign of Emperor Renzong in China’s Song Dynasty. Bao Zheng was known to have initiated many legal reforms to better hear the grievances of the people. He also unhesitantly sentenced tens of corrupted officers. Bao Zheng’s name and titles are synonymous with criminal justice and upright governance. Pure, orthodox and incorruptible, Judge Bao has been serving as the preeminent embodiment of justice for almost a thousand years. Tackling abuse of power and corruption as endemic in the courts and bureaucratic service, Judge Bao imposed the rule of law even on the emperor.

During his twenty-five years in civil service, Bao consistently demonstrated extreme honesty and uprightness, with actions such as sentencing his own uncle, impeaching an uncle of Emperor Renzong’s favourite concubine and punishing powerful but corrupt aristocratic families. His appointment from 1057 to 1058 as the prefect of Song’s capital Kaifeng, where he initiated a number of changes to better hear the grievances of the people, made him a legendary figure. During his years in office, he gained the honorific title Justice Bao Qingtian (包青天) due to his ability to help peasants overcome corruption.

Bao Zheng was born into a scholar family in Shenxian, Hefei, Luzhou (present day Feidong County near Hefei, Anhui). As Bao grew up among low working class, he well understood people’s hardships, hated corruption and strongly desired for justice. At the age of 29, Bao passed the highest-level imperial examination and became qualified as a Jinshi. Bao was appointed as magistrate of Jianchang County, but he deferred embarking on his official career for a decade in order to care for his elderly parents and faithfully observe proper mourning rites after their deaths.

After the passing of his parents, Bao Zheng, then 39, was appointed magistrate of Tianchang County not far from his hometown. It was here that Bao first established his reputation as an astute judge. According to an anecdote, a man once reported that his ox’s tongue had been sliced out. Bao told him to return and slaughter the ox for sale. Soon another man arrived in court and accused the first man of privately slaughtering a “beast of burden”, an offense punishable by a year of penal servitude. Bao bellowed: “Why did you cut his ox’s tongue and then accuse him?” In shock, the culprit had to confess.

Chi Lin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog

The Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using Pi Yao over Chi Lin because Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Fu Dog is actually a lion, popularly known as defender of law and protector of buildings. The Fu Dog provides ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, brings in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate. Besides being an important protector, the lion is also a generator of good fortune because it has the strength of being able to swallow any tough animal in the rough jungle.

Three Killings

The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings. 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, potential injuries and death. The 3-Killings bring three types of misfortune related to loss or reversal of good fortune. The affliction causes loss of wealth, loss of loved ones and loss of good name. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three protective guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui.

Traditionally, the 3 Celestial Creatures have been used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2023, the WEST is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac ROOSTER will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of MONKEY and DOG will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2023, the EAST is the facing direction. Therefore, the RABBIT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.

Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet

It is best to carry along this amulet tagged on your bag. If this is not feasible, you can also display this amulet in the following sectors for protection:

  1. You can display by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. You can display it in the living room or center of the house facing the main door.
  3. You can display it facing the afflicted energies that cause legal problems and troublemakers. For example, in 2023 the WEST will give such energies.
Superlative 3 Warrior Chilins https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/23-ag-01-chilin/ Sun, 13 Nov 2022 22:23:20 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=36733 Superlative 3 Warrior Chilins - Energy Infused Material: Metal Color: 24K Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 1.4x1.9x2.2in each Chilin Weight: 492g ID: 23-AG-01]]> There is rarely any other countermeasure more potent than the Three Chilins when pulverizing the 3-Killings. The 3-Killings imply loss of good name, loss of wealth and loss of health/life. Favored by Classical Feng Shui Masters, the Three Chilins are known as the best remedy and most authentic method for countering 3-Killings affliction. It is known to be the most efficient way to arrest this “Three Robbers’ energy” in any living space. The Chilin embodies magic, representing divinity, power and good fortune. These colorful holy metal pieces is plated with genuine 24K gold, exerting quality metal energy where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting the 3-Killings. Each chilin is clad in warrior armor exhibiting their readiness to battle the 3-Killings. Superlative in quality, they serve as a neat, tidy and classy looking display for modern homes. The remedy will protect you from legal problems, violences, lawsuits, gossips, scandals, backstabbings, obstacles, prevent accidents/losses, enhance good fortune and bring in good luck. Apart from protecting you, they are also able to axe away your opponents, enemies, competitors or evil counterparts. For example in 2024, the 3-Killings come from the SOUTH direction, therefore display them in the SOUTH. If you have a SOUTH door, display them at the vicinity of the door or facing the door. There is a secret compartment in each Chilin that can be filled with mantra rollings. The mantra rollings provided are Happiness Mantra (protect reputation), Yellow Jhambala Mantra (protect wealth) and Medicine Buddha Mantra (protect health/longevity). 

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

To read further about the Chilin
The Unicorn, Dragon Horse or the Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefully, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

It is reputed to be able to walk on water as well as on land and last appeared before the birth and death of Confucius. Confucius was often associated to the Chi Lin because he was born a sage after his mother stepped on the footsteps of the the Chi Lin and got pregnant. The Chi Lin is regarded by Buddhists to carry the civilizing Book of Law on its back. In ancient feng shui studies, the Chi Lin was described as coming out of Yellow River and appeared to Fu Hsi, the first legendary Emperor, bearing on its back a mystic Ho Tu map from which the Flying Stars formulas is said to have evolved. It is always seen as solitary, and appears to mankind only when a king of the highest benevolence sits upon the throne, or when a sage is about to be born. It had appeared during the halcyon days of the Emperors Yao and Shun and when Confucius was living, but so degenerated have mankind since become that it has never since shown itself to us again.

Since the Chi Lin is a wonderful combination of a dragon’s head and a horse’s body, it produces a harmonized mixture of excellent qualities between the two auspicious animals. It has a more royal status compared to the other guardians and is simply adorable. The Chi Lin blows “sheng chi” because of its Dragon head to benefit surrounding. Unlike lions and other fierce creatures, the Chi Lin representing a “new born baby” by ancient chinese is very loyal to its owner and easier to tame, like a lovely horse. Its energy represent vitality, strength, ambition, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Besides, it also has the scales of a carp which ushers in wealth, prosperity and abundance. The patterns on its back were used to derive the earlier heaven bagua, an ultimate symbol in the study of Feng Shui.

To read further about the 3-Killings
The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings. 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, potential injuries and death. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three protective guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui. But San Yuan thinks that the metal element is also an important factor. Therefore to be on the safest side, we recommend you to use three protective guardians made from metal to counter this affliction as the best cure. Please ensure they are tangible looking and must not be hidden from view or else the 3-Killings will not be scared away.

One can display the Three Chilins in the following places for protection:

  1. One can display them by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. One can display them in the living room or center of the house facing the maindoor.
  3. One can display them at the sector of the afflicted energies that causes legal problems and troublemakers.

To read further about legal problems
Are you bothered by legal problems? Worry no more, because these three divine creatures are a protective cure against lawsuits, legal problems, disturbances from police or political forces. If you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, you may display them next to you by your bed. There is no need to use force nor violence when solving problems with your opponents. The one who uses the mouth wins, while the one who uses the fist loses. These celestial protectors can be used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2024, the SOUTH is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac HORSE will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of SNAKE and SHEEP will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2024, the NORTH is the facing direction. Therefore, the RAT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.
  4. Those who are prone to legal issues or who are currently in a legal battle can display them beside the bed for assistance. Normally those who are in business, those who do not wish to open a can of worms, those whose job requires them to avoid the police force, those who did not properly declare their income to the tax department etc will have to display the chilins to prevent legal problems. Those who are facing lawsuits can also display it to win in the court battle.
Enchanting Three Chilin (X-Large) https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/19-sh-03-chilin/ Wed, 15 Dec 2021 05:03:04 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=8513 Enchanting Three Chilin (X-Large) - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold, Pink, Light Blue, Light Blue Dimension(in): 2.3x0.2x2in each chilin; 15in overall length Weight: 214g ID: 19-SH-03]]> Favored by Classical Feng Shui Masters, the Three Chilins are known as the best remedy and most authentic method for countering 3-Killings affliction. It is known to be the easiest way to arrest this “Three Robbers’ energy” in any living space. The Chilin embodies magic, representing divinity, power and good fortune. Large in size, thick and heavy, these colorful brass pieces sparkle in crystal colors and vibrant gold, exerting quality metal energy where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting the 3-Killings. Beautiful and dainty, it serves as a neat, tidy and classy looking hanging for modern homes. The remedy will protect you from legal problems, violences, lawsuits, gossips, scandals, backstabbings, obstacles, prevent accidents/losses, enhance good fortune and bring in good luck. Apart from protecting you, it is also able to axe away your opponents, enemies, competitors or evil counterparts. For example in 2023, the 3-Killings come from the WEST direction, therefore display them in the WEST. If you have a WEST door, display them at the vicinity of the door or facing the door. 

This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Legal Problem
Are you bothered by legal problems? Worry no more, because these three divine creatures are a protective cure against lawsuits, legal problems, disturbances from police or political forces. If you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, you may display them next to you by your bed. There is no need to use force nor violence when solving problems with your opponents. The one who uses the mouth wins, while the one who uses the fist loses. These celestial protectors can be used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2024, the SOUTH is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac HORSE will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of SNAKE and SHEEP will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2024, the NORTH is the facing direction. Therefore, the RAT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.
  4. Those who are prone to legal issues or who are currently in a legal battle can display them beside the bed for assistance. Normally those who are in business, those who do not wish to open a can of worms, those whose job requires them to avoid the police force, those who did not properly declare their income to the tax department etc will have to display the chilins to prevent legal problems. Those who are facing lawsuits can also display it to win in the court battle.

What the Chi Lin symbolizes?
The Unicorn, Dragon Horse or the Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

It is reputed to be able to walk on water as well as on land and last appeared before the birth and death of Confucious. Confucious was often associated to the Chi Lin because he was born a sage after his mother stepped on the footsteps of the the Chi Lin and got pregnant. The Chi Lin is regarded by Buddhists to carry the civilizing Book of Law on its back. In ancient feng shui studies, the Chi Lin was described as coming out of Yellow River and appeared to Fu Hsi, the first legendary Emperor, bearing on its back a mystic Ho Tu map from which the Flying Stars formulas is said to have evolved. It is always seen as solitary, and appears to mankind only when a king of the highest benevolence sits upon the throne, or when a sage is about to be born. It had appeared during the halcyon days of the Emperors Yao and Shun and when Confucius was living, but so degenerated have mankind since become that it has never since shown itself to us again.

Since the Chi Lin is a wonderful combination of a dragon’s head and a horse’s body, it produces a harmonized mixture of excellent qualities between the two auspicious animals. It has a more royal status compared to the other guardians and is simply adorable. The Chi Lin blows “sheng chi” because of its Dragon head to benefit surrounding. Unlike lions and other fierce creatures, the Chi Lin representing a “new born baby” by ancient chinese is very loyal to its owner and easier to tame, like a lovely horse. Its energy represent vitality, strength, ambition, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Besides, it also has the scales of a carp which ushers in wealth, prosperity and abundance. The patterns on its back were used to derive the earlier heaven bagua, an ultimate symbol in the study of Feng Shui.

What is 3-Killings?
The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings. 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, potential injuries and death. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three protective guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui. But San Yuan thinks that the metal element is also an important factor. Therefore to be on the safest side, we recommend you to use three protective guardians made from metal to counter this affliction as the best cure. Please ensure they are tangible looking and must not be hidden from view or else the 3-Killings will not be scared away.

One can display the Three Chilins in the following places for protection:

  1. One can display them by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. One can display them in the living room or center of the house facing the maindoor.
  3. One can display them at the sector of the afflicted energies that causes legal problems and troublemakers. For example, in 2023 the WEST will be affected with such energies.
Chilins Amulet https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/19-sh-01-chilin/ Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:45:27 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=4358 Chilins Amulet - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Electro Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in):1.2x1.2in each chilin; 8in length total Weight: 57g ID: 19-SH-01]]> Are you being bothered by legal problems? Worry no more, because the 3 Chilins amulet is a protective cure against legal problems, violences, lawsuits, political disturbances, issues with the police force, gossips, scandals, backstabbing and obstacles. The amulet counters the effects of the Three Killings when its evil energy charges into a person’s constellation. Made from quality brass, it exerts holy metal energies that classical masters claim to be necessary for fighting Three Killings. If you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, you may display this amulet next to your bed. Your opponents will be compelled to scale back or drop charges against you. There is no need to use force nor violence when solving problems with your opponents. The one who uses the mouth wins, while the one who uses force loses. Traditionally, the 3 Chilins have been used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2024, the SOUTH is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac HORSE will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of SNAKE and SHEEP will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2024, the NORTH is the facing direction. Therefore, the RAT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.
  4. Those who are prone to legal issues or who are currently in a legal battle can display them beside the bed for assistance. Normally those who are in business, those who do not wish to open a can of worms, those whose job requires them to avoid the police force, those who did not properly declare their income to the tax department etc will have to display the chilins to prevent legal problems. Those who are facing lawsuits can also display it to win in the court battle.

Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

It is best to carry along this amulet tagged on your bag. If this is not feasible, you can also display this amuet in the following sectors for protection:

  1. You can display by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. You can display it in the living room or center of the house facing the maindoor.
  3. You can display it facing the afflicted energies that cause legal problems and troublemakers. For example, in 2024 the SOUTH will give such energies.

What the Chi Lin symbolizes?
The Unicorn, Dragon Horse or the Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

It is reputed to be able to walk on water as well as on land and last appeared before the birth and death of Confucious. Confucious was often associated to the Chi Lin because he was born a sage after his mother stepped on the footsteps of the the Chi Lin and got pregnant. The Chi Lin is regarded by Buddhists to carry the civilizing Book of Law on its back. In ancient feng shui studies, the Chi Lin was described as coming out of Yellow River and appeared to Fu Hsi, the first legendary Emperor, bearing on its back a mystic Ho Tu map from which the Flying Stars formulas is said to have evolved. It is always seen as solitary, and appears to mankind only when a king of the highest benevolence sits upon the throne, or when a sage is about to be born. It had appeared during the halcyon days of the Emperors Yao and Shun and when Confucius was living, but so degenerated have mankind since become that it has never since shown itself to us again.

Since the Chi Lin is a wonderful combination of a dragon’s head and a horse’s body, it produces a harmonized mixture of excellent qualities between the two auspicious animals. It has a more royal status compared to the other guardians and is simply adorable. The Chi Lin blows “sheng chi” because of its Dragon head to benefit surrounding. Unlike lions and other fierce creatures, the Chi Lin representing a “new born baby” by ancient chinese is very loyal to its owner and easier to tame, like a lovely horse. Its energy represent vitality, strength, ambition, good competing spirits, great health, perseverance and fame. Besides, it also has the scales of a carp which ushers in wealth, prosperity and abundance. The patterns on its back were used to derive the earlier heaven bagua, an ultimate symbol in the study of Feng Shui.

What is Three Killings?
The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings. 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, potential injuries and death. The 3-Killings bring three types of misfortune related to loss or reversal of good fortune. The affliction causes loss of wealth, loss of loved ones and loss of good name. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three protective guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui. But San Yuan thinks that the metal element is also an important factor. Therefore to be on the safest side, we recommend you to use three protective guardians made from metal to counter this affliction as the best cure. Please ensure they are tangible looking and must not be hidden from view or else the 3-Killings will not be scared away.

Spellbinding 3 Celestial Guardians https://fengshuibestbuy.com/product/18-af-02-threecelestialguardians/ Wed, 08 Dec 2021 22:10:26 +0000 https://fengshuibestbuy.com/?post_type=product&p=3851 Spellbinding 3 Celestial Guardians - Energy Infused Material: Brass Color: Gold Plated and Multicolored Dimension(in): 2x1.2x1.2in chilin; 2x1.2x1.2in piyao; 2.1x1.2x0.9in fudog Weight: 350g ID: 18-AF-02]]> The “Three Celestial Guardians” (consisting of the immaculate Chilin, Fortune Pi Yao and Fierce Fu Dog) are an effective remedy in countering the 3-Killings jeopardy. These divine creatures can wield their miraculous powers to dispel the “three robbers” (3-Killings). The 3-Killings imply loss of good name, loss of wealth and loss of health/life. The Immaculate Chilin is said to protect you from loss of favorable reputation, the Fortune Pi Yao to protect from loss of money and the Fu Dog to protect against mishaps. Finely crafted esthetically, these superb quality pieces sparkle in vibrant colors and exert metal energy where classical masters claim to be a necessity for fighting the 3-Killings. Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused tag is hidden under every piece. Beautiful and dainty, it serves as a neat, tidy and classy looking decorative for modern homes. The remedy will protect you from legal problems, violences, lawsuits, gossips, scandals, backstabbings, obstacles, prevent accidents/losses, enhance good fortune and bring in good luck. Apart from protecting you, it is also able to axe away your opponents, enemies, competitors or evil counterparts. For example in 2024, the 3-Killings come from the SOUTH direction, therefore display them in the SOUTH. If you have a SOUTH door, display them at the vicinity of the door or facing the door.

This item is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.

Legal Problem
Are you bothered by legal problems? Worry no more, because these three divine creatures are a protective cure against lawsuits, legal problems, disturbances from police or political forces. If you have a difficult or prolonging lawsuit going on, and cannot afford to lose the trial, you may display them next to you by your bed. There is no need to use force nor violence when solving problems with your opponents. The one who uses the mouth wins, while the one who uses the fist loses. These celestial protectors can be used as a strong antidote on the following situations:

  1. It is the cure against the 3-Killings energy so that one can be saved from legal issues, violence, robbery and fatality. Those who are afflicted are those who have their bedroom, maindoor and home facing the direction of the 3-Killings or in the sector of the 3-Killings.
  2. The horse, rooster, rabbit and rat directions are the four cardinal directions that take turns to be afflicted by 3-Killings from year to year. Therefore, these zodiacs in specific are more prone to legal issues, violence, robbery, fatality and unstable career. In 2024, the SOUTH is “sitting” on the 3-Killings. Those who are born under the zodiac HORSE will potentially have to face legal battles. The nearby signs of SNAKE and SHEEP will also be experiencing the same impact.
  3. The direct opposite direction of “sitting” is the “facing” direction. Although facing the 3-Killings may not result in severe misfortune, but they should be overcome as well to totally eliminate the negative impact. In 2024, the NORTH is the facing direction. Therefore, the RAT sign will need to overcome the wrath of the 3-Killings as well.
  4. Those who are prone to legal issues or who are currently in a legal battle can display them beside the bed for assistance. Normally those who are in business, those who do not wish to open a can of worms, those whose job requires them to avoid the police force, those who did not properly declare their income to the tax department etc will have to display the chilins to prevent legal problems. Those who are facing lawsuits can also display it to win in the court battle.

Chilin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog
The Chi Lin is a fabulous heavenly creature of good omen, and the symbol of grandeur, felicity, wise administration, longevity and illustrious offspring. It had attained the age of 1000 years old and said to be the noblest form of animal, emblem of perfect good incarnated essence of Five Elements. The predominant characteristics of the unicorn is its perfect goodwill, gentleness, and benevolence to all living creatures. It possessed all the good qualities found in all animals and has the head of a dragon, scales of the carp and body of a horse. Some believed that the Chi Lin was actually a giraffe. If one were to observe carefull, it could be the fact! Its voice is like the sound of bells and other musical instruments. It carefully avoids treading upon any living insect, or destroying the grass under its feet, and its gait is regulated according to propriety.

The Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using Pi Yao over Chi Lin because Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to their owners as they are loyal in nature.

The Fu Dog is actually a lion, popularly known as defender of law and protector of buildings. The Fu Dog provides ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, brings in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate. Besides being an important protector, the lion is also a generator of good fortune because it has the strength of being able to swallow any tough animal in the rough jungle.

What is 3-Killings?
The 3-Killings is referring to the invisible forces of 3 Robbers in the mountain. San He School masters consider this affliction to be the worst among the three shar, the 5-Yellow, Tai Sui and 3-Killings.The 3-Killings bring robbery, lawsuits, quarrels, enemies, loss of money, loss of health, potential injuries and death. The best method to counter 3-Killings is to use three celestial guardians according to San He system of Feng Shui. But San Yuan thinks that the metal element is also an important factor. Therefore to be on the safest side, we recommend you to use three protective guardians made from metal to counter this affliction as the best cure. Please ensure they are tangible looking and must not be hidden from view or else the 3-Killings will not be scared away.

One can display the Three Celestial Guardians in the following places for protection:

  1. One can display them by the bed of the person who is to be protected.
  2. One can display them in the living room or center of the house facing the maindoor.
  3. One can display them at the sector of the afflicted energies that causes legal problems and troublemakers.